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Hypocrisy Ethnicels in the West blaming their race should maybe just...

Just go back to the countries we drained of resources, that should improve your life
Of the 150 or so comments on this thread, this is the most retarded sentence of them all.
Then there won't be any White Chads to mog anybody
Correct. There will be mixed Chads to mog everybody. And then you'll realise that it had nothing to do with muh White people.
Fuck you, OP, I went to my "home country" (not even born there, you racist prick, how do I "go back"?) and not even there did I get interest from the girls. I am truly a truecel; in both the west and east
Fuck you, OP, I went to my "home country" (not even born there, you racist prick, how do I "go back"?) and not even there did I get interest from the girls. I am truly a truecel; in both the west and east
My post was merely aimed at haters who blame the presence of Whites for their inceldom.
The IQ tests must really be true. How can you say whites are fakecel when you also try to say we are going extinct? Are white men chads or are we a dying race? We’re more incel than any ethnic. Look at the birth rates
We're a dying race. White German men get brutally mogged by Turkish and southern European men in Germany, i'm not kidding.
We're a dying race. White German men get brutally mogged by Turkish and southern European men in Germany, i'm not kidding.
It's an exceptional situation though, because the mogging is influenced by political factors. White people are indoctrinated with self-hate. White women are promoted to have a diverse family. The media forces BMWF pairs down our throat. This mogging isn't natural.

It's an exceptional situation though, because the mogging is influenced by political factors. White people are indoctrinated with self-hate. White women are promoted to have a diverse family. The media forces BMWF pairs down our throat. This mogging isn't natural.

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I agree. Most white people hate themselves. Most other people hate whites. It's over for us, absolutely fucking is.
Correct. There will be mixed Chads to mog everybody. And then you'll realise that it had nothing to do with muh White people.

Yes but as many white incels have said in this site before, ethnic genetics will degrade Chad traits over time, people will start becoming shorter, their skin will be darker, coloured eyes will be less of an occurrence, their facial structure will become less symmetrical, etc, remember white traits are recessive, the Chads of the future will pale in comparison to the Chads of the past and that will be a good for low tier males as it will lower the ceiling of looks

Women always go for the best that they can get and their standards adapt to what is available

Of the 150 or so comments on this thread, this is the most retarded sentence of them all

Now explain why its retarded unlike telling people to go back to poor countries as if that's an upgrade?, as if you have no common sense or self awareness to understand reality

only issue is that Africa was stuck in the stoneage before the white man started colonizing it and now it's at least semi industrialized thanks to us improving the continent's infrastructure in exchange for cheap labor and resources. It's not as one sided as you make it out to be

I never said it was one side, I merely said what I said, people are being asked to return to countries that were drained of resources, and blacks being in the stone age is a non-point, they are humans, they just evolved different, they would have gotten to the same point of whites eventually, it just would have taken a lot longer

Whites evolved in a cold harsh environment so intelligence is probably a trait that was selected for among the males, as those were the males who survived and helped their communities to survive, whereas blacks were born in a paradise of abundant food, shelter and no harsh cold weather, so traits related to intelligence and problem solving weren't selected as much

If the earliest blacks were born where whites were and whites were born where blacks were, it would be reversed, of course in that case blacks would have white skin as an adaptation and whites would have dark skin lol, so there'd still be blacks and whites

All of these things are just a circumstance of a roll of the dice
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countries that were drained of resources,
They weren't. That's what makes it retarded. It's so false that it baffles me someone can even think of it.
They weren't. That's what makes it retarded. It's so false that it baffles me someone can even think of it.

JFL dude are you fucking retarded, Haiti literally had to pay France billions because they rebelled against slavery, you have no knowledge of history or you are just outright lying

Remember Haiti, that poor country that always needs foreign aid and its always struggling, THERE'S A REASON WHY IT ENDED UP THAT WAY

The external debt of Haiti is one of the main factors that has caused the country's persistent poverty

Haiti’s legacy of debt began shortly after gaining independence from France in 1804. In 1825, France, with warships at the ready, demanded Haiti compensate France for its loss of slaves and its slave colony. In exchange for French recognition of Haiti as a sovereign republic, France demanded payment of 150 million francs. In addition to the payment, France required that Haiti discount its exported goods to them by 50%. In 1838, France agreed to reduce the debt to 90 million francs to be paid over a period of 30 years to compensate former plantation owners who had lost their property. The modern equivalent of $21 billion was paid from Haiti to France.

In the early 21st century, and especially after the devastating earthquake in 2010, the World Bank and some other governments forgave the remaining parts of Haiti's debts. France forgave a more recent loan with a balance of US$77 million, but has refused to consider repaying the independence debt.
:feelskek: - They REFUSED to pay back the money they forced Haiti to pay (under threat of violence) for their loss in slave labor

Slaves who freed themselves literally had to pay slaver owners for the "sacrifice" of not owning and using slaves :feelskek:

There's no way you never heard of this (and if you didn't for some reason, you know now)

That's just one example, a lot of shit like this happened (on a smaller scale) and that's completely separate from the actual claiming of resources from lands, which you could more say China is doing to Africa than whites these days, but Whites were doing it too

It is said that Haiti's Revolution is what kick started everything to end slavery, because the stories of their rebeliion inspired other slaves in other countries, it let to an increase in the rates of rebellion, so white racists REALLY hate Haitian people more than any other group lol
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If whiteys are so butthurt then they can fuck off from ethnic areas as well. Usa should fuckoff from South China Sea, North Korea and Japan. Also get the fuck out of middle east and Afganistan.

I agree here. White people should retreat immediately from places where they are not belong to. Also, the USA should retreat from Germany. Here in Germany, we still have active military facilities controlled by the USA which needs to be removed as fast as possible because German people actually have to pay for this nonsense.
Funny is, that even leftist people, as well as rightwing people do support such ideas. White leftists are generally anti-war and rightwing people do support the idea that our business is not somewhere in foreign lands but rather our own lands.

This thread also shows, that the race pill is pretty much significant. If we cannot find a common thread here then how are we supposed to find a common thread in real-life?
JFL dude are you fucking retarded, Haiti literally had to pay France billions because they rebelled against slavery, you have no knowledge of history or you are just outright lying

Remember Haiti, that poor country that always needs foreign aid and its always struggling, THERE'S A REASON WHY IT ENDED UP THAT WAY

:feelskek: - They REFUSED to pay back the money they forced Haiti to pay (under threat of violence) for their loss in slave labor

Slaves who freed themselves literally had to pay slaver owners for the "sacrifice" of not owning and using slaves :feelskek:

There's no way you never heard of this (and if you didn't for some reason, you know now)

That's just one example, a lot of shit like this happened (on a smaller scale) and that's completely separate from the actual claiming of resources from lands, which you could more say China is doing to Africa than whites these days, but Whites were doing it too

It is said that Haiti's Revolution is what kick started everything to end slavery, because the stories of their rebeliion inspired other slaves in other countries, it let to an increase in the rates of rebellion, so white racists REALLY hate Haitian people more than any other group lol

This is the best example you came up with? It says it paid its debts in the 1940s. It has had 80 years to recover. Plenty of examples of countries that went from shithole to developed in that span. Besides, Haiti has received way more in aid (from mostly White countries) than it had to pay to France.

So, speaking of Haiti. That massive deforestation problem in Haiti which is not found in its neighbour the Dominican Republic. Can you tell me how that's whitey's fault?

Haiti has experienced four coup d'états in the last several decades. Tell me, was that just French people messing with Haiti?
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This is the best example you came up with? It says it paid its debts in the 1940s. It has had 80 years to recover

JFL - "You had 80 years to recover from being robbed of 21 billion dollars whats wrong with you, pull yourself up by your bootstraps"

Plenty of examples of countries that went from shithole to developed in that span

Has nothing to do with the topic at all, you are just moving goal posts, the topic is - "were there countries that were drained of resources by whites", you said:
They weren't. That's what makes it retarded. It's so false that it baffles me someone can even think of it.

Don't be disingenuous

Besides, Haiti has received way more in aid (from mostly White countries) than it had to pay to France.

Aid it likely would not have needed if its economy was not affected by being in huge debt all the time FOR HAVING TO PAY FOR FREEING YOURSELF FROM SLAVERY (you seem to be glossing over this part lol)

So, speaking of Haiti. That massive deforestation problem in Haiti which is not found in its neighbour the Dominican Republic. Can you tell me how that's whitey's fault?

1. This has nothing to do really with "whitey's fault", it has to do with your false claim that resources were never drained from ethnic countries by whites, nice try at moving the goal posts but it failed

2. I don't think the Dominican Republic shared Haiti's debts so that's one obvious point, with more capital they were able to advance to a society that doesn't need charcoal for energy and food production (which Haiti does, its a very poor country)

Haiti has experienced four coup d'états in the last several decades. Tell me, was that just French people messing with Haiti?

Again, has nothing to do with the topic at hand, and now you are really veering off of the topic

Did whites drain resources from ethnic countries? - YES

It has had long lasting negative effects on these countries too

That's my only point, you can try and dodge it as much as you want but I won't let you, most of everything you've said in response was pointless BS that had nothing to do with the topic because you yourself can't deny what was presented, so you try to move the goal posts and change the topic to "Whites aren't to blame for everything" (nobody ever argued that)
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I agree here. White people should retreat immediately from places where they are not belong to. Also, the USA should retreat from Germany. Here in Germany, we still have active military facilities controlled by the USA which needs to be removed as fast as possible because German people actually have to pay for this nonsense.
Funny is, that even leftist people, as well as rightwing people do support such ideas. White leftists are generally anti-war and rightwing people do support the idea that our business is not somewhere in foreign lands but rather our own lands.

This thread also shows, that the race pill is pretty much significant. If we cannot find a common thread here then how are we supposed to find a common thread in real-life?
Just recently I drove past Ramstein Air Base. That shit is huge...
only issue is that Africa was stuck in the stoneage before the white man started colonizing it and now it's at least semi industrialized thanks to us improving the continent's infrastructure in exchange for cheap labor and resources. It's not as one sided as you make it out to be
Colonization wasn't as pacific for some.
In mine, the autochtones refused to let an external party exploit their land, they were nationalist in their cultural roots (kinda like Nazis). The imperialists then allied with a minority that didn't rule shit and they proceeded to militarily nuke my now dieing culture to oblivion.
Heck, i don't even speak the language of my original people just so you can check the damage that was made on that culture.

Sad state. Not knowing your nationalist people culture but only hearing a glimpse of it from grandpa and grandmas and imagining what could have been but is no more.
You think semi industrialisation is a bless. No. true bless is Nationalism. When there is nationalism, no matter how many nukes you send on the people, they rise again (like Japan).

But nationalism is no more, since the original ethnostate culture has been broken. We suffered same fate as Nazi Germany, except it wasn't documented in history, since it's the winner who writes the books.

In that sense i don't like white people, but as a 21th century generation, you have no responsiblity on that. It was your ancestors' fault.
Don't repeat the same fault.
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Plenty of examples of countries that went from shithole to developed in that span.
>If Chad who was ugly before puberty can get a gf, so can i and so can you :feelsclown:

Haiti has received way more in aid (from mostly White countries) than it had to pay to France.
Aids it wouldn't have needed if its heavily burdened economy didn't trigger a domino effect.

This is the best example you came up with? It says it paid its debts in the 1940s. It has had 80 years to recover.
>I had a 800 000 $ debt that i finally paid in my 40 years of existence for freeing myself. Now, i can finally buy a land and materials and a house and crops and get wagies, etc so i can start a business for the remaining 30 years of my lifespan for the the price of 1 200 000 $ that can further grow due to inflation.
>Kek, no i can't buy those cause i had to fork out 800 000 $ to free myself.

B-b-b ... but you had 30 years to recover. :feelsclown:

I understand your nationalism and you being proud of your race. But don't let it blind you.
In colonialism, some were winners, some were losers, some neither lost or won. Like everything in life, we can't be all winners.
If you dislike the feminazism of the West them don't permit it to happen in your shithole country. Boom, free ethnic pussy for ugly ethnic men.
The only way to achieve that is to ban internet, tv, music, phones and every other canal through which Globalism can reach females.
Unless you leave in a desert, i doubt this is possible in modern and semi modern countries.
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Ugh just fuck off man I was not driving. English ain't my fucking first language. This forum goes on my nerve. I get flamed on every second shitty comment because I'm a low IQ retard with broken english who can't fit in anywhere not even this fucking forum . Its over :feelsrope:
Whites evolved in a cold harsh environment so intelligence is probably a trait that was selected for among the males, as those were the males who survived and helped their communities to survive, whereas blacks were born in a paradise of abundant food, shelter and no harsh cold weather, so traits related to intelligence and problem solving weren't selected as much

If the earliest blacks were born where whites were and whites were born where blacks were, it would be reversed, of course in that case blacks would have white skin as an adaptation and whites would have dark skin lol, so there'd still be blacks and whites

All of these things are just a circumstance of a roll of the dice

Exactly. Evolution is a geographical dice roll.
>Why don't you uproot your entire life, leave your entire family, language, and culture and go live somewhere else where you have nothing in common other than people look like you?
Lol white people don't even do that in European countries. If you don't like non-whites so much why do you move out to the 98% white flyover states in the mid-west?
Not everyone is drunk on pure ideology like you, stormcel.
I never said it was one side, I merely said what I said, people are being asked to return to countries that were drained of resources, and blacks being in the stone age is a non-point, they are humans, they just evolved different, they would have gotten to the same point of whites eventually, it just would have taken a lot longer

Whites evolved in a cold harsh environment so intelligence is probably a trait that was selected for among the males, as those were the males who survived and helped their communities to survive, whereas blacks were born in a paradise of abundant food, shelter and no harsh cold weather, so traits related to intelligence and problem solving weren't selected as much

If the earliest blacks were born where whites were and whites were born where blacks were, it would be reversed, of course in that case blacks would have white skin as an adaptation and whites would have dark skin lol, so there'd still be blacks and whites

All of these things are just a circumstance of a roll of the dice

It's not a nonpoint if you're saying whites materially exploited these third world nations and that's why they're shitholes today when that's evidently not true as they have always been shitholes. If anything, we improved the material conditions of the colonies we owned thus improving the material standard of the subject peoples living there.

I understand however that abstract concepts like "morality" and who's "in the right" according to petty human conventions takes a backseat to the impulses of tribal expansion and conquest bred into all races of men and that in fact predate man himself. And even if such a "moral debt" existed it would merely serve as ammunition to weaponize the third world masses against whitey (indeed we're already seeing Jews falsely claiming this without it even being true) and not the principle reason for why white genocide is going on, or why third worlders think themselves entitled to white nations.

As for your other point about white intelligence, I don't take much issue with that, though I think another contributing factor could've been manorialism which was imposed on gradually more and more european nations from the times of Charlemagne onwards, which entailed the killing off of the more violent (and usually lower intelligence) population, indirectly eugenically selecting for traits that we associate with white people today.

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