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There will be no White uprising. Get over it.

It's over for white civilization kekekeek
Btw are you muslim?
Atheist born a dindu, but I had a phase in late 2021 where I was heavily interested in Islamic history and also watched videos from big-name scholars like Assim Al-Hakeem and Zakir Naik. The friend I kept in contact with longest after HS is also Muslim (and pretty devout), though we’ve lost contact for some years now after I stopped using snap. That’s how I know what I know
but I had a phase in late 2021 where I was heavily interested in Islamic history and also watched videos from big-name scholars like Assim Al-Hakeem and Zakir Naik. That’s why I know what I know
You wanted to become a mulla?
You wanted to become a mulla?
Was kinda considering. My life has been weird lol, I’ve been all over the place in terms of interests. For instance, I was a massive Japan-obsessed weeb back in my tweenhood (though I still like anime now) and was a pajigger (pajeet equivalent of a wigger) for most of high school.

Maybe I have BPD or something JFL
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Was kinda considering
Were you considering cutting your dick JFL
Isn’t there less Hindu-Muslim tension in the South?
No. Mullas are mullas anywhere. Mallus and Kanada are submissive niggers, they get attacked by them.

Only Telugus are strongly opposed to mullas. Despite Hyderabad being 40% mullas no shit happens here, thanks to kammas and reddys who respond back strongly anytime they attack.
Only Telugus are strongly opposed to mullas. Despite Hyderabad being 40% mullas no shit happens here, thanks to kammas and reddys who respond back strongly anytime they attack.
Haven’t heard anything about that. My mom’s side of the family has many muslim family friends, and I’ve also read before that Kammas ranked highly under the Turkoman Qutb Shahi dynasty. @Confessor has also told me before that there’s less Muslim hate in the South. I don’t live in curryland, though, so my knowledge of the political situation is limited
Haven’t heard anything about that. My mom’s side of the family has many muslim family friends, and I’ve also read before that Kammas ranked highly under the Turkoman Qutb Shahi dynasty. @Confessor has also told me before that there’s less Muslim hate in the South. I don’t live in curryland, though, so my knowledge of the political situation is limited
There is way less muslim hate in the South kek. Many Muslims consider moving to South as BJP politics is low there. Gujaratis and Uttar Pradeshis are the biggest Muslim haters. In Uttar Pradesh Muslims regularly get their Houses destroyed by Bull dozers. Hindutva is the strongest there. Can't say I blame UPites. These Muzzies are low life scumbags.

Haven’t heard anything about that. My mom’s side of the family has many muslim family friends, and I’ve also read before that Kammas ranked highly under the Turkoman Qutb Shahi dynasty. @Confessor has also told me before that there’s less Muslim hate in the South. I don’t live in curryland, though, so my knowledge of the political situation is limited
Politically speaking. TDP hates MIM here. Owaisi always cries about getting his bones fractured by TDP police. Don't even know if that's true :feelskek: :feelskek:
Was kinda considering. My life has been weird lol, I’ve been all over the place in terms of interests. For instance, I was a massive Japan-obsessed weeb back in my tweenhood (though I still like anime now)
Based. Try using that American citizen halo to ascend in Japan bro.
and was a pajigger (pajeet equivalent of a wigger) for most of high school.
From a pajigger to a race realist ? That's quite a character arc there
Stop the tangents. This isn't a thread about pajeets. I will report these again if you keep it up

View: https://twitter.com/Fanon4k/status/1782428124866662826

Another white man destroys his genes. Look at this retarded white monkey. He's probably like 6'3 and he is with a 5'3 brown jungle gook. Even her fucking teeth are fucked over.

I genuinely NEED to know why white men are so obsessed with asian women. It has to be pedophilia at this point. There's no other explanation. He didn't even go for a high tier japanese or Korean girl, he is with a fucking jungle gook:panties::feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod:


Here's another noodle whote decimating another white bloodline. At this point, can you even call it white genocide? It's more like white suicide at this point, isn't it?
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makes sense
inteteresting thread

In this thread, I will be overgoing why White people will never rebel. No, there will be no uprising. No, there will be no day of the rope. No, there will be no mass awakening. No, there will be no White ethnostate.

Point 1: Declining Births

Whites have a declining birthrate. They often have 1 or 3 kids. Meanwhile, in my family, all the married men have 4-6 kids EACH. This means that within 1 or 2 generations, most modern cities that have ethnics will be flooded with Arabs, Indians, Blacks, etc by birthrates alone, even ignoring immigration. What this means is that these new generation White kids will eventually end up growing up more and more around non-White friends, in turn, making them less racist and/or less willing to advocate for white nationalism since their friends will be non-white. Many videos in London of schoolkids will often show White kids whose ENTIRE friend group consists of Pakis because there's not many other white kids to make friends with around their age group, since, again, whites barely have kids.

Of course, declining birth rates also means lower numbers of white male soliders to take part in the mythical "race war". If white people aren't gonna rebel when they're 80% of the population, when will they? When they're 70%? 60%? 50%? I doubt it, considering America is already less than 50% white. In fact, this is why many white nationalists seem to cozy up to non-White conservaties these days, because a part of them is aware they can't do it alone, there simply is not ENOUGH NUMBERS. The birth rates do not permit there to be enough white men for them to enact their white nationalist ideals alone. This is also why they are more submissive and compromised in theri rhetoric nowadays.

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Point 2: Suicidal Tendencies

On top of having a low birth rate, it's made worse because EVEN AMONG the Whites that ARE born into the world, not many are garunteed to survive and reproduce, and this is because many Whites commit suicide. Some of the most suicidal countries in the world are white, nordic countries. Meaning that even when a white country has a birth rate of say 2.1, which I dont think even exists anymore, you'd might as well assume it's lower since many of them commit suicide due to their gay atheist homo lifestyle. Hell, even among White Christians, suicide is very common.

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Point 3: Porn

Porn is very very common in all white countries, whereas in almost all Muslim countries, even the heavily secularized Turkey, porn sites are blocked. Porn in turn makes white males docile, submissive, non-aggresive, and complient. To delude oneself that white men who mass consume porn by the time they're around 10 years old will somehow have some sort of masculine urge or awakening and start a massive racewar "to save their people" is nothing short of delusional. Most people beat their meat while lying in bed in a submissive possesion, this has massive psychological effects on the beta-fication of the white male's mind.

Especially when you consider the next point....

Point 3.5: Cuckholdry

Porn itself is a form of cuckholdry. Anyone who consumes porn is essentially a cuck, since you are watching another man smash a woman who you are attracted to. You're basically looking through a virtual window. Add on to this interracial BMWF porn, which is made and consumed predominantly for white men, and this further exacerbates the cucked, submissive, beta, "defeatist" mentality among white males. They have essentially sexualized their own defeat, they have fetishized their "white genocide", they have sexualized racemixing. Interracial porn involving blacks, both black males and black females, is consistently some of the most popular porn categories according to many statistics, at least in America and France.

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Point 4: Modern Comforts

Modern comforts like electricity, internet, video games, technology, youtube, and so on, will reduce in commonality in some sort of civil war. Obviously, it wont fully go away, as even countries like Afghanistan still have all of these things, mostly in the capital mind you, but they will be more diffcult and harder to come by, and most white people are absolutley not willing to give up any of these things just for a white ethnostate. Their lives are TOO good and TOO comfortable for them to ever rebel, even with their declining numbers. If whites wanted to rebel, they would have done it by now, just as the Afghans, Palestinians, or Yemenis did.

Point 5: Racemixing

The more and more White Nationalists "bide their time waiting for the right time for the day of the rope", the more and more people will be racemixing in the meantime while they rot in their niche friend groups online. Meaning that on top of their low birth rates & suicide causing their falling numbers, racemixing is ALSO a 3rd factor for their declining numbers, as racemixed people are usually not considered White most of the time. More Eurabians, more Hapas, more Mulattos, more Indo-Europeans are being porn day after day. When I was in Vancouver, I saw half a dozen mixed White/Indian couples with kids, I have also seen many White/Arab couples and White/Black couples in Ottawa. It seems apparent that most Whites who live around non-whites eventually end up mixing to a certain extent, meaning all of the major cities eventually will be more mixed as things go on with white nationalists taking no actions to do anything. And of course, this goes without saying, but these mixed race children will never support white nationalism unless they are braindead idiots, because they will be seen as part of the problem.

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Point 6: Religious conversions

Much like the previous point, the more White Nationalists bide their time, pathetically hoping they will do "something" in just two more weeks for reelz!, the more and more White people will be converting to Islam, a religon that will naturally not fully support white nationalism in the current political climate. In Britain, for example, the rates of White British people converting to Islam has gotten so rapid, many mosques are now full of British Muslims. Even right wing, white nationalists like Mark Adrian Collett have commented (disappointingly) on how much British Muslim converts he is seeing day by day.

These White European muslims often will be far more sympathetic and tolerant of non-whites among them, and provide the Muslim communities with more numbers and better integration, in turn further blockading the efforts for any white nationalism. However, they will also often racemix with Arabs, Pakis, or Blacks, which further contributes to Point 5. I have seen in real life MANY European Muslims who have non-White spouses. I know 2 Somalis who are married to Whites. I know 4 Arabs married to Whites. and I know 3 Whites married to Pakis. 2 of my uncles also have european wives. And this is just talking about people I know IRL. Online, you can consistently see over and over European Muslims converts often times married to non-European Muslims, be it in random videos of laypeople talking about their conversions/marriage or prominent Muslim figures involved in Dawah.

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Point 7: Economics

Whites depend too much on non-White labor to do much about immigrants unless they want their socieities to collapse, because not only would deportation make these immigrant workers disappear, but it would also cause chaos/riots/protests. And of course that's not to mention many of these non-Whites are legal citizens of these countries, often born there or gained citizinship, it would be a massive hassle and bad PR to start stripping people of their citizenship based on race.

This stuff is especially apparent in America, where Hispanic illegal immigrants contribute a fuckton to the economy of the country. Personally, I would say at least half the staff at the hospital I work at is non-european. Much of the nurses are Arabs, Black, and Asian. Many doctors I've met have also been Arab. I have seen many non-White mechanics and construction workers, again, mostly Arab. I have seen many Indian truck drivers. If all these people left, the economy would take a MASSIVE hit, which somewhat ties into Point 4.

This is also not forgetting that most countries would take action if some sort of genocide/deportation event happened in a white country. They would sanction or stop trade with them ala what happened to Russia/Israel when they attacked Ukraine/Palestine. Turkey would not sit idle if Germany did something to it's Turkish diaspora. Likewise, China would not sit idle if something was done to Chinese Canadians. India would not sit idle if overseas Indians were being actively and politically discriminated against. While White countries are still the most powerful, Whites no longer have ENOUGH power to do as they please and get away with it. They would be watched via social media, they would be watched by diaspora, and countries with decent or comparable economic powers, like Turkey, China, Japan, Brazil, Saudi, and so on, would make

Point 8: Inceldom in the West + Feminism

Then there is inceldom. Many White men who are incels or who can't get married these days, would not have been incels 50 years ago. Many whitecels in modern times would have had kids 50 years ago. This means alot of white men have nothing to fight for, and we even see this on this forum, where many whitecels express a lack of care about white nationalism because they themselves feel rejected by White women, so why fight for them, right? Inceldom is becoming so rampant, due to White women's standards, lack of wealth, and the rise in AUTISM, and white men are having such difficulty getting married and having kids, that this alone acts as a demotivation for them to give a fuck about white society. Remember Jake William Davison, the incel who went ER in 2021? The guy was 6 feet tall, had blue eyes, was white, curly brown hair, a beard, and a decent job, and yet despite all of these GOOD things about him, he STILL suffered inceldom and went ER. Now imagine how much worse it is for white guys who are actually short, have brown eyes, or who have shit jobs. The BAR for inceldom is getting HIGHER each day, meaning more and more white normies fall into inceldom and thus give up on being part of society/contrubuting to it. As such, inceldom also fuels Points 1, 2, and 3.

Of course this isn't to forget the anti natalism and the hatred of having babies by white women themselves. Many White women view having kids as a burden to their carefree life, and to an extent that is true, as having kids is a heavy burden. As such, not only do many white women not have kids, even the fucking WHITE NATIONALIST white women don't want to have kids. Lauren Southern is a perfect example of this, who not only didnt have white kids, she in fact racemixed lmfao!!! but so is Ashlea Simon. She too is a white nationalist yet look at the types of articles she writes.

However, inceldom among Whites also leads to Point 5. Racemixing. If they dont go ER like the Jake guy did, many whitecels instead ascend by marrying blacks, asians, indians, and so on. Even normie white men often use ethnic women as a scapegoat to leave their inceldom. They are willing to tolerate having brown descendants if it means getting pussy. This means that the higher and higher standards of White women for "chad only", in turn leads normie white men to fuck and breed ethnic women, in turn contributing to EVEN MORE racemixing. This is why things like SEAmaxxing exist, and have exited since the 60s. It's why passport bros are a thing.

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Point 9: If Black Americans still exist, then we're ALL safe.

This is my final point, and I think my strongest argument why there will be no muh day of rope 1488 uprising. And it is the mere existence of Black people in America. I dont think I need to say this, but there is no race White Nationalists hate more than Blacks. No race is more phenotypically and culturally different to Whites than Blacks. No race is as distant to Whites in every conceivable way than Blacks. So if a country like America in the 1600s-1800s, where racisim and anti-miscegnation were ENCOURAGED, where white nationalism was encoded into the LAWS of the country, didn't kill off it's Black populations, why the FUCK would any of you think, in MODERN times, where racism and anti-racemixing are frowned upon, that somehow they'd do that thing to other races that Whites have tolerated MORE easily than they did Blacks?

Arabs at least share history with Europeans via Rome, ancient Greece, Phoenicia, ancient Egypt, Andalusia, and Ottomans. And of course Christianity as a religion.
Hispanics at least share almost all their history of the past centuries with Spain and Portugal.
Asians at least share cultural influece in recent decades post-WW2 via anime, Kpop and video games. Plus, White men have historically ALWAYS had a taste for Asian women and Asian culture when you read into early interactions between the two
Indians at least AT LEAST have Aryan and Greek cultural influence from ancient times.

But Blacks? Next to 0 cultural influence between them and Whites

Same applies to physical appearance.

Many Arabs are white caucasion with colored hair/eyes. Just like Whites.
Many Asians have white skin, and if you count Turks, colored eyes/hair. Just like Whites.
Many Indians have caucasion features and colored eyes. Just like Whites.

But Blacks? No white skin, no caucasion features, no colored eyes, no colored hair. NO physical resemblance.

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Ultimately, Black Americans are the ultimate proof that there will be no day of the rope for stromfrontcucks who yearn for it. If Blacks weren't wiped out, why would any of us be wiped out when ALL races on earth are closer to Whites than Blacks are?
Let's hope the ethnis stay rapey and don't lynch incels for having sex (or as they call it muh rape).

Just another example of how over it is for swedistan. Multiple female police officers , around 30, leaked classified information to their criminal/gang bfs (obviously a bunch of Arabs in all likelihood). Some even started relationships with criminals they were investigating

This is also another example of how females have no loyalty, an example of dark triad reigning supreme, and an example of Arabs being slayers compared to other ethnics. Brootal.

I highly suggest you read the article

leading to at least four deaths in gang-ridden Sweden.
The first thing I see, and I guarantee you they were all males who suffered as a result of foids choices; nothing new sadly.

As a result of the revelations over the weekend, at least 30 police officers were sacked or forced to resign for being labeled “security risks.” Since 2018, these officers were behind at least 514 known leaks.
Not a new situation either: Seems this started when I was in HS, and has been going on, which has contributed substantially towards many security issues for the Swedes it seems.

Honestly, I genuinely do not get how any normie could read something such as this & still think it's a good idea to have foids in positions of law, security, government, or anything where confidential & sensitive information is handled: Clearly, they are much more easily manipulated.

Not to mention, they are far-less tribalistic than men, as proven by this story from Swedeshitistan.

saying that both the police and the judiciary had been “naive” to not anticipate these types of elaborate infiltration methods.

This, right here, just highlights the sheer ignorance of normies: ":soy::feels:: Oh yeah, we totally considered that male officers may take bribes, be corrupt, yet we would never expect our foids to be seduced by thugmaxxers!"

The scandal has grown so big in a matter of days that even the head of the Swedish government was forced to comment on the report.
Thus, the quote:

Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny.”-Aristotle. :blackpill:
The first thing I see, and I guarantee you they were all males who suffered as a result of foids choices; nothing new sadly.

Not a new situation either: Seems this started when I was in HS, and has been going on, which has contributed substantially towards many security issues for the Swedes it seems.

Honestly, I genuinely do not get how any normie could read something such as this & still think it's a good idea to have foids in positions of law, security, government, or anything where confidential & sensitive information is handled: Clearly, they are much more easily manipulated.

Not to mention, they are far-less tribalistic than men, as proven by this story from Swedeshitistan.


This, right here, just highlights the sheer ignorance of normies: ":soy::feels:: Oh yeah, we totally considered that male officers may take bribes, be corrupt, yet we would never expect our foids to be seduced by thugmaxxers!"

Thus, the quote:

Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny.”-Aristotle. :blackpill:
Muttification truly is the future of america. Look at these mixed black kids and yet they look considerably white. Though I doubt the whitness will remain. Lots of pure european kids are born with blonde hair and blue eyes but lose them in adulthood. Let alone someone who is mixed with negroid blood, the lose of those traits in adulthood will be far more likely

Muttification truly is the future of america. Look at these mixed black kids and yet they look considerably white. Though I doubt the whitness will remain. Lots of pure european kids are born with blonde hair and blue eyes but lose them in adulthood. Let alone someone who is mixed with negroid blood, the lose of those traits in adulthood will be far more likely

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Muttification truly is the future of america. Look at these mixed black kids and yet they look considerably white. Though I doubt the whitness will remain. Lots of pure european kids are born with blonde hair and blue eyes but lose them in adulthood. Let alone someone who is mixed with negroid blood, the lose of those traits in adulthood will be far more likely

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It won't. Even in my family there are hardly any adults with red hair. Nigger genes are dominant unfortunately.
British woman complaining about how paki men take white girls as GFs then refuse to introduce them to his family or marry them. Just another example of how racemixing is inevitable

Are british women really like this?

It won't. Even in my family there are hardly any adults with red hair. Nigger genes are dominant unfortunately.
Exactly lol. U had 2 siblings born with blue eyes but now they are brown. These kids will get waaaaay darker when they get older. Not to mention all 3 kids already have negroid facial features
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Well well well

Videos like this are always so funny because it's just normies essentially admitting the racepill. They're indirectly, without words, admitting they are happy their mutt son inherited the beauty of the aryan eye.

Mulatto men are the greatest weapon of the jew. White women can't resist them


View: https://twitter.com/333suigintou333/status/1791075352145760426

This is one of the many reasons why I say white people are fucking retarded, fucking demented for not having multiple kids. Having multiple kids has many benefits, but relevant to the video is the benefit of having a built-in friend group of close people you can trust. I mean, for fucks sake, thats actually why we used to live in tribes. To protect our blood relatives.

If this 10 year old boy had siblings around his age, if he had cousins around his age, those relatives of his good have prevented this type of bullying from ever escalating to such s high degree. And no doubt, this poor whitecel kid was also feeling socially isolated from his peers, which, again ALSO would have been prevented if he had siblings or cousins his age.

And I can vouch for this to a degree. I was briefly bullied in 5th grade for my ethnic name by a nigger tyrone. And because that nigger was popular, everyone else joined in. However, because I had cousins in the same school (but not the same class) that bullying didn't last long. Because these people who briefly bullied me understood that if they fucked with me, they'd be fucking with my cousins/brothers as well.
game over game over....
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HOLY FCUK this is so brutal. A Croatian man was killed due to not speaking english. The absolute state of bong nationalism. They will kill other Whites for not speaking english, but they wont do anything about the pajeets. Actually, let me correct myself, it's not that they wont do anything about the pajeets, it's that they CANT. The pajeets in bongland are tribal and tight knit, unlike this croatian who was likely all alone, no family in dublin.

HOLY FCUK this is so brutal. A Croatian man was killed due to not speaking english. The absolute state of bong nationalism. They will kill other Whites for not speaking english, but they wont do anything about the pajeets. Actually, let me correct myself, it's not that they wont do anything about the pajeets, it's that they CANT. The pajeets in bongland are tribal and tight knit, unlike this croatian who was likely all alone, no family in dublin.

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this isn't real nationlaism

even the the nationalists and ethoncentrists of past even though they hated other whites and killed each other.they treated non whites way more inferior and more brutal than ever.
even if white nations go to war with each other at least the akncwedged somehow they are white brothers and had some form of respect.and considered non whoites more inferior than the other white nation they hated.

you are right todays nationalism is cucked becuase if they were a real nationalist and killed a slav for not speaking English they they would have done much worse to non whites in England for at least not being white

cucked state of europe.
White guy talks about how he always sees white women who are single mothers with mixed kids. I can personally say the same thing, I have seen many white women here and there with niglets attached to them

This video proves what I have always said once again. Even among europeans, there is a tier list. dark-eyed, dark-haired europeans will always be beneath the blonde, blue eyed ones

Italians who look racially ambigious

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The last EU elections for sure scared the libs and leftitsts
Italy used to be based

this whole thread is just cherry picked racemixer tiktoks
this whole thread is just cherry picked racemixer tiktoks
That's just a small part of it, and why are you trying to act like racemixing isn't a problem for white nationalists?
Even if an uprising take over that dont guaranty that white or swarty whites incels can get pussy, unless the chad-normie leaders dont mind ugly guys get away and that wouldt happen because according with my personal experience the ones bullying me are in major way males than females so most probably normie whites will side against white incels after the race war.

In this thread, I will be overgoing why White people will never rebel. No, there will be no uprising. No, there will be no day of the rope. No, there will be no mass awakening. No, there will be no White ethnostate.

Point 1: Declining Births

Whites have a declining birthrate. They often have 1 or 3 kids. Meanwhile, in my family, all the married men have 4-6 kids EACH. This means that within 1 or 2 generations, most modern cities that have ethnics will be flooded with Arabs, Indians, Blacks, etc by birthrates alone, even ignoring immigration. What this means is that these new generation White kids will eventually end up growing up more and more around non-White friends, in turn, making them less racist and/or less willing to advocate for white nationalism since their friends will be non-white. Many videos in London of schoolkids will often show White kids whose ENTIRE friend group consists of Pakis because there's not many other white kids to make friends with around their age group, since, again, whites barely have kids.

Of course, declining birth rates also means lower numbers of white male soliders to take part in the mythical "race war". If white people aren't gonna rebel when they're 80% of the population, when will they? When they're 70%? 60%? 50%? I doubt it, considering America is already less than 50% white. In fact, this is why many white nationalists seem to cozy up to non-White conservaties these days, because a part of them is aware they can't do it alone, there simply is not ENOUGH NUMBERS. The birth rates do not permit there to be enough white men for them to enact their white nationalist ideals alone. This is also why they are more submissive and compromised in theri rhetoric nowadays.

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Point 2: Suicidal Tendencies

On top of having a low birth rate, it's made worse because EVEN AMONG the Whites that ARE born into the world, not many are garunteed to survive and reproduce, and this is because many Whites commit suicide. Some of the most suicidal countries in the world are white, nordic countries. Meaning that even when a white country has a birth rate of say 2.1, which I dont think even exists anymore, you'd might as well assume it's lower since many of them commit suicide due to their gay atheist homo lifestyle. Hell, even among White Christians, suicide is very common.

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Point 3: Porn

Porn is very very common in all white countries, whereas in almost all Muslim countries, even the heavily secularized Turkey, porn sites are blocked. Porn in turn makes white males docile, submissive, non-aggresive, and complient. To delude oneself that white men who mass consume porn by the time they're around 10 years old will somehow have some sort of masculine urge or awakening and start a massive racewar "to save their people" is nothing short of delusional. Most people beat their meat while lying in bed in a submissive possesion, this has massive psychological effects on the beta-fication of the white male's mind.

Especially when you consider the next point....

Point 3.5: Cuckholdry

Porn itself is a form of cuckholdry. Anyone who consumes porn is essentially a cuck, since you are watching another man smash a woman who you are attracted to. You're basically looking through a virtual window. Add on to this interracial BMWF porn, which is made and consumed predominantly for white men, and this further exacerbates the cucked, submissive, beta, "defeatist" mentality among white males. They have essentially sexualized their own defeat, they have fetishized their "white genocide", they have sexualized racemixing. Interracial porn involving blacks, both black males and black females, is consistently some of the most popular porn categories according to many statistics, at least in America and France.

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Point 4: Modern Comforts

Modern comforts like electricity, internet, video games, technology, youtube, and so on, will reduce in commonality in some sort of civil war. Obviously, it wont fully go away, as even countries like Afghanistan still have all of these things, mostly in the capital mind you, but they will be more diffcult and harder to come by, and most white people are absolutley not willing to give up any of these things just for a white ethnostate. Their lives are TOO good and TOO comfortable for them to ever rebel, even with their declining numbers. If whites wanted to rebel, they would have done it by now, just as the Afghans, Palestinians, or Yemenis did.

Point 5: Racemixing

The more and more White Nationalists "bide their time waiting for the right time for the day of the rope", the more and more people will be racemixing in the meantime while they rot in their niche friend groups online. Meaning that on top of their low birth rates & suicide causing their falling numbers, racemixing is ALSO a 3rd factor for their declining numbers, as racemixed people are usually not considered White most of the time. More Eurabians, more Hapas, more Mulattos, more Indo-Europeans are being porn day after day. When I was in Vancouver, I saw half a dozen mixed White/Indian couples with kids, I have also seen many White/Arab couples and White/Black couples in Ottawa. It seems apparent that most Whites who live around non-whites eventually end up mixing to a certain extent, meaning all of the major cities eventually will be more mixed as things go on with white nationalists taking no actions to do anything. And of course, this goes without saying, but these mixed race children will never support white nationalism unless they are braindead idiots, because they will be seen as part of the problem.

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Point 6: Religious conversions

Much like the previous point, the more White Nationalists bide their time, pathetically hoping they will do "something" in just two more weeks for reelz!, the more and more White people will be converting to Islam, a religon that will naturally not fully support white nationalism in the current political climate. In Britain, for example, the rates of White British people converting to Islam has gotten so rapid, many mosques are now full of British Muslims. Even right wing, white nationalists like Mark Adrian Collett have commented (disappointingly) on how much British Muslim converts he is seeing day by day.

These White European muslims often will be far more sympathetic and tolerant of non-whites among them, and provide the Muslim communities with more numbers and better integration, in turn further blockading the efforts for any white nationalism. However, they will also often racemix with Arabs, Pakis, or Blacks, which further contributes to Point 5. I have seen in real life MANY European Muslims who have non-White spouses. I know 2 Somalis who are married to Whites. I know 4 Arabs married to Whites. and I know 3 Whites married to Pakis. 2 of my uncles also have european wives. And this is just talking about people I know IRL. Online, you can consistently see over and over European Muslims converts often times married to non-European Muslims, be it in random videos of laypeople talking about their conversions/marriage or prominent Muslim figures involved in Dawah.

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Point 7: Economics

Whites depend too much on non-White labor to do much about immigrants unless they want their socieities to collapse, because not only would deportation make these immigrant workers disappear, but it would also cause chaos/riots/protests. And of course that's not to mention many of these non-Whites are legal citizens of these countries, often born there or gained citizinship, it would be a massive hassle and bad PR to start stripping people of their citizenship based on race.

This stuff is especially apparent in America, where Hispanic illegal immigrants contribute a fuckton to the economy of the country. Personally, I would say at least half the staff at the hospital I work at is non-european. Much of the nurses are Arabs, Black, and Asian. Many doctors I've met have also been Arab. I have seen many non-White mechanics and construction workers, again, mostly Arab. I have seen many Indian truck drivers. If all these people left, the economy would take a MASSIVE hit, which somewhat ties into Point 4.

This is also not forgetting that most countries would take action if some sort of genocide/deportation event happened in a white country. They would sanction or stop trade with them ala what happened to Russia/Israel when they attacked Ukraine/Palestine. Turkey would not sit idle if Germany did something to it's Turkish diaspora. Likewise, China would not sit idle if something was done to Chinese Canadians. India would not sit idle if overseas Indians were being actively and politically discriminated against. While White countries are still the most powerful, Whites no longer have ENOUGH power to do as they please and get away with it. They would be watched via social media, they would be watched by diaspora, and countries with decent or comparable economic powers, like Turkey, China, Japan, Brazil, Saudi, and so on, would make

Point 8: Inceldom in the West + Feminism

Then there is inceldom. Many White men who are incels or who can't get married these days, would not have been incels 50 years ago. Many whitecels in modern times would have had kids 50 years ago. This means alot of white men have nothing to fight for, and we even see this on this forum, where many whitecels express a lack of care about white nationalism because they themselves feel rejected by White women, so why fight for them, right? Inceldom is becoming so rampant, due to White women's standards, lack of wealth, and the rise in AUTISM, and white men are having such difficulty getting married and having kids, that this alone acts as a demotivation for them to give a fuck about white society. Remember Jake William Davison, the incel who went ER in 2021? The guy was 6 feet tall, had blue eyes, was white, curly brown hair, a beard, and a decent job, and yet despite all of these GOOD things about him, he STILL suffered inceldom and went ER. Now imagine how much worse it is for white guys who are actually short, have brown eyes, or who have shit jobs. The BAR for inceldom is getting HIGHER each day, meaning more and more white normies fall into inceldom and thus give up on being part of society/contrubuting to it. As such, inceldom also fuels Points 1, 2, and 3.

Of course this isn't to forget the anti natalism and the hatred of having babies by white women themselves. Many White women view having kids as a burden to their carefree life, and to an extent that is true, as having kids is a heavy burden. As such, not only do many white women not have kids, even the fucking WHITE NATIONALIST white women don't want to have kids. Lauren Southern is a perfect example of this, who not only didnt have white kids, she in fact racemixed lmfao!!! but so is Ashlea Simon. She too is a white nationalist yet look at the types of articles she writes.

However, inceldom among Whites also leads to Point 5. Racemixing. If they dont go ER like the Jake guy did, many whitecels instead ascend by marrying blacks, asians, indians, and so on. Even normie white men often use ethnic women as a scapegoat to leave their inceldom. They are willing to tolerate having brown descendants if it means getting pussy. This means that the higher and higher standards of White women for "chad only", in turn leads normie white men to fuck and breed ethnic women, in turn contributing to EVEN MORE racemixing. This is why things like SEAmaxxing exist, and have exited since the 60s. It's why passport bros are a thing.

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Point 9: If Black Americans still exist, then we're ALL safe.

This is my final point, and I think my strongest argument why there will be no muh day of rope 1488 uprising. And it is the mere existence of Black people in America. I dont think I need to say this, but there is no race White Nationalists hate more than Blacks. No race is more phenotypically and culturally different to Whites than Blacks. No race is as distant to Whites in every conceivable way than Blacks. So if a country like America in the 1600s-1800s, where racisim and anti-miscegnation were ENCOURAGED, where white nationalism was encoded into the LAWS of the country, didn't kill off it's Black populations, why the FUCK would any of you think, in MODERN times, where racism and anti-racemixing are frowned upon, that somehow they'd do that thing to other races that Whites have tolerated MORE easily than they did Blacks?

Arabs at least share history with Europeans via Rome, ancient Greece, Phoenicia, ancient Egypt, Andalusia, and Ottomans. And of course Christianity as a religion.
Hispanics at least share almost all their history of the past centuries with Spain and Portugal.
Asians at least share cultural influece in recent decades post-WW2 via anime, Kpop and video games. Plus, White men have historically ALWAYS had a taste for Asian women and Asian culture when you read into early interactions between the two
Indians at least AT LEAST have Aryan and Greek cultural influence from ancient times.

But Blacks? Next to 0 cultural influence between them and Whites

Same applies to physical appearance.

Many Arabs are white caucasion with colored hair/eyes. Just like Whites.
Many Asians have white skin, and if you count Turks, colored eyes/hair. Just like Whites.
Many Indians have caucasion features and colored eyes. Just like Whites.

But Blacks? No white skin, no caucasion features, no colored eyes, no colored hair. NO physical resemblance.

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Ultimately, Black Americans are the ultimate proof that there will be no day of the rope for stromfrontcucks who yearn for it. If Blacks weren't wiped out, why would any of us be wiped out when ALL races on earth are closer to Whites than Blacks are?
Cope.whites never genocided American blacks back in the post civil war era after they were liberated from plantations because whites had no need to fear them due to strict gun and anti crime laws that lynched black men for commiting murder and rape and prohibited blacks from owning firearms.White people even used blacks as illegal farm workers as far as into the 1960s. Google Sharecropping
Even if an uprising take over that dont guaranty that white or swarty whites incels can get pussy, unless the chad-normie leaders dont mind ugly guys get away and that wouldt happen because according with my personal experience the ones bullying me are in major way males than females so most probably normie whites will side against white incels after the race war.
Maybe but maybe not.During wwii,the Russian soldiers would rape foids en masse and nobody tried to even stop them JFL
Maybe but maybe not.During wwii,the Russian soldiers would rape foids en masse and nobody tried to even stop them JFL
Yes, you are right but how cucked men are right now Im not wonder normies can create a gynostate like this one but without inmigrants.

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