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Venting Self improvement doesn't work

brutal, reading these posts makes me depressed
i am sorry friend
I have an equation for male attractiveness, I've posted about previously. I don't think it's quite right because I think the true shape of an attractiveness function is sigmoidal + it probably crosses the X axis. I.e. if you're extremely low body fat you get full 'points and then at some point as body fat increases the points you lose decrease at an increasing rate until the relationship becomes linear, eventually counts negative, before flattening out asymptotically.

If that makes no sense, just look here. Imagine that the graph is representing a feature of male (or female) attractiveness. Let's use height as the easiest example. If you are 5'3'' it's worse than being 5'4'' but honestly neither really earns you any points. That's the left flat portion of the curve. And at the high portion, yes being 6'7 is better than being 6'6'', but it's also marginally different. The biggest differences are in the normal range of height, the linear portion let's guess that's 5'5'' to 6'3''. And additionally there should be a horizontal line somewhere where the number of points you get is negative.

But my equation doesn't really deal well with edge cases, and it doesn't deal well with identifying when things go negative. It simplifies to just the linear portion and ignores negatives. It can be improved upon, but I think it's valid for Men with traits in the middle 80 or 90th percentile. Which of course if you're an Incel then you likely have traits outside that percentile that are affecting you negatively.

Important part:

The factors are:

Lean Body Mass (40%)
Body Fat Percentage (20%)
Face (17.5%) *
Ethnicity (5%)
Smells Like Money (17.5%)**

*Face people will want to whine and complain about this but this is purely facial structure. Your overall facial attractiveness is going to be an amalgamation of your Body Fat% and your LBM.

** Low IQ women are unable to ascertain actual indicators of wealth (family, background, career path, intelligence) and will instead rely on things like acting like a nigger so this is a subjective evaluation that would have to be made for different populations. Going to Harvard has high status implications for niggers and people because of name recognition, but going to Carnegie Mellon only has high status implications for people because niggers haven't heard about it on TV. Also young women might view things like being in a band as someone who is going to make it big one day whereas old women view it as a loser wasting his time and effort.

I've carried out this calculation for a random sampling of ~30 people at work, roommates, friends, etc, (<40 years old) and the results are:

Average: 43.3
Standard Deviation: 10.6

The Average + 2 SD (i.e. the top 5%) is 60.5
The Average - 2 SD (i.e. the bottom 5%) is 21.7

And if OP was 65 kg that's 143.3 lbs and I will guess 15% body fat which would make him 121.8 LBM. You get points in my system for LBM over 120 lbs up to 207 pounds.

LBM Points: 0.8 out of 40
BF%: 14.8 out of 20 points
Ethnicity: 5 out of 5 points (assuming white because he's around blacks and dislikes them)
Face: 5.3 out out of 17.5 (If he was actively made fun of guessing 3/10 face)
Smells like Money: 5.3 out of 17.5 (Giving him a 3/10 because nothing in his post sounds like money + he's around 'liteskin chadlites' which doesn't sound like money. No plans in his post to moneymax by being an engineer or lawyer etc)

Total points 31.2, Percentile: Bottom 13th

Prior to losing weight he would have been off the fat scale so 0/20 and it sounds like he was working out so going to lose the point over 120 LBM too.

In other words in my system this guy actually doubled his value (from 15.6 to 31.2). He was originally bottom 0.00448% or 1/208 ugly and improved himself all the way to 1/8 ugly.

And therein lies the problem with self improvement. All the Chads at every place I've ever worked at have interaction with all the women. They ALL know such and such. If you know the Chad/Chadlite and you mention some girl that is in another adjacent group that you barely know it'll turn out that he's semi friends with her. I would say that this point is around 55 points, that's around top 13.5% or ~1/8 attractive.

Top 5%: Girls will literally talk about wanting to fuck him in public in the break room, how hot they are, comment on their looks publically

Top 13.5%: Guys know and talk to pretty much all the girls at work and they initiate contact and seek these guys out

50%-13.5%: These guys will beta orbit the girls that have a use for them in the social circle.

Bottom 50%: Have almost no interaction with the women beyond what is necessary to facilitate the work.

So to be worth it AT ALL you have to hit the top 50%. If OP is 5'3'' he could hit ~145 lbs steroid free if he was a gym rat for the next 2-5 years and get down to 8% body fat for max points. That's 11.5 and 20 points, 5 for being white, 5.3 for face and 5.3 for the status dimension= 47.1 or top 36%. So OPs maximum attractiveness is being just outside the top 1/3rd of men and he can achieve that if he dedicates 15 hours a week for 2-5 years to exercise and eating clean, and never eats a carb reaching essentially the top 1% of musculature and the top 1% of body fat composition, a 1/10000 body to be (top) 36th percentile.
Warning: long overly personal boring read !!

I will share my experience as an autistic retard trying to become a normie and ascend, it's going to be a bit long but i just want to share my experience with self improving and claims like "get a hobby", "get a passion" "lose weight" and other common stuff normies says and how it actually impacted my life.

For a bit of context i recently turned 20 which is still an age many would still have some hope and i started all the self improvement when i was 15.
The main reason i started self improvement was because of fear of missing out on parties and seeing all normies having cool lives while i rotted on discord with my few online friends, i wanted to have a taste of being considered normal and being loved.
I am non NT which mean i did very retarded stuff in my school years that got me bullied and an overall bad reputation which i would need to clean up and gain back.

First part, acting like i was a normalfag.

The main reason i was an outcast was being non-NT and acting out of social norms, i used to intentionally avoid other people and say retarded stuff to them because i didn't know anything about what i was supposed to do with people so to learn that i started getting close to people.
Most of the conversation i started were janky asf but surprisingly it was pretty easy to talk to normies. Or so i thought, because they always tried to get away from me, i don't believe i was making bad jokes nor being annoying, i was just doing casual talk about school shit like they would do. To make it short, i was tolerated but not appreciated, even after getting closer to some of the normies in my class i was still never spoken to, never invited to parties and such, always last in PE etc.

The only good thing is that i can get actual conversations with people and women and i can somewhat get physical language.

I think i would have more luck on that part if i just got into another school, but i live in a small city so i didn't really have any choice + my parents drove me to school and they didn't want to drive to the next school.

Second part, from obese loser to fit loser.

Another one of my main problem was being a fat fuck, like 90kg for 5ft3 fat. It was also the skinny fat type of fat, the absolute fucking worst body type and i knew it was something i needed to change. Bluepilled hope really gave me the will to actually lose weight, down to 65kg. I've also done weightlifting and calisthenics to not be a twig and have physical capabilities.
I never really was picked on because of my weight, but i knew that having a bloated face was fucking ass and that i could get at least half a point of face, and i was often mocked for my face because it looks childish and i always look like i'm way older and my height doesn't help.

I didn't really observe any changes between how people treated me when i was fat and when i was fit, i just get ignored more often than mocked but as i said i was more mocked for being weird asf. I did manage to arm wrestle mog a litechad in front of his gf one time while trying to get closer to normies, felt good man.

Third part, "the reason no women want you is because you are boring"

I totally agree with this statement, i was boring, so it's something i have worked on by getting some other hobbies other than vidya and saying the nword on internet. First hobby i tried was digital art, i always wanted to draw because i wanted to draw funny stuff for the internet groups i was in (and for porn) and also because many of the people i met were drawfags. I wouldn't say i'm good at it but i wouldn't say it's too bad, it's not really something i used i just learned some drawing when i was bored asf like anatomy, shading, basic stuff.

Nowaday i don't really draw because i don't have any will to do it, i just don't really care and i don't have any fun doing it anymore.

I'm going to quickly list out other things i've learned to be less boring:
Piano, Music composition (mostly vidya remixes, maybe should have gone for something more normie-ish but fuck it), Poetry, singing and voice acting.

Fourth part, touching grass 15 years after

The thing normies are right with is that women will never approach you if you don't approach them, which is almost correct because if you are chad you will be approached. So it was now time to graze the grass and see what it actually does.

Spoiler: It does nothing!

Most women outside are minding their own business, they really aren't looking to get interrupted, especially by any incels even if you are being polite or a fucking douche, theres a reason PUA hate exists, it's because it just doesn't work if you are genetically malformed.

The best chances i've had with women was ironically by sitting my ass on my computer chair on discord trying to get e-girls to play with me (don't worry i don't do that now and i've never paid anything to any e-whore). But in the end it's always the same script "i'm taken" "i'm not interested" "we can be friends". I will not talk about how my discussions with foids ended when i showed my face because we all know how it ended, sadly.

So, what changed?

With normies things have changed a bit, i had to move in a new school for my studies and i had a fresh start, and it's an all men class so it's pretty cool for once, they are chill and aren't trying to prove anything by bullying randoms, really happy on this because at least school is bearable now, i really wanted to drop out before because of litechads niggers.
But i still rot in my room because they live far so i can't do shit.

However i wouldn't say anything have changed with women, no matter the amount of interest they just wouldn't care. Though now i have the confirmation that nah, i never really stood any chance anyway, but it stills anger me to know that i was doomed from the start.

I would still be at the same point if i did nothing of that self improvement bullshit, and i would have fed less foid ego.

Boring shit and precisions

Thank you if you read this shitty vent, i just wanted to show normies that no, your self improving bullshit is not some miracle solution that will solve every incel problem, if the problem was to "treat women with respect" i would have got a gf before this bullshit because i never was rough torward women, i am rough with women now because why would i care about people who never cared? Even when doing everything right? incels are not retarded they are not going to insult women and treat them like objects ad a first interaction, i was listening to women problems on discord without questioning if their problems was a big deal or not.

"I am not in their shoes, how could i be sure of their feelings after all ?" Is what i blindly followed a couple of years before, unknowing that they didn't give two shits about my life.

most of incels are people who had no success in dating (duh) despite trying everything. The main reason why incels are showing hatred torward women is because they are just fed up and being edgy, most people would react like that if they were treated like subhumans their whole lives, even more so if they were proven right to what was their fear, the fear of being not like the others, a fucking outcast.
The first 1000 rejections are just a warm up bro
Unfortunately self-improving can sometimes be an exercise in futility. Its like multiplying with a zero. If your SMV is already a round zero, then trying to improve it is next to impossible. Our genes dictate so much.
Self improvement works, but 5’3 is tough. I wish you luck.
Self improvement is ego cope
Self improvement goes beyond just your attractiveness to others. If it improves your confidence, it can work wonders. It did for me.

However, yeah, you still need to be above a certain threshold as a starting point.
Self improvement goes beyond just your attractiveness to others. If it improves your confidence, it can work wonders. It did for me.

However, yeah, you still need to be above a certain threshold as a starting point.
Confidence for what ? having enough courage to kms ? Nah actually i won't do that i need to make other people miserable and epic trolling them, and im pretty confident about succeeding that aldobeit.
Face is 99% you coper
Can't stress this enough. So much of your happiness depended on your parents. They had FULL control over the course of your development, starting with their genes, then the food they fed you, how much they monitored your physical health and your habits, your social development, how much love they gave you and whether they prepared you for the harshness of life as a male. Shit like giving you a starting place to live on your own and taking care of your education expenses also counts.
This is like basic requirements for proper, responsible parenting.

If you're unhappy and suffering that means they completely failed you.
Exactly this. When I was complaining on soydit, people were like "don't blame your parents for your mistakes, you're an adult now". They pretend like you can just ignore your entire childhood and become whatever you want. I was fed shit food, brushed my teeth once a week, I had no exercise, my hobby was nothing but playing vidya all day, my posture was shit, my studying habits and techniques were non-existent, I sucked at socializing, I was never told how and when to talk to girls, I was never told how to prevent hair loss, I was forced to waste 5 years in college even though I wanted to quit after the first semester, and then I was expected to be succesful and well adjusted.

Good parents would have prevented all of that and I coulda been an inch or two taller, fit, with a good job, probably had at least $1mil from crypto, full head of hair and an experience with a woman. Now I have to play catch up in my 30s on impossible difficulty. If I had a kid I'd raise him to be a chad.
The minimum height to be considered a human being is between 5'6 and 5'7

It is always better to be average than to be seen as a joke
I'm 5'7 but I feel like I get no respect because of my height. Always one of the shortest guys in the room. How can I feel like an adult man when I'm as tall as 16 year olds? How can other men respect me when I'm as tall as a 16 year old? And ofc 5'7 is invisible to women.
I'm 5'7 but I feel like I get no respect because of my height. Always one of the shortest guys in the room. How can I feel like an adult man when I'm as tall as 16 year olds? How can other men respect me when I'm as tall as a 16 year old? And ofc 5'7 is invisible to women.

It also depends on your location.

In my country I am average

In the USA I would be a dwarf
It also depends on your location.

In my country I am average

In the USA I would be a dwarf
Well at least we're not 5'3 like OP. That's a 13 year old level in usa, brootal. Can't even imagine being that short.
Well at least we're not 5'3 like OP. That's a 13 year old level in usa, brootal. Can't even imagine being that short.
If you are 5'7 you can become a human being simply by leaving the Germanic/Slavic countries and the USA

But there is no place in the world for the op, with that height you can only seek refuge on the internet.

It's just painful to see
Exactly this. When I was complaining on soydit, people were like "don't blame your parents for your mistakes, you're an adult now". They pretend like you can just ignore your entire childhood and become whatever you want. I was fed shit food, brushed my teeth once a week, I had no exercise, my hobby was nothing but playing vidya all day, my posture was shit, my studying habits and techniques were non-existent, I sucked at socializing, I was never told how and when to talk to girls, I was never told how to prevent hair loss, I was forced to waste 5 years in college even though I wanted to quit after the first semester, and then I was expected to be succesful and well adjusted.

Good parents would have prevented all of that and I coulda been an inch or two taller, fit, with a good job, probably had at least $1mil from crypto, full head of hair and an experience with a woman. Now I have to play catch up in my 30s on impossible difficulty. If I had a kid I'd raise him to be a chad.
Are you me
Exactly this. When I was complaining on soydit, people were like "don't blame your parents for your mistakes, you're an adult now". They pretend like you can just ignore your entire childhood and become whatever you want. I was fed shit food, brushed my teeth once a week, I had no exercise, my hobby was nothing but playing vidya all day, my posture was shit, my studying habits and techniques were non-existent, I sucked at socializing, I was never told how and when to talk to girls, I was never told how to prevent hair loss, I was forced to waste 5 years in college even though I wanted to quit after the first semester, and then I was expected to be succesful and well adjusted.

Good parents would have prevented all of that and I coulda been an inch or two taller, fit, with a good job, probably had at least $1mil from crypto, full head of hair and an experience with a woman. Now I have to play catch up in my 30s on impossible difficulty. If I had a kid I'd raise him to be a chad.
Absolutely agree with you my slavbrocel. I'm on the same boat, playing catch up in my 30's too
The standards for parenting are absurdly low.
You didn't change your face.
I have untreated ADHD, I read only first 2 paragraphs
self improvement works just fine. It cant however change your face and height if thats what you trying to say. So if you have an incel face you will just a healthy, strong, on the grind and purpose incel
Maybe self improve more in the style I was self improving

1. self record short, strong meaningful videos
2. feedback yourself max honestly
3. break all barriers
4. minimize every habit
5. maximize every habit
6. cut out all crap
7. do everything max fast like you're on speed
Self Improvement only works if u have good genetic base to build upon
No self improvement for peta manlets that’s happening to be autistic as well.It’s too O v ER

At least do you have some attractive facial features? If not, then it’s definitely ovER :cryfeels: :cryfeels:
No self improvement for peta manlets that’s happening to be autistic as well.It’s too O v ER

At least do you have some attractive facial features? If not, then it’s definitely ovER :cryfeels: :cryfeels:
Honestly my face is ok but childish if i shave it, if i don't then i look like a hobo. But it doesn't matter at that point.
At least u tried changing ig
the most people i know,chad or not-it doesnt matter,had their peak of social life,sex etc. even not in uni,but in end of middle-high school(if you hadn't its over,i suppose),when they was nobody but fucking stupid kids,idk what af self improvments normies always talking about,even for kids its too obvious bullshit
do or do not, there is no try

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