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Based Dad kills teen because he'd "rather have a dead son than a gay son"



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019

i would do the same to my son if he was a faggot.
Having a gay son is disgraceful and humiliating
Gay son got what he deserved lol. Based dad.
Twitter freaking out over this in 5 4 3 2 1
This is why I don't see purpose in procreating as a sub8 male, if you have a son he'll end as ER or as a LGBTQ+ darling (unless if he's born with a 7+/10 face and at least develops a 5'11 height), if you have a daughter he'll end e-whoring, riding the CC or as a lesbian feminist.
Based. All faggots need to be nuked off this earth
Thats kinda fucked.I don't support killing of gay,I'd rather they be sent to some kind of therapy.
This is related to inceldom how? Maybe try /poI
I don't have problem with gays but they are usually very small minded judgmental people from my experience. Maybe I should have a problem with them. IT is full of gays for example.
Just me have nothing against faggots?
Based. But I personally wouldn't mind if my son was gay. At least he wouldn't be incel.
Thats kinda fucked.I don't support killing of gay,I'd rather they be sent to some kind of therapy.
Polacks here saying the son deserved to die are just giving ITcels fuel, they get caught up in pointless hate and don't realize the deeper truth about why there are so many homos nowadays. No one is truly born gay, there are no "gay genes", science never found such a thing, the truth is that a majority of men who become gay do so as a desperate measure to escape inceldom, so as long as they aren't pedos, they aren't deserving of hate, but pity at worst.
Not Inceldom related, also nice psyop.
Imagine if all the Chads were gay
Not just you, dude. I don't understand the hate gays get here tbh.
its probably just because users here are straight and gay sex is gross to non gays so most people end up hating them for that. it also doesnt help that the gay community is hyper sexual and degenerate.
Spare the rod spoil the child mayne.

But really he’s right for this though
its probably just because users here are straight and gay sex is gross to non gays so most people end up hating them for that. it also doesnt help that the gay community is hyper sexual and degenerate.
I get finding it disgusting but these people act like gays killed their entire family. Maybe they're just shitposting who knows?
Faggots arent human to me. They are less than shit
What did the dad expect calling the boy "Giovanni?"
Can't see how this is based. Kinda fucked up in my opinion.

What did the dad expect calling the boy "Giovanni?"
High IQ
Just me have nothing against faggots?
There's a lot more to it that i hate about gays, but it's hard to explain. Like how most of these people are just pushing an agenda by the Jews that gets rid of White men and women. There's a lot that can be said about this and the tranny issue, which both topics i am currently writing essays on.
A surprising amount of faggot worshipers in this thread.... Go back to IT.

All homosexuals need to be exterminated. No I'm not joking
Sadly there is always some risk of faggot son being born. Its same with illness, diseases and shit. https://www.theguardian.com/science...ht-track-were-born-this-way-lets-deal-with-it

You always have risk of faggot son. Its just not too high(<5%).
aslo the more kids u have, hte likeliness of faggorty increase per each kid. chard and Klassen (1997) reported that each additional older brother increases the odds of a man being gay by 33%
Birth order[edit]
Main article: Fraternal birth order and sexual orientation
Blanchard and Klassen (1997) reported that each additional older brother increases the odds of a man being gay by 33%.[40][41] This is now "one of the most reliable epidemiological variables ever identified in the study of sexual orientation".[42] To explain this finding, it has been proposed that male fetuses provoke a maternal immune reaction that becomes stronger with each successive male fetus. This maternal immunization hypothesis (MIH) begins when cells from a male fetus enter the mother's circulation during pregnancy or while giving birth.[43] Male fetuses produce H-Y antigens which are "almost certainly involved in the sexual differentiation of vertebrates". These Y-linked proteins would not be recognized in the mother's immune system because she is female, causing her to develop antibodies which would travel through the placental barrier into the fetal compartment. From here, the anti-male bodies would then cross the blood/brain barrier (BBB) of the developing fetal brain, altering sex-dimorphic brain structures relative to sexual orientation, increasing the likelihood that the exposed son will be more attracted to men than women.[43] It is this antigen which maternal H-Y antibodies are proposed to both react to and 'remember'. Successive male fetuses are then attacked by H-Y antibodies which somehow decrease the ability of H-Y antigens to perform their usual function in brain masculinization.[40]
A surprising amount of faggot worshipers in this thread.... Go back to IT.

All homosexuals need to be exterminated. No I'm not joking
Thanks for giving ammunition to inceltears and ruining the reputation of incels. Well played
A surprising amount of faggot worshipers in this thread.... Go back to IT.

All homosexuals need to be exterminated. No I'm not joking
I just don't really care tbh , I don't have any kind of problem with the gays.
Thanks for giving ammunition to inceltears and ruining the reputation of incels. Well played
I didnt mean to man. I was just expressing my free speech. Calm down. Also I've only been featured on IT once. There are other users who have been featured by IT WAAAAAAAY more than me. I am not the problem
Fuck IT, they'll slander us no matter what we say or do, or don't say or do.
legit. who the fuck cares. any opinion you have will have some opposition. its inevitable. its low t soyboy trait to constantly bring up IT, when they cant do jack shit irl @Ropemaxx
If you have a gay son its automatically considered cuckoldry
I didnt mean to man. I was just expressing my free speech. Calm down. Also I've only been featured on IT once. There are other users who have been featured by IT WAAAAAAAY more than me. I am not the problem
legit. who the fuck cares. any opinion you have will have some opposition. its inevitable. its low t soyboy trait to constantly bring up IT, when they cant do jack shit irl @Ropemaxx
Inceltears will smear us no matter what, but they usually take the most extreme, edgy incels and quote them. I don't want my inceldom to be related to jewhate, blackpeoplehate, gayhate,conspiracies, ERfuel or any of the political extremism nonsense. I want my opinions to be valid, but its hard when people will assume im a jewhating, homophobic racist maniac because of some incels ruining our reputation. Sure guys have these opinions but don't post them here please, you just make it hard for our valid points to EVER get taken seriously.

I very rarely get quoted on inceltears. Why? Because if they read my serious posts, they hit far too close to the truth for them to post on there and spread the blackpill. You NEVER see @Reddit_is_for_cucks chadfishing experiments on inceltears because it would just blackpill the masses extremely hard.
Release the man. I'm glad to hear that there are people who haven't jumped on the faggot bandwagon.
Good riddance. Absolutely nothing of value was lost.

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