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Discussion "Dark Triad" Is a Massive Coping Mechanism and Belongs with PUA Garbage

Nobody ever thought of Chads as mean.

Incels are the actual mean ones if anything; I already established this years ago in my head.

Completely shit thread.
Often times I see incels speak of "Dark Triad" as if it was anything more than the epitome of redpill jargon. From what I've gathered Dark Triad seems to be the enhanced attractiveness one gets by acting in a sinister, manipulative, and sociopathic manner. This of course runs directly contrary to the blackpill of which the thesis is females base their attraction to males off looks. Believers of the "Dark Triad" theory attempt to weasel around this by saying this only applies to Chad, as in the Dark Triad personality enhances Chad's attractiveness but would have no effect on an incel for obvious reasons. Many Dark Triad believers laughably attempt to explain their bogus theory with evolution, stating women are evolutionary attracted to sociopathic men because they were the alpha-males who rose to the top of their dominance hierarchy. Everything about this idea is inexcusable, laughable, and shameful. While women may respond positively to attractive bully Chads, the attraction is DESPITE the "Dark Triad" traits, not because of them.

When women spot a Chad, they experience immediate sexual attraction. They will want to have sex and date the Chad and think up any excuse why they should. What women really hope is for Chad to be nice and have a great personality so they can justify their lust for him under the banner of "what a great guy!". The actions seen as "beta" and "simplike" when done by an incel become "gentlemenlike" when done by Chad. A women would love nothing more for a Chad to tell her how beautiful she is, hold the door open, double-text her, pay for her dinner, tell her he loves her hobbies, this is clearly seen by every stupid "justgirlythings" postcard. The dream for a women is to have a tall stocky Chad with a GREAT personality. This being said, if Chad turns out to be "dark triad", that is only because he knows he has such a surplus of women he doesn't need to act kind to attract one. Of course women will look past these traits because looks surpass personality in every metric, but its important to remember Chad is getting laid DESPITE not BECAUSE OF his Dark Triad personality. Too add to my point even further, most of these "Dark Triad" Chads are extremely nice and sweet to the girls they desire. They themselves know that people judge others by how they are treated individually. Stacy doesn't care if Chad beats up the weaker ones everyday as long as he treats her well and this is where the real blackpill comes in.


It is such massive cope to pretend like these abusive relationships are the norm, they aren't. Abusive relationships just demonstrate how looks always trump personality but are not in any way indicative of relationships. It's a coping tactic to convince yourself that these women who rejected and laughed at you are now in an abusive relationship where they are treated like garbage, just as it's cope to claim that attractive women are "bitches" just because they were rude to you. Chads are only bullies and women are only bitches TO YOU because you are an unattractive male.... and that doesn't count! All that matters is how these people treat those within their social circle and trust me they are very kind. Chad can openly act like a cringy loverboy around his flock because they will adore him for it (oh and it's never cringy when Chad does it, it's only cringy when YOU do it because it's clear you're reaching for a lifestyle beyond the reach of your possibility domain). "Chad doesn't care about these bitches, he pumps and dumps!".... WRONG! That's massive cope, Chad isn't a mindless hedonist sex-addict, that's what you HOPE he is. Chad forms very loving and real relationships with women who act extremely feminine and sweet to him. Trying to frame Chads and Stacies as rude hollow backstabbing scumbags is a failed cope, it's one of your brains last attempts to convince you their lives aren't that great, they're actually full of treacherous nasty drama, and prehaps YOU as the incel are leading a more meaningful and noble life. After all the grapes were sour anyway.

P.S: On a side note. PUA normies often use this as a cope for why they're incel. "Oh if only I was an evil douche-bag I would get laid, too bad my morality is holding me back or I'd be a slayer" JFL. My post is not talking about those cringers, my post is for incels who accept that only attractive men can succeed in the dating field but then go on to claim that these attractive men are "dark triad" because either it enhances their attractiveness or because they can get away with it.
speed of light IQ
it all comes down to looks in the end.
ngl dn rd jfl
Nobody ever thought of Chads as mean.

Incels are the actual mean ones if anything; I already established this years ago in my head.

Completely shit thread.

You didn't establish anything in your head, you're a low IQ autistic individual who thinks whatever you read.
i just poopied my diapers and im not reading
I think that wraps up our discussion as we seem to be in relative agreement. I would like to thank you for discussing this with me as I can say I have altered my worldview since the start of our chat. It really is a sad world out there, what nature has to offer. If our minds really do create reality we must be quite sadistic.
Everybody on this forum is approaching the same truths, just from different perspectives, and resolving their inconsistencies is simply a matter of dialectical reasoning.

I think the other person you're responding to applies here as well:

Get the fuck off this site, really. You're a bluepilled larping simp. No one believes bullies are "insecure" except for simps who try to cope. Bullies are the most socially dominant BECAUSE of their higher perceived levels of attractiveness and HALO effect allowing them to avoid getting in trouble. They target incels who are not even allowed to defend themselves because of the FAILO effect.
Mental traits are not necessarily related to physical traits, and narcissists, for example, who are known to engage in bullying and abuse, are renowned for their fragile egos (just think about Drumpf).

There is truth to both of your positions -- bullying, arrogance, and tyranny can come from a position of weakness, as well as from a position of strength. Ironing out the manifestations of each and how they compare/contrast and what implications they have for incels requires some thinking.
speed of light IQ

Speed of turtle IQ you mean.

He thinks we're operating under the premise that Chads are the mean evil bad bullies from Hell; those of us who are high-IQ never ever thought anything close to this. Those of us who are high-IQ realized that we (incels) are the actual mean ones. That's the real blackpill.
Everybody on this forum is approaching the same truths, just from different perspectives, and resolving their inconsistencies is simply a matter of dialectical reasoning.

I think the other person you're responding to applies here as well:

Mental traits are not necessarily related to physical traits, and narcissists, for example, who are known to engage in bullying and abuse, are renowned for their fragile egos (just think about Drumpf).

There is truth to both of your positions -- that bullying and arrogance and tyranny can come from a position of weakness, and also from a position of strength.

I want to say that I highly respect you and do sincerely believe you are a very high-IQ poster, but stop defending that imbecile. The guy is a moron and is trying to belittle me to feel better.
Speed of turtle IQ you mean.

He thinks we're operating under the premise that Chads are the mean evil bad bullies from Hell; those of us who are high-IQ never ever thought anything close to this. Those of us who are high-IQ realized that we (incels) are the actual mean ones. That's the real blackpill.

No you're not high IQ at all. Incels are unanimously known for being "nice guys" because we naturally developed a submissive and shy personality from the horn effect.
I did not contradict myself, I just did not explain myself clearly enough. Think of your looks as a number between 1 and 10 of physical attractiveness. Your personality would be a decimal. Jeremy Meeks right now is an 8.2, if he was a kitten savior, he would be an 8.9. Point being ceteris paribus a women prefers a good man over a bad man. It's just the degree to which personality will sway them is relative to their predetermined looks level. People like red Ferrari over brown Ferraris, but people will still choose any Ferrari over any Lada regardless of the color.

OK, let's use your metaphor of personality being a decimal along with the example of 8.2 bad chad and 8.9 good chad. These personality differences only have value, if all else is equal, as you've established. If looks are different, personality cannot overcome the difference.

Suppose I grant you that, yes, women prefer the good chad over the bad chad. What difference does it make to your original premise that dark triad is cope? Yes, if you're not chad, it's a cope. (Arguably, it's a harmful cope, due to the net negative social effect.) Everything is a cope when you're not chad. And if you are chad, then you just have to be nicer than the next chad to be competitive.

This doesn't change the discourse all that much. I mean, what we're ultimately getting at here isn't groundbreaking territory. It's splitting hairs over negligible details that ultimately won't affect us, since improving your personality is a meme.

Dark triad coping is personalitymaxxing and a red pill cope. I'd be surprised if anybody here thinks dark triadmaxxing is a thing.
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What nonsense.

"Bullies" in school were average/insecure compensating boys. Right off the bat you have created this thread about a misconception which didn't actually exist in the first place; most of us never thought of "Chads" as mean, and I certainly never have. Next.
The guy who bullied me had a gf, I wouldn’t call him an overcompensating loser. He was the schools best soccer player and was popular with both sexes.
Jeremy Meeks is loved because he is physically attractive, not because he's a criminal. Jeremy Meeks shows just how powerful looks are in overriding a bad personality. If Meeks photo had not been a mugshot, but instead been on a newspaper for "hero man saved kitten from burning fire" women would adore him even more.

Keep in mind when women lust after criminals they always try to cope and say he's "misunderstood" or "he's a good person on the inside". Women delude themselves into believing these dark triad attractive men are simply misunderstood attractive men (and since women are low IQ this isn't hard for them).
Article 2120588 1257CC63000005DC 505 306x423



Is the fucking centrifuged GIGA concerntrated black pill in high dose form
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I want to say that I highly respect you and do sincerely believe you are a very high-IQ poster, but stop defending that imbecile. The guy is a moron and is trying to belittle me to feel better.
I actually had a good discussion with him the other day, about the dark triad no less (!), and we should stress de-escalation when it comes to petty personal conflicts such as these. The goal is to achieve the truth, and dialectical perfection, not individual dominance or "pwnage," despite our egos.

Ironically, the conflict between you and him is directly relevant to the topic of this thread. You have staked a claim of high social status with respect to your intelligence and insight (which you clearly have), whereas he considers you to be arrogant and pretentious over this (it was indeed audacious of you to insult the forum as being composed of "intellectual dwarves," or manlets in essence), and you have both begun to bully each other over it.

On the face of things, you are both insulting one another from a position of strength, trying to realize your dominance in the argument as the armchair Chad against the dwarf/manlet. But you are both clearly insecure as well, and quite naturally so because nobody can be expected to be totally correct in their arguments.

The truth is to be achieved through discourse and the admittance of fallibility, which is why giga-IQ'd autists who debate doctrine for a living view humbleness as a virtue, whereas psychopaths who abuse others to gain power for a living view violence and manipulation as a virtue.
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I actually had a good discussion with him the other day, about the dark triad no less (!), and we should stress de-escalation when it comes to petty personal conflicts such as these. The goal is to achieve the truth, and dialectical perfection, not individual dominance or "pwnage," despite our egos.

Ironically, the conflict between you and him is directly relevant to the topic of this thread. You have staked a claim of high social status with respect to your intelligence and insight (which you clearly have), whereas he considers you to be arrogant and pretentious over this (it was indeed audacious of you to insult the forum as being composed of "intellectual dwarves," or manlets in essence), and you have both begun to bully each other over it.

On the face of things, you are both insulting one another from a position of strength, trying to realize your dominance in the argument as the armchair Chad against the dwarf/manlet. But you are both clearly insecure as well, and quite naturally so because nobody can be expected to be totally correct in their arguments.

The truth is achieved through discourse and the admittance of fallibility, which is why giga-IQ'd autists who debate doctrine for a living tend to view humbleness as a virtue, whereas psychopaths who abuse others for a living view violence and manipulation as a virtue.
The way in which MensaIQ here chose to generate interest in his post was directly contradictory to its meaningful reception by a larger proportion of the audience here.

I don’t really see where the principal insight in this post about dark triads is. Are you saying that people attribute more positive outcomes to dark triad traits than those traits are actually responsible for?
The guy who bullied me had a gf, I wouldn’t call him an overcompensating loser. He was the schools best soccer player and was popular with both sexes.

That is your anecdotal evidence.

I had a group of friends and we sometimes bullied the kids in special needs class, ie. the aspie kids, the anger management kids, etc. In hindsight, we weren't really satisfied with ourselves. Pure compensation. The attractive Chad classmates never bothered to join in, for them such a thing was completely unnecessary they found it a waste of time. Truly beautiful people have beautiful souls, like angels.

It's the average in-the-middle people who bully most. Incels too can be sadistic and cruel, like many of us for example.

Chad/Stacy as the bully from Hell is a complete lie. It's actually the opposite, they tend to be the nicest humans on this entire planet.
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Massive Cope, Chad can do anything he wants and he will win.
looks = everything
I actually had a good discussion with him the other day, about the dark triad no less (!), and we should stress de-escalation when it comes to petty personal conflicts such as these. The goal is to achieve the truth, and dialectical perfection, not individual dominance or "pwnage," despite our egos.

Ironically, the conflict between you and him is directly relevant to the topic of this thread. You have staked a claim of high social status with respect to your intelligence and insight (which you clearly have), whereas he considers you to be arrogant and pretentious over this (it was indeed audacious of you to insult the forum as being composed of "intellectual dwarves," or manlets in essence), and you have both begun to bully each other over it.

On the face of things, you are both insulting one another from a position of strength, trying to realize your dominance in the argument as the armchair Chad against the dwarf/manlet. But you are both clearly insecure as well, and quite naturally so because nobody can be expected to be totally correct in their arguments.

The truth is to be achieved through discourse and the admittance of fallibility, which is why giga-IQ'd autists who debate doctrine for a living view humbleness as a virtue, whereas psychopaths who abuse others to gain power for a living view violence and manipulation as a virtue.

Whatever you do, don't get banned from the sub.
The way in which MensaIQ here chose to generate interest in his post was directly contradictory to its meaningful reception by a larger proportion of the audience here.

I don’t really see where the principal insight in this post about dark triads is. Are you saying that people attribute more positive outcomes to dark triad traits than those traits are actually responsible for?
OP is forwarding the idea that being Dark Triad only improves (or maintains) an individual's social status if they already have the inherent social status to back it up. He is referring to those whose audacious behaviors are merely a reflection of their apparent invincibility or immunity from negative consequences (as derived from their innately high social status).

This is not to be confused with the idea, which I have resolved with him, that it is only possible to be Dark Triad if you are of high social status, physically or otherwise.

There are plenty of sociopaths who are lacking in many aspects of social status. Indeed, as @XOR pointed out the other day with regard to Black thugs, "dark triad" is a bit too endearing of a term to describe them (which perhaps leads to much of the confusion above, the implicit deification of those with "dark triad" traits, a form of nominal suggestion):

"Dark Triad" sounds like something out of an ancient Chinese lore; I just feel it's too flattering term for these uncomplex animals.
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Face and beauty is a window to the soul. Chads/Stacys are not only the most beautiful, but they have the most beautiful souls too. We incels are evil gremlins and I can fully attest to this as one myself. We are the bad ones. I fully admit this, and know this. My soul is polluted.

That is the actual blackpill here.

This thread was completely worthless to me from the very start.
Face and beauty is a window to the soul. Chads/Stacys are not only the most beautiful, but they have the most beautiful souls too. We incels are evil gremlins and I can fully attest to this as one myself. We are the bad ones. I fully admit this, and know this. My soul is polluted.

That is the actual blackpill here.

This has to be a foid posting this.

There's just no fucking way a black pilled incel would say this kind of shit.
dark triad (in 95% cases) = licking chad's ass
This has to be a foid posting this.

There's just no fucking way a black pilled incel would say this kind of shit.
He is engaging in sudden self-hatred, perhaps as a misguided way of showing humbleness in light of his personal spat with the OP.

I have argued against this precise conflation of physical and moral beauty in the past:

Face and beauty is a window to the soul. Chads/Stacys are not only the most beautiful, but they have the most beautiful souls too. We incels are evil gremlins and I can fully attest to this as one myself. We are the bad ones. I fully admit this, and know this. My soul is polluted.

That is the actual blackpill here.

This thread was completely worthless to me from the very start.
Why is your soul so polluted? As with Nietzsche's horse, it is because of those with power (Chads/Stacies) who abuse their power (over normies/beckies), who then abuse their power (over incels/autists).

It is a trickling down of trauma, the origin of which is the ultimate source of power. Just because you didn't outright see Chad abuse his power doesn't mean that it didn't happen, if only as an externality of his very existence, and contribute to the insecurity which motivated you and your peer group's brutality against those below you in the social hierarchy.
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It is such massive cope to pretend like these abusive relationships are the norm, they aren't. Abusive relationships just demonstrate how looks always trump personality but are not in any way indicative of relationships. It's a coping tactic to convince yourself that these women who rejected and laughed at you are now in an abusive relationship where they are treated like garbage, just as it's cope to claim that attractive women are "bitches" just because they were rude to you. Chads are only bullies and women are only bitches TO YOU because you are an unattractive male.... and that doesn't count! All that matters is how these people treat those within their social circle and trust me they are very kind. Chad can openly act like a cringy loverboy around his flock because they will adore him for it (oh and it's never cringy when Chad does it, it's only cringy when YOU do it because it's clear you're reaching for a lifestyle beyond the reach of your possibility domain). "Chad doesn't care about these bitches, he pumps and dumps!".... WRONG! That's massive cope, Chad isn't a mindless hedonist sex-addict, that's what you HOPE he is. Chad forms very loving and real relationships with women who act extremely feminine and sweet to him. Trying to frame Chads and Stacies as rude hollow backstabbing scumbags is a failed cope, it's one of your brains last attempts to convince you their lives aren't that great, they're actually full of treacherous nasty drama, and prehaps YOU as the incel are leading a more meaningful and noble life. After all the grapes were sour anyway.
>fucks up his post formatting
Dark triad nn-chad is just villain, but something like goblin, not making femoids wet
Low IQ. foids want to be brutally raped by chad. Jeremy Meeks wouldn't get so much attention if he wasn't a criminal. You are just still partially bluepilled and believe women like the beta males and that they are decent people. Don't worry you will wake up eventually.
Oh I see your point
Not really, he was fishing for a reply so it would look humiliating when he changed his post. I knew from his post history he's one of the low IQ people here, so I didn't bother.
No you're not high IQ at al

-Joined: Mar 28, 2020

Dude stop trying, people don't care what a greycel thinks about them, they dont seek your validation or respect.

Imagine being so insecure about your intelligence that you make an account called mensa IQ and come here bullying people to hide your lack of confidence.
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Women delude themselves into believing these dark triad attractive men are simply misunderstood attractive men (and since women are low IQ this isn't hard for them).

It's not self-delusion, they are justifying their attraction to Chad to others.
Dark triad theory is cope.

Women don't care about personality. Dark triad is preferred over altruistic and kind behaviour, because it signals dominance and aggression (increased probability of survival), but if you have the looks, the rest doesn't matter.
:blackpill::blackpill:Based and true.
Low IQ. foids want to be brutally raped by chad. Jeremy Meeks wouldn't get so much attention if he wasn't a criminal. You are just still partially bluepilled and believe women like the beta males and that they are decent people. Don't worry you will wake up eventually.
>fucks up his post formatting
View attachment 226510
This user is going to be the most insufferable person on this forum for months jesus. He's already making comments in thread "I should make a post to explain how this really works to you dumbfucks" (paraphrased obviously).
the way i see it charisma is good looks+high agreeableness whereas good looks+low agreeableness is viewed as dark triad, either way your actions will be interpreted according to your looks level.
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Attractive traits resemble violence potential and dominance
Brutal mensesiqpill!

means nothing in today's world! It's what you do with it that counts.

For example, I know of mensatards that are constantly in debt! Can't make a budget to save their homes!

Yet, there are (some, not many) literally and illiterate, morons that manages to not only save money, they acquire extra land!

Never forget,

it's not what you have, it's how you use it.

Nice post, except for all the Incel abuse by a greyboi!

I have a better grasp on the subject because of it.

Just keep in mind that there are all kinds of Incel brethren! Not everyone is snart! (Can you not see the cartoon avi's?)

As long as you understand that we are all in the same boat you might get a ration biscuit of respect.

Stay with us greyboi! We need you! Just learn how to play nice because there are children here.

Now i too feel snart! Tks!
Good looks mean more violence and dominance
How do you explain the majority of women reporting that they have rape fetishes then
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OK, let's use your metaphor of personality being a decimal along with the example of 8.2 bad chad and 8.9 good chad. These personality differences only have value, if all else is equal, as you've established. If looks are different, personality cannot overcome the difference.

Suppose I grant you that, yes, women prefer the good chad over the bad chad. What difference does it make to your original premise that dark triad is cope? Yes, if you're not chad, it's a cope. (Arguably, it's a harmful cope, due to the net negative social effect.) Everything is a cope when you're not chad. And if you are chad, then you just have to be nicer than the next chad to be competitive.

This doesn't change the discourse all that much. I mean, what we're ultimately getting at here isn't groundbreaking territory. It's splitting hairs over negligible details that ultimately won't affect us, since improving your personality is a meme.

Dark triad coping is personalitymaxxing and a red pill cope. I'd be surprised if anybody here thinks dark triadmaxxing is a thing.

My point was that even Chads and Stacies have great personality when they interact with each-other since they know it slightly boosts them in their own social circles.
Brutal mensesiqpill!

means nothing in today's world! It's what you do with it that counts.

For example, I know of mensatards that are constantly in debt! Can't make a budget to save their homes!

Yet, there are (some, not many) literally and illiterate, morons that manages to not only save money, they acquire extra land!

Never forget,

it's not what you have, it's how you use it.

Nice post, except for all the Incel abuse by a greyboi!

I have a better grasp on the subject because of it.

Just keep in mind that there are all kinds of Incel brethren! Not everyone is snart! (Can you not see the cartoon avi's?)

As long as you understand that we are all in the same boat you might get a ration biscuit of respect.

Stay with us greyboi! We need you! Just learn how to play nice because there are children here.

Now i too feel snart! Tks!

I respect incels of all IQs if they are willing to be civil with me


-Joined: Mar 28, 2020

Dude stop trying, people don't care what a greycel thinks about them, they dont seek your validation or respect.

Imagine being so insecure about your intelligence that you make an account called mensa IQ and come here bullying people to hide your lack of confidence.

Is that not what you are doing? I come here to share wisdom and get verbally abused by the likes of yourself
Low IQ. foids want to be brutally raped by chad. Jeremy Meeks wouldn't get so much attention if he wasn't a criminal. You are just still partially bluepilled and believe women like the beta males and that they are decent people. Don't worry you will wake up eventually.

You are extremely low IQ. Women are attracted to Chads that treat them as well as possible, like Edward Lewis
The way in which MensaIQ here chose to generate interest in his post was directly contradictory to its meaningful reception by a larger proportion of the audience here.

I don’t really see where the principal insight in this post about dark triads is. Are you saying that people attribute more positive outcomes to dark triad traits than those traits are actually responsible for?

My point is Chads and Stacies are only dark triad to incels, to each-other they are very nice. Stacies don't know their bully boyfriends are even bad because whenever he's around her he's very nice. Saying women like dark triad is a lie.
I actually had a good discussion with him the other day, about the dark triad no less (!), and we should stress de-escalation when it comes to petty personal conflicts such as these. The goal is to achieve the truth, and dialectical perfection, not individual dominance or "pwnage," despite our egos.

Ironically, the conflict between you and him is directly relevant to the topic of this thread. You have staked a claim of high social status with respect to your intelligence and insight (which you clearly have), whereas he considers you to be arrogant and pretentious over this (it was indeed audacious of you to insult the forum as being composed of "intellectual dwarves," or manlets in essence), and you have both begun to bully each other over it.

On the face of things, you are both insulting one another from a position of strength, trying to realize your dominance in the argument as the armchair Chad against the dwarf/manlet. But you are both clearly insecure as well, and quite naturally so because nobody can be expected to be totally correct in their arguments.

The truth is to be achieved through discourse and the admittance of fallibility, which is why giga-IQ'd autists who debate doctrine for a living view humbleness as a virtue, whereas psychopaths who abuse others to gain power for a living view violence and manipulation as a virtue.

I concede again you are correct. It is very hard to be humble with one who is insulting you and gaining their pride on bringing you down. It is extremely difficult to de-escalate a spat like that after it has begun.
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The real blackpill is that true love and romanticism does exist and is as emotionally, spiritually, and beautifully fulfilling as it electrifies the highest possible human sensation it's just not for you.

suifuel tbh
No Dark triad works for htn and Chadlites

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