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It's Over Daily reminder 15 year olds are slaying while you rot



Apr 7, 2020
I remember a couple months ago i was with this 15yo kid and some other guys and he started flexing how he banged some chick.Normally i thought he was bsing.
But then he fucking showed pictures of this chick sucking his dick in the elevator and their dms.It was a hot blonde 15yo virgin.
you will never have that :feelsrope:
It was truly suifuel i will never recover.
I am a zoomer and every day that passes feels like a timer counting down tbh. how many people actually go on to form healthy romantic relationships in their 20's after never experiencing any kind of intimacy and being completely alone throughout all of their key developmental years? very few I would imagine


Which one seems more enticing?
I have 2 cousins around that age and yeah, can confirm they are slayers.

I remember when I was in my early 20s and they were only 10 or 12yo. We would play vidya togeather and they realy looked up to me. Now they tell me how they ride their bikes over to their GFs house to get their dick sucked.
yeah hes like a higher tier normie,but "thugmaxxed" and "popularmaxxed"
young girls love that
That's why I always say the best chance we have are with teen virgin jb's.
I remember a couple months ago i was with this 15yo kid and some other guys and he started flexing how he banged some chick.Normally i thought he was bsing.
But then he fucking showed pictures of this chick sucking his dick in the elevator and their dms.It was a hot blonde 15yo virgin.
you will never have that :feelsrope:
It was truly suifuel i will never recover.
probably even worse in eastern euro, there was a news story here where there was an accident, a couple made of a 13 year old girl and a 14 year old boy were vacationing, all by themselves, in another city, running around at 11 PM at night

can you even begin to imagine that?

having a girlfriend when you're fucking 13-14 and not just holding hands in momma's basement, but taking her to ANOTHER CITY and running around all by yourselves having fun at night in a strange city?
I remember a couple months ago i was with this 15yo kid and some other guys and he started flexing how he banged some chick.Normally i thought he was bsing.
But then he fucking showed pictures of this chick sucking his dick in the elevator and their dms.It was a hot blonde 15yo virgin.
you will never have that :feelsrope:
It was truly suifuel i will never recover.
I really hope you made this story up, because if it's true, I might destroy my keyboard. I'm almost twice that boy's age and a girl hasn't even touched me! NT scum.
I really hope you made this story up, because if it's true, I might destroy my keyboard. I'm almost twice that boy's age and a girl hasn't even touched me! NT scum.
i swear to everything in the world its true and its not only 1 fucking girl he had many hookups
he brought one to his basement to fuck :feelsree: :feelsree:
When that girl sucked his dick in the dms she said "wow i didnt expect it to be so big haha"
truly suifuel bro
Its over when guys younger than you are mogging you
I am a zoomer and every day that passes feels like a timer counting down tbh. how many people actually go on to form healthy romantic relationships in their 20's after never experiencing any kind of intimacy and being completely alone throughout all of their key developmental years? very few I would imagine
if real stats for this came out there would be an insane amount of suicides lmao, so many mens hopes would be dashed
Glad I don't go to school anymore
i swear to everything in the world its true and its not only 1 fucking girl he had many hookups
he brought one to his basement to fuck :feelsree: :feelsree:
When that girl sucked his dick in the dms she said "wow i didnt expect it to be so big haha"
truly suifuel bro
I had a brief sperg rage and literally acted like a 5-year-old having a tantrum, but I calmed down quickly. Now I don't care anymore.
i swear to everything in the world its true and its not only 1 fucking girl he had many hookups
he brought one to his basement to fuck :feelsree: :feelsree:
When that girl sucked his dick in the dms she said "wow i didnt expect it to be so big haha"
truly suifuel bro
at 15 i didn't even know how to masturbate WTFREFEWOFIQEQF:reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
Why do I not care
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]homosexuals, nor [b]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were [c]sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
i swear to everything in the world its true and its not only 1 fucking girl he had many hookups
he brought one to his basement to fuck :feelsree: :feelsree:
When that girl sucked his dick in the dms she said "wow i didnt expect it to be so big haha"
truly suifuel bro
this is suicidefuel
fucking suifuel.
when my female friends talk about their sexual experiences at 14 years old I die inside
Fuckkkk :feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod:
I have to stop coming to .co for coping.
This place is reminding me what I am missing.
fuckk im only 2 years older If i wasn’t ugly I would slaying jbs rn
probably even worse in eastern euro, there was a news story here where there was an accident, a couple made of a 13 year old girl and a 14 year old boy were vacationing, all by themselves, in another city, running around at 11 PM at night

can you even begin to imagine that?

having a girlfriend when you're fucking 13-14 and not just holding hands in momma's basement, but taking her to ANOTHER CITY and running around all by yourselves having fun at night in a strange city?
Stop bro :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
probably even worse in eastern euro, there was a news story here where there was an accident, a couple made of a 13 year old girl and a 14 year old boy were vacationing, all by themselves, in another city, running around at 11 PM at night

can you even begin to imagine that?

having a girlfriend when you're fucking 13-14 and not just holding hands in momma's basement, but taking her to ANOTHER CITY and running around all by yourselves having fun at night in a strange city?
holy shit ok officially i want to die now
My own dad lost his virginity at 14 to a 20 year old stacy. My brother lost his virginity to a stacy at 15 recently. One of my friends had a stacy at 15 that he's still dating, and several more have average or high-tier girlfriends. The entire world is mogging me while I rot.
My own dad lost his virginity at 14 to a 20 year old stacy. My brother lost his virginity to a stacy at 15 recently. One of my friends had a stacy at 15 that he's still dating, and several more have average or high-tier girlfriends. The entire world is mogging me while I rot.
holy fucking shit how are you still alive :feelsohgod: :feelsohgod: :feelsohgod:
all of my friends are virgins so i can cope i couldnt imagine not roping if this happened
holy fucking shit how are you still alive :feelsohgod: :feelsohgod: :feelsohgod:
all of my friends are virgins so i can cope i couldnt imagine not roping if this happened
My friends used to be the virgin nerdy types, but they are all slowly dropping that line of thought as they get girlfriends. One now hates in when I say anything blackpilled or speak against society because he thinks it's edgy. One friend no longer speaks to me because he spends most of his time with his girlfriend. The others are talking to foids and are positive about their chances. I am the only one that has no female contact and I hate it.
My friends used to be the virgin nerdy types, but they are all slowly dropping that line of thought as they get girlfriends. One now hates in when I say anything blackpilled or speak against society because he thinks it's edgy. One friend no longer speaks to me because he spends most of his time with his girlfriend. The others are talking to foids and are positive about their chances. I am the only one that has no female contact and I hate it.
fuck that sucks man i get how you feel,how old are you?
When I see a young couple kissing i just want to rope.
it's impossible to feel normal when you haven't experienced teen love, the only place to be is in your bed rotting if you don't want to get brutally mogged
None of my close friends lost virginity yet
When I see a young couple kissing i just want to rope.
it's impossible to feel normal when you haven't experienced teen love, the only place to be is in your bed rotting if you don't want to get brutally mogged

:reeeeee: I used to walk past couples everyday kissing while going to class
When I see a young couple kissing i just want to rope.
it's impossible to feel normal when you haven't experienced teen love, the only place to be is in your bed rotting if you don't want to get brutally mogged
yeah its one of the worst feeling but i still like to go out and i try to ignore couples as much as i can. I use going out as a way to lie to myself and feel like im not a COMPLETE loser even tho i am but i still feel more pathetic home
Its over when guys younger than you are mogging you
I remember a couple months ago i was with this 15yo kid and some other guys and he started flexing how he banged some chick.Normally i thought he was bsing.
But then he fucking showed pictures of this chick sucking his dick in the elevator and their dms.It was a hot blonde 15yo virgin.
you will never have that :feelsrope:
It was truly suifuel i will never recover.
fucking hell thats suifuel bro
fuck that sucks man i get how you feel,how old are you?
18. I thought that at least my friends were awkward enough that they'd be 'late bloomers' but in reality they've all dropped their awkward sides around females and manage relationships fine.
:reeeeee: I used to walk past couples everyday kissing while going to class

One time I was going to college and a couple kissed the moment i passed by. Up ahead there is a river close to the college and since i was feeling like absolute shit that day I almost rivermaxxed, ded srs.
I remember a couple months ago i was with this 15yo kid and some other guys and he started flexing how he banged some chick.Normally i thought he was bsing.
But then he fucking showed pictures of this chick sucking his dick in the elevator and their dms.It was a hot blonde 15yo virgin.
you will never have that :feelsrope:
It was truly suifuel i will never recover.
:feelsree::feelsree: I hate reading this shit and knowing i’m about to miss it and will for the years to come. Its ragefuel knowing your classmates are 15-16 and have had sex, you hear about it all the fucking time. One reason im glad corona is happening, too bad its hoaxed and isnt infecting sex havers
i swear to everything in the world its true and its not only 1 fucking girl he had many hookups
he brought one to his basement to fuck :feelsree: :feelsree:
When that girl sucked his dick in the dms she said "wow i didnt expect it to be so big haha"
truly suifuel bro
WOWWWWWWWW :feelsrope:
Oh, but don't worry guys, because good things come to those that wait :soy::soy:
18. I thought that at least my friends were awkward enough that they'd be 'late bloomers' but in reality they've all dropped their awkward sides around females and manage relationships fine.
im 18 too,well judging by your dad and brother your family dosent have bad gentiecs and maybe you look fine,you still have hope bro
:reeeeee: I used to walk past couples everyday kissing while going to class
fuck i know that feeling truly horrible
Oh, but don't worry guys, because good things come to those that wait :soy::soy:
yeah bro just wait for a 30 year old fat single mom
how many people actually go on to form healthy romantic relationships in their 20's after never experiencing any kind of intimacy and being completely alone throughout all of their key developmental years?
All the normies.
normies aren't completely alone with no intimacy during their adolescent years
Most of the time they are, if they're lucky, they have one drunk ONS in college and then marry a post-wall landwhale in their 30s.
A normie's life is shit tbh
Most of the time they are, if they're lucky, they have one drunk ONS in college and then marry a post-wall landwhale in their 30s.
A normie's life is shit tbh
tbh id be really happy with just getting a drunk ONS :cryfeels:
im 18 too,well judging by your dad and brother your family dosent have bad gentiecs and maybe you look fine,you still have hope bro
I don't look totally subhuman but I definitely lost the genetic lottery as far as looks go. I've been told repeatedly in very honest conversations with friends that I'm below average in looks. If I had to number it I'm most likely a 4-5/10. Coupled with my lack of social skills this has destroyed me.
Most of the time they are, if they're lucky, they have one drunk ONS in college and then marry a post-wall landwhale in their 30s.
A normie's life is shit tbh
this is verifiably untrue and a massive cope tbh

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