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Discussion Does IQ really matter?



May 1, 2020
I seem to not have as high an IQ as I thought. Cant even answer a lot of questions without guessing them. Yet I feel like I am pretty 'woke' as cringe as that word is.

I am aware of quite a lot of things most normies aren't. I always question what the media or whatever narrative is presented to us. I am not a naive little drone.

What is that then if it isn't IQ?

These questions don't really matter in the real world. Plenty of high IQ people aren't aware of shit that matters they might just be good at math or shape questions.
IQ is everything. My grades have always been awful because I was low IQ. I could never be as good as someone who is high IQ at math and other things. Hardwork does nothing.
No IQ for your face
No IQ for your face
I’m high IQ
I don't think that high self awarenesses is necessarily correlated with high IQ although I don't search enough about this topic
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IQ is everything. My grades have always been awful because I was low IQ. I could never be as good as someone who is high IQ at math and other things. Hardwork does nothing.

It's not everything, but it's a whole lot in today's world. IQ utility for overall life productivity and happiness tapers off past ~120. Being capable of thinking about high mathematics and philosophy won't necessarily translate into helping you live a more comfortable life with a bigger house and nicer car. You just need to be smarter than the average person and have good business acumen (exploiting your environment - the market in this case - for an advantage) or specialized skill. A hundred thousand years ago being just a small bit smarter than the next guy paid big dividends. Now, you need to be a fair bit smarter. With a much larger population in the world and a lot more variability, that gap is not only much wider, but there are more people with that gap advantage.

One thing to note on the side is that high genius is a lot like retardation in that they're both genetic anomalies. Look at the parents of some super genius kids. Their parents are relatively normal, and should be counting their lucky stars that the pendulum swung the right way with their kid.
It's not everything, but it's a whole lot in today's world. IQ utility for overall life productivity and happiness tapers off past ~120. Being capable of thinking about high mathematics and philosophy won't necessarily translate into helping you live a more comfortable life with a bigger house and nicer car. You just need to be smarter than the average person and have good business acumen (exploiting your environment - the market in this case - for an advantage) or specialized skill. A hundred thousand years ago being just a small bit smarter than the next guy paid big dividends. Now, you need to be a fair bit smarter. With a much larger population in the world and a lot more variability, that gap is not only much wider, but there are more people with that gap advantage.

One thing to note on the side is that high genius is a lot like retardation in that they're both genetic anomalies. Look at the parents of some super genius kids. Their parents are relatively normal, and should be counting their lucky stars that the pendulum swung the right way with their kid.
nah low iq with chad face and height> everything else
nah low iq with chad face and height> everything else

For fucking women, yes. For literally anything other than that, no.
"How do you build a rocket?"

"Just be chad bro."

well yes but the modern world is literally a trap

He's the exception, not the rule. Use your head, brocel.
Chads are always the exception.
There is a reason why CEOs are much taller on average.
just realize how every single shit related to knowledge and IQ as well are just copes made to cope?

"muh bro look at the advancement and achievements of human race, amazing huh?

let's all worship the High IQ gods - Retard"

JFL :lul: the modern world is literally shit
fucking trap
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lol if you actually are the kinda person who says youre high iq, then youre the kinda person who isnt. dunning kruger effect, the more you think you know, the less you actually do.
Chads are always the exception.
There is a reason why CEOs are much taller on average.
Yeah the currycel CEO of Google is an omega chad right?

@based_meme just use the ignore button, we don't smell turd and complain about it's awful smell, we just ignore it like any sensible person.
My intelligence is far too great to be measured by such an archaic, outdated, pathetic excuse of a test.
over for narcissistcels
lol if you actually are the kinda person who says youre high iq, then youre the kinda person who isnt. dunning kruger effect, the more you think you know, the less you actually do.
yeah thats what ive learnt tbh. I think im just above average taking all tests ive done but nothing special or unusual. Thought I was tbh. JFL.
There is a reason why CEOs are much taller on average.

Right, but chad, unlike any hole, has to do more than just exist. He has to bring a lot more to the table. That's the point I'm making against your Meeks pill argument that "chad doesn't have to do anything because this one chad doesn't, therefore all chads don't."
Yeah the currycel CEO of Google is an omega chad right?

@based_meme just use the ignore button, we don't smell turd and complain about it's awful smell, we just ignore it like any sensible person.

cope, 60% of the ceos of the fortune 500 are 6ft+ rather while they're only 14% of the population. i did the statistical maths of the probability of receiving that result assuming that the heights of CEOs are distributed normally and i got basically 0% chance that the result is attainable.
cope, 60% of the ceos of the fortune 500 are 6ft+ rather while they're only 14% of the population. i did the statistical maths of the probability of receiving that result assuming that the heights of CEOs are distributed normally and i got basically 0% chance that the result is attainable.

You have lots of free time
@based_meme just use the ignore button, we don't smell turd and complain about it's awful smell, we just ignore it like any sensible person.

Out of principle, I won't. My ignore list is empty.

I think it's important to give bad reasoning some level of resistance, even knowing full well that it may be fruitless, since there is a non-zero chance that the reasoner error-corrects later on by themselves.
It won’t matter when you’re dead
Out of principle, I won't. My ignore list is empty.

I think it's important to give bad reasoning some level of resistance, even knowing full well that it may be fruitless, since there is a non-zero chance that the reasoner error-corrects later on by themselves.
I have ignored 90% of the user base here, I don't come here to read some one letter words or lowIQ threads, at this point all those guys are just trolling and making fun of my inceldom.
I deal with enough shit in my life, don't have energy for this forum's bullshit.
well yes but the modern world is literally a trap

In some respects, yes, this is correct. Ultimately, it depends on what you want out of it.



I have ignored 90% of the user base here, I don't come here to read some one letter words or lowIQ threads, at this point all those guys are just trolling and making fun of my inceldom.
I deal with enough shit in my life, don't have energy for this forum's bullshit.

I completely understand. There are times I empty the tank here, but I cope by thinking that it's not a complete waste of time and that I've made a few brocels spare a moment of serious thought on a topic.
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if you want to know if you're dumb or not, compare yourself to the average normie and his thought processes.
the hallmark of normie thinking is having mainstream opinions about the vast majority of things. normdroids will accept anything and everything as long as it's popular. also are you good at math and rational reasoning?
My intelligence is far too great to be measured by such an archaic, outdated, pathetic excuse of a test.
Hello, this is Mensa International HQ speaking.
We'd like for you to join us.

It is a good forum, or was, I meant when there is no cap big font arguing thing (can be funny though)

Also it's almost an Incel forum, cope if someone think otherwise, for the most part. Ironically most users there have higher post count and time spent online than users here, much more if you count the alts :lul:
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If I had to say anything about Chad's situation it'd be that they have the most opportunity to succeed in whatever they decide to do (a higher range of movement), with their potential being the highest a man can experience.

They can definitively win being rich and living a comfortable life 9/10 times provided they actually attempt to do so. They will 100% of the time (with a handful of exceptions) be able to fulfill life's ultimate goal of reproduction at some point, unless he himself doesn't want to.

For females, it's just "exist" mode, they can do fucking anything with little to no repercussions or responsibility for their actions.
If you have a bad face you'll always be perceived as low IQ and retarded
Not on your face
It’s everything. I have a high IQ
Of course it matters
But I'm too low IQ to articulate myself and elaborate properly

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