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Blackpill The ancient Greeks considered physical and moral beauty to be identical (kalon)


Lookism is so ingrained in human beings that they've always associated good looks with good morals (and conversely, bad looks with bad morals).

This ultimately translates into an association between power and morality, where the aristocratic higher class is defined as noble (literally noblemen), and the common people are seen as vulgar (with all its connotations of ugliness).

In the era of Drumpf (notice: a purposefully ugly rendition of Trump's name), you see this manifested in the privileged and preening liberal elite denouncing the middle American masses, who they imagine as ugly, fat rednecks on mobility scooters. And, on the other hand, you see this manifested in the believers of racial aristocracy, who contrast the beauty and moral worth of their own race with the ugliness and moral decrepitude of others (and crucially, they hold the idea of being besieged and outnumbered by these inferior others).

I think it is incumbent upon us as the vanguard intelligentsia of the Blackpill to propose an alternative view of morality as it relates to physicality and power: that what makes a man moral, virtuous, and just is his experience of exclusion from this rotten and immoral society, which provides a level of insulation against it. Incels are the perfect examples of this, because we are not only aberrational outcasts from society but totally unrepresented by any mainstream grievance politics too; since we have no power base to rely on, we are therefore the purest people on earth, not corrupted by power, but vicars of the people, true representatives of humanity.

Indeed, an ER can be considered the closest thing to a righteous crusade there ever can be, when decoupled from the narcissism and haughty pretensions of ER himself.

It is estimated that as much as 15% of medieval societies were composed of the ruling class, which is a rough reflection of the 80/20 rule.
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They also thought that having zero lips was the pinnacle of male aesthetics.
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Cute adorable loli of culture in greek
It's the same thing with racism, another name to lookism supremacy.

I'm apathetic towards morality and political activism, so don't count me in.
Cope, women still wanted demi god hercules
There is correlation between looks and morals, or physiognomy in general. Soycucks, for example, look all alike, there must be some explanation for this.
If a person is ugly on the outside, its most likely that they experienced bad social interactions, neglect, poor health, isolation, suffering, which in turn makes it more likely the person has a ugly mind, full of resentment. Its not like people should be accountable only for what they can chose about themselves, the body is part of who they are in a deeper way.
Ancient Greece was one of the most based cultures that ever existed tbh.
It's over
There is correlation between looks and morals, or physiognomy in general. Soycucks, for example, look all alike, there must be some explanation for this.
If a person is ugly on the outside, its most likely that they experienced bad social interactions, neglect, poor health, isolation, suffering, which in turn makes it more likely the person has a ugly mind, full of resentment. Its not like people should be accountable only for what they can chose about themselves, the body is part of who they are in a deeper way.
High iq
Good looks = constant affirmation = contented = good person
Bad looks = constant rejection = resentful = bad person
There is correlation between looks and morals, or physiognomy in general. Soycucks, for example, look all alike, there must be some explanation for this.
If a person is ugly on the outside, its most likely that they experienced bad social interactions, neglect, poor health, isolation, suffering, which in turn makes it more likely the person has a ugly mind, full of resentment. Its not like people should be accountable only for what they can chose about themselves, the body is part of who they are in a deeper way.
Morality is 99% out of your control then, so why should ppl be blamed for being bad? Being moral becomes as arbitrary as whether you like strawberries, or blueberries better. The greeks were just another degenerate society, even their philosophers mostly rehashed pre existing theories.
Those greek filosophers were a bunch of faggots , they were obssesed fucking young boys, what do you expect from them.
Its over buddy boyos
When I preach my concept of Nuova Aristocracy, I bring noble values with me, and I won't make them forgetful, and that includes any kind of neoclassical valuation, i am right
Good looks = constant affirmation = contented = good person
Bad looks = constant rejection = resentful = bad person
You are ignoring the fact that power corrupts, and this includes the power that comes with good looks!

It is seen in the context of ancient Greece with the aristocrat Alcibiades, for example. He was "the most handsome man in Athens" and yet a complete moral profligate, not just sexually/socially but in terms of his changing allegiances during the Second Peloponnesian War, too.

I am convinced that the essence of morality is to be found in one's exclusion from society. Hence religions were systematized by autistic celibates who lived in complete seclusion, not well-adjusted people. In order to be moral, you have to be resentful of others at some level and prone to offense and indignation. This is known as zealotry and when it comes from a position of weakness, completely uncorrupted by the hypocrisies of power, then this is pure morality.

In the modern day these conditions can only be found in self-avowed incels -- certainly not paternalistic liberals and antifascists, who, while pseudo-religious and zealous, are simply the servants of power and therefore hypocrites.

Embrace slave morality to own the libs
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Morality is 99% out of your control then, so why should ppl be blamed for being bad? Being moral becomes as arbitrary as whether you like strawberries, or blueberries better.
Interestingly they also seems to have focused more on bonestructure than youth as markers of beauty. Penelope is described as the tallest and bestformed as a descprition of her beauty. Also her nose, eyes and forehead are important. less is said about skin and hair.
Other places to describes the most beautiful woman as the largest, tallest.
The ideal man being tall, athletic and beautiful. Beauty in a man being able to compensate for a lack of strength or rhetorical skill. In the Illiad, when Priamos sees a beutiful young man he comments, that his parents can be happy and proud to have such a beautiful son.
In the Illiad is also described the ugliest greek, Thersites. He is lame in one foot, has small, narrow shoulders, he squints, has an ugly headshape and is balding. Also of course the worst among them, cowardly, weak, insults the best greeks.
They also raped little boys like the pedophiles they were. Who cares?
Sort of related. Just read the works of Ayschillus (not sure if I spelled it correctly). I must say he makes some very based remarks about women.
I learned that when I first read the Iliad, and how Thersites, who was described as very ugly, was ridiculed and beat up by Odysseus, simply for not blindly agreeing with Chad leader Agamemnon, a morally questionable man who sacrificed his own daughter

Buh buh muh wisdom of aristotle
Jfl because of our looks we are doomed to damnation...
View attachment 145465

Lookism is so ingrained in human beings that they've always associated good looks with good morals (and conversely, bad looks with bad morals).

This ultimately translates into an association between power and morality, where the aristocratic higher class is defined as noble (literally noblemen), and the common people are seen as vulgar (with all its connotations of ugliness).

In the era of Drumpf (notice: a purposefully ugly rendition of Trump's name), you see this manifested in the privileged and preening liberal elite denouncing the middle American masses, who they imagine as ugly, fat rednecks on mobility scooters. And, on the other hand, you see this manifested in the believers of racial aristocracy, who contrast the beauty and moral worth of their own race with the ugliness and moral decrepitude of others (and crucially, they hold the idea of being besieged and outnumbered by these inferior others).

I think it is incumbent upon us as the vanguard intelligentsia of the Blackpill to propose an alternative view of morality as it relates to physicality and power: that what makes a man moral, virtuous, and just is his experience of exclusion from this rotten and immoral society, which provides a level of insulation against it. Incels are the perfect examples of this, because we are not only aberrational outcasts from society but totally unrepresented by any mainstream grievance politics too; since we have no power base to rely on, we are therefore the purest people on earth, not corrupted by power, but vicars of the people, true representatives of humanity.

Indeed, an ER can be considered the closest thing to a righteous crusade there ever can be, when decoupled from the narcissism and haughty pretensions of ER himself.

It is estimated that as much as 15% of medieval societies were composed of the ruling class, which is a rough reflection of the 80/20 rule.
which is why, even in fiction, the evil people look fugly.
glad this thread got bumped, good read
And they were cucks. They changed their most important cities names to those of females. Like Sparta. And they threw ugly boys down the cliffs. They were the pinnacle of cuckoldry to foid gynocentrism.
Every culture was cucked back then, the Celts worshipped female God's and the old Irish Brehan laws were said to be quite progressive towards women
Yes Ancient Greek, and also Romans I'd argue, placed a great emphasis on looks and body care. It can be summed up in two famous aphorisms: καλὸς καὶ ἀγαθός (Greek for "beautiful and good) and "Mens sana in corpore sano" (Latin for "a healthy mind in a healthy body").
Things were much different in Japan, where local culture held everything bodily in contempt. A toned, muscular, tanned body was considered undiserable since it was typical of workers and peasants, who spent hours in the fields under the sun doing manual labour. On the other hand, a skinny, pasty, frail body was much more desirable as it was a sign of nobility
Ancient Greek philosophers didn't consider attractiveness that important. The physical aspect they valued mostly was being fit to fight and / or take place in sports (not work obviously, they had slaves for that).

Mens sana in corpore sano

The Greeks had that exact phrase too: "νους υγιής εν σώματι υγιεί"
This is not about looks but being fit and its true that if your body is healthy and active your mind will be healthy and active.
Socrates himself was described "hideous" and fish eyed and Platos statues arent flattering either, these are the two fundamental founders of Greco Roman intellectual live so saying ugly people are invalid and sick would undermine the fundamentals of what it tries to describe.

Verly low IQ OP.
Would appear to contradict this thread, as nerd = ugly is such a common stereotype that even emojis obey it.
Unless I'm misunderstanding and nerd is entirely about looks and people who look bad just happen to booksmartmaxx to make up for things...hm... :feelsthink:
Socrates himself was described "hideous"
It is no coincidence, then, that Socrates was executed for promoting immorality, and was scapegoated after the Peloponnesian War.

Compare his case to that of Alcibiades, a psychopathic Chad whose repeated treachery and betrayal of Athens never went punished.
11I've been reading Marcus Aurelius book about Stocism and tts really ptting thinhgs into perspective. I no longe feee as ,mich escentmend and ge t rarely trigered bu certain thing. I feel less sytresed in genea and tihing don't bltnert minf mre much like they used to. Its a great philosopty amd it;s somthing iwould reommend. It also, has elements of CBT too ti also
11I'v]e been reading Marcus Aurelius book about Stocism and it's really ptting thinhgs into perspective . I no longer worry as much and things that would phase me in the past no onger do. i don't feel resentment because it's like drinkint poision expecting the other person suffer. i feel lot less streeseed, whic is a fantasic chage;?Its geat philosopy andi r recommed trying it. A certain gree slept in a bath for long periods because he didn 'tbelieve in ;luxury. Apparemtly. h wss to the pont.

Scocrates fucked girls by so what, times then are different. Good for him.

I no longe feee as ,mich escentmend and ge t rarely trigered bu certain thing. I feel less sytresed in genea and tihing don't bltnert minf mre much like they used to. Its a great philosopty amd it;s somthing iwould reommend. It also, has elements of CBT too ti also
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Punishment on Earth
Even more Punishment in afterlife

That is why we need to mind uploadmaxx to escape hell.

@werty1457 @BurakuminBibba
Physiognomy is just reality
bad guys are always ugly, or ugly guy is always villain. we are like darth vader or some other horrible looking bad guy while feminist and sjw see them selves as handsome luke or some other gay hero. we will always be seen as the bad guys, our face determines it.
Punishment on Earth
Even more Punishment in afterlife

That is why we need to mind uploadmaxx to escape hell.

@werty1457 @BurakuminBibba
We need to Jesusmaxx

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