I am now a 21 year old virgin. Brutal af. I always wanted to make this corny foreveralone esque joke lol.
Damn, I'm no longer one of the younger folks on this sub/site. I'm able to drink legally in my area and go to bars and things. Not that I'll actually go. Damn, I thought it was bad last year, but fast forward a year, I took that time for granted. "I'm incel, things cannot get any worse" is some hardcore cope as much as I dislike throwing around that word. For incels, things always get worse. It's okay, I'll feel even worse being a 22 year old virgin. Jesus. I can't imagine that shit.
It's 20 minutes past midnight right now though. I'll sleep, wake up to no happy birthday texts while Chad and Stacy gets all. I'll post here and on braincels for a bit and probably keep myself occupied till the day ends. I'm on spring break while I'll spend LDARing and doing my assignments, finishing most of them today. Brutal af.