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Do you support interracial couples?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1546
  • Start date

Do you support interracial couples?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 45.5%
  • No

    Votes: 21 31.8%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 15 22.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Deleted member 1546

Nov 14, 2017
Just to clarify by "interracial couple" I mean things like interracial dating, husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends, and sexual partners. I want to see how this forums opinions match up with mainstream societies views on it interracial relationships. 

I think it is none of my business. What effect would it have on my life?

Maybe it counts as support.
No because then chad can take girls of every race.
depends on the combo  :relief:
Dosent matter to me, i dont see why anyone would care
Most of the women who rejected me were of a different ethnicity than I am, so obviously I'm not in a position to judge.

I will admit that when I was younger, seeing women of my ethnic background with really nordic looking chads rustled my jimmies.
I think racism and nationalism are a cope. It's not even an old cope, having feelings of loyalty towards an entire "nation" or a race is actually very recent. Nationalism is a modern phenomenon.

Before the 1800s, people had loyalty towards their tribe, their lord, etc. Caring about some white dude who lives on the other side of your island? Nope.
Why are there so many votes for no? Who gives a shit, really?

Edit: I'm just a fucking drunken retard, there are literally 3 votes for no and it's early in the poll. RIP me.
I'm attracted to all kinds of bitches. But I think a lot of us would be better off if each race stuck to their own kind.

Crustaciouse said:
No because then chad can take girls of every race.

pretty much.
fukmylyf said:
I'm attracted to all kinds of bitches. But I think a lot of us would be better off if each race stuck to their own kind.
Its not about race though, its culture.
Depends on the race. Depends on if it is a death sentence for the kids.
I chose the wrong option. Is there a way to change my vote?
Nautica1983 said:
Its not about race though, its culture.

yeah, culture is important. But there's clearly a racial hierarchy in our society. For instance, females of all races show a preference for white men.
ItheIthe said:
Depends on the race. Depends on if it is a death sentence for the kids.

That's quite a nuanced point.
Splintercel said:
Why are there so many votes for no? Who gives a shit, really?
My biggest issue is that I am a believer in racial science. I think that blacks have larger penises than the other races and therefore ruin white vaginas. So even just sleeping around with blacks is dangerous and makes satisfying a woman harder. Blacks also have more testosterone so they are more aggressive and sexual. I don't think the hyper sexual nature of black culture is good for whites to copy. Blacks ted to have more children out of wedlock(70%+), more partners, and more STDs. Many African Americans who escape the hood hate thug and hip hop cult and want to protect their own families from it. 

Also blacks have scored 1-2 standard deviations lower on IQ tests for about 90-100 years now all around the world compared to whites. Thats 15-30 IQ points. most other standardized aptitude tests show the same trends. A lot of black poverty isn't do to racism or bad environments, rather the bad environments are created as a result of their brain size and average intelligence. So I belie in very strict immigration quotas from latin America and Africa. Im not for banning immigrants, but we need to be careful about how many people we let in. 

I don't hate blacks or see them as inferior. But I think there are intractable biological differences that go deeper than skin or facial features and that on average, different ethnic groups are physiological dissimilar. There are signifiant overlaps between things like our IQ bell curves, but those averages matter. 


We live in a culture that since the 70's has pushed the equality agenda hard. Any differences in outcomes are totally do to environment, and lack of privilege. Academia is dominated by post modernism, marxism, academia and liberalism. They all harken back to an enlightenment philosophy that says we're all the same. I think humans are very similar, there is more biological similarity amongst all the humans on Earth than between different tribes of Chimps in the same jungle. But even small differences can have big impacts on aggregate outcomes for things like intelligence, crime, and sexual behavior.

People will call me out for being a hypocrite. Asians and European Jews outperform whites like how white do blacks. But I have some racial pride, and I think whites have certain features worth protecting and preserving. Asians are very nativist in E. Asia. I want to be a bit more like them.

The best book on the subject is Race, Evolution, and Behavior

You can watch a video on the authors work here
The results of this poll are pretty disappointing tbh. I didn't think there were that many racists on here.
I have voted unsure. There is a slight possibility that if a God exists he doesn't approve of race mixing (Christian countries once had laws against miscegenation) but I consider this probability low.
Fontaine said:
I have voted unsure. There is a slight possibility that if a God exists he doesn't approve of race mixing (Christian countries once had laws against miscegenation) but I consider this probability low.

God is definitely against interreligious marriage. So Christians and Muslims can't marry. There is basically nothing in the bible that explicitly mentions race mixing being wrong. There is talk of "tribes" and "nations" and how they shouldn't intermingle i the Bible. The Israelites can enslave and rape their enemies but that seems to be based on differences in religion, not race.

I have heard some argue that because the Bible forbids mixing things like fabrics, crops, animals, and other things people shouldn't mix race. others say we're all basally one kin and race isn't real. The genetics data says there are group differences.
Dingus_Incel said:
God is definitely against interreligious marriage. So Christians and Muslims can't marry. There is basically nothing in the bible that explicitly mentions race mixing being wrong. There is talk of "tribes" and "nations" and how they shouldn't intermingle i the Bible. The Israelites can enslave and rape their enemies but that seems to be based on differences in religion, not race.

I have heard some argue that because the Bible forbids mixing things like fabrics, crops, animals, and other things people shouldn't mix race. others say we're all basally one kin and race isn't real. The genetics data says there are group differences.

God is an arabic/jewish man from the middle east I doubt he really gives a shit lol.
Fontaine said:
I have voted unsure. There is a slight possibility that if a God exists he doesn't approve of race mixing (Christian countries once had laws against miscegenation) but I consider this probability low.

There is nothing in the Christian faith to support that. Quite the opposite.
jagged0 said:
God is an arabic/jewish man from the middle east I doubt he really gives a shit lol.

Christ himself transcends race. He chose to put his son in the body of a middle eastern person. But I don't think God would care either way if humans choose to race mix or not.
How would you know society's views? All you are getting is what the media wants people to say.
Dingus_Incel said:
Christ himself transcends race. He chose to put his son in the body of a middle eastern person.

Christ also chose to put his son in the body of a little girl who also happened to be raped by his sperm-don..I mean earthly father. Why do we hate only Muhammad again? They both seem like pieces of shit.
Dingus_Incel said:
My biggest issue is that I am a believer in racial science. I think that blacks have larger penises than the other races and therefore ruin white vaginas. So even just sleeping around with blacks is dangerous and makes satisfying a woman harder. Blacks also have more testosterone so they are more aggressive and sexual. I don't think the hyper sexual nature of black culture is good for whites to copy. Blacks ted to have more children out of wedlock(70%+), more partners, and more STDs. Many African Americans who escape the hood hate thug and hip hop cult and want to protect their own families from it. 

Also blacks have scored 1-2 standard deviations lower on IQ tests for about 90-100 years now all around the world compared to whites. Thats 15-30 IQ points. most other standardized aptitude tests show the same trends. A lot of black poverty isn't do to racism or bad environments, rather the bad environments are created as a result of their brain size and average intelligence. So I belie in very strict immigration quotas from latin America and Africa. Im not for banning immigrants, but we need to be careful about how many people we let in. 

I don't hate blacks or see them as inferior. But I think there are intractable biological differences that go deeper than skin or facial features and that on average, different ethnic groups are physiological dissimilar. There are signifiant overlaps between things like our IQ bell curves, but those averages matter. 


We live in a culture that since the 70's has pushed the equality agenda hard. Any differences in outcomes are totally do to environment, and lack of privilege. Academia is dominated by post modernism, marxism, academia and liberalism. They all harken back to an enlightenment philosophy that says we're all the same. I think humans are very similar, there is more biological similarity amongst all the humans on Earth than between different tribes of Chimps in the same jungle. But even small differences can have big impacts on aggregate outcomes for things like intelligence, crime, and sexual behavior.

People will call me out for being a hypocrite. Asians and European Jews outperform whites like how white do blacks. But I have some racial pride, and I think whites have certain features worth protecting and preserving. Asians are very nativist in E. Asia. I want to be a bit more like them.

The best book on the subject is Race, Evolution, and Behavior

You can watch a video on the authors work here

Truth right here. 

Whites in the west will awaken one day and it's not going to be pretty for anybody.
jagged0 said:
Christ also chose to put his son in the body of a little girl who also happened to be raped by his sperm-don..I mean earthly father. Why do we hate only Muhammad again? They both seem like pieces of shit.

Jesus held a lot of exemplary characteristics. Modesty, humility, charity, compassion, non violence, rejection of materialism. He wasn't perfect and there are some secular critiques of his philosophy, mainly the absolutism of it. If you try to be good independent of Jesus and don't recognize and love him, you go to Hell. 

But Muhamed was a warlord how had multiple wives, sex with a prepubescent girl, and spread his region via state terrorism. This was done largely for to his own benefit in terms of wealth, prestige, and power.

Truth right here.
Whites in the west will awaken one day and it's not going to be pretty for anybody.

When we do, it will be too late.
Dingus_Incel said:
Jesus held a lot of exemplary characteristics. Modesty, humility, charity, compassion, non violence, rejection of materialism. He wasn't perfect and there are some secular critiques of his philosophy, mainly the absolutism of it. If you try to be good independent of Jesus and don't recognize and love him, you go to Hell. 

But Muhamed was a warlord how had multiple wives, sex with a prepubescent girl, and spread his region via state terrorism. This was done largely for to his own benefit in terms of wealth, prestige, and power.

When we do, it will be too late.

They're both guilty of pedophile behavior to me, that's all I really need to hate them.
jagged0 said:
They're both guilty of pedophile behavior to me, that's all I really need to hate them.

How is Jesus guilty of pedophilia?
Dingus_Incel said:
How is Jesus guilty of pedophilia?

Did you ignore the part about him putting his child in a little girl's body named Mary who wasn't a virgin by the way?
No. Mixed race children are ugly. We don't need to create more incels.
Not really
Hate seeing white guys with asian girlfriends
Making it harder for ricecels
Themisterpepsi said:
Not really
Hate seeing white guys with asian girlfriends
Making it harder for ricecels

TBH I find white guys with asian girls kind of pathetic. Some Asian femoids date white guys by default, its too easy.
Mixed males are usally incel. Female's can look good. Usally non-white woman want's a white guy so their kids look better.
Best potential genetic outcomes from mixing races, it's science.

Also I like brunettes with dark eyes and tan skin.
I seriously could not give the tiniest of fucks about interracial relationships.
I'm black and I can't support it.

It's not normal. It's just to cope with self hate
Can't control what people do behind closed doors e.g. gays, lesbian, trans, ..., etc. In the west, almost everyone is on there own; there's hardly a such thing of being in a team and when most people are out there, just simply doing it for their own benefit and self-interests.
I don’t care, I would pick a female of any race
Not really , interracial couples tend to be more liberal and degenerates. Also seing an ethic girl with a white guy piss me off cause she's a white worshipping bitch and seeing an ethic guy with a white girl piss me off because I know she will eventually cuck him.
incel scum said:
depends on the combo :relief:

"if if if they're white and aspie like me and get an Asian then I'm all-all-all fo-for it, bu-but but if they're one of those naggers who I never call nagger to their face but do it online where I'm safe, and it's with one of my preshuss white wimyns who reject me, but are nevertheless my wimyns, then it's fucking wrong and those naggers should die. White pride worldwide especially in the few square foot that I live, sit, webbrowse, shit, and fap in! I fully support the white wimyns who hate me."

fukmylyf said:
I'm attracted to all kinds of bitches. But I think a lot of us would be better off if each race stuck to their own kind.

pretty much.

How's sticking to your own precious women working out for you?
Dingus_Incel said:
Just to clarify by "interracial couple" I mean things like interracial dating, husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends, and sexual partners. I want to see how this forums opinions match up with mainstream societies views on it interracial relationships. 

In theory I don't mind it, it's rather egalitarian. I'm also all about personal freedoms. But, as someone with experience, the children will suffer. Imagine not looking like either of your ethnicities, no one recognizing  you as one of their own. It's annoying and frustrating, so I had to vote no.
Dingus_Incel said:
My biggest issue is that I am a believer in racial science. I think that blacks have larger penises than the other races and therefore ruin white vaginas. So even just sleeping around with blacks is dangerous and makes satisfying a woman harder. Blacks also have more testosterone so they are more aggressive and sexual. I don't think the hyper sexual nature of black culture is good for whites to copy. Blacks ted to have more children out of wedlock(70%+), more partners, and more STDs. Many African Americans who escape the hood hate thug and hip hop cult and want to protect their own families from it. 

Also blacks have scored 1-2 standard deviations lower on IQ tests for about 90-100 years now all around the world compared to whites. Thats 15-30 IQ points. most other standardized aptitude tests show the same trends. A lot of black poverty isn't do to racism or bad environments, rather the bad environments are created as a result of their brain size and average intelligence. So I belie in very strict immigration quotas from latin America and Africa. Im not for banning immigrants, but we need to be careful about how many people we let in. 

I don't hate blacks or see them as inferior. But I think there are intractable biological differences that go deeper than skin or facial features and that on average, different ethnic groups are physiological dissimilar. There are signifiant overlaps between things like our IQ bell curves, but those averages matter. 


We live in a culture that since the 70's has pushed the equality agenda hard. Any differences in outcomes are totally do to environment, and lack of privilege. Academia is dominated by post modernism, marxism, academia and liberalism. They all harken back to an enlightenment philosophy that says we're all the same. I think humans are very similar, there is more biological similarity amongst all the humans on Earth than between different tribes of Chimps in the same jungle. But even small differences can have big impacts on aggregate outcomes for things like intelligence, crime, and sexual behavior.

People will call me out for being a hypocrite. Asians and European Jews outperform whites like how white do blacks. But I have some racial pride, and I think whites have certain features worth protecting and preserving. Asians are very nativist in E. Asia. I want to be a bit more like them.

The best book on the subject is Race, Evolution, and Behavior

You can watch a video on the authors work here

I agree with most of what you say. I just wonder how you feel about holding the belief of wanting to preserve the white race and no white women wanting you to preserve the white race with.

Framecel222 said:
The results of this poll are pretty disappointing tbh. I didn't think there were that many racists on here.

Yea, I wish that we could prove cucktears wrong and show that we aren't a community of butthurt, angry, racist, hateful socially awkward aspies, but hey ho...
I support all non Chad-Stacey couples

Edit: Nah, I meant to say I only support Incel couples of anykind. Fuck Normshits unless they're blackpilled.
Just lol @ those who are against them.

You mean to tell me if a woman of another race confessed her undying love for you, that would would turn her down and say "sorry, gotta keep my race pure!". Yeah I call bullshit. If you would reject a woman because of her race, you are poster boy for volcel/fakecel. But I don't think that's the case, I think you're all just coping.

a TRUE truecel has been rejected by women of many different races (provided it's realistically possible in their location).
most people are mixed. doesnt matter
None of my business.  What would a racist white incel care anyway?  You're not getting any pussy from any female of any  nationality.
It doesn't affect me. I don't care anymore
ilieknothing said:
I don’t care, I would pick a female of any race

You would think this would be any incels feeling on this subject, but some just have to cope and try to feel superior just because they have white skin.  And they spend all day here bitching about how shallow women are.  lol.
More half breeds are Incels (~95%) whereas slightly less pure breeds are incels (~80%). Interracial couples (especially Asian/white create more incels
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