My biggest issue is that I am a believer in racial science. I think that blacks have larger penises than the other races and therefore ruin white vaginas. So even just sleeping around with blacks is dangerous and makes satisfying a woman harder. Blacks also have more testosterone so they are more aggressive and sexual. I don't think the hyper sexual nature of black culture is good for whites to copy. Blacks ted to have more children out of wedlock(
70%+), more partners, and more STDs. Many African Americans who escape the hood hate thug and hip hop cult and want to protect their own families from it.
Also blacks have scored 1-2 standard deviations lower on IQ tests for about 90-100 years now all around the world compared to whites. Thats 15-30 IQ points. most other standardized aptitude tests show the same trends. A lot of black poverty isn't do to racism or bad environments, rather the bad environments are created as a result of their brain size and
average intelligence. So I belie in very strict immigration quotas from latin America and Africa. Im not for banning immigrants, but we need to be careful about how many people we let in.
I don't hate blacks or see them as inferior. But I think there are intractable biological differences that go deeper than skin or facial features and that
on average, different ethnic groups are physiological dissimilar. There are signifiant overlaps between things like our IQ bell curves, but those averages matter.
We live in a culture that since the 70's has pushed the equality agenda hard. Any differences in outcomes are totally do to environment, and lack of privilege. Academia is dominated by post modernism, marxism, academia and liberalism. They all harken back to an enlightenment philosophy that says we're all the same. I think humans are very similar, there is more biological similarity amongst all the humans on Earth than between different tribes of Chimps in the same jungle. But even small differences can have big impacts on aggregate outcomes for things like intelligence, crime, and sexual behavior.
People will call me out for being a hypocrite. Asians and European Jews outperform whites like how white do blacks. But I have some racial pride, and I think whites have certain features worth protecting and preserving. Asians are very nativist in E. Asia. I want to be a bit more like them.
The best book on the subject is Race, Evolution, and Behavior
You can watch a video on the authors work here