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Serious People here cheering on Jack Peterson's suicide are stupid faggots who should be shot

I heard he is a federal informant. If that is true, he shouldn't suicide. He should be on bestgore getting the Brazilian treatment. All in minecraft of course.
Burn that fucker at the stakes tbh (in gtaV), low IQ thread for defending a normie who works for the feds
Jack should build a house then clean his room. That might help him find a gf.
Saying suicidal shit and homocidal shit about my last asshole coworker on reddit. Some cunt reported me and police tracked me down. Didnt say I was going to do anything, but apparently venting is enough for them to hold you in a psych ward. Fbi showed up some time later and told my mom they were looking at my reddit accounts from 2 years ago on /r/incels for making ER jokes. Stupid fucking boomer assholes

wtf every member here makes ER jokes why don’t they bust us? You must live in US or something
You faggot motherfuckers. He was way more incel than most of you assholes. I've seen the pics of him with his fat, crazy cunt """gf""" who tried to kill him and only added to his depression. He was unlucky to have met her. Half this fucking forum could probably get a girl on that crazy whale's level but just didn't happen to come across one.

At least Jack is no volcel. I bet most of you would reject a girl like her. Hell the fucking poll showed that a significant amount of users on here have had UNPAID sex. Jack is real about his life and because he's describing the life of a real fucking person and not a larping retard like most of you, he violates the autistically strict and pointless definition of incel that's held up here, and despite suffering more than many men on here, his death is celebrated. Fuck you, you dumb motherfuckers. Get fucking shot.

I can understand a bit of ire towards him for acting as an fbi informant. I of all people should know having been watched by the fbi for 2 goddamn years before they had cops show up to my house and put me in handcuffs and thrown in a terrible psych ward for 3 days for the crime of being depressed. Kind of a cuck move to help the pigs, but they gave him money in exchange for what? All he did as he explained was tell them basic information about incels probably from a sympathetic perspective considering he fucking is one and he was told to report any terrorist plots he sees develop in incel circles (which don't fucking exist). When the fbi showed up to my door they offered for me to be an informant too (also the slimy cunts never used that word) and I accepted because it seemed like easy money, but they never followed up with me about that again. I certainly didn't accept it thinking I was about to help bust some terrorist inkwells. At best I thought I'd help educate some boomer pigs about what incels really are. I know as well as the rest of you how retarded that image of incels is.

100% agree. Yet another young alienated white man drops out of clown world and the left cackles with delight.

If we have a duty to do anything, it's to stand by lads like Jack, lads beaten and broken by FemWorld. It breaks my heart to see so many normal young men left behind and then told that they are the problem.
wtf every member here makes ER jokes why don’t they bust us? You must live in US or something
They probably are watching many men who've made ER jokes. They visited eggman asking him about people who made ER references
I've seen a lot of people's faces and I've never seen anyone who genuenly looks incel.

You did not see me then.
I don't think he killed himself, but I agree with what you're saying. He isn't a bad dude at all, just misguided, and like the actual incels on this forum, very much abused the same way we are.

Though he had a gf, I'd honestly give him a second chance on here. His "gf" didn't count at all because she was fucking batshit insane and wanted to kill him.
I don't think he killed himself, but I agree with what you're saying. He isn't a bad dude at all, just misguided, and like the actual incels on this forum, very much abused the same way we are.

Though he had a gf, I'd honestly give him a second chance on here. His "gf" didn't count at all because she was fucking batshit insane and wanted to kill him.
I dont have the pic but i remember her being like sub 4, which most people here say they would not fuck, and going for a 15yo as an older woman. Im not calling pedo but she was crazy
They probably are watching many men who've made ER jokes. They visited eggman asking him about people who made ER references
Lmao how would Egg man know who made ER references probably serge will
Is there a media article to this?
You faggot motherfuckers. He was way more incel than most of you assholes. I've seen the pics of him with his fat, crazy cunt """gf""" who tried to kill him and only added to his depression. He was unlucky to have met her. Half this fucking forum could probably get a girl on that crazy whale's level but just didn't happen to come across one.

At least Jack is no volcel. I bet most of you would reject a girl like her. Hell the fucking poll showed that a significant amount of users on here have had UNPAID sex. Jack is real about his life and because he's describing the life of a real fucking person and not a larping retard like most of you, he violates the autistically strict and pointless definition of incel that's held up here, and despite suffering more than many men on here, his death is celebrated. Fuck you, you dumb motherfuckers. Get fucking shot.

I can understand a bit of ire towards him for acting as an fbi informant. I of all people should know having been watched by the fbi for 2 goddamn years before they had cops show up to my house and put me in handcuffs and thrown in a terrible psych ward for 3 days for the crime of being depressed. Kind of a cuck move to help the pigs, but they gave him money in exchange for what? All he did as he explained was tell them basic information about incels probably from a sympathetic perspective considering he fucking is one and he was told to report any terrorist plots he sees develop in incel circles (which don't fucking exist). When the fbi showed up to my door they offered for me to be an informant too (also the slimy cunts never used that word) and I accepted because it seemed like easy money, but they never followed up with me about that again. I certainly didn't accept it thinking I was about to help bust some terrorist inkwells. At best I thought I'd help educate some boomer pigs about what incels really are. I know as well as the rest of you how retarded that image of incels is.
hi jack
did he actually kill himself?
ofc not, he just larped for attention like a piece of shit.
if he died we could have used his death to further our cause.

here's a guy that went public and still got no support from society, which is what we've been saying all along, people have no intention of helping incels, they just want to mock us and then act all surprised when some incels can't take it anymore and go ER.
it's like a beaten dog that eventually bites back, you can't blame the dog even though it did wrong, you have to also blame the people that made it that way
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I've seen a lot of people's faces and I've never seen anyone who genuenly looks incel.

It's always the more attractive ones, relatively speaking, who are more likely to post their pics online. Look no further than /r/incelselfies where it was mostly average-to-attractive looking guys posting their pics.

As for Jack Peterson, I never cheered his death (assuming he did commit suicide), but do wish that he would have left us alone and moved on with his life. He had no business "representing" us in interviews, and he was also out-of-line offering any sort of assistance to the FBI. Whether he's alive or dead doesn't change my stance on that.
It's always the more attractive ones, relatively speaking, who are more likely to post their pics online. Look no further than /r/incelselfies where it was mostly average-to-attractive looking guys posting their pics.
None of them posted them online,they sent them to me in private because we're friends.
It's always the more attractive ones, relatively speaking, who are more likely to post their pics online. Look no further than /r/incelselfies where it was mostly average-to-attractive looking guys posting their pics.

As for Jack Peterson, I never cheered his death (assuming he did commit suicide), but do wish that he would have left us alone and moved on with his life. He had no business "representing" us in interviews, and he was also out-of-line offering any sort of assistance to the FBI. Whether he's alive or dead doesn't change my stance on that.

i'm the same, i don't encourage suicide but him being a FBI informant really makes me have an extreme dislike for him, if he didn't want to be an "incel" he should have just walked away. No one would have thought less of him if he just wanted to no longer be in the spotlight

Most of us live our lives alone not bothering people, we don't need "incels" helping the police to harass us
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Wait he died?
I spoke with him on discord, he was reverted back to the BlackPill truth and regretted doing the interviews, being an informant, and fucking that landwhale.
I'll forgive him but I'm going to keep an eye on him because I usually don't trust flip floppers.
Why do you feel the need to state how incel you are

Good question, idk I just felt like posting that when I saw ur post because it made me feel like you think there is no incel around here which felt like a personal attack this is why i posted that but i did not rly put much thought into it i just felt like posting it but anyway here is why if u want to know so much.
Good question, idk I just felt like posting that when I saw ur post because it made me feel like you think there is no incel around here which felt like a personal attack this is why i posted that but i did not rly put much thought into it i just felt like posting it but anyway here is why if u want to know so much.
fair enough.But you are very much alone,as pretty much everyone here varies between 4/10 and 6/10
I simply dont give a fuck about him. If he alive, good. If he dead, good.
Wait he died?
no sadly. the cuck has failed at getting decent women by betraying our cause, failed at studying/moneymax/famemqx, and now finally he failed at fucking killing himself. completely pathetic. An absolute loser in every sense of the word
Im assuming last minute he couldn't do it, then he got vanned and is now in some mental health hospital on suicide watch?
Itt faggots that didnt read the op
well snitching is going to get you hate but if he was with a controlling fat cunt whale that's his problem but I would not wish death on him as he was a fellow incel.
he was never anything more than an attention whore who sold the forum out in a heartbeat when he thought he could be some sort of famous big shot just because he went on TV, calling people here ridiculous extremists, and just how lucky he was to get away from us... then requested an unban when he failed to get the attention he craved so much. however, this didn't matter much, because he got laid off tinder of all places promptly afterwards.

he isn't incel in the slightest and anyone who's thought that his "hey i'm killing myself" video was anything more than the all-too-popular "panic button" r9k whores in particular use when they feel that they're not getting enough attention is either a gullible idiot or doesn't know his history. he's gotten laid several times, many of them being relatively recently, and can again whenever he wants, as he's shown. he despises incels and loves to looks-shame, as well. to put it shortly, even if he was man enough to snuff himself out, there wouldn't be any reason to mourn this person any more than a random normie off reddit.

when will people finally learn that people who really will kill themselves don't even have the energy to make videos/threads/whatever announcing it beforehand?
>more incel that most of the users here
Errr... maybe but he wasn't an incel at all. If you knew him from Discord, you might have seen his results on Tinder. Something like 50 matches, talking with multiple girls down to fuck. He is not gl but he is definitely not an incel.

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