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Blackpill Even 1 YEAR OLDS AVOID unattractive people

Nuclear blackpill showing that human attractiveness is objective and hard-wired in our brains since we are born. Also unattractiveness is not only a hindrance to dating/sex life, but to all aspects of life:

SOURCE: Infant' Differential Social Responses to Attractive and Unattractive Faces.
Judith H. Langlois, Lori A. Roggman, and Loretta A. Ricser-Danner

Summary of the experiment:

60 one-year-old infants were recruited from the infant subject pool mantained by the Children's Research Laboratory at the University of Texas. All of the infants were full term, healthy, and from middle-class families. In this study, the infants interact with a stranger in pressence of their mother. Attractiveness of the stranger was manipulated by having thin, lifelike, latex theater masks constructed by a professional mask maker to be either attractive or unattractive.

Because there might be behavorial difference between attractive and unattractive individuals asked to interact with infants, a single female stranger interacted with all of the infants, using a strict, rehearsed script to standarize her behavior. The attractiveness of the stranger was manipulated through the use of professional theater masks. Both attractive and unattractive versions of the masks were worn by the stranger to control for any effects of wearing a mask per se.

A professional mask maker created the masks using the stranger's face as a basic mold. The female stranger was an attractive woman, and a cast of her face served as the attractive mold. Alterationg to this basic mold to create the unattractive version of her face were based on previous research that identified measurements of facial features that predict ratings of attractiveness. The unattractive version of the mask was designed so that the feature sizes were well within the normal range of attractiveness: Our goal was to make the stranger appear unattractive, but not appear abnormal or deformed in any way. The masks were made of very thin latex so that the stranger's face appeared quite real and lifelike. Thus, she was able to talk and smile without appearing strange.

The stranger was blind at all times to which mask she was wearing, so that knowledge of the attractiveness condition of the session could not bias her behavior toward the infant. The stranger coult no differentiate between the masks when she was wearing them because only the external appearance of the mask changed. The stranger was never told which mask she was wearing, and all glass and other shiny surfaces in the building were occluded. To ensure that the stranger's behaviour was in fact equivalent across attractiveness conditions, a random sample of tapes was selected and the length of the stranger's conversation with the infant was timed. The only words that varied in the stranger's script were references to the specific toys with which each individual infants played.

The results showed that infants preference for attractiveness extend beyond visual preferences. The infants more frequently avoided the stranger when she was unattractive than we she was attractive and they showed more negative emotion and distress in the unattractive than in the attractive condition. Furthermore, boys approached the female stranger more ofthen in the attractive than in the unattractive condition.
its over for pedocels:lul:
What's new in it? It's a damn proven point known to uglycels since Cretaceous era.
What's new in it? It's a damn proven point known to uglycels since Cretaceous era.

Yet bluepilled people still deny it and blame "lack of confidence". Just adding more actual proof to the blackpill.
babies and infants are a good indicator of a shit appearance. they are biologically hardwired to avoid those people and dont have the social graces to hide their disgust.
babies and infants are a good indicator of a shit appearance. they are biologically hardwired to avoid those people and dont have the social graces to hide their disgust.

It basically shows that preference for attractive faces is not learnt or is subjective, as many people think.
babies and infants are a good indicator of a shit appearance. they are biologically hardwired to avoid those people and dont have the social graces to hide their disgust.
Few years ago two girls that were like 8 or 9 knocked on my door to ask if I wanted my leaves raked for two dollars and when I opened the door they paused and looked at each other like "OMG" before hesitantly asking if I wanted my leaves raked, which I said no thanks. This is before I knew anything about blackpill or being incel and I was not bitter or pissed off at the time, was still coping by Gymcelling. So I was kind of confused after wondering why they seemed so freaked out and uncomfortable. I was clean shaven, had a hair cut, gymcelling in a good mood yet they acted like I was some creeper who never seen the sunlight in months. I was not, yet they reacted the way everyone feels around an ugly person, only being children they never learned to hide it yet.

But yeah, pretty obvious even before people have hit puberty or developed any sexuality, ugly is still weird to talk to and gives off a bad vibe for no reason other then being ugly.
Yet bluepilled people still deny it and blame "lack of confidence". Just adding more actual proof to the blackpill.
What do you expect from them? They are the reason why suicide is deemed immoral and isn't already a fundamental right. They want us to suffer more. Younger generation of uglycels will come over listening to their bluepilled ideology only to be bullied so bad that they hate their existence. This is a propaganda to make our lives worse and our deaths painful.
Adding the actual results from the experiment:


Notice the Withdrawal (frequency of turning or moving away from the stranger) row. The same exact person doing the same exact scripted interaction is more than 3 times more likely to get avoided even by infants when trying to play with them by adding light unattractive features in her face.
Someone please kill me
"beauty is in the eye of the beholder" - normies

oh wait, nvm.
I always thought babies tended to stare more at ugly people.
My nieces don't like me carrying them
This is true

I remember when a legit 6 year old girl called me ugly a couple of years back. It tore me to pieces because I know that little girl was telling the truth as little kids rarely lie
its over for pedocels:lul:

I'm so ugly babies would learn to speak just to reject me if it were legal to approach them and I was an actual pedophile.

"Kill yourself, you're unfuckable" - how's that for baby's first words?
I’m so fucking finished with this world.
This black pill had the most impact on me tbh. The tinder and ethnic stuff was already apparent to me. But I always thought young kids didn't have this disgusting prejudice
Why would a young kid hang out with ugly people? Ugly genetics is a sign of deformity, disease, being raised in a inadaquate enviornment, etc. Its natural to avoid ugly people. It is what would save the tribe thousands of years ago.
I've seen this all over the place too.

Whhhhhy won't this be shoved down all of our naysayers' throats? They think we are just lazy complainers; the evidence is right there in front of us - NO ONE wants to be around ugly people, much less fuck them! And with female hypergamy running wild ugly girls don't have to settle for ugly guys, and on top of that most women would rather be alone than with an ugly guy.

I feel like we could staple a book of scientific proof of the blackpill, page by page, onto a normie's forehead, and they would still somehow say that incels aren't finding girlfriends because they are not trying hard enough!
This is hopefuel for me, children always look at me and smile lol. Same with old people. It's my age group that despises me.
It's over for infantophilia cels.
What did you expect of a baby? Babies are shit at living, the babies know that they can’t survive without a parent or guardian. So why would they come up to a person that appearance startles them?
This is true

I remember when a legit 6 year old girl called me ugly a couple of years back. It tore me to pieces because I know that little girl was telling the truth as little kids rarely lie
babies and infants are a good indicator of a shit appearance. they are biologically hardwired to avoid those people and dont have the social graces to hide their disgust.
That commonsensepill hit me hard
My sister's baby boy is afraid of me :cryfeels:
this an old ass thread
It never began for pedocels
Nuclear blackpill showing that human attractiveness is objective and hard-wired in our brains since we are born. Also unattractiveness is not only a hindrance to dating/sex life, but to all aspects of life:

SOURCE: Infant' Differential Social Responses to Attractive and Unattractive Faces.
Judith H. Langlois, Lori A. Roggman, and Loretta A. Ricser-Danner

Summary of the experiment:

60 one-year-old infants were recruited from the infant subject pool mantained by the Children's Research Laboratory at the University of Texas. All of the infants were full term, healthy, and from middle-class families. In this study, the infants interact with a stranger in pressence of their mother. Attractiveness of the stranger was manipulated by having thin, lifelike, latex theater masks constructed by a professional mask maker to be either attractive or unattractive.

Because there might be behavorial difference between attractive and unattractive individuals asked to interact with infants, a single female stranger interacted with all of the infants, using a strict, rehearsed script to standarize her behavior. The attractiveness of the stranger was manipulated through the use of professional theater masks. Both attractive and unattractive versions of the masks were worn by the stranger to control for any effects of wearing a mask per se.

A professional mask maker created the masks using the stranger's face as a basic mold. The female stranger was an attractive woman, and a cast of her face served as the attractive mold. Alterationg to this basic mold to create the unattractive version of her face were based on previous research that identified measurements of facial features that predict ratings of attractiveness. The unattractive version of the mask was designed so that the feature sizes were well within the normal range of attractiveness: Our goal was to make the stranger appear unattractive, but not appear abnormal or deformed in any way. The masks were made of very thin latex so that the stranger's face appeared quite real and lifelike. Thus, she was able to talk and smile without appearing strange.

The stranger was blind at all times to which mask she was wearing, so that knowledge of the attractiveness condition of the session could not bias her behavior toward the infant. The stranger coult no differentiate between the masks when she was wearing them because only the external appearance of the mask changed. The stranger was never told which mask she was wearing, and all glass and other shiny surfaces in the building were occluded. To ensure that the stranger's behaviour was in fact equivalent across attractiveness conditions, a random sample of tapes was selected and the length of the stranger's conversation with the infant was timed. The only words that varied in the stranger's script were references to the specific toys with which each individual infants played.

The results showed that infants preference for attractiveness extend beyond visual preferences. The infants more frequently avoided the stranger when she was unattractive than we she was attractive and they showed more negative emotion and distress in the unattractive than in the attractive condition. Furthermore, boys approached the female stranger more ofthen in the attractive than in the unattractive condition.
My two young cousins are afraid of me
It's over
I read a study on this a long time ago, even infants greatly prefer attractive people because the superior genes give them a greater chance at survival.

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