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Blackpill Ethnics - 90% of white guys hate you behind your back

  • Thread starter Deleted member 16582
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Deleted member 16582

Deleted member 16582

Jan 5, 2019
Ethnics - 90% of white guys hate you behind your back. I'm basically ethnic as well (1/2 white + 1/4 pashtun 1/4 paki punjabi/curry). The vast majority of white guys hate ethnics. I have one friend at my campus who is friends with some chad-ish white guys. We all joined a discord and played rainbow 6 siege kek. They assumed I was a normal white guy like them and half the game was just "fucking nigger" or "u wanta chicken fwy" or "durr im indian smell like shit" or variations of it. They hate us. I'm mixed race, I have no home to return to. However, at least half of white guys would have ethnics dead if they could.

More evidence:

Just goes to show that we are 100% alone.

this is a fact and not even up for debate. anyone who denies this is coping hard.
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I dont think "fucking nigger" has anything to do with racism.
And how is this related to people not getting laid?

Also lol at playing games with normies, thats the first mistake.
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Well them and all females want us dead I guess
Not sure how this is related to inceldom, but everyone has a little bit of racist in them
Cope. It's 100% true.
I dont think "fucking nigger" has anything to do with racism.
It was calling people a nigger and calling them low IQ and what not. JFL. Of course we are all incel here white or black or curry or rice, but don't even try to deny it @Insomniac and other whites here. it's a fact, not even up for debate tbh.
Not sure how this is related to inceldom, but everyone has a little bit of racist in them
It contributes to our inceldom. Although maybe Off Topic would have been better.
Just fucking lol.
But i think SEAcels hate whitecels. For obvious reasons.
Ethnics - 90% of white guys hate you behind your back. I'm basically ethnic as well (1/2 white + 1/4 pashtun 1/4 paki punjabi/curry). The vast majority of white guys hate ethnics. I have one friend at my campus who is friends with some chad-ish white guys. We all joined a discord and played rainbow 6 siege kek. They assumed I was a normal white guy like them and half the game was just "fucking nigger" or "u wanta chicken fwy" or "durr im indian smell like shit" or variations of it. They hate us. I'm mixed race, I have no home to return to. However, at least half of white guys would have ethnics dead if they could.

More evidence:

Just goes to show that we are 100% alone.

Calling someone a nigger is just a slang.
Sometimes its not even related to africans.
I can call someone whos being loud, a fucking nigger, and that person can be the palest looking motherfucker.
Racist jokes aren't hate, they're actually the opposite. I wouldn't consider someone a friend if they weren't comfortable enough around me to call me a sandnigger.
@DeformAspergerCel what do you think about this
Some of you guys keep mass-producing threads against mayocels then whine about how you are hated, ha!
the majority will always be racist against the minority bro
I got along with whites more than ethnics ironically, ethnics tend to stick to their social circles.

the majority will always be racist against the minority bro
Don't worry nigger bro you are safe in here we don't hate ethnics here polcels can get the fuck out
Everyone who's in the top is always acting chill until the power of their hierarchy is threatened bro.
Racist jokes aren't hate, they're actually the opposite. I wouldn't consider someone a friend if they weren't comfortable enough around me to call me a sandnigger.
Calling someone a nigger is just a slang.
Sometimes its not even related to africans.
I can call someone whos being loud, a fucking nigger, and that person can be the palest looking motherfucker.
its not just saying nigger, even i do that, its like one of them brought up that he was failing a class and the other guy "what are u some kind of nigger" and everyone laughed, etc
Everyone who's in the top is always acting chill until the power of their hierarchy is threatened bro.
Blackcels and Currycels seem to get bashed the most in terms of "racist" jokes.
it's all about competition for women, everybody's a racist piece of shit tbh. I've seen the same shit in my clan's teamspeak, they just assume I'm a white guy
Blackcels and Currycels seem to get bashed the most in terms of "racist" jokes.
lol jfl, people thinking jokes don't have some meaning to reality too. like if you tell someone you smell and someone says "are you indian? teehee curry powder lel" they definitely think something about indians in real life smelling, just a fact, besides that's not what this thread was even about, everyone says nigger casually or what not including me
I got along with whites more than ethnics ironically
Same, the few friends I have had in life were all white. Most ethnics are low-IQ trash that have nothing in common with me.
"Say "sir"! You goddamn dope fiend New York niggers... Learn some manners!"
Same, the few friends I have had in life were all white. Most ethnics are low-IQ trash that have nothing in common with me.
yeah same, all my friends were white growing up even though im ethnic kek, and a few ricecels
average female is more racist than average white male
lol jfl, people thinking jokes don't have some meaning to reality too. like if you tell someone you smell and someone says "are you indian? teehee curry powder lel" they definitely think something about indians in real life smelling, just a fact, besides that's not what this thread was even about, everyone says nigger casually or what not including me

because indians do in fact often smell like curry
yeah same, all my friends were white growing up even though im ethnic kek, and a few ricecels
I knew one SEA guy who was kind of a friend of mine. Asian men are the most pleasant people to be around with in my opinion, unlike men of other races they don't make fun of you or insult you for no reason.
Whites are second-best firstly because they're more inclined to have incel-tier hobbies (anime, videogames etc.) but also because they don't feel the need to act like thugs.
lol jfl, people thinking jokes don't have some meaning to reality too. like if you tell someone you smell and someone says "are you indian? teehee curry powder lel" they definitely think something about indians in real life smelling, just a fact, besides that's not what this thread was even about, everyone says nigger casually or what not including me
Never denied they weren't based off some stereotypes.
I just noticed ricecels don't get bashed as often, might be because they are more light skinned.
its not just saying nigger, even i do that, its like one of them brought up that he was failing a class and the other guy "what are u some kind of nigger" and everyone laughed, etc
But you can't assume from this joke that they genuinely hate blacks. It is only when they start posting pictures of white women in wheat fields that you can safely make that conclusion.

Even then, that 90% is a massive hyperbole. The average normie, especially in the West, is too caught-up in his daily life to care about convoluted concepts such as race. Or any concepts at all.
Its over for dozens of men, its just not good. Society has gone to hell for many men. :yes:
Never denied they weren't based off some stereotypes.
I just noticed ricecels don't get bashed as often, might be because they are more light skinned.
ricecels aren't seen as threatening or capable of getting white foids. Plus most of them are educated and well off in western countries. They're basically seen as subservient betabuxxers, and yeah east asians having lighter skin helps them out
ricecels aren't seen as threatening or capable of getting white foids. Plus most of them are educated and well off in western countries. They're basically seen as subservient betabuxxers, and yeah east asians having lighter skin helps them out
and curries are seen as threat? lmfao. the only threat is BBC and some hispanics
and curries are seen as threat? lmfao. the only threat is BBC and some hispanics
Where did I say that? you know everything I said is on point. Curries are grouped with asians in the US, they're pretty much seen in the same way
“what a fucking nigger” - pewdiepie
“what a fucking nigger” - pewdiepie

i bet he is your idol, faggot. T-Gay, lol! tbh tbh bro.
Where did I say that? you know everything I said is on point. Curries are grouped with asians in the US, they're pretty much seen in the same way
we were speaking of ricecels not getting picked on often. curries do.
If only white males could vote we would live in a wonderful world full of joy and happiness for white males.
we were speaking of ricecels not getting picked on often. curries do.
I would guess it's because curries have more masculine features than ricecels, along with many of them having darker skin even though they're more related to caucasians. India just catches a lot of shit for being 3rd world, but there's tons of shitty asian countries too. It must all come down to looks like everything else.
I would guess it's because curries have more masculine features than ricecels, along with many of them having darker skin even though they're more related to caucasians. India just catches a lot of shit for being 3rd world, but there's tons of shitty asian countries too. It must all come down to looks like everything else.
indians more masculine features? being 5'6", with the smallest dick on average in the world, and 0 muscle growth, is masculine? JFL bro
If only white males could vote we would live in a wonderful world full of joy and happiness for white males.
too bad that is only fantasy
What race are your parents?
indians more masculine features? being 5'6", with the smallest dick on average in the world, and 0 muscle growth, is masculine? JFL bro
Asians just have more neotaneous (young looking) features in their faces bro, plenty of curries have babyfaces but there's tons of exceptions. You guys can at least grow facial and body hair. Look at fucking sikhs, they look pretty masculine
I believe ethnicels and whitecels should join forces to restore patriarchy. Once that is accomplished we can still think about ways of killing each other. First things first!
JFL at believing that voting for Hillary means you love ethnics. Millennial cringe shit.

bill00, if anybody hates you it's because you're a loud retard who says shit like this post, not because you're fucking tan.

Real talk: ethnics, 90% of white guys don't think about you at all. They don't hate you, they don't love you. They don't think about you except when Becky tells them to check their privilege.

Hey, look, I found OPs twitter:

lol you speak pashto?
JFL at believing that voting for Hillary means you love ethnics. Millennial cringe shit.

bill00, if anybody hates you it's because you're a loud retard who says shit like this post, not because you're fucking tan.

Real talk: ethnics, 90% of white guys don't think about you at all. They don't hate you, they don't love you. They don't think about you except when Becky tells them to check their privilege.

Hey, look, I found OPs twitter:

View attachment 123692
not reading that. everyone who's not a retard knows that the more racist people vote for trump and the more leftist muh race is just a construct people vote clinton, theres a clear correlation, and believe me i am far from an sjw or liberal. neck yourself faggot.
i am far from an sjw or liberal
How far? About the distance from Schlomos circumsized pecker to the boots you're licking?

Protip: you're not "ethnic", you're a kike. To be ethnic, you have to be human.
were you raised islamically?
a little bit but my family gave up on me islamically when i was 14-15
How far? About the distance from Schlomos circumsized pecker to the boots you're licking?

Protip: you're not "ethnic", you're a kike. To be ethnic, you have to be human.
i hate kikes, you fucking faggot. kill yourself, yeah you didn't even reply to what i said just shit talked because you're a faggot. go dilate

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