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Serious Dodge the draft or die in WW3

  • Thread starter Deleted member 17245
  • Start date
Deleted member 17245

Deleted member 17245

Feb 24, 2019
I have a feeling the (((elites))) are planning on kicking off WW3 within the next decade and attempting to draft all of the undesirable men on all sides to be butchered in the battlefields, even though they've already picked the winners. It's all just a theater to wipe the slate clean and solidify the Great Reset. Anyone else going to dodge the draft? Will you flee to the woods? Escape to a shithole country on the sidelines? What's your exit plan?
I'm not dying for this cuck country and its corrupt elites. Fuck that.
I wouldn't be surprised. At least the world would be crumbling at that point.
If I get drafted I would probably go AWOL and live in the country I was deployed in; I might be able to slay all the noodlewhores overseas. Otherwise I'll stay on the road and look for somewhere to stay.
Fighting for elites and soyciety's interests JFL.
JFL at believing in WWIII in the time of potential nuclear annihilation and computerized warfare. The elite knows too well they have the power to literally reset planet earth through nuclear winter, but they will never do it for obvious reasons. Unless life on other worlds suddenly became viable of course.

And even if that wasn't enough, the elite has too much to lose going in a world war : the 99% plebs are too firmly believing in consoomerism and other copes offered by capitalism to access the "happiness" meme, they are now more servile than ever, which means that the elite has no reason to purge a mass that it only sees as potential and actual clients.

No red revolution, no serious anarchist threat, no other fancy ideology to destroy statu quo. There is currently no point for a social purge (from the elite POV).
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But, if such an improbable scenario would occure, I would just LDAR in he shithole I currently live in.
I have a feeling the (((elites))) are planning on kicking off WW3 within the next decade and attempting to draft all of the undesirable men on all sides to be butchered in the battlefields, even though they've already picked the winners. It's all just a theater to wipe the slate clean and solidify the Great Reset. Anyone else going to dodge the draft? Will you flee to the woods? Escape to a shithole country on the sidelines? What's your exit plan?
The plan is for economic collapse, then CWII which will then eventually spill into a nuclear war against Russia and China which the ZOG USA + London banking cartel ZOG coalition is insane enough to think it can win.

This all according to Thomas Chittum author of Civil War II.

Though Chittum is still more partial to the shadowy cabal secret societies and bankster boomer narrative than the plain and simple truth that the Jews control and or dominate all of these groups and people who have interviewed him have made this clear to him.

Anyway ZOG believing once it is victorious will then emerge from the ashes and have the remaining members of the white race rounded up and judged as the guilty party responsible for the entire conflict in whatever remnants of Russia that are left to set up their neo Nuremburg kangaroo 2.0 court in.

After which they plan and hope to run their uncontested NWO global communist world government out of China.

Death or slave labor if not one then the other will likely be the sentence imposed on whatever whites that are left.
I’m probably too old
I have a feeling the (((elites))) are planning on kicking off WW3 within the next decade and attempting to draft all of the undesirable men on all sides to be butchered in the battlefields, even though they've already picked the winners. It's all just a theater to wipe the slate clean and solidify the Great Reset. Anyone else going to dodge the draft? Will you flee to the woods? Escape to a shithole country on the sidelines? What's your exit plan?
I’m going to be fighting if a war erupts because I’m going in the marines. I’ve got an insatiable urge for this type of stuff so i might as well live by the sword or die by it
The plan is for economic collapse, then CWII which will then eventually spill into a nuclear war against Russia and China which the ZOG USA + London banking cartel ZOG coalition is insane enough to think it can win.

This all according to Thomas Chittum author of Civil War II.

Though Chittum is still more partial to the shadowy cabal secret societies and bankster boomer narrative than the plain and simple truth that the Jews control and or dominate all of these groups and people who have interviewed him have made this clear to him.

Anyway ZOG believing once it is victorious will then emerge from the ashes and have the remaining members of the white race rounded up and judged as the guilty party responsible for the entire conflict in whatever remnants of Russia that are left to set up their neo Nuremburg kangaroo 2.0 court in.

After which they plan and hope to run their uncontested NWO global communist world government out of China.

Death or slave labor if not one then the other will likely be the sentence imposed on whatever whites that are left.
Yeah, agree. The establishment is doing everything to portray whites and republicans as terrorists and goad them into fulfilling that role. Meanwhile, China is getting ready to take Taiwan and Russia is moving its pieces into place to expand further in the Ukraine.
I don't live in burgerland
JFL at believing in WWIII in the time of potential nuclear annihilation and computerized warfare. The elite knows too well they have the power to literally reset planet earth through nuclear winter, but they will never do it for obvious reasons. Unless life on other worlds suddenly became viable of course.

And even if that wasn't enough, the elite has too much to lose going in a world war : the 99% plebs are too firmly believing in consoomerism and other copes offered by capitalism to access the "happiness" meme, they are now more servile than ever, which means that the elite has no reason to purge a mass that it only sees as potential and actual clients.

No red revolution, no serious anarchist threat, no other fancy ideology to destroy statu quo. There is currently no point for a social purge (from the elite POV).
Oh it’s viable.

Read the Milennial Hospitality series by Charles Hall and look into Richard Dolan’s break away civilization theory.

The deep state/organized Jewry may very well cleanse this planet of all life in some form or fashion and live on other worlds safe from retribution for their crimes until this planet is rendered safe for them to return to again ie think after their bioweapon whatever it is or nuclear fallout is cleaned up with advanced or reverse engineered ET technology.

All we can do at this point is hope that something anything is preventing them from doing it immediately or in the not so distant future.
All we can do at this point is hope that something anything is preventing them from doing it immediately or in the not so distant future.
Greed. Accumulating prosperous long term capital is enough for them. Why kill billions of ppl and become poor with worth less companies, while they could invest in those ppl as workers/consoomers and be more prosperous than any human being ever was in the entire history of mankind ? Homo economicus is truly a "new man", not in the revolutionnary sense, but in the sense that most of its decision making depends on only one thing : how much does it costs/make ? All other questions (wether social, cultural, ethical, philosophical, ...) are now obsolete. You can see how the elite suddenly began to be keen on the ecology meme when they discovered they could make a shit ton of cash diverting tax money through "green capitalism".
I'm not dying for this cuck country and its corrupt elites. Fuck that.
The problem is if they catch you you’ll be killed, enslaved, or imprisoned til you die.

The alternative is to fight and “probably” die but if you live you get the advantage of having more women than men as the others have died.

I’m not even sure you’d get to return to the country if you draft dodge and these days Canada would deport you or some such if you’re fleeing the US so you’d have to connections.
too old to draft luckily, unless they form a unit of oldcels like the Germans did in the last days of WW2
Given I'm rice in the Anglosphere, probably going to get interned, and then eventually 'liberated' by the CCP. Fuck.
>Return a war hero and get laid
Profit either way
The only way in which I would fight a war is if the war was situated in Europe against Russians.
Same reason why ER had his Day of Retribution instead of moneymaxxing.

The Torah commands Jews to kill all Amalek aka White people.
Most jews just like most "religious" ppl don't give a shit about the Torah and other sacred toilet papers. They just enjoy holidays, social gatherings and eventually traditional celebrations, if it involves cosplay or other fun activities. They are normal normies if you will.

Moreover ER did not need a sacred text to do what he did. ER was sad, lost in his life. The elite is healthy, wealthy, and only want one thing : that it stays that way.
Wars don’t exist anymore. We are in a global NWO. What’s gonna happen is a civil conflict like the 1865+ reconstruction era south, or the 1930’s Great Britain with the neo nazis. Worry inward about the culture war. It’s being fought right now anyway.
The problem is if they catch you you’ll be killed, enslaved, or imprisoned til you die.
If I get drafted I would probably go AWOL and live in the country I was deployed in; I might be able to slay all the noodlewhores overseas. Otherwise I'll stay on the road and look for somewhere to stay.
>implying you will get drafted
There’s already like a million service people in the us army, and modern warfare involves very few casualties. If a war does happen it’s gonna be some fags on a computer vs other fags on a computer and they’re playing with drones or something.

also so many people are unemployed you’re gonna have plenty of dumbasses rushing to be first in line for le war
There’s already like a million service people in the us army, and modern warfare involves very few casualties. If a war does happen it’s gonna be some fags on a computer vs other fags on a computer and they’re playing with drones or something.
They are playing Command and Conquer on a russian server.
implying you will get drafted
It will be used as a veneer to eliminate the undesirable males
there won't actually be any fighting, instead we will be shipped off to summer camps
Most jews just like most "religious" ppl don't give a shit about the Torah and other sacred toilet papers. They just enjoy holidays, social gatherings and eventually traditional celebrations, if it involves cosplay or other fun activities. They are normal normies if you will.
You're right, most Jews don't care. But the ones who do have deep pockets and unending grudges. Look up Cleon Peterson, he's an artist who was commissioned by them to create murals of blacks butchering whites.
Cleon peterson paintings
You're right, most Jews don't care. But the ones who do have deep pockets and unending grudges. Look up Cleon Peterson, he's an artist who was commissioned by them to create murals of blacks butchering whites.
View attachment 431024
Mentally ill contemporary artists might think ppl buy their art for the meaning, but in reality art is now just another market for rich ppl to avoid taxes.
I'm not going to fight for this cancerous degenerate soyciety run by a bunch of satanic pedos and (((small hats))).

What is the worst they can do? Put you in prison for a year or two? Ha.
Definitely dodging the draft. Would rather go to jail than fight for a country that doesn’t support my human rights. May America burn and all its people die an agonizing death
I have a feeling the (((elites))) are planning on kicking off WW3 within the next decade and attempting to draft all of the undesirable men on all sides to be butchered in the battlefields, even though they've already picked the winners. It's all just a theater to wipe the slate clean and solidify the Great Reset. Anyone else going to dodge the draft? Will you flee to the woods? Escape to a shithole country on the sidelines? What's your exit plan?
What if we’ve already served?
Based prophet-cel
Absolutely. This thread is more relevant than ever.
Trucel trait: ineligible for the draft.
Even with Iran launching over 100 missiles at Israel it still feels like nothing is going to happen. I ain't dying in no war for rich capitalist fucks.
The plan is for economic collapse, then CWII which will then eventually spill into a nuclear war against Russia and China which the ZOG USA + London banking cartel ZOG coalition is insane enough to think it can win.

This all according to Thomas Chittum author of Civil War II.

Though Chittum is still more partial to the shadowy cabal secret societies and bankster boomer narrative than the plain and simple truth that the Jews control and or dominate all of these groups and people who have interviewed him have made this clear to him.

Anyway ZOG believing once it is victorious will then emerge from the ashes and have the remaining members of the white race rounded up and judged as the guilty party responsible for the entire conflict in whatever remnants of Russia that are left to set up their neo Nuremburg kangaroo 2.0 court in.

After which they plan and hope to run their uncontested NWO global communist world government out of China.

Death or slave labor if not one then the other will likely be the sentence imposed on whatever whites that are left.
Deep dive.

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