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Discussion Defining what is and is not an incel

Fat Link

Fat Link

Ónen i-Estel Edain. Ú-chebin estel anim.
Jul 31, 2019
Yep, this is yet another necessary topic to find out what sort of people you the members of the community will accept as incels moving forward and whom are not? :feelsclown:

For example should divorced men who haven’t been with a woman in years and claim they can no longer get one be considered incels?

Sure people can lie about their age but some don’t which is why I must ask should there be a required age limit for those that join our site claiming to be incels? I’d say people should not be able to join until they’re 25 but that’s just my opinion. What is yours?

So called good looking guys. This is probably the most controversial subject in our community and I understand why or at least I think I have most of an idea of what this controversy is all about.

We’re never going to all agree on whether Elliot Rodger was a Chad appearance wise or not but I’m using him for this example since he’s a hero to so many of you.

Personally I believe he was a Chad appearance wise or at least a Chad lite and that the reason he failed with women had nothing at all to do with his looks but rather that he was a severe mentalcel suffering from psychosis mistaken as narcissistic personality disorder as well crippling shyness.

People who disagree with me about Elliot most notably long gone from our community former member “Personality inkwell” would argue with me about this saying that if Elliot was a Chad of some sort women would have approached him. To which I believe I’d countered that not all Chads always have that experience as there’s plenty of shy women out there that would rather be the one to be approached first and or Elliot’s crippling shyness would make it so he’s not even in the vicinity most of the time where the women that he’s attracted to could even see him.

Well you can’t expect to sell a product or even yourself if you’re too afraid to show it off.

And sure yes he did go to parties but due to the shyness never made any attempts to talk to anyone.

Women/girls need to feel that a guy is safe to be around or that he can protect them before they’ll want to get with said guy and since Elliot stayed quiet as a church mouse even if a girl was attracted to him since she could get no idea of his mind state she cautiously stayed away. Girls may have been interested and even asked around about him but because Elliot was so shy they probably got answers ranging back from “Don’t know, that dude never talks to anyone” or the more unflattering “Eh that guys a fuckin weirdo, he don’t talk to anyone, you should stay away from him”.

Anyway I digress.

I guess my point is I feel guys like Elliot with some form of so called Chad good looks belong on our site just as much as the legendary 5ft2 balding Indian janitor archetypes do.

My reasons?

Sometimes guys that look good and appear to be Chad simply are not because of mentalceldom like in Elliot’s case.

Other times it could be the result of a bad stuttering problem, severe low IQ or the guy has a good face but is a manlet etc, etc.

As a community of heterosexual men I’m not sure we’re uniquely qualified to properly judge who is Chad from who is not based purely on appearance alone since we’re not attracted to guys. During my life thinking on this subject I’ve come to believe that perhaps only fags or women can assess whose Chad or not since they are, but since for obvious reasons we cannot utilize their council we are left to figure out this pressing matter for ourselves. :feelshehe:

For example when I was much younger during my various school years I’d look around and think oh this or that guy is an obvious Chad and should get all the girls and this other guy is not or I’d see movie stars like Vin Diesel and say to myself “what an ugly fucker, this guy will never have a chance with the ladies”.

Well more often than I’d like to admit I was wrong and the exact opposite ended up happening as the so called real Chads ended up being the people I’d never expect in a thousand years. :feelswhere:

So that’s why when so many of you scream “Chad fakecel!” at some guy you perceive to be handsome and just LARPing as one of us for fun or to eventually troll us I can only roll my eyes at you because I just don’t think you’re anymore qualified than I am to judge that person an actual genuine Chad or not.

Only exception being of course is if you’ve got some kind of documented proof of his ascension.

I have also noticed what seems to be a growing phenomenon these days of so called good looking guys being frozen out of the dating market and essentially becoming nearly as bad off as us as the changes in modernity likely related to social media and the dating apps have made women’s hypergamy become even worse ie which is to say een more demanding. :feelsugh:

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incel = cannot get sex/relationships with women

if you had a gf in middle school and broke up with her after

or if you were a betabuxx cuck and got divorced

then you are still an incel as you can't get anything in the present day
celibacy = no sex

involuntary = unable to get it

so if you cant get sex (oral, anal, vaginal), you are incel

although paid experiences dont count
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Involuntary celibate = someone who wants a partner but can’t get one

so based on that definition, people who have had gfs or have had sex in the past but no longer have that power can also be incels.

However, those types of incels shouldnt be allowed to brag about it on this forum
someone who doesn't get laids despite his best efforts
Anyone who is above normie in terms of looks has no place here. Unless if they’re diagnosed with some severe mental illness. Being scared of women isn’t an excuse.

Looks are everything boyos.
Yep, this is yet another necessary topic to find out what sort of people you the members of the community will accept as incels moving forward and whom are not?

For example should divorced men who haven’t been with a woman in years and claim they can no longer get one be considered incels?
If they only got starfish sex after betabux sure, but I doubt they’ll come here and instead cope with MGTOW.
Sure people can lie about their age but some don’t which is why I must ask should their be a required age limit for those that join our site claiming to be incels? I’d say people should not be able to join until they’re 25 but that’s just my opinion. What is yours?
Age limit should stay the same. I haven’t changed since 15 and am 18 now.
[UWSL]So called good looking guys. This is probably the most controversial subject in our community and I understand why or at least I think I have most of an idea of what this controversy is all about.[/UWSL]
Don’t be silly. LOOKS ARE NOT SUBJECTIVE. So called implies that GL people belong here, and they DO NOT. One person lives in a shithole country and has nothing better to do, beyond me why he isn’t banned considering he doesn’t even contribute.
We’re never going to all agree on whether Elliot Rodger was a Chad appearance wise or not but I’m using him for this example since he’s a hero to so many of you.
He’s not a hero to me. He was a 3/10.

Girly face
135 lbs
4 inch dick
Half asian

I can’t believe you think he’s a chad.
Personally I believe he was a Chad appearance wise or at least a Chad lite and that the reason he failed with women had nothing at all to do with his looks but rather that he was a severe mentalcel suffering from psychosis mistaken as narcissistic personality disorder as well crippling shyness.
No, you’ve never ran a tinder of him. I got 0 real matches after swiping right for a week. I really want you to explain how he’s a chad.
People who disagree with me about Elliot most notably long gone from our community former member “Personality inkwell” would argue with me about this saying that if Elliot was a Chad of some sort women would have approached him. To which I believe I’d countered that not all Chads always have that experience as there’s plenty of shy women out there that would rather be the one to be approached first and or Elliot’s crippling shyness would make it so he’s not even in the vicinity most of the time where the women that he’s attracted to could even see him.
Don’t drag me down to his level, but he was ugly as shit.
Well you can’t expect to sell a product or even yourself if you’re too afraid to show it off.

And sure yes he did go to parties but due to the shyness never made any attempts to talk to anyone.

Women/girls need to feel that a guy is safe to be around or that he can protect them before they’ll want to get with said guy and since Elliot stayed quiet as a church mouse even if a girl was attracted to him since she could get no idea of his mind state she cautiously stayed away. Girls may have been interested and even asked around about him but because Elliot was so shy they probably got answers ranging back from “Don’t know, that dude never talks to anyone” or the more unflattering “Eh that guys a fuckin weirdo, he don’t talk to anyone, you should stay away from him”.
Yes, I agree with your point that some people are very fucked up mentally but they need an actual diagnosis. If they have schizophrenia/autism they have a valid reason to be here. They can’t just be scared of going outside.
Anyway I digress.

I guess my point is I feel guys like Elliot with some form of so called Chad good looks belong on our site just as much as the legendary 5ft2 balding Indian janitor archetypes do.
He’s not a chad. He’s not a chad. He’s not a chad. He’s not a chad. He’s not a chad. I MOG HIM FFS.

Sometimes guys that look good and appear to be Chad simply are not because of mentalceldom like in Elliot’s case.
Girly face
130 lbs
4 inch dick
Twig frame

He was ugly as fuck.
Other times it could be the result of a bad stuttering problem, severe low IQ or the guy has a good face but is a manlet etc, etc.
Both are legit, just be tall is everything and being short hurts you. A 5’4 guy with 8/10 face has reason to be here. Since it’s UGLY to be short.
As a community of heterosexual men I’m not sure we’re uniquely qualified to properly judge who is Chad from who is not based purely on appearance alone since we’re not attracted to guys. During my life thinking on this subject I’ve come to believe that perhaps only fags or women can assess whose Chad or not since they are, but since for obvious reasons we cannot utilize their council we are left to figure out this pressing matter for ourselves. :feelshehe:
Doesn’t matter what you think, just run a tinder experiment. If they get matches ban them.
For example when I was much younger during my various school years I’d look around and think oh this or that guy is an obvious Chad and should get all the girls and this other guy is not or I’d see movie stars like Vin Diesel and say to myself “what an ugly fucker, this guy will never have a chance with the ladies”.
Things are very different nowadays. JBT/GL is law and there isn’t wiggle room.

[UWSL]So that’s why when so many of you scream “Chad fakecel!” at some guy you perceive to be handsome and just LARPing as one of us for fun or to eventually troll us I can only roll my eyes at you because I just don’t think you’re anymore qualified than I am to judge that person an actual genuine Chad or not.[/UWSL]
It’s pretty easy. If they have good facial characteristics and are taller than 80% of men in their area you can say they’re a chad. If you run a tinder and they get matches they have ZERO EXCUSES.

@Gods Lonely Man

An incel is a person who cannot get sex no matter how hard they try, primarily because of some genetic disadvantage. This can either be because of facial appearance, weight, height, race, a body deformity, a mental illness, or a combination of all of those. I don't think their should be a age limit required for the site, I think all dudes at any can experience inceldom, though there are a lot of fakecels on here because they are young and stupid teens who dont know what actually being incel is. I don't a age limit of 25 would be reasonable, because if you think about it what make a 24 year old incel that much different than a 25 year old incel? The year age difference isn't gonna change the fact they they still never had chance in the first place. If there was to be a age limit, I would say it should be 18.
If you're trying, but getting no results, I'd welcome you here. I don't need to know what your face looks like.

But if you're trying, and failing, but you have a nice looking face, I'm not sayin' you're not incel but I'm sayin' you're not ugly. You're incel for other reasons.
incel=khhv only

If a girl kisses you, you can get sex
Incel=can't get sex with women.

I honestly think the nu-jannies are trying to slowly trying to convert this site into a "blackpill" site rather than a site for incels. would explain why they let mental"cels" in and let people blatantly brag:feelsjuice:

I agree with your assessment of ER however, idk why niggers are convinced he was a chad or some shit.
Incel=can't get sex with women.
I honestly think the nu-jannies are trying to slowly trying to convert this site into a "blackpill" site rather than a site for incels. would explain why they let mental"cels" in and let people blatantly brag:feelsjuice:
No legitimate user goes around posting their face, I would never out of fear of becoming the next hamlossus. Posting your face is a giga brag.
I agree with your assessment of ER however, idk why niggers are convinced he was a chad or some shit.
Hurrr durrrrr 5’6 HAPA with a 4 incher is a chad brooooooo. I don’t condone his actions in any way but he was UGLY! @Fat Link idk why you think he’s GL.

Lol I got Z E R O matches with him on tinder and bumble.

Doesn’t matter what we think, it’s female choice in the end.
Anyone who is above normie in terms of looks has no place here. Unless if they’re diagnosed with some severe mental illness. Being scared of women isn’t an excuse.

Looks are everything boyos.

If they only got starfish sex after betabux sure, but I doubt they’ll come here and instead cope with MGTOW.

Age limit should stay the same. I haven’t changed since 15 and am 18 now.

Don’t be silly. LOOKS ARE NOT SUBJECTIVE. So called implies that GL people belong here, and they DO NOT. One person lives in a shithole country and has nothing better to do, beyond me why he isn’t banned considering he doesn’t even contribute.

He’s not a hero to me. He was a 3/10.

Girly face
135 lbs
4 inch dick
Half asian

I can’t believe you think he’s a chad.

No, you’ve never ran a tinder of him. I got 0 real matches after swiping right for a week. I really want you to explain how he’s a chad.

Don’t drag me down to his level, but he was ugly as shit.

Yes, I agree with your point that some people are very fucked up mentally but they need an actual diagnosis. If they have schizophrenia/autism they have a valid reason to be here. They can’t just be scared of going outside.

He’s not a chad. He’s not a chad. He’s not a chad. He’s not a chad. He’s not a chad. I MOG HIM FFS.

Girly face
130 lbs
4 inch dick
Twig frame

He was ugly as fuck.

Both are legit, just be tall is everything and being short hurts you. A 5’4 guy with 8/10 face has reason to be here. Since it’s UGLY to be short.

Doesn’t matter what you think, just run a tinder experiment. If they get matches ban them.

Things are very different nowadays. JBT/GL is law and there isn’t wiggle room.

It’s pretty easy. If they have good facial characteristics and are taller than 80% of men in their area you can say they’re a chad. If you run a tinder and they get matches they have ZERO EXCUSES.

@Gods Lonely Man

Extremely high IQ post! :feelsokman:

Bro you had me laughing my ass off at certain points. :feelskek:

I seriously think you just solved some major problems for me that everyone will be happy with the solution of. :panties:

That said would you be willing to run said Tinder experiments whenever we get an aspiring hopeful member that seems too good looking to many to belong here? :feelshehe:

Your other idea about mentalcel’s having a diagnosis was also solid but again people can lie so while good the idea is kind of a wash but eh we can still ask future applicants anyway. :ahegao:
The age limit should be 21 and above
incel to me is being (reasonably) involuntary celibate.
not black pill, not blue pill, ugly, chadlite, just celibate.

reasonable because you can hardly be literally be forced to be celibate unless you're in coma.
rape, fucking gays, corpse, animals, would make you non virgin, but you dont do it (by your own voluntary choice) for obvious reasons
Any form of sexual experience is not an incel, getting matches on dating apps is not an incel, girls asking you out but not hoping on your dick is not an incels.

Being above average in looks, being tall with decent build and face cant be an incel imo, he has to try harder but he still has the option. If the entire forum agrees someone is goodlooking than he is goodlooking.

These guys doesnt want to put in minimal effort because Chads dont have to, well guess what youre not an Chad. But they have no problem crying over not having a gf.

Mentalcel/volcel/standardcel unless they are mentally crippled its not and excuse, entire involuntary falls into water. Being shy, awkward, non NT, avoidant personality is not an excuse, they refuse to go out of their comfort zone and expect things to happen on their own.

That being said i understand being standardcel for not wanting ugly ass girls or when someone doesnt even want an gf because it requires too much effort but there are other places on the internet for them and this place should be incels only.
Any form of sexual experience is not an incel, getting matches on dating apps is not an incel,
masturbation is more of a sexual experience than getting matches on dating apps

omg are you really this :bluepill:?
I think we should keep the rules of Incels.is strict where it is openly KHHV only. Otherwise a slippery slope begins where people start bragging about minor experiences, etc next thing you know we have full blown normies and chads joining the forum acting like they Incel.

I personally would define even someone who isnt a virgin an Incel if it has been long enough like 10 years+ w/out sex, but in observation of the Incel culture and the community, they should keep it to themselves out of respect for those less fortunate.

Good looking mentalcels can exist, but Incel forums is definitely not the place you should be bragging about looks in any capacity. So anybody openly admitting to having any non paid sexual relationships or bragging about looks height or face should be banned.

In terms of age, I think most younger users will only use this site to vent for a year or so then you never see them again as they become slayers out in the real world with their new blackpilled knowledge. If I had to set an Age Limit, Id set it to 23 YearsOld minimum to join
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Only the ugly can be incel.
masturbation is more of a sexual experience than getting matches on dating apps

omg are you really this :bluepill:?
Every fucking statistic says girls are even pickier on dating apps than in real life, how am i being bluepilled? The rate of left and right swipes. You know how many incels we had here making dating profile and not getting matches ever. How many stories i heard where even butt ugly girls swiping left on any flaw a guy has.
Every fucking statistic says girls are even pickier on dating apps than in real life, how am i being bluepilled? The rate of left and right swipes. You know how many incels we had here making dating profile and not getting matches ever. How many stories i heard where even butt ugly girls swiping left on any flaw a guy has.
you're bluepilled for not looking into it deeper

ever hear of bots? of flakes? of girls who want instagram followers? of stacyfishes?
Elliot Rodger may not have been truecel looks, but he was absolutely an Incel based on location. Although he could have ascended in many places in the world, such as poorer 2nd world 3rd world countries, he was brutally mogged in Isla Vista due to his 5'9 height, asian phenotype, and most importantly his complete lack of social popularity dominance/assertiveness. He was excessively shy, deeply insecure, and completely inexperienced and clueless on how to initiate/approach a girl. This combined with his below avg looks for his location, and he was a Big time Location Incel / Borderline Location Truecel. He had no chance to even get a lower tier 4/10 sub Becky, let alone the 9/10 Stacy he was obsessed with.

Maybe if he traveled to SEA he could do decent. In the USA Elliot Rodgers was def Incel even with his 5/10 looks and 5'9 height due to his major shyness and autism
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you're bluepilled for not looking into it deeper

ever hear of bots? of flakes? of girls who want instagram followers? of stacyfishes?
I know what you try to say that few match are not dead giveaway and i agree, but those profiles are easy to spot, if she responds to your message she is interested enough. I swear you guys want an excuse behind the blackpill to be an volcel. To guys who cant get anything for which involuntary stands for this is a form of mockery, its like trashing food because it doesnt have a ketchup on it in front of a starving men.
I know what you try to say that few match are not dead giveaway and i agree, but those profiles are easy to spot, if she responds to your message she is interested enough. I swear you guys want an excuse behind the blackpill to be an volcel. To guys who cant get anything for which involuntary stands for this is a form of mockery, its like trashing food because it doesnt have a ketchup on it in front of a starving men.
if tinder matches were automatic sex, then maybe you have a point

but chadfish on tinder, and see what happens when you ask for sex, you get it

you dont get it as a non chad
if tinder matches were automatic sex, then maybe you have a point

but chadfish on tinder, and see what happens when you ask for sex, you get it

you dont get it as a non chad
Fair enough, that makes it useless for 80-90% of men, which statistics confirm.
Yep, this is yet another necessary topic to find out what sort of people you the members of the community will accept as incels moving forward and whom are not? :feelsclown:

For example should divorced men who haven’t been with a woman in years and claim they can no longer get one be considered incels?
We need a minimum amount of time of "years I have wanted to put my penis into the vagina of a consenting girlwho accepts me and fucks me without obvious guaranteed compensation like cash" I guess?

Some foid suggested 6 months at first, I initially said at least double it to twelve (a year) but if someone wants to double it again to two years I'm fine with that.

If we make it too high we'll start excluding some of the teencels who haven't had boners long enough to miss using them though, so I guess the question is how big to make this minimum.

Sure people can lie about their age but some don’t which is why I must ask should there be a required age limit for those that join our site claiming to be incels? I’d say people should not be able to join until they’re 25 but that’s just my opinion. What is yours?
If you've been wanting to fuck girls since ten years old that's fifteen years of celibacy minimum which means if some guy fucked a girl at 25 then we don't let him in until he's at least 40.

Fifteen seems a bit step, I'd say a decade at most, which would make minimum age 20 to get in if you've wanted to fuck girls since you're ten and haven't.

So called good looking guys. This is probably the most controversial subject in our community and I understand why or at least I think I have most of an idea of what this controversy is all about.
it's too subjective and short-sighted because even though looks are prime factor there ARE other factors

We’re never going to all agree on whether Elliot Rodger was a Chad appearance wise or not but I’m using him for this example since he’s a hero to so many of you.
I think we can universally agree ER was Chadlite or lower, no way he was 9/10 or 10/10 as a hapa

Personally I believe he was a Chad appearance wise or at least a Chad lite and that the reason he failed with women had nothing at all to do with his looks but rather that he was a severe mentalcel suffering from psychosis mistaken as narcissistic personality disorder as well crippling shyness.
he was 1.75m tall which is less than 5'9"
I don't care how handsome you think his face is (I'd say 7/10 at highest which is sub-chadlite brad) there's no way he can be any tier of chad at that height

former member “Personality inkwell” would argue with me about this saying that if Elliot was a Chad of some sort women would have approached him. To which I believe I’d countered that not all Chads always have that experience as there’s plenty of shy women out there that would rather be the one to be approached first
That's not a decent counter at all FL

The existence of shy 'never approaches guys' girls would only prove that a chad won't be approached by EVERY girl

There will always be non-shy girls who WILL pre-empt those shy girls and approach the handsome guys.

If you're not getting those coming up to you then the shy girls prob don't like you much either.

The shy girls want to be approached by the guys the extrovert girls are approaching, not the guys the extroverts are ignoring

Elliot’s crippling shyness would make it so he’s not even in the vicinity most of the time where the women that he’s attracted to could even see him.
also he was 5'9" and had subtly repulsive hapa features which were non-masculine
no jaw, no shoulders...
I'm not good at dissecting faces but he didn't have 'it' whatever IT is

Well you can’t expect to sell a product or even yourself if you’re too afraid to show it off.
just show up at parties and sel lyour 5'9 hapa sexiness bro

And sure yes he did go to parties but due to the shyness never made any attempts to talk to anyone.
eh I find that hard to believe, did he actually say he never talked to anyone in his journal? been while since I skimmed

Women/girls need to feel that a guy is safe to be around or that he can protect them before they’ll want to get with said guy
that's BS there are chicks who chase serial killers who might kill them

and since Elliot stayed quiet as a church mouse even if a girl was attracted to him since she could get no idea of his mind state she cautiously stayed away.
or maybe she didn't even care what his mental state was because he was short and not particularly handsome

Girls may have been interested and even asked around about him but because Elliot was so shy they probably got answers ranging back from “Don’t know, that dude never talks to anyone” or the more unflattering “Eh that guys a fuckin weirdo, he don’t talk to anyone, you should stay away from him”.
or none were interested enough to ask about him because he was short and not handsome

at best he was half-bishounen in a non-masculine way but I've seen far more bishounen guys that girls woulv'e done for
there was something off about it but I don't study face vocab enough to tell you what was wrong with his face, it just was

I guess my point is I feel guys like Elliot with some form of so called Chad good looks belong on our site just as much as the legendary 5ft2 balding Indian janitor archetypes do.
I'm fine with that too but please only assign 'Brad' or lower to that guy, Chad shouldn't be on radar for him due to his face even if he was 6'9 instead of 5'9

Sometimes guys that look good and appear to be Chad simply are not because of mentalceldom like in Elliot’s case.
that's possible but again he WASN'T a Chad in terms of Face

if he had been, he wouldn't be as much of a mentalcel because he woul've been treated better and be less resentful and guarded
As a community of heterosexual men I’m not sure we’re uniquely qualified to properly judge who is Chad from who is not based purely on appearance alone since we’re not attracted to guys.
I don't think who you personally want to fuck has any bearing on whether or not you can perceive patterns in who other people want to fuck.

For example do we really think foids are unable to process who are ugly girls that guys don't want to fuck just because they don't want to fuck women as much as we do?

During my life thinking on this subject I’ve come to believe that perhaps only fags or women can assess whose Chad or not since they are, but since for obvious reasons we cannot utilize their council we are left to figure out this pressing matter for ourselves. :feelshehe:
No that's silly, you perceive Chad by viewing the reactions in those who want to fuck Chad

If there's any mystery it's "who is Stacy" since men want to fuck a much broader amount of women and have a less specific archtype of the ideal woman compared to women's very specific archtype for the ideal man

For example when I was much younger during my various school years I’d look around and think oh this or that guy is an obvious Chad and should get all the girls and this other guy is not or I’d see movie stars like Vin Diesel and say to myself “what an ugly fucker, this guy will never have a chance with the ladies”.
that's because you were stuck in the mode of "Vin has an uncute face" and ignoring the masochistic "want to get beast-fucked by muss guy" ogremaxing factors also contributing to foid attraction, which they will less frequently orate on

the so called real Chads ended up being the people I’d never expect in a thousand years
you were prob confused because puberty finished and people ended up looking different

So that’s why when so many of you scream “Chad fakecel!” at some guy you perceive to be handsome and just LARPing as one of us for fun or to eventually troll us I can only roll my eyes at you because I just don’t think you’re anymore qualified than I am to judge that person an actual genuine Chad or not.
FL you and I are both as qualified as any foid to judge who is Chad
I wuold argue even moreso than a foid because we can be honest about foid patterns without being biased to preserve the illusion of fake foid values as foids would be when asked to comment on this

I have also noticed what seems to be a growing phenomenon these days of so called good looking guys being frozen out of the dating market and essentially becoming nearly as bad off as us as the changes in modernity likely related to social media and the dating apps have made women’s hypergamy become even worse ie which is to say een more demanding. :feelsugh:

"so-caleld good-looking guys" prob means "above-average" guys who are 6/7 in the decile but still sub-chad so they lose to the top 30% who get 90% of pusssy
[UWSL]Male + Not Chad + not progressive= incel. :smonk: @Fat Link [/UWSL]

[UWSL]Jokes aside, it seems that no one knows what makes someone an incel. People that[/UWSL][UWSL] call themselves "incel"[/UWSL][UWSL] would say that its meaning is just [/UWSL][UWSL]any man who wants sex and can't get it due to their inferior genetic features,[/UWSL][UWSL] while[/UWSL][UWSL] people outside the incel community[/UWSL][UWSL] would define [/UWSL][UWSL]incels as men who hates women and blames them for not being able to have se[/UWSL][UWSL]x. I can say that when we are defining the word "incel", we are often implying the first definition, not the second one.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]Now let us get to the part about who is an incel and who is not. By looking at the first definition, it comes straight to your mind that anyone who has sex is not an incel, right? But what about the people on this forum who have paid to fuck escorts? Are they incel too just because they have to pay for sex to get laid, or are they considered an non-incel since they had sex?[/UWSL]

[UWSL]Most people on this forum would say that escortcels are still incels that are unable to seduce women the natural way and are just paying for legal rape, while others would say that they were never an incel to begin, just a volcel.[/UWSL]
Good thread.

I declare that the holy trinity should be face, height, and NT. Anyone who is severely lacking in one or more of these categories is going to be an Incel in 2021.

Also getting "matches" on Tinder doesn't matter if it's landwhales, because landwhales are not the same species. 4/10 low tier Beckies are the minimum, where if a male is completely incapable of getting that, definitely an Incel. However, if you try to test people on dating apps then getting matches isn't enough even for those. There needs to be proof that these females respond positively and want to engage in DSR.
Good thread.

I declare that the holy trinity should be face, height, and NT. Anyone who is severely lacking in one or more of these categories is going to be an Incel in 2021.

Also getting "matches" on Tinder doesn't matter if it's landwhales, because landwhales are not the same species. 4/10 low tier Beckies are the minimum, where if a male is completely incapable of getting that, definitely an Incel. However, if you try to test people on dating apps then getting matches isn't enough even for those. There needs to be proof that these females respond positively and want to engage in DSR.
I believe that we should look more into "mentalcels", as we have a lot of them on this forum and some of them do not belong here. Mentalcels are usually the ones whose inceldom can be attributed to some psychological factor and the thing I've been noticing about a few mentalcels on this forum when their face get leaked is that they look like a failed normie with an average face.
I believe that we should look more into "mentalcels", as we have a lot of them on this forum and some of them do not belong here. Mentalcels are usually the ones whose inceldom can be attributed to some psychological factor and the thing I've been noticing about a few mentalcels on this forum when their face get leaked is that they look like a failed normie with an average face.

Doesn't that go without saying? If someone was non-NT and also ugly, and/or short, then they would just be trucel.
incel = cannot get sex/relationships with women
please don't use a forward slash, I don't know if you're saying "sex and relationship simultaneously" or "either sex or relationship"

also I think we should clarify as "penis inside a vagina" and not other shit

I'm sure oral/anal is great but it's still just a cope.

You haven't really "ascended" IMO if a foid isn't willing to wrap her legs around your back as you cum in her womb

If she won't let you do that then she's holding something back which she'd readily give to Chad, s oyou're not whole

maybe you could call anal/oral semi-celibacy I dunno but it's definitly not true sex or ascension to only get those

if you had a gf in middle school and broke up with her after
or if you were a betabuxx cuck and got divorced
then you are still an incel as you can't get anything in the present day
worth highlighting that dumping a middle school GF who never puts out and was cucking you w/ Chad is def no guarantee you ever had a chance
celibacy = no sex
involuntary = unable to get it
so if you cant get sex (oral, anal, vaginal), you are incel
although paid experiences dont count
paying is an "ability" so it should count
paid sex is still sex
you're not "celibate" if you're ejaculating into the pussy of a prostitute every morning
especially if she only charges you ten bucks a pop

Not unless we define "celibacy" as more than "a lack of sex" but "a lack of a soulmate".
worth highlighting that dumping a middle school GF who never puts out and was cucking you w/ Chad is def no guarantee you ever had a chance
astronomical cope if you think middle schoolers dont fuck and are "chad only"
Incel=can't get sex with women.
There is no need to clarify "sex with a woman" because women are the only thing men can have sex with.

If the penis is not entering a vagina it's just a facsimile of sexual intercourse, it is not actually sexual intercourse.

Mouths and hands and anuses are just biological onaholes, they are vagina stand-ins, they emulate sex but are not sex.
astronomical cope if you think middle schoolers dont fuck and are "chad only"
this shit again?
as I told you in previous thread I'm only saying "chad mostly" and "chad takes priority" not "only fucks chads"
chad isn't the only one they'll fuck but he is their only priority and gets most of the fucking
why do kisshaving virgins exist?
do people kiss a foid, then she says "wanna have sex", and they turn her down?
I couldn't have worded this better myself, very prose
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I say if you cant have a relationship/sex(without paying) for ANY reason you are an incel.
Anyone who is above normie in terms of looks has no place here. Unless if they’re diagnosed with some severe mental illness. Being scared of women isn’t an excuse.

Looks are everything boyos.

If they only got starfish sex after betabux sure, but I doubt they’ll come here and instead cope with MGTOW.

Age limit should stay the same. I haven’t changed since 15 and am 18 now.

Don’t be silly. LOOKS ARE NOT SUBJECTIVE. So called implies that GL people belong here, and they DO NOT. One person lives in a shithole country and has nothing better to do, beyond me why he isn’t banned considering he doesn’t even contribute.

He’s not a hero to me. He was a 3/10.

Girly face
135 lbs
4 inch dick
Half asian

I can’t believe you think he’s a chad.

No, you’ve never ran a tinder of him. I got 0 real matches after swiping right for a week. I really want you to explain how he’s a chad.

Don’t drag me down to his level, but he was ugly as shit.

Yes, I agree with your point that some people are very fucked up mentally but they need an actual diagnosis. If they have schizophrenia/autism they have a valid reason to be here. They can’t just be scared of going outside.

He’s not a chad. He’s not a chad. He’s not a chad. He’s not a chad. He’s not a chad. I MOG HIM FFS.

Girly face
130 lbs
4 inch dick
Twig frame

He was ugly as fuck.

Both are legit, just be tall is everything and being short hurts you. A 5’4 guy with 8/10 face has reason to be here. Since it’s UGLY to be short.

Doesn’t matter what you think, just run a tinder experiment. If they get matches ban them.

Things are very different nowadays. JBT/GL is law and there isn’t wiggle room.

It’s pretty easy. If they have good facial characteristics and are taller than 80% of men in their area you can say they’re a chad. If you run a tinder and they get matches they have ZERO EXCUSES.

@Gods Lonely Man

It’s pretty easy. If they have good facial characteristics and are taller than 80% of men in their area you can say they’re a chad. If you run a tinder and they get matches they have ZERO EXCUSES.

@Gods Lonely Man

Tinder truly is a kind of litmus test for attractiveness. If you're black pilled, you understand hypergamy and know how low the odds are for an average looking man to get a swipe.

Being taller than 80% of men and having good facial aesthetics is pretty much the definition of chad.
Good-looking 'mentalcels' would be still highly popular amongs females. It's impossible to be rejected, humilated and ostracized by the opposite sex as a handsome man even if you're 'mental', 'outcast' or 'weird'. Byronic hero-type is popular among females.

Tumblr inline p07s62ARgO1sonkx9 540
Gothic fiction byronic hero 2 728

The byronic hero incapable of love or capable only of an imp author albert camus
If you have had unpaid sexual experiences, you are NOT an incel, period.

The only exception I would allow are accidents leading to severe disability/disfigurement that radically change a person's SMV.

I don't think natural aging should allow a normie to claim that they are an "incel" after they get divorced. Aging is something that everyone goes through and they're making a mockery of actual incels.
Inceldom is a state. Some argue that it's a permanent state, because of your genetics. If that is in fact the case (permanent state), then, by definition, ascension is impossible. If it's a temporary state, then it must be a combination of genetics, circumstance, and other miscellaneous factors, with genetics still being the primary factor. I'm of the position that the state of inceldom is a temporary state for some and a permanent one for others, but it's a state nonetheless. Does this mean that you're going to have past sexhavers who've been in fulfilling relationships among truecels who haven't felt the touch of a woman? Sadly, yes, because all incel means is literally "involuntary celibate." It doesn't mean genetic trash, misogynist, terrorist, Nazi, alt right, or any other braindead notion pushed by the mainstream liberal media.

You might be wondering, "how the fuck is that any different from a fakecel?" A fakecel is a normie who comes in here to larp as an incel. They're usually active sexhavers with girlfriends who come here just to mock and poke fun (usual normie shit). You can think of them like griefers in online video games. They derive pleasure from making you feel miserable and ruining your experience, even if that experience is peacefully coping in an obscure forum.

The question of age is a contentious one. Personally, I don't believe you should be here if you're still in high school. You still have many years to grow and many opportunities for experiences. You might be permanently incel, but it's too early to say tbh. It's likely that you're not doomed, like some of us are. Some of us are in our 30s, 40s, and even older who've been incel their entire life. Being a depressed 15 year old and comparing yourself to the wizards is, frankly, insulting.
For example should divorced men who haven’t been with a woman in years and claim they can no longer get one be considered incels?
not interested in having retarded senile boomers in the forum. They are cucks that can't add nothing of value and then start bluepilling and bragging about their past relationships. Fuck them.
I’d say people should not be able to join until they’re 25 but that’s just my opinion. What is yours?
I am almost 25. I'd say the age should be at least 20. Tired of seeing 15 year old '''''''incels''''' which by the way are coping tallfags.
Personally I believe he was a Chad appearance wise or at least a Chad lite and that the reason he failed with women had nothing at all to do with his looks
He was a manlet and he was also nowhere even in normie looks department. He had the face and body of a emasculated nerd overall. A ''chadlite'' would be white, tall, and way prettier.

Also, ''Andrew Blaze'' was even more shy and antisocial than Elliot Rodger and he still got more than 1 foid approaching him, because he was tall, white and not that ugly, unlike Elliot, who is a ricecel manlet.
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The discussion is useless. There is no black and white and the mods will ultimately decide for themselves
Yep, this is yet another necessary topic to find out what sort of people you the members of the community will accept as incels moving forward and whom are not? :feelsclown:
Incel: a guy short and ugly enough to a point where woman or women he prefers don't want him.(unless he has high status and wealth.)
mentalcel: a guy with a mental disorder or poor social skills that's not ((attractive enough)) so women will approach him.
For example should divorced men who haven’t been with a woman in years and claim they can no longer get one be considered incels?
Sure people can lie about their age but some don’t which is why I must ask should there be a required age limit for those that join our site claiming to be incels? I’d say people should not be able to join until they’re 25 but that’s just my opinion. What is yours?
20 i think is good.
So called good looking guys. This is probably the most controversial subject in our community and I understand why or at least I think I have most of an idea of what this controversy is all about.

We’re never going to all agree on whether Elliot Rodger was a Chad appearance wise or not but I’m using him for this example since he’s a hero to so many of you.

Personally I believe he was a Chad appearance wise or at least a Chad lite and that the reason he failed with women had nothing at all to do with his looks but rather that he was a severe mentalcel suffering from psychosis mistaken as narcissistic personality disorder as well crippling shyness.
He was a manlet with terrible mutt gook phenotype. i 100% believe he was an incel.
Someone who can't get non paid sex
Well. An incel is a person who has no Chad-tier characteristics at all and also has at least 1-2 below average characteristics, in my opinion. But there are always exceptions, weird combinations.
In most cases, incels are ugly or short, or both.
So, obviously, nobody likes ugly or short dudes, especially if they have no superior characteristics at all, which means they're incels.

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