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Ever wonder what your life would be like if you had money?



Sep 27, 2020
I'm not talking about billions of dollars. I'm just talking about enough money that you never have to worry about food, housing, or medical care. And enough that you can afford whatever copes that you cope with (for me, vidya, alcohol, and pot).

I've done okay financially, and I'm in my 40s. Let me tell you what it's like.

First, I am undoubtedly an alcoholic. I drink every day, and I go to bars almost every day - and often two or three a night. My monthly budget for alcohol is $3k and most of that goes toward tips. I'm a good tipper. I tip for good service, but I also tip extra (always over 100% and often $100 or more) if the bartender chats with me. Like I said, this is a cope. I can afford it, so whatever.

I'm aware that there are whales tipping a lot more. One bartender told me that she worked at a strip club and there was a guy dropping $3k a week. So, I know I'm not on that level, but I'm giving them enough money that they all know my name and act (which is about to be my point) happy to see me when I come in.

Thought some people would like to know what that's like. Spoiler: bit of a black pill.

First thing: I'm not autistic, so I've never mentioned anything "pill-related" - I pretend to be a normie. I also don't ask female bartenders out; don't try to get their numbers or socials; don't flirt with them. But, if the bar is empty (and when you drink as much as I do, you're going to occasionally be the only one there) they'll chat with me, and it's very often very eye-opening.

I have 100 stories but one recent one was a girl at the start of her shift wearing a shirt with the bar's logo. Totally normal thing, but she felt the need to explain it to me. She had closed the night before and gone home with a guy. Then she ubered back to the bar for her next shift, and needed a clean shirt. So she took one from the back office. "har har" what a funny story!!

What jumps out to me about this is that chad is not expected to give her a lift to work, or better yet take her to her own house so that she can change. I bet he didn't even pay for the uber. And this is totally normal - or should I say, normalized. The men who get sex are not the men who are helpful or protective or committed. The only way that story could be better is if she had called a simp to come pick her up. There's a different group of men who are helpful and who provide, and they aren't in the group that gets sex.

Am *I* expecting to get sex?? Hell no! I'm not retarded. I'm like a Zen Buddhist. I accept things. I know how the world works. I'm just explaining to you, if you ever thought to yourself that having money would change things, that you're wrong.

Another story (and another bar): I got there at 7 which is right when the shifts change. A bartender I've known for literally years, and given thousands to in tips, is counting her drawer. Incoming girl gives me a drink and I say thanks and then dive into my phone. Outgoing girl finishes up and then comes around to sit at the bar. She sits by a guy - I've seen him before so he's a regular. They chat for a while, then she leaves (I half expected them to leave together).

Again, am *I* expecting anything?? No! I'm just pointing out that when I'm not a customer, they don't want to have anything to do with me. Not even to walk by and say "hi" on their way out the door.

In the interests of science, I have gone in earlier and stayed past her shift - several times in fact. When her shift is done, I cash out and tip a lot. I paid the tab (plus a tip) on credit card then dropped a $100 bill in for good measure. She comes back and says "thank you." I say "you're welcome, have a good rest of your night." Then I open a tab with the incoming bartender and wait. Twice this girl sits at the bar, has her post-shift drink, then leaves.

And again, that's totally fine with me. I still go in there. My behavior doesn't change. I'm just telling you guys what it's like.

One more story. This one is from last night. A bartender that I've known for almost 10 years. Often talks about feminist stuff. Has even talked about FDS. I'm smart enough to be able to play along (I'm actually very good at it). She tells me about going off on a guy who was "buying a girl drinks that she didn't want." I do my best shocked pikachu face and say, "that's pretty creepy huh?" She agrees that it is. Fortunately, I have never made the mistake of buying a girl a drink, and I've definitely never tried to pick anyone up.

Here's what's funny. I get pretty hammered (it wasn't the first bar I'd been to last night). I tried to flag her down to cash out, but she didn't see me, but she did see my drink was empty, so she makes me another one. When she brings it to me, I say (in slurred speech) "hmm, did I order this?" and she says, "lol no but I made it anyway." I say (thinking about the story she just told me an hour ago), "well maybe I don't want it!" She says, "you know you do."

I say "okay, but cash me out." She does. She charges me for the drink I didn't want. I pay (and tip well) but I physically can't drink the whole thing, so I leave. And I'm just stuck thinking about the irony. She tells a guy off for buying a girl drinks "that the girl didn't want" even though the guy paid for them. And then, on that very night, she gets me a drink that I don't want, and I still pay for it.

And so, I wanted to post this thread. It's a black pill. Whatever your social status is, my friends, it's not because you're poor. You could be significantly above the median in terms of wealth, and have lots of money to throw around, and it wouldn't change things.
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Dnr some it up in 3 sentences
Your best cope is going to bars , have a talk and drink?

I drink sometimes but alone at home.
I could live off $3k a month (inflation adjusted) for the rest of my life
Very interesting life experiences read every wordt bh

And suifuel tbh. The female psyche is absolutely disgusting, the more you know about it. The part about the two groups of men is very real, anyone who ever talked with foids for real will soon realize how they use this trick to serve their interest all the time. The entire feminist trend is just a shiny word to put over this timeless exploitation of the men, thirsty or not.

Do you realloy enjoy these talks with them though ? I mean they are not meaningful to you, as you said you aren't trying anything with those girls, but it's not just about the alcohol. It's curious how despite our personnal tastes we end up being driven by our social hard wired brain. Like we need retarded social interactions even if they are are shallow and costful.

Even if you have the cash I mean. I also have enough cash to have costful copes, but honestly giving free money to any of these sluts would feel like I ruined my day.
The entire feminist trend is just a shiny word to put over this timeless exploitation of the men, thirsty or not.
Well said. Early feminist was rich women with maids and nannies. They were bored and wanted out of the house, but regular women - the majority of women - couldn't leave the house because there was too much goddamn work to do. With no home automation, and no birth control, all women had kids, and they had to take care of them, because the men had to work from sun up until sun down.

Nobody was being oppressed. This was the only possible way to organize society. But rich women were bored and so they caused trouble.

As technology has improved, more and more women are just bored and feminism is a pre-made ideology that allows them to complain ...about nothing. The girl whining to me about a girl being given a (free) drink is oblivious to the fact that that girl has just as much agency as me. I left when I wanted to because I'm responsible for how much a drink. Women could have this same magical power.
Do you realloy enjoy these talks with them though ? I mean they are not meaningful to you, as you said you aren't trying anything with those girls, but it's not just about the alcohol. It's curious how despite our personnal tastes we end up being driven by our social hard wired brain. Like we need retarded social interactions even if they are are shallow and costful.
Yeah, sometimes. It's real human interaction, even if they'd rather be somewhere else - they're real people having real "normie" lives. I'm not pressing them or bothering them or interrupting them. I just sit there quietly and sometimes one of them will talk, and what they say is an accurate window into their lives.

...but once their shift is done, they've got better things to do. I just wanted to make that clear to anyone who might imagine otherwise.

You're absolutely right that what I'm doing is related to innate (hardwired) brain functions. I don't think I'm letting it control me. I'm staying within my budget. And, I think there are less healthy outlets. I think that cam girls or strippers would be worse than what I'm doing.

What's most interesting to me is that I can't think of any time when something I've heard has contradicted the red or black pill.

I actually have a google doc and I write down things that are interesting. I'm sitting there on my phone, reading forums, posting on reddit, whatever. And sometimes I'll write an entry in this doc when I hear something new. Just scrolling through, here are a couple:

August 9th (this girl is a lesbo): "my type is women who were abused by their fathers"
August 1st (this is the feminst): tells a story of being arrested in Idaho, and the jail was more than an hour away. She met a guy in jail and he gave her a ride back to her car when they bailed out. <--- life on tutorial mode
Whatever makes you Content . Kinda soy tipping Woman , but whatever i guess .
It would not change a thing. I'd probably just spend more money on better food.
Wouldn't change anything. I work and have a decent stack of cash saved up in my bank account while living with my parents and I don't even spend it on anything.

I might buy an occassional game here and there and some protein powder supplements but that's it.
Wouldn't change anything. I work and have a decent stack of cash saved up in my bank account while living with my parents and I don't even spend it on anything.

I might buy an occassional game here and there and some protein powder supplements but that's it.
Based, although I do live by myself. And I don't regret moving out. My parents were too strict, even after 18.
Based, although I do live by myself. And I don't regret moving out. My parents were too strict, even after 18.
That sucks. My parents are chill, luckily. I'm Russian though (don't live in Russia anymore), so family values might be different compared to the west.
That sucks. My parents are chill, luckily. I'm Russian though (don't live in Russia anymore), so family values might be different compared to the west.
My parents are polish, we moved to Germany before I was born. To be fair I was a NEET (still am), so they wanted me to stop rotting all day and night in front of my PC and find a job, that's why they were so strict. Luckily I live in Germany so you can get NEETbuxx from the government.
My parents are polish, we moved to Germany before I was born. To be fair I was a NEET (still am), so they wanted me to stop rotting all day and night in front of my PC and find a job, that's why they were so strict. Luckily I live in Germany so you can get NEETbuxx from the government.
Ah, I see, based NEET. Why work for a system that doesn't care about you? I would NEETmaxx too but time is running out and I need money, my parents will get old so I can't afford to go back now.

I don't mind my current life situation though. I work a braindead manual labour job where I do the same shit for 8 hours, but I like it because I can daydream while working and listening to music. It's kinda nice tbh. And the salary is very good.
Ah, I see, based NEET. Why work for a system that doesn't care about you? I would NEETmaxx too but time is running out and I need money, my parents will get old so I can't afford to go back now.

I don't mind my current life situation though. I work a braindead manual labour job where I do the same shit for 8 hours, but I like it because I can daydream while working and listening to music. It's kinda nice tbh. And the salary is very good.
If you don't mind the work it's fine. Personally I never cared about having alot of money or material possessions. I'm happy with my hobbies that barely take any money to maintain. Like I said, if I really had more money I'd just spend it to buy more games and maybe take out food more often.
Would probably spend it all on hookers and cocaine
It probably would be mostly the same except I wouldn’t be living with my parents and would have my own house. But that’s pretty much it.

Escorts aren’t legal in my state and most of them are fake profiles who are just trying to scam money anyway. So I wouldn’t even be able to use my money on that if I had it
If I had money I could enjoy hobbies and buy healthy food, and fuck escorts on the side.
I have no delusions that money would make me likeable or make people want to talk to me, I don't want to talk to people.
better food, escortmaxxing for sure

money may give you fake friends too but idk if someone wants that
I'm not talking about billions of dollars. I'm just talking about enough money that you never have to worry about food, housing, or medical care. And enough that you can afford whatever copes that you cope with (for me, vidya, alcohol, and pot).

I've done okay financially, and I'm in my 40s. Let me tell you what it's like.

First, I am undoubtedly an alcoholic. I drink every day, and I go to bars almost every day - and often two or three a night. My monthly budget for alcohol is $3k and most of that goes toward tips. I'm a good tipper. I tip for good service, but I also tip extra (always over 100% and often $100 or more) if the bartender chats with me. Like I said, this is a cope. I can afford it, so whatever.

I'm aware that there are whales tipping a lot more. One bartender told me that she worked at a strip club and there was a guy dropping $3k a week. So, I know I'm not on that level, but I'm giving them enough money that they all know my name and act (which is about to be my point) happy to see me when I come in.

Thought some people would like to know what that's like. Spoiler: bit of a black pill.

First thing: I'm not autistic, so I've never mentioned anything "pill-related" - I pretend to be a normie. I also don't ask female bartenders out; don't try to get their numbers or socials; don't flirt with them. But, if the bar is empty (and when you drink as much as I do, you're going to occasionally be the only one there) they'll chat with me, and it's very often very eye-opening.

I have 100 stories but one recent one was a girl at the start of her shift wearing a shirt with the bar's logo. Totally normal thing, but she felt the need to explain it to me. She had closed the night before and gone home with a guy. Then she ubered back to the bar for her next shift, and needed a clean shirt. So she took one from the back office. "har har" what a funny story!!

What jumps out to me about this is that chad is not expected to give her a lift to work, or better yet take her to her own house so that she can change. I bet he didn't even pay for the uber. And this is totally normal - or should I say, normalized. The men who get sex are not the men who are helpful or protective or committed. The only way that story could be better is if she had called a simp to come pick her up. There's a different group of men who are helpful and who provide, and they aren't in the group that gets sex.

Am *I* expecting to get sex?? Hell no! I'm not retarded. I'm like a Zen Buddhist. I accept things. I know how the world works. I'm just explaining to you, if you ever thought to yourself that having money would change things, that you're wrong.

Another story (and another bar): I got there at 7 which is right when the shifts change. A bartender I've known for literally years, and given thousands to in tips, is counting her drawer. Incoming girl gives me a drink and I say thanks and then dive into my phone. Outgoing girl finishes up and then comes around to sit at the bar. She sits by a guy - I've seen him before so he's a regular. They chat for a while, then she leaves (I half expected them to leave together).

Again, am *I* expecting anything?? No! I'm just pointing out that when I'm not a customer, they don't want to have anything to do with me. Not even to walk by and say "hi" on their way out the door.

In the interests of science, I have gone in earlier and stayed past her shift - several times in fact. When her shift is done, I cash out and tip a lot. I paid the tab (plus a tip) on credit card then dropped a $100 bill in for good measure. She comes back and says "thank you." I say "you're welcome, have a good rest of your night." Then I open a tab with the incoming bartender and wait. Twice this girl sits at the bar, has her post-shift drink, then leaves.

And again, that's totally fine with me. I still go in there. My behavior doesn't change. I'm just telling you guys what it's like.

One more story. This one is from last night. A bartender that I've known for almost 10 years. Often talks about feminist stuff. Has even talked about FDS. I'm smart enough to be able to play along (I'm actually very good at it). She tells me about going off on a guy who was "buying a girl drinks that she didn't want." I do my best shocked pikachu face and say, "that's pretty creepy huh?" She agrees that it is. Fortunately, I have never made the mistake of buying a girl a drink, and I've definitely never tried to pick anyone up.

Here's what's funny. I get pretty hammered (it wasn't the first bar I'd been to last night). I tried to flag her down to cash out, but she didn't see me, but she did see my drink was empty, so she makes me another one. When she brings it to me, I say (in slurred speech) "hmm, did I order this?" and she says, "lol no but I made it anyway." I say (thinking about the story she just told me an hour ago), "well maybe I don't want it!" She says, "you know you do."

I say "okay, but cash me out." She does. She charges me for the drink I didn't want. I pay (and tip well) but I physically can't drink the whole thing, so I leave. And I'm just stuck thinking about the irony. She tells a guy off for buying a girl drinks "that the girl didn't want" even though the guy paid for them. And then, on that very night, she gets me a drink that I don't want, and I still pay for it.

And so, I wanted to post this thread. It's a black pill. Whatever your social status is, my friends, it's not because you're poor. You could be significantly above the median in terms of wealth, and have lots of money to throw around, and it wouldn't change things.

why dont you just save for one or two years only and get bimaxillary surgery AND ACTUALLY GO TO A BAR AND TRY AND PICKUP A GIRL


Do you not want to get laid

I seriously dont get it
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I don't have to wonder. I have money. Still a trucel turbomanlet. It does make life considerably better though w.r.t. copes. I have a house I rent out to 4 HTN+ male students, it was very satisfying raising their rent well above market rate the other day.
Would change from owing Goldfish to Marine Fish and buy a turtle
Interesting stories but why tf are you tipping foids 100s of dollars, give me 100 dollars.
I would have gotten plastic surgeries
I'd get with prostitutes and get the latest tech/videogames
I was almost a millionaire one time.
I'm not talking about billions of dollars. I'm just talking about enough money that you never have to worry about food, housing, or medical care. And enough that you can afford whatever copes that you cope with (for me, vidya, alcohol, and pot).

I've done okay financially, and I'm in my 40s. Let me tell you what it's like.

First, I am undoubtedly an alcoholic. I drink every day, and I go to bars almost every day - and often two or three a night. My monthly budget for alcohol is $3k and most of that goes toward tips. I'm a good tipper. I tip for good service, but I also tip extra (always over 100% and often $100 or more) if the bartender chats with me. Like I said, this is a cope. I can afford it, so whatever.

I'm aware that there are whales tipping a lot more. One bartender told me that she worked at a strip club and there was a guy dropping $3k a week. So, I know I'm not on that level, but I'm giving them enough money that they all know my name and act (which is about to be my point) happy to see me when I come in.

Thought some people would like to know what that's like. Spoiler: bit of a black pill.

First thing: I'm not autistic, so I've never mentioned anything "pill-related" - I pretend to be a normie. I also don't ask female bartenders out; don't try to get their numbers or socials; don't flirt with them. But, if the bar is empty (and when you drink as much as I do, you're going to occasionally be the only one there) they'll chat with me, and it's very often very eye-opening.

I have 100 stories but one recent one was a girl at the start of her shift wearing a shirt with the bar's logo. Totally normal thing, but she felt the need to explain it to me. She had closed the night before and gone home with a guy. Then she ubered back to the bar for her next shift, and needed a clean shirt. So she took one from the back office. "har har" what a funny story!!

What jumps out to me about this is that chad is not expected to give her a lift to work, or better yet take her to her own house so that she can change. I bet he didn't even pay for the uber. And this is totally normal - or should I say, normalized. The men who get sex are not the men who are helpful or protective or committed. The only way that story could be better is if she had called a simp to come pick her up. There's a different group of men who are helpful and who provide, and they aren't in the group that gets sex.

Am *I* expecting to get sex?? Hell no! I'm not retarded. I'm like a Zen Buddhist. I accept things. I know how the world works. I'm just explaining to you, if you ever thought to yourself that having money would change things, that you're wrong.

Another story (and another bar): I got there at 7 which is right when the shifts change. A bartender I've known for literally years, and given thousands to in tips, is counting her drawer. Incoming girl gives me a drink and I say thanks and then dive into my phone. Outgoing girl finishes up and then comes around to sit at the bar. She sits by a guy - I've seen him before so he's a regular. They chat for a while, then she leaves (I half expected them to leave together).

Again, am *I* expecting anything?? No! I'm just pointing out that when I'm not a customer, they don't want to have anything to do with me. Not even to walk by and say "hi" on their way out the door.

In the interests of science, I have gone in earlier and stayed past her shift - several times in fact. When her shift is done, I cash out and tip a lot. I paid the tab (plus a tip) on credit card then dropped a $100 bill in for good measure. She comes back and says "thank you." I say "you're welcome, have a good rest of your night." Then I open a tab with the incoming bartender and wait. Twice this girl sits at the bar, has her post-shift drink, then leaves.

And again, that's totally fine with me. I still go in there. My behavior doesn't change. I'm just telling you guys what it's like.

One more story. This one is from last night. A bartender that I've known for almost 10 years. Often talks about feminist stuff. Has even talked about FDS. I'm smart enough to be able to play along (I'm actually very good at it). She tells me about going off on a guy who was "buying a girl drinks that she didn't want." I do my best shocked pikachu face and say, "that's pretty creepy huh?" She agrees that it is. Fortunately, I have never made the mistake of buying a girl a drink, and I've definitely never tried to pick anyone up.

Here's what's funny. I get pretty hammered (it wasn't the first bar I'd been to last night). I tried to flag her down to cash out, but she didn't see me, but she did see my drink was empty, so she makes me another one. When she brings it to me, I say (in slurred speech) "hmm, did I order this?" and she says, "lol no but I made it anyway." I say (thinking about the story she just told me an hour ago), "well maybe I don't want it!" She says, "you know you do."

I say "okay, but cash me out." She does. She charges me for the drink I didn't want. I pay (and tip well) but I physically can't drink the whole thing, so I leave. And I'm just stuck thinking about the irony. She tells a guy off for buying a girl drinks "that the girl didn't want" even though the guy paid for them. And then, on that very night, she gets me a drink that I don't want, and I still pay for it.

And so, I wanted to post this thread. It's a black pill. Whatever your social status is, my friends, it's not because you're poor. You could be significantly above the median in terms of wealth, and have lots of money to throw around, and it wouldn't change things.
I have money and it doesn't change shit
Even if I were a billionaire, I would NOT give a dollars to normies, chads, and foids for free.

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