Obviously, this has been evident for quite some time now: Whilst us in Western Europe, N. America(me), etc. are getting hit with waves upon waves of mass-immigration from the turd-world. All the while, faggotry is being promoted & spreading like a wildfire, the birthrate for Whites falls whilst our death rate increases, and feminism of course is not helping the matter at hand.
Slavs managed to -for longer than we did at least- keep their countries free from faggotry & for resisting mass-immigration: However, that clearly is changing, not to mention it still doesn't change the fact that their foids are all disgusting treacherous whores, like all modern women. From what I understand, the way it works in EE is "traditionalism for men, liberalism for women" which of course, will literally cuck an entire civilization: "Traditionalism" is quite a broad thing to define, and it certainly has its disadvantages, yet it at least allows for a civilization to maintain itself, since the birthrates will maintain themselves at a decent level.
Seemingly, it seems many EE/Slav countries have opened up to immigration, or are int he process of doing so:
Immigration plays an important role in modern Russian demographic processes, accounting for the increase in the population from 2011.
It seems many of the immigration coming to Russia is from Central Asia:
I could not find any statistics on this, but according to a user from Russia here
@supersoldier they have quite a high crime-rate per capita in Russia.
Not to mention, some recent suicide statistics showed that EE countries are quite high:
From 2013, I can't imagine they have changed much: I couldn't find one breaking it down by gender, but obviously we don't need to do that here.
Combine this, with the fact that many Slavwhores are leaving with non-White males(Nigerian, Central Asian, etc) shows how far the demographic crisis & Great Replacement is: White countries with little to no immigrants are still being fucked-over, as is clearly the case for the Slavs.
@KillNiggers @TBIcel @PolskiKartofel @WorthlessSlavicShit @To koniec @Ron.Belgrade
All according to the plan.
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Was going to throw this in, but you beat me to it; I may make a thread on this at some point.