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Blackpill Good looking people are the rulers of this lookist world

Brutal ass post.

Read it all
Nice read, thanks for the tag

In the sense, this was "water" stuff, but that's 90% of what gets posted on this forum nowadays: However, you articulated this quite well & used examples to make your point, which is more than can be said than 95% of the forum

It is truly astronomical to see daily just how much looks can & will inevitably impact your life, as well as how others pay the tax for it more than some.

You are right, whenever we get exposed to the brutal nature of things, we sort of "retreat" & encase ourselves within a shell: Whilst this to some degree does offer us certain positives within life(NEETing to avoid normies), it also contributes to many drawbacks, such as us losing out on education which overall could benefit us long-term & make our lives better.

This kid can't be more than 13 and his desire and will to live has already been extinguished by his normie bullies. I know you niggas don't watch videos but watch that shit it's just 15 seconds and I have timestamped it. "I'm beginning to think I don't feel anything anymore" His body and brain have entered survival mode and taken cognition of his physical and genetic weakness and consequently switched to making him numb to his emotions and his surroundings to ensure his survival. Were the effects of social ostracism more pronounced as they generally tend to be he would have roped instead of being shat upon by his bluepill normie mother.
I remember seeing this many many years ago

The only reason "life" "improved" for this kid, is due to virtue signaling & attention from the media in order to push more bluepilled nonsense.

And yeah, he's purely entered survival mode: I know that feeling, since emotionally I've been "switched off" for quite some time, so to speak.
Here's the second reel:

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_gIma_NzbK/

Do you even see this shit? This person has received more validation and positive reinforcement in the course of these 30 seconds than this entire forum combined all our years spent on this earth. He also has the halo effect working for him in full drive. He is being touchy with these clearly underage girls who happen to have their father around them but nobody - not their dads or the people in the comments so much as bat an eye at this. Now I'm not saying he's a pedo lmao that's not my fucking point. I mean no shit he isn't but if this dude was a sub5 he'd be rotting in prison rn and everyone in the comments would be calling for his head.

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If he wasn't good looking, he'd be lynched

The only examples of "pedos" we see from pedo hunters are neckbeard types, because they know they'r easy to vilify.
It is truly astronomical to see daily just how much looks can & will inevitably impact your life, as well as how others pay the tax for it more than some.
This needs to be taught and drilled into the head of every normie and sub5 in this world. Many sub5s are being hurt because they are oblivious to this. I think being aware of the BP can definitely help sub5s avoid potential danger.

such as us losing out on education
I believe tolerably ugly and unattractive males can pursue education and have it benefit them obviously because it leads to well paying careers but for some of us who are trucel tier and get mocked every single time we head out in public it is definitely better to just accept we got fucked over brutally and I think it's best to neet. Nothing can be worth the humiliation of being mocked for your looks every single day.

If he wasn't good looking, he'd be lynched

The only examples of "pedos" we see from pedo hunters are neckbeard types, because they know they'r easy to vilify.
The lookspill destroyed and straight up murdered me. Even your own mother will at best pity love you. Call me delusional but I don't believe in motherly love being possible if youre ugly and weak and short.
This needs to be taught and drilled into the head of every normie and sub5 in this world. Many sub5s are being hurt because they are oblivious to this. I think being aware of the BP can definitely help sub5s avoid potential danger.
I think society would benefit from the blackpill being normalized & taught
I believe tolerably ugly and unattractive males can pursue education and have it benefit them obviously because it leads to well paying careers but for some of us who are trucel tier and get mocked every single time we head out in public it is definitely better to just accept we got fucked over brutally and I think it's best to neet. Nothing can be worth the humiliation of being mocked for your looks every single day.
Brutal, I mean I am conventionally ugly myself, but I have been mocked over my hairline(one of my major failos) not to mention my 'tism doesn't help
The lookspill destroyed and straight up murdered me. Even your own mother will at best pity love you. Call me delusional but I don't believe in motherly love being possible if youre ugly and weak and short.
Everything about the blackpill has mentally destroyed me
Things like that makes me cry
Because when I see for a moment an ugly man like that, a child like that, for a second I can drown in my chest the pain of all the truecels in the world and the consequences are diverse.
It's one thing to be rejected by foids due to your looks, it is possible to tolerate this and move on with your life begrudgingly in some capacity. But getting rejected by society on account of your appearance is on an entirety different level of ostracization. The latter is an insurmountable obstacle. It's not just being rejected by everyone beyond the opposite sex too, nobody respects you to any remote degree. Heck, even having nobody treat you with respect wouldn't be as egregious if society at large wasn't so intent on gaslighting and telling that this state of affairs in your life is your own fault by unempathetic normies who can't comprehend your physical attractiveness is an inborn trait that's out of your control to so much of an extent that you can't do a lot to meaningfully improve it if you're really trucel tier ugly in looks.
That second reel was military grade rage fuel. Who the fuck even is this instagram faggot? You know what, I don't even want to know. I want his face to experience acid burns.
It's one thing to be rejected by foids due to your looks, it is possible to tolerate this and move on with your life begrudgingly in some capacity. But getting rejected by society on account of your appearance is on an entirety different level of ostracization. The latter is an insurmountable obstacle. It's not just being rejected by everyone beyond the opposite sex too, nobody respects you to any remote degree. Heck, even having nobody treat you with respect wouldn't be as egregious if society at large wasn't so intent on gaslighting and telling that this state of affairs in your life is your own fault by unempathetic normies who can't comprehend your physical attractiveness is an inborn trait that's out of your control to so much of an extent that you can't do a lot to meaningfully improve it if you're really trucel tier ugly in looks.
Man ive never related to something more. Ive always talked about the difference in just being unattractive to the point of being ineligible for the dating market as opposed to being so ugly that normies take it upon themselves to inflict dehumanisation upon you and when youre sufficiently exposed to the dehumanisation you internalise it, so much so that you too cease seeing yourself as human and as part of the human race but rather perceive yourself as being outside it and you cant enjoy human activities anymore like music and wawtching shows and only thing you can do is isolate and rot. U relate?
The dude isnt even depressed after finding out that she didn't mean to hug him but bemused at the fact that despite the hordes of experience that he's gathered over the course of his subhuman life that his brain would still be potent enough to deceive him into thinking that he could have been worthy of a hug from a white woman.
After seeing the title, I was going to reply with "Jews are rarely good looking". But this part of your post was brootal :blackpill:
Man ive never related to something more. Ive always talked about the difference in just being unattractive to the point of being ineligible for the dating market as opposed to being so ugly that normies take it upon themselves to inflict dehumanisation upon you and when youre sufficiently exposed to the dehumanisation you internalise it, so much so that you too cease seeing yourself as human and as part of the human race but rather perceive yourself as being outside it and you cant enjoy human activities anymore like music and wawtching shows and only thing you can do is isolate and rot. U relate?
This is one of the reasons why some incels tend to exhibit misanthropic tendencies. When you're detested by everyone, you will naturally hate everyone back as a coping mechanism. If you feel like the entire human race or at least a majority of the human race despises your very existence, then the proportionate response would be to direct vitriol towards humanity as a whole.
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I don't quiet get how the Mbappe video fits into this thread? He is literally not ugly...
Reading OPs post underlines the monk mindset even more. Can you blame them for opting out of society and spending their days in prayer, fasting, meditation?
Good looking dude in the last video should live it up while he still can as if you look at the back of his head or at the top back he’s already starting to Norwood.

Anyway he really won the genetic lottery for now as he looks like a friendlier but still Chad tier Richard Ramirez.
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The tribe chief bashing our heads open back then because we are useless genetic trash is so true. If it were not for law enforcement many of us wouldve not made it past adoloscensce to develop hormones to even think about our inceldom.
The tribe chief bashing our heads open back then because we are useless genetic trash is so true. If it were not for law enforcement many of us wouldve not made it past adoloscensce to develop hormones to even think about our inceldom.
You are your looks. Anyone that says otherwise is coping hard. Sure NTpill matters a ton once yours looks already meet the threshold, but it doesn't matter if your looks aren't passable
It’s not a morality thing it’s a genetic thing , your Brain is heavily effect by your face but the extents people go to hurt the unattractive are done by them and completely inhumane
Reading OPs post underlines the monk mindset even more. Can you blame them for opting out of society and spending their days in prayer, fasting, meditation?
Mount Athos. Is one of such examples.
>Must know Greek
It’s not a morality thing it’s a genetic thing , your Brain is heavily effect by your face but the extents people go to hurt the unattractive are done by them and completely inhumane
As OP said bullying is meant to lead to mental and physical rot for genetic trash to retreat from society leading to more asocial behavior and then the inevitable rope from society's abuse. It is only fucked up because we made it past adoloscence due to modern meds, law and tech and now here we are CONSCIOUSLY AWARE of how fucked we are. The only solution to escaping this shit is.. you know.
As OP said bullying is meant to lead to mental and physical rot for genetic trash to retreat from society leading to more asocial behavior and then the inevitable rope from society's abuse. It is only fucked up because we made it past adoloscence due to modern meds, law and tech and now here we weare CONSCIOUSLY AWARE of how fucked we are. The only solution to escaping this shit is.. you know.
We wouldve been better off as primates we got intelligence but foids are still programmed to select for shit that you dont need for survival no more thats why we subhumans suffer so much
We wouldve been better off as primates we got intelligence but foids are still programmed to select for shit that you dont need for survival no more thats why we subhumans suffer so much
Like I always say, Fuck this Gay Earth.
We wouldve been better off as primates we got intelligence but foids are still programmed to select for shit that you dont need for survival no more thats why we subhumans suffer so much
nothing a few stonings can't solve :feelshmm: :feelsYall:
thats why i celebrate mass shootings XD
your looks will make or break your life, seriously. We're subjected to a negative feedback loop where we keep getting harassed, rejected and mocked everywhere we go over and over again until our desire to even leave the house is extinguished, and all we're left with is the inevitable longing for death's sweet release. It's stupid, arbitrary and infuriating, but what can we do? My looks have ruined my life, and all I have been thinking of for the past few months is how great it would be to contract terminal cancer. No mess, no planning, nothing. My life would have a set end date, and I could make the most of the days leading up to my release. I just wish my looks could have been better is all.
your looks will make or break your life, seriously. We're subjected to a negative feedback loop where we keep getting harassed, rejected and mocked everywhere we go over and over again until our desire to even leave the house is extinguished
Holy fuck you explained my life and what led me to neetdom in 2 sentences
It’s not a morality thing it’s a genetic thing , your Brain is heavily effect by your face but the extents people go to hurt the unattractive are done by them and completely inhumane
Yeah, people have no reason to be so cruel

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