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Based Escort Guide: Tips, Strategies, and Addressing Criticisms



Volcel because I won’t fuck your mum
Sep 30, 2023
I am compiling 4 years' of experience with seeing escorts. I saw them from 2014 - 2018. While this guidance primarily targets UKcels, the principles discussed, excluding legal and sourcing specifics, are relevant globally. This is regarding incalls, I have no experience with outcalls.

I stopped seeing escorts because it wasn’t the answer. I started to feel waves of emptiness and depression, as what I really wanted was a connection.

Where to source: I used to use AdultWork.com
The four horsemen for getting toilets is:

With escorts it's the holy trinity:
Politeness (ironically personality matters :feelsEhh:)
Legality: In England, Wales and Scotland, it is legal for consenting adults to agree to a money-for-sex exchange. However, the following are illegal: soliciting in a public place, kerb crawling, owning or managing a brothel and pimping. It is an offence to pay for sex with a prostitute who has been “subjected to force” and this is a strict liability offence (you can be prosecuted even if you did not know the prostitute was forced). The age of consent for sex is 16, however it is illegal to buy sex from a person younger than 18. [1]
General Advice
Prices & Servicing: Price does not correlate with service - an £100 service can supersede one costing £200, but generally anything below £60 will be fucking shit.

Photo Accuracy: Some escorts heavily airbrush their photos so adjust your expectations accordingly.

Communication: Ensure direct communication with the escort for accuracy, as intermediaries (receptionists and pimps) tend to lie about services offered. When booking, be concise; clarity is preferred over prolonged discussions. Provide the time, date, and desired services without unnecessary elaboration.

Price Haggling: Never attempt to negotiate the fee on site. Do it before the booking, but generally avoid price negotiation of any form.

Personal Information: Do not use your real name and personal mobile number. :feelsohgod: Escorts don't, why should you? Don't tell them your NEET-&-tidy job title either. Use an alias. There's every chance a nutcase may dox and blackmail you for money.

Location: For discretion, consider locations outside your familiar territory. The goal is to avoid potential recognition by peers or unexpected encounters with escorts in public spaces. :giga: If you're traveling afar it's good to have a plan-B and a plan-C in case something goes wrong.

Loitering Outside: Don't be that moron who's standing outside a house/flat building with his phone in hand and looking around. People will know why you're here and they will look at you. :dafuckfeels: It's incredibly embarrassing. Only approach after receiving confirmation and specific entry details so you don't have to awkwardly stand outside. Use Google Streetview to check out the location before arriving. Waiting in a vehicle can also mitigate awkwardness.

Poor lighting: A lot of the times the bedroom will be poorly lit. You'll be told it's for privacy from neighbours but it's actually a tactic to obscure visibility to avoid the displeasure of having to look at your face. :feelsrope:

Assessing Service Quality:
Indications that you'll have a good time before paying:
· Politeness during phone interactions
· A relaxed attitude towards payment
· Offer of refreshments
· A welcoming demeanor upon arrival
If she seems disinterested/unfriendly the rest of the experience will most likely follow suit so it's best to avoid/walk out.

Service Confirmation: Ensure clarity on services before parting with any money. Once payment is made, refunds are typically not an option.

Escort Communities: Escorts often engage in forums for communication and sharing experiences. They can flag individuals they consider problematic by sharing your name and number, potentially leading to blacklisting across the community. :foidSoy:
Pay A Deposit: An escort might claim they've encountered many time-wasters and ask for a deposit as a sign of commitment. Don’t fall for it.

Hotels: If an escort directs you to pay an acquaintance on the ground floor who will then provide you the room number, this a scam. The given room number is often fictitious, intended to distract and delay you while they make a swift exit.

Excessive talking: Escorts use pre-chat as an icebreaker but can slyly use it to waste time. You need to verbally tell her you want to move things along.

Drink Offer: Decline an offer for a drink as this can be used as an opportunity to waste time. I have read reports of escorts taking 5-10 minutes just to make a drink.

Massages: unless you asked for one these are time wasting tactics. Refuse if offered.

Bait & Switch: This tends to happen sometimes. You'll book to see a particular girl and a different one opens the door or the pictures are out of date. Usually the whore you wanted to see was never available to begin with, and they're hoping you're too horny to leave and will just pay. Just say nothing and walk away. :feelzez:

Time Keeping: Always wear a watch to monitor the session's duration. Some escorts might falsely claim your time is almost up. Ensure you receive the full duration you've paid for
Safety & Paranoia

Fear of being beaten-up and robbed: This has never happened to me or to anyone else that I know of, so probabilistically it will never happen. If you're still paranoid see someone reputable, don't take any valuables, and use common sense; if the area looks/feels unsafe, rundown and is populated by men wearing hoodies then avoid. Use Google Streetview to guage the location. :feelsthink:

Possessions: Leave valuables at home. Before departing from the escort's location, ensure you have all your belongings. If using the shower, bring valuables with you to the bathroom

Vehicle: Be suspicious if an escort specifies a particular parking spot; it could be a setup for unauthorised access to your vehicle by an acquaintance of hers while you’re away. Park at a safe distance from the escort's residence. Reputable escorts won't dictate your parking location. Utilize Google Streetview to identify secure parking areas.

‘I'm too ugly’: Escorts are selling a service, not looking for dates. They would have seen men from the most ugly to the most attractive. The best you can do is hygienemaxx which is universally accepted. If you're still anxious you can pitymaxx and let the escort know you keep breaking mirrors when looking at them. :cryfeels:

STDs: Avoid escorts who advertise 'bareback sex'. Don't gamble with your life.

‘I'm brown/black': Out of all the several hundred/thousands of escorts profiles I viewed, only about 2-3 profiles stated they will only see white men. A lot of Eastern European escorts strictly will not see black men. Massive green light for browncels. :ahegao:
Moral Faggotry

‘I will never see escorts. I don't like how they profit off of lonely men' - No one cares. The game is rigged. Why try to be a good guy in a cruel, unfair world? Sex/intimacy is a vital need that we're deprived of. In the way too much sex damages a foid, no sex at all damages a man. You really think your defiance will make a change? :feelskek:

This is similar to pornography - making money off of guys who can't get the real thing. But the last thing I want is to live in a society full of angry, frustrated sexually-deprived men. That would be a dangerous society, and I don't want to get caught in the crossfire of some dickhead going ER. :lasereyes:

Sedates Misogyny: Delving further, the reason why I'm not as misogynistic as others on here is because how can I hate foids that much if they let me fuck their throats and splat on their faces with a giggle and smile for a measly £70? :ahegao: Hating half the population can get tiresome and bothersome.

‘I don't want to touch an escort who's been fucked by so many men' - :feelswhat:
This is a legitimate grievance. One could argue it's gay to have sex with an escort since she's the leftover of so many men. :feelshaha: In my case the desperation for female affection overrided this. I thought to myself as long as she's clean and I can't see or hear another male, I can delude myself.
[1] https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/prostitution-and-exploitation-prostitution
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Tales from sexhavers.is
about to escortmaxxx soon

needed this, ty
Thank you for the briefing :feelsstudy:
Nice guide brocel.

For me I almost never take incalls and always book a room in a 5 star hotel and summon the girls in outcall. I would recommend that to all who can afford it, that way it is much safer and private in my experience.

Another tip>> over the years, I realized that one of the best ways to make an escort change her attitude towards you(If she is openly treating you like a sub-human) is to tell her “You can give my money back and leave If you want”. Always works! Of course this doesn’t mean you should only use that option to try to make her treat you better. Depending on your circumstances(looks, location, quality of the girls, your hygiene etc etc.) you are most likely won’t need that option in first place. I understand this might sound cucked to some but treat her good from the moment she arrives like you would treat the gf you never had. Most of them will appreciate it and If they still treat you like vermin try the option above and others.

A lot of Eastern European escorts strictly will not see black men.
Other than virgin brides, virgin brides who achieved motherhood and female children, eastern european escort girls could be the only females I would willingly go out of my way to help. I don’t really care what anyone here thinks about this. Some of them might be the only females that made me feel like they don’t value me below a dog. Yes, I am aware they are only interested in me because I am paying them but they are at least providing me with an outlet to feel pleasure. Eastern Europen escorts are probably the top reason I am not conducting violence against regular foids in the streets. Regular foids should pray for them every day, they are the ones preventing me from potentially kidnapping, murdering, beating and assaulting foids. If there is a God of some sort, I hope he helps and forgives the EE escorts who treated me and others good and prevented us from losing all hope for humanity by raising us to surface from the depths of hell. I am aware sometimes I use derogatory words while talking about them but trust me irl I always try my best to treat them as my fellow humans as long as they’re treating me the same way.
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avoid carrying credit/debit cards.

do not only arrive bathed but also wear clean underwear, use perfume and mints.

early in the day is recommended to be attended, later in the day you may have other encounters that only make the service rushed.

especially take care of your cell phone

obesity can be a problem, try to take care of yourself having something close to your normal weight. foids dislike fat men.

as a filter, try to find out more about escorts, in many countries there are client forums where they comment on whether they are worth it or not.

dim lighting is also a sign that the escort herself is not what she really looks like in the photos.

my modest opinion
Nice guide brocel.

For me I almost never take incalls and always book a room in a 5 star hotel and summon the girls in outcall. I would recommend that to all who can afford it, that way it is much safer and private in my experience.

Another tip>> over the years, I realized that one of the best ways to make an escort change her attitude towards you(If she is openly treating you like a sub-human) is to tell her “You can give my money back and leave If you want”. Always works! Of course this doesn’t mean you should only use that option to try to make her treat you better. Depending on your circumstances(looks, location, quality of the girls, your hygiene etc etc.) you are most likely won’t need that option in first place. I understand this might sound cucked to some but treat her good from the moment she arrives like you would treat the gf you never had. Most of them will appreciate it and If they still treat you like vermin try the option above and others.

Other than virgin brides, virgin brides who achieved motherhood and female children, eastern european escort girls could be the only females I would willingly go out of my way to help. I don’t really care what anyone here thinks about this. Some of them might be the only females that made me feel like they don’t value me below a dog. Yes, I am aware they are only interested in me because I am paying them but they are at least providing me with an outlet to feel pleasure. Eastern Europen escorts are probably the top reason I am not conducting violence against regular foids in the streets. Regular foids should pray for them every day, they are the ones preventing me from potentially kidnapping, murdering, beating and assaulting foids. If there is a God of some sort, I hope he helps and forgives the EE escorts who treated me and others good and prevented us from losing all hope for humanity by raising us to surface from the depths of hell. I am aware sometimes I use derogatory words while talking about them but trust me irl I always try my best to treat them as my fellow humans as long as they’re treating me the same way.
100% agree that the EE escorts treated me very well, but I still think foids are all the same in the end - they don’t have a wide spectrum of personalities like men

I think treating an escort warmly isn’t cucked as long as it’s being reciprocated. I used to read a lot of posts by escortcels developing oneitis , and some would go super simp mode and buy escorts gifts when visiting.
obesity can be a problem, try to take care of yourself having something close to your normal weight. foids dislike fat men.
yes the only instance I think of where an escort would refuse to see is if you’re morbidly obese because she doesn’t want to get crushed
"inceldom" discussion
Excited Up And Up GIF by Slanted Studios
Based and super true list
seems useful, though I'd think twice giving my hard inherited money to a hole when I can just jack it. more power to the moneymaxers though :feelsYall: maybe I'll try it eventually but I'm almost a wizard :feelscomfy:
Applaud your honesty about the emptiness. It's like separation of church and state it's gotta be all business in there.
W thread
too bad prostitution is illegal and criminalized in jewsa

The Decriminalization and legalization of prostitution is probably the biggest thing a politician could do for the incel/male population, but it’ll never happen.
I am compiling 4 years' of experience with seeing escorts. I saw them from 2014 - 2018. While this guidance primarily targets UKcels, the principles discussed, excluding legal and sourcing specifics, are relevant globally. This is regarding incalls, I have no experience with outcalls.

I stopped seeing escorts because it wasn’t the answer. I started to feel waves of emptiness and depression, as what I really wanted was a connection.

Where to source: I used to use AdultWork.com
The four horsemen for getting toilets is:

With escorts it's the holy trinity:
Politeness (ironically personality matters :feelsEhh:)
Legality: In England, Wales and Scotland, it is legal for consenting adults to agree to a money-for-sex exchange. However, the following are illegal: soliciting in a public place, kerb crawling, owning or managing a brothel and pimping. It is an offence to pay for sex with a prostitute who has been “subjected to force” and this is a strict liability offence (you can be prosecuted even if you did not know the prostitute was forced). The age of consent for sex is 16, however it is illegal to buy sex from a person younger than 18. [1]
General Advice
Prices & Servicing: Price does not correlate with service - an £100 service can supersede one costing £200, but generally anything below £60 will be fucking shit.

Photo Accuracy: Some escorts heavily airbrush their photos so adjust your expectations accordingly.

Communication: Ensure direct communication with the escort for accuracy, as intermediaries (receptionists and pimps) tend to lie about services offered. When booking, be concise; clarity is preferred over prolonged discussions. Provide the time, date, and desired services without unnecessary elaboration.

Price Haggling: Never attempt to negotiate the fee on site. Do it before the booking, but generally avoid price negotiation of any form.

Personal Information: Do not use your real name and personal mobile number. :feelsohgod: Escorts don't, why should you? Don't tell them your NEET-&-tidy job title either. Use an alias. There's every chance a nutcase may dox and blackmail you for money.

Location: For discretion, consider locations outside your familiar territory. The goal is to avoid potential recognition by peers or unexpected encounters with escorts in public spaces. :giga: If you're traveling afar it's good to have a plan-B and a plan-C in case something goes wrong.

Loitering Outside: Don't be that moron who's standing outside a house/flat building with his phone in hand and looking around. People will know why you're here and they will look at you. :dafuckfeels: It's incredibly embarrassing. Only approach after receiving confirmation and specific entry details so you don't have to awkwardly stand outside. Use Google Streetview to check out the location before arriving. Waiting in a vehicle can also mitigate awkwardness.

Poor lighting: A lot of the times the bedroom will be poorly lit. You'll be told it's for privacy from neighbours but it's actually a tactic to obscure visibility to avoid the displeasure of having to look at your face. :feelsrope:

Assessing Service Quality:
Indications that you'll have a good time before paying:
· Politeness during phone interactions
· A relaxed attitude towards payment
· Offer of refreshments
· A welcoming demeanor upon arrival
If she seems disinterested/unfriendly the rest of the experience will most likely follow suit so it's best to avoid/walk out.

Service Confirmation: Ensure clarity on services before parting with any money. Once payment is made, refunds are typically not an option.

Escort Communities: Escorts often engage in forums for communication and sharing experiences. They can flag individuals they consider problematic by sharing your name and number, potentially leading to blacklisting across the community. :foidSoy:
Pay A Deposit: An escort might claim they've encountered many time-wasters and ask for a deposit as a sign of commitment. Don’t fall for it.

Hotels: If an escort directs you to pay an acquaintance on the ground floor who will then provide you the room number, this a scam. The given room number is often fictitious, intended to distract and delay you while they make a swift exit.

Excessive talking: Escorts use pre-chat as an icebreaker but can slyly use it to waste time. You need to verbally tell her you want to move things along.

Drink Offer: Decline an offer for a drink as this can be used as an opportunity to waste time. I have read reports of escorts taking 5-10 minutes just to make a drink.

Massages: unless you asked for one these are time wasting tactics. Refuse if offered.

Bait & Switch: This tends to happen sometimes. You'll book to see a particular girl and a different one opens the door or the pictures are out of date. Usually the whore you wanted to see was never available to begin with, and they're hoping you're too horny to leave and will just pay. Just say nothing and walk away. :feelzez:

Time Keeping: Always wear a watch to monitor the session's duration. Some escorts might falsely claim your time is almost up. Ensure you receive the full duration you've paid for
Safety & Paranoia

Fear of being beaten-up and robbed: This has never happened to me or to anyone else that I know of, so probabilistically it will never happen. If you're still paranoid see someone reputable, don't take any valuables, and use common sense; if the area looks/feels unsafe, rundown and is populated by men wearing hoodies then avoid. Use Google Streetview to guage the location. :feelsthink:

Possessions: Leave valuables at home. Before departing from the escort's location, ensure you have all your belongings. If using the shower, bring valuables with you to the bathroom

Vehicle: Be suspicious if an escort specifies a particular parking spot; it could be a setup for unauthorised access to your vehicle by an acquaintance of hers while you’re away. Park at a safe distance from the escort's residence. Reputable escorts won't dictate your parking location. Utilize Google Streetview to identify secure parking areas.

‘I'm too ugly’: Escorts are selling a service, not looking for dates. They would have seen men from the most ugly to the most attractive. The best you can do is hygienemaxx which is universally accepted. If you're still anxious you can pitymaxx and let the escort know you keep breaking mirrors when looking at them. :cryfeels:

STDs: Avoid escorts who advertise 'bareback sex'. Don't gamble with your life.

‘I'm brown/black': Out of all the several hundred/thousands of escorts profiles I viewed, only about 2-3 profiles stated they will only see white men. A lot of Eastern European escorts strictly will not see black men. Massive green light for browncels. :ahegao:
Moral Faggotry

‘I will never see escorts. I don't like how they profit off of lonely men' - No one cares. The game is rigged. Why try to be a good guy in a cruel, unfair world? Sex/intimacy is a vital need that we're deprived of. In the way too much sex damages a foid, no sex at all damages a man. You really think your defiance will make a change? :feelskek:

This is similar to pornography - making money off of guys who can't get the real thing. But the last thing I want is to live in a society full of angry, frustrated sexually-deprived men. That would be a dangerous society, and I don't want to get caught in the crossfire of some dickhead going ER. :lasereyes:

Sedates Misogyny: Delving further, the reason why I'm not as misogynistic as others on here is because how can I hate foids that much if they let me fuck their throats and splat on their faces with a giggle and smile for a measly £70? :ahegao: Hating half the population can get tiresome and bothersome.

‘I don't want to touch an escort who's been fucked by so many men' - :feelswhat:
This is a legitimate grievance. One could argue it's gay to have sex with an escort since she's the leftover of so many men. :feelshaha: In my case the desperation for female affection overrided this. I thought to myself as long as she's clean and I can't see or hear another male, I can delude myself.
[1] https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/prostitution-and-exploitation-prostitution

would be curious about the exact prices, how much was the average you had to pay for an enjoayble 30 mins / hour / 2 hours

Just getting into this and $$$ is probably gonna become the biggest hurdle rather quickly
would be curious about the exact prices, how much was the average you had to pay for an enjoayble 30 mins / hour / 2 hours

Just getting into this and $$$ is probably gonna become the biggest hurdle rather quickly
I always booked 30 minutes. Prices ranged between £60 - £80 with very good looking escorts. I only paid for an hour once - and that was £150. All escorts ranged between 7–9/10 in looks. But this was like 7 years ago - prices are probably inflated now.

I stuck with 30 mins as I look interest very quickly after the first nut and I’m too awkward/disinterested to engage in conversations.
10% fighting in ID
Fuck off jew
Honestly I believe I'm too ugly even to Escortmaxx. I'm a scary-ugly level dude that gets death stares in public, and I have a generally intimidating look. Can't even imagine an escort wanting to be in a room alone with me :feelsbadman::feelscry::feelsrope:
I am compiling 4 years' of experience with seeing escorts. I saw them from 2014 - 2018. While this guidance primarily targets UKcels, the principles discussed, excluding legal and sourcing specifics, are relevant globally. This is regarding incalls, I have no experience with outcalls.

I stopped seeing escorts because it wasn’t the answer. I started to feel waves of emptiness and depression, as what I really wanted was a connection.

Where to source: I used to use AdultWork.com
The four horsemen for getting toilets is:

With escorts it's the holy trinity:
Politeness (ironically personality matters :feelsEhh:)
Legality: In England, Wales and Scotland, it is legal for consenting adults to agree to a money-for-sex exchange. However, the following are illegal: soliciting in a public place, kerb crawling, owning or managing a brothel and pimping. It is an offence to pay for sex with a prostitute who has been “subjected to force” and this is a strict liability offence (you can be prosecuted even if you did not know the prostitute was forced). The age of consent for sex is 16, however it is illegal to buy sex from a person younger than 18. [1]
General Advice
Prices & Servicing: Price does not correlate with service - an £100 service can supersede one costing £200, but generally anything below £60 will be fucking shit.

Photo Accuracy: Some escorts heavily airbrush their photos so adjust your expectations accordingly.

Communication: Ensure direct communication with the escort for accuracy, as intermediaries (receptionists and pimps) tend to lie about services offered. When booking, be concise; clarity is preferred over prolonged discussions. Provide the time, date, and desired services without unnecessary elaboration.

Price Haggling: Never attempt to negotiate the fee on site. Do it before the booking, but generally avoid price negotiation of any form.

Personal Information: Do not use your real name and personal mobile number. :feelsohgod: Escorts don't, why should you? Don't tell them your NEET-&-tidy job title either. Use an alias. There's every chance a nutcase may dox and blackmail you for money.

Location: For discretion, consider locations outside your familiar territory. The goal is to avoid potential recognition by peers or unexpected encounters with escorts in public spaces. :giga: If you're traveling afar it's good to have a plan-B and a plan-C in case something goes wrong.

Loitering Outside: Don't be that moron who's standing outside a house/flat building with his phone in hand and looking around. People will know why you're here and they will look at you. :dafuckfeels: It's incredibly embarrassing. Only approach after receiving confirmation and specific entry details so you don't have to awkwardly stand outside. Use Google Streetview to check out the location before arriving. Waiting in a vehicle can also mitigate awkwardness.

Poor lighting: A lot of the times the bedroom will be poorly lit. You'll be told it's for privacy from neighbours but it's actually a tactic to obscure visibility to avoid the displeasure of having to look at your face. :feelsrope:

Assessing Service Quality:
Indications that you'll have a good time before paying:
· Politeness during phone interactions
· A relaxed attitude towards payment
· Offer of refreshments
· A welcoming demeanor upon arrival
If she seems disinterested/unfriendly the rest of the experience will most likely follow suit so it's best to avoid/walk out.

Service Confirmation: Ensure clarity on services before parting with any money. Once payment is made, refunds are typically not an option.

Escort Communities: Escorts often engage in forums for communication and sharing experiences. They can flag individuals they consider problematic by sharing your name and number, potentially leading to blacklisting across the community. :foidSoy:
Pay A Deposit: An escort might claim they've encountered many time-wasters and ask for a deposit as a sign of commitment. Don’t fall for it.

Hotels: If an escort directs you to pay an acquaintance on the ground floor who will then provide you the room number, this a scam. The given room number is often fictitious, intended to distract and delay you while they make a swift exit.

Excessive talking: Escorts use pre-chat as an icebreaker but can slyly use it to waste time. You need to verbally tell her you want to move things along.

Drink Offer: Decline an offer for a drink as this can be used as an opportunity to waste time. I have read reports of escorts taking 5-10 minutes just to make a drink.

Massages: unless you asked for one these are time wasting tactics. Refuse if offered.

Bait & Switch: This tends to happen sometimes. You'll book to see a particular girl and a different one opens the door or the pictures are out of date. Usually the whore you wanted to see was never available to begin with, and they're hoping you're too horny to leave and will just pay. Just say nothing and walk away. :feelzez:

Time Keeping: Always wear a watch to monitor the session's duration. Some escorts might falsely claim your time is almost up. Ensure you receive the full duration you've paid for
Safety & Paranoia

Fear of being beaten-up and robbed: This has never happened to me or to anyone else that I know of, so probabilistically it will never happen. If you're still paranoid see someone reputable, don't take any valuables, and use common sense; if the area looks/feels unsafe, rundown and is populated by men wearing hoodies then avoid. Use Google Streetview to guage the location. :feelsthink:

Possessions: Leave valuables at home. Before departing from the escort's location, ensure you have all your belongings. If using the shower, bring valuables with you to the bathroom

Vehicle: Be suspicious if an escort specifies a particular parking spot; it could be a setup for unauthorised access to your vehicle by an acquaintance of hers while you’re away. Park at a safe distance from the escort's residence. Reputable escorts won't dictate your parking location. Utilize Google Streetview to identify secure parking areas.

‘I'm too ugly’: Escorts are selling a service, not looking for dates. They would have seen men from the most ugly to the most attractive. The best you can do is hygienemaxx which is universally accepted. If you're still anxious you can pitymaxx and let the escort know you keep breaking mirrors when looking at them. :cryfeels:

STDs: Avoid escorts who advertise 'bareback sex'. Don't gamble with your life.

‘I'm brown/black': Out of all the several hundred/thousands of escorts profiles I viewed, only about 2-3 profiles stated they will only see white men. A lot of Eastern European escorts strictly will not see black men. Massive green light for browncels. :ahegao:
Moral Faggotry

‘I will never see escorts. I don't like how they profit off of lonely men' - No one cares. The game is rigged. Why try to be a good guy in a cruel, unfair world? Sex/intimacy is a vital need that we're deprived of. In the way too much sex damages a foid, no sex at all damages a man. You really think your defiance will make a change? :feelskek:

This is similar to pornography - making money off of guys who can't get the real thing. But the last thing I want is to live in a society full of angry, frustrated sexually-deprived men. That would be a dangerous society, and I don't want to get caught in the crossfire of some dickhead going ER. :lasereyes:

Sedates Misogyny: Delving further, the reason why I'm not as misogynistic as others on here is because how can I hate foids that much if they let me fuck their throats and splat on their faces with a giggle and smile for a measly £70? :ahegao: Hating half the population can get tiresome and bothersome.

‘I don't want to touch an escort who's been fucked by so many men' - :feelswhat:
This is a legitimate grievance. One could argue it's gay to have sex with an escort since she's the leftover of so many men. :feelshaha: In my case the desperation for female affection overrided this. I thought to myself as long as she's clean and I can't see or hear another male, I can delude myself.
[1] https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/prostitution-and-exploitation-prostitution
Every incel should escortmaxx at least once, if only to know how escortcelling feels. I'm too cowardly to do it at the moment however. It's definitely something I shall do before commiting suicide.
Good thread. To deal with escorts requires a vigilant approach, and be cautious of your surroundings at all times. At the end of the day escorts and clients are usually strangers to each other, not all strangers can be trusted to refrain from violent or deceitful behavior. You forgot to add a few things

1 Avoid outcall appointments to your personal address with an escort you haven’t met before. The escort might see something valuable inside your home. If she doesn’t attempt to steal it herself, she may know other people who are about that life, and provide them intel on what you have inside your house in order for them to later attempt a raid on your home, which can lead to tragic outcomes. If you do outcall with escorts who don’t have at least 10 previous appointments with you, always do it at a remote location away from your personal address, like a hotel

2 It is recommended to see escorts that already have positive reviews, because they are more likely to be legitimate service providers. There’s a higher risk you are dealing with scammers if the escort profile has no reviews (although not all non-reviewed escort profiles are scams)

3 If you do incall appointment, it’s recommended to meet escorts outside of areas that are notorious for criminal violence and gangland. But if the only available escorts of adequate SMV (i.e. minimum HTB escorts) happen to be located in gang-ridden areas, be extra vigilant. Absolutely avoid non-reviewed escorts who are based in gang-ridden areas

4 If you book appointments via online escort directories, look carefully at the escort profile to ensure you’re not dealing with MTF trannies. Very few escorts are MTF trannies who have a very convincing feminine appearance. You don’t want to book the escort only to meet “her” and discover that “she” isn’t a biological female
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W thread
too bad prostitution is illegal and criminalized in jewsa
Its a grey area, they know if it is legalised it will be dangerous for the society like their daughters and wife could become an escort to earn money.
it will shatter the bluepill notion which is required ro run a society tht foids re angelic and that they should be protected.

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