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Even professional psychiatrist told me its over after 30



Nov 10, 2017
She literally said that if you think you have it bad now, i suggest you hurry up and try to do something about, because after 30 chances of you getting friends and girlfriends are as slim as Donald Trump giving his fortune away for feministic charity organizations.

Notice that not only romantically, but its also over socially after 30. 

Young twats here dont understand yet, they dont feel the age pill. 

All these retarded 19 clowns trying to be part of this new edgy trollish internet group of incels dont get it, we literally live this life at 25+.

We basically were sent a signed and stamped paper carrying out of death sentence.
I sincerely hope you don't pay for a psychiatrist or whatever therapy cope that shit is. Legit money scam, unless you're only going for the pills.
stopped reading at "she"
It's been said by other users since the PUAHate days that life ends at 30.
I agree. I am almost 30, and I am trying one last time. Really giving it my all this year. After that I think I am done.
incelkingkong said:
I sincerely hope you don't pay for a psychiatrist or whatever therapy cope that shit is. Legit money scam, unless you're only going for the pills.
same can be said about hookers or w/e, its preference of choice. 

yes, you cant be bluepilled and think that psychotherapy in some magical way will make your life turn around, but it can be cope to talk to someone and listen what they have to say or try to argue your fundamental facts.
wincel said:
I agree. I am almost 30, and I am trying one last time. Really giving it my all this year. After that I think I am done.

I hope you succeed brother
wincel said:
I agree. I am almost 30, and I am trying one last time. Really giving it my all this year. After that I think I am done.

I will pray Allah
dr-problematic said:
same can be said about hookers or w/e, its preference of choice. 

yes, you cant be bluepilled and think that psychotherapy in some magical way will make your life turn around, but it can be cope to talk to someone and listen what they have to say or try to argue your fundamental facts.

lol what? fucking hookers actually provides you with pleasure, one like food. talking with a psychologist who has 0 scientific background and is dumber than you and just listens to you for money is a complete waste of money.
Do you really go to a female psychiatrist? Might as well ask a wall for advice.
incelkingkong said:
lol what? fucking hookers actually provides you with pleasure, one like food. talking with a psychologist who has 0 scientific background and is dumber than you and just listens to you for money is a complete waste of money.
you can fuck a fleshlight and get as much pleasure. its about companionship, being there with a woman, doing it in real, with real person. same with psychiatrist, its a form of companionship, its interesting to listen to someone's else perspective on things, specially of a person, who is professionally trained for it.

if psychiatrist doesnt have scientific background and is dumer than you and just listens to you without maintaining a dialogu and challenging your world views, its not psychiatrist.

stop coping with childish horse shit, you are another retarded 19 yo here.  :@

Solitarian_Walker said:
Do you really go to a female psychiatrist? Might as well ask a wall for advice.
its not about advice

johndoe5 said:
lol at having a female psych
lol at jerkin off porn
what does that have to do with anything lol. also therapy is the biggest cope and she has probably already mandatory reported you for the stuff you say about females
How do you expect a femoid psychiatrist to help you when she can't relate to your problems at all? How dumb do you have to be to not pick a male psych?
johndoe5 said:
what does that have to do with anything lol. also therapy is the biggest cope and she has probably already mandatory reported you for the stuff you say about females
i dont go to psychotherapy to get treated and change my life, i go there to talk to other older human being with different mind set and life experiences, professionaly trained for it to chat about things. it's the same shit as going to whore house.

jerking off is as much cope as psychotherapy.

either way post wasnt about therapy, imbecile.  :@
lalala im older so the things im saying are right ;-DD what a coper, dissappointed in u tbh considering ur posts on incels were pretty decent
We need to kill ourselves before 25 or 30.
incelkingkong said:
lalala im older so the things im saying are right ;-DD what a coper, dissappointed in u tbh considering ur posts on incels were pretty decent
dr-problematic said:
All these retarded 19 clowns trying to be part of this new edgy trollish internet group of incels dont get it, we literally live this life at 25+.
yeah lol got 30 replies calling me a subhuman in this forum, just pretending normie teehee :))))) are you actually this retarded? ;D
lmfao @ paying a FEMALE just to FUCKING TALK TO YOU. How much of a fucking beta do you have to be? Because it doesn't get much more beta than that.

The whore talks to Chad for free and deepthroats his dick afterwards.
fagotonabike said:
lmfao @ paying a FEMALE just to FUCKING TALK TO YOU. How much of a fucking beta do you have to be? Because it doesn't get much more beta than that.

The whore talks to Chad for free and deepthroats his dick afterwards.
1. cope

2. thread isnt about it, go re-read the OP again. Oh, wait, you are another 19 yo and cant relate to it.
dr-problematic said:
1. cope

2. thread isnt about it, go re-read the OP again. Oh, wait, you are another 19 yo and cant relate to it.

i will live another 6 years and i still wont relate to it cause im not mentally insane to go to a therapist while being aware of blackpill truths.

also nice ignore on me calling you out on ur shit, inceldom is decided at 15-16 max fuckin coper
dr-problematic said:
1. cope

2. thread isnt about it, go re-read the OP again. Oh, wait, you are another 19 yo and cant relate to it.

I am 21 next week and haven't talked to another person since 2 years since I am full on NEET that gets gibsmedat from the Government. 

Stop calling everything cope and stop paying a whore money just to fucking talk to you. Biggest CUCK activity is paying a whore money just to FUCKING TALK.
fagotonabike said:
I am 21 next week and haven't talked to another person since 2 years since I am full on NEET that gets gibsmedat from the Government. 

Stop calling everything cope and stop paying a whore money just to fucking talk to you. Biggest CUCK activity is paying a whore money just to FUCKING TALK.
21 is getting close to area of real inceldom, but its still young, thats why you didnt get the message of the OP.

on the above - with this fucking logic you are beta for paying a female to fuck you. the whore fucks Chad for free and then pays to him herself. 

you pay whore to have sex, you pay trained professional to have interesting dialogue on philosophical topics, both are same cope. money for exhange of covering your biological needs.
If she knows it will be over why doesn't SHE date you? The agepill is legit. As time goes by the chances of escaping decrease. Just lol at Normies who say otherwise. There is like that statistic that states that only 2% of people are virgins at 25 and bluepillers translate it to: The odds of losing your virginity increase with age. What fucking logic does this follow? Just because some fakecels escaped doesn't mean we will too.
especially since females can never give any relevant advice to us unless they are willing to open their legs.
dr-problematic said:
21 is getting close to area of real inceldom, but its still young, thats why you didnt get the message of the OP.

on the above - with this fucking logic you are beta for paying a female to fuck you. the whore fucks Chad for free and then pays to him herself. 

you pay whore to have sex, you pay trained professional to have interesting dialogue on philosophical topics, both are same cope. money for exhange of covering your biological needs.

Where did I say that fucking escorts isn't beta? It's extremely fucking beta unless you beat the whore afterwards and don't pay. I don't pay for sex and neither will I pay to fucking talk for half an hour to a cunt that has fucked hundreds of men.
incelkingkong said:
i will live another 6 years = indeed 19

i still wont relate to it = if you see the future, predict who will win the NBA finals this season, ill make some cash

also nice ignore on me calling you out on ur shit = calling me out on my shit? are you fucking retarded? i just destroyed all the platitudes about psychotherapy use which were spit previously

inceldom is decided at 15-16 = end of dialogue, you've just proven yourself as real imbecile
verdict = down syndrome kid trying to fit in into new cool incel movement  


fagotonabike said:
Where did I say that fucking escorts isn't beta? It's extremely fucking beta unless you beat the whore afterwards and don't pay. I don't pay for sex and neither will I pay to fucking talk for half an hour to a cunt that has fucked hundreds of men.
'you pay trained professional to have interesting dialogue on philosophical topics,'

females can't discuss philosophy they have feefees that could be hurt.
"cool new incel movement" but every single incel views your actions as a joke. its over for you to be honest.
incelkingkong said:
every single incel = every single lookism sperg troll and every single 19 yo clown, not single oldcel

views your actions as a joke = status among incels is highly important for me

its over for you to be honest = indeed, as you just proved u r 19, no1 can take u seriously here, just leave
peak hypocrisy lol, cringing hard my dude. feeling superior over someone because you were born earlier and using that as an argument to justify your pathetic actions
switch to a male psych tbh
Wow, a femoid actually telling it like it is? Weird.

She’s right, of course. I’m late 30s, I guarantee it is really fucking over past 35 - the overest over you can over.
dr-problematic said:

As a fellow oldcel, I can sympathize with your desire for human contact through therapy. Personally, I have chosen to avoid therapy,but I can definitely see how it could be helpful. Don't listen to these children. Many of them have never really even tried with women. Some of them will turn into Normans within the decade after they come out of their shells. I hope the same for us, but as you said, beyond a certain age, it becomes very difficult to find a mate.
Oldcels are double fucked. Not only did they not get their shit together, but all the good girls are married or in relationships and all that's left are single moms with nigger kids, old whores, fat pigs, aids victims etc. LOL.
That's fucking brutal.
"good girls"

does not compute
universallyabhorred said:
We need to kill ourselves before 25 or 30.

As an oldcel I can tell you once you hit 25 nothing is going to change except getting a saggy bag for a stomach and grey hairs

I am ready for the end, I thought I had melonoma but it wasn't spreading and they just cut it off...I can't put into words how dispapointed I was not to be able to die an honorable death.  I just don't want to dishonor my family that's been good to me by overdosing or.suicide
Incel801 said:
As an oldcel I can tell you once you hit 25 nothing is going to change except getting a saggy  bag for a stomach and grey hairs

I am ready for the end, I thought I had melonoma but it wasn't spreading and they just cut it off...I can't put into words how dispapointed I was not to be able to die an honorable death.  I just don't want to dishonor my family that's been good to me by overdosing or.suicide

Fuck your family if they had truly been good to you, you would have never been born a subhuman.
dr-problematic said:
She literally said that if you think you have it bad now, i suggest you hurry up and try to do something about, because after 30 chances of you getting friends and girlfriends are as slim as Donald Trump giving his fortune away for feministic charity organizations.

Notice that not only romantically, but its also over socially after 30. 

Young twats here dont understand yet, they dont feel the age pill. 

All these retarded 19 clowns trying to be part of this new edgy trollish internet group of incels dont get it, we literally live this life at 25+.

We basically were sent a signed and stamped paper carrying out of death sentence.

"life" is a phenomenon which happens between ages 12-30. this is a well knows fact. seems that your shrink is well educated.

incelkingkong said:
lol what? fucking hookers actually provides you with pleasure, one like food. talking with a psychologist who has 0 scientific background and is dumber than you and just listens to you for money is a complete waste of money.

also truth tbh
I'm happier to be what I am rather than a Norman.
Going to therapy is always very cuckish
I've already accepted it's over for me.
What's with digging up these ancient threads.
I'm going to be 25 this year and this was pretty depressing to read.
TyStye said:
I'm going to be 25 this year and this was pretty depressing to read.

Read it again. :heh:

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