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RageFuel Faggots on here that should be shot



Nov 7, 2017
-anti-degeneracy retards
-r9k-core retards
-faggots who post fake as fuck cuck stories (chad shot me in the face but I'm the one who got suspended for pushing him first)
-any other faggy way of typing that reminds me of r9k
-reddit-core fags
-including stupid edgy 16 year old cunts that pretend they're bigoted because they think it makes them look cool instead of just an asshole who no one would want to be around
-edgy religiousfags
-people who are assholes to other users on here
-offensively low iq retards
-nofappers. the more passionately they spew their complete and utter retardation the more infuriating
-low iq "blackpill" """""""""""theorists"""""""""""""
-pretentious cunts
-everyone, fuck you if you read this

I wish I could kill all of you in real life.

stupid cunt thing didn't keep my formatting
40421323 1671253906329988 6664351369945677824 n
WAH everyone sucks but me and those I seem to be good
I won’t argue I don’t deserve to get shot
so you basically hate 95% of the users on this site?
-anti-degeneracy retards
-r9k-core retards
-any other faggy way of typing that reminds me of r9k
-edgy religiousfags
-everyone, fuck you if you read this
All me
Classic Indari
Are you okay dude?
I would like to be shot, if you’re offering.
If you hate everyone why are you here?
Cut my eye reading that.
So, basically everybody here including yourself.
-anti-degeneracy retards
-r9k-core retards
-faggots who post fake as fuck cuck stories (chad shot me in the face but I'm the one who got suspended for pushing him first)
-any other faggy way of typing that reminds me of r9k
-reddit-core fags
-including stupid edgy 16 year old cunts that pretend they're bigoted because they think it makes them look cool instead of just an asshole who no one would want to be around
-edgy religiousfags
-people who are assholes to other users on here
-offensively low iq retards
-nofappers. the more passionately they spew their complete and utter retardation the more infuriating
-low iq "blackpill" """""""""""theorists"""""""""""""
-pretentious cunts
-everyone, fuck you if you read this

I wish I could kill all of you in real life.

stupid cunt thing didn't keep my formatting

I feel you.

Sadly, Incelism far too often is merely a gateway drug to a broader cuckservative right-wing philosophy.
-edgelords on incels.is
Any incel that is not far right or social conservative isn’t truly blackpilled and is the worst kind of incel. Don’t get me wrong, leftist faggots can be incel (lefties can be ugly, usually are), but they’re still cucks for supporting the ideology that promotes women’s “rights” and female hypergamy.
I would kill you 1v1
Any incel that is not far right or social conservative isn’t truly blackpilled and is the worst kind of incel. Don’t get me wrong, leftist faggots can be incel (lefties can be ugly, usually are), but they’re still cucks for supporting the ideology that promotes women’s “rights” and female hypergamy.
This. Degeneracy breeds hypergamy.
1v1, MW2 , Quickscope match , only intervention Sniper allowed , map is Highrise . No camping tbh

F2B02317 37E4 4A9B 9042 BC308C263316
Why can't you be degenerate and hate women? I'm not saying you're wrong I just don't understand your reasoning.
Because when we allow humans to be degenerate and sexually free, the hypergamous instincts of foids start to show up and destroy us males.

What system do you abide by? It’s best to be traditional and place women where they belong.
I thought OP would drop names at some point tbh. :feelswhere:
Because when we allow humans to be degenerate and sexually free, the hypergamous instincts of foids start to show up and destroy us males.

What system do you abide by? It’s best to be traditional and place women where they belong.

I don't even want foids anymore I just want to be an escortcel. If thats not degenerate we just have different definitions of degenerate. Also you can be degenerate in other ways than sexual ones.
I don't even want foids anymore I just want to be an escortcel. If thats not degenerate we just have different definitions of degenerate. Also you can be degenerate in other ways than sexual ones.
Escortcelling won’t give us validation. We need a traditional enforced monogamy supporting system that keeps foids in their place. White shariah is the ultimate solution.
Escortcelling won’t give us validation. We need a traditional enforced monogamy supporting system that keeps foids in their place. White shariah is the ultimate solution.

cope. They end up just being frigid cows who only let you fuck once in a while. Or worse they kill you on your wedding night like that foid in that earlier thread did.
cope. They end up just being frigid cows who only let you fuck once in a while. Or worse they kill you on your wedding night like that foid in that earlier thread did.
Cope. Under white shariah there will be laws that will prevent that. In fact such laws used to actually exist in the US. You could legally make a case if your wife wasn’t having sex with you.

The main reason why these foids are not having sex with their husbands is because they’re used up and have gotten exposed sexually to Chads. Under white shariah, all prime virgins will be married off immediately.
Cope. Under white shariah there will be laws that will prevent that. In fact such laws used to actually exist in the US. You could legally make a case if your wife wasn’t having sex with you.

The main reason why these foids are not having sex with their husbands is because they’re used up and have gotten exposed sexually to Chads. Under white shariah, all prime virgins will be married off immediately.

Good luck getting that to happen though. You'd have a better chance getting laid than getting everyone in our lifetime to follow that.
Good luck getting that to happen though. You'd have a better chance getting laid than getting everyone in our lifetime to follow that.
That’s what the blackpill is for. As hypergamy worsens and worsens and normies become blackpilled, there will be a change.
lol 1 v 1 me on fornite bro. i can build rhw fukin giza piramyd in 0.5 secs and i'll destroy ur hut in no time
I wish I could kill all of you in real life.
I've never been kissed and you would kill me? :feelscry: Truly heartless bro.

You are the type of cold blooded killer I can relate to. Haha. :feelsokman:
-anti-degeneracy retards
-r9k-core retards
-faggots who post fake as fuck cuck stories (chad shot me in the face but I'm the one who got suspended for pushing him first)
-any other faggy way of typing that reminds me of r9k
-reddit-core fags
-including stupid edgy 16 year old cunts that pretend they're bigoted because they think it makes them look cool instead of just an asshole who no one would want to be around
-edgy religiousfags
-people who are assholes to other users on here
-offensively low iq retards
-nofappers. the more passionately they spew their complete and utter retardation the more infuriating
-low iq "blackpill" """""""""""theorists"""""""""""""
-pretentious cunts
-everyone, fuck you if you read this

I wish I could kill all of you in real life.

stupid cunt thing didn't keep my formatting
You cant kill us all, cunt.
Where you at, friend?
behind you
I got called out like five or six times on that list.
get rekt gay
I've never been kissed and you would kill me? :feelscry: Truly heartless bro.

You are the type of cold blooded killer I can relate to. Haha. :feelsokman:
i will cut your head off
lol 1 v 1 me on fornite bro. i can build rhw fukin giza piramyd in 0.5 secs and i'll destroy ur hut in no time
fuk a u
>including stupid edgy 16 year old cunts that pretend they're bigoted because they think it makes them look cool instead of just an asshole who no one would want to be around

:feelzez: guilty
here's another one I just thought of under the asshole category
-chadatars. people with chad avatars are almost always assholes.
That’s pretty much the whole site bro
Define offensively low IQ, I am extremely low IQ but I dont believe I deserve to be shot tbh
Almost all degeneracy is a form of woman worship. Pornography is the idolization of the female form. If you masturbate to your own visage, that is fine, but if you masturbate to the image of a sex that has always rejected you, you are playing the part of the cuck.

"I hate everyone" nihilists who, dissembling and full of hubris, attempt to put themselves beyond every category

tonnes of em

extermination reqd

-anti-degeneracy retards
-including stupid
...cunts...bigoted because they think it makes them look cool instead of just an asshole who no one would want to be around
-low iq "blackpill" """""""""""theorists"""""""""""""
-pretentious cunts
-everyone, fuck you if you read this

Got me covered.

If you masturbate to your own visage

I've honestly done it in front of the mirror before. To get a sense of proportion and technique.
You remind me of myself, mad at the world looked down upon your whole life planing to cause destruction to those who oppose you, you'll get your time if you have the courage.
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