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Brutal Curry gets stabbed to death for being subhuman

The thing is, society has enabled nigs to act out violently against ricecels and curries.
(((Society))) enabled them to act like that towards everyone. They're also the most violent towards whites.
All pajeets are dalits in the west regardless of their caste or status in India.
True but South Indians are generally more accepting of their status while North Indians cope with 'We Wuz Razputz and Shiet', 'We Jattz are superior saar' stuff. They are subhuman yet extremely arrogant. That's why I hate them. I am happy the Chadriguez showed the northern curry his place.
Dude became human sacrifice to the sun gods.
They're also the most violent towards whites.
Whites have become weak. Rice were always physically weak. Therefore, as Shishio says, the weak get killed.
Done GIF
Whites have become weak. Rice were always physically weak. Therefore, as Shishio says, the weak get killed.
Whites chose to be weak. They need a huge wake up call.
a reminder that normies are a more deadly threat to us than foids. foids can be easily overpowered but normies are a threat we all need to prepare ourselves for. buy a vest and get a firearm that you bring with you always. we cannot give these normies another chance
unironically this.
nobody will mourn for shitskin pajeetcel, sadly
Reading the title i thought this was gona be a shitpost jfl
Master morality evokes deep hatred and disgust towards the weak and ugly.
bro can you stop with the self hate it makes me hate mysefl ffs
So being factual is self-hate now?
no man it just hurts to read your shit and looking at myself in the mirror, if I do come back to india I'd feel odd among people I don't speak my own language properly and I don't have friends there so I'm kinda in limbo
no man it just hurts to read your shit and looking at myself in the mirror, if I do come back to india I'd feel odd among people I don't speak my own language properly and I don't have friends there so I'm kinda in limbo
Don't worry about your language proficiency. People will accept you and talk to you regardless because you're racially the same as they are. I returned to curryland after rotting in the West and I'm happier. I'm still suicidal and depressed, but much much more mentally stable here than I was in the West. Plus here I get a lot of social support from family, relatives, maids, etc.
Don't worry about your language proficiency. People will accept you and talk to you regardless because you're racially the same as they are. I returned to curryland after rotting in the West and I'm happier. I'm still suicidal and depressed, but much much more mentally stable here than I was in the West. Plus here I get a lot of social support from family, relatives, maids, etc.
you have any plans for marrying? would your parents help you? mine are too dysfunctional to give a shit

They've accepted that I'm not marriage material but if I whined to them to get me a wife, I'm sure they would, although I can't imagine touching these goblina pajeetas. :feelspuke::feelspuke:

Mine are dysfunctional as well.
damn, do you have friends in india? do you try to escort maxx? I don't even know if it's possible there. Do you plan for intimacy of any kind?
Dude, that's were its absolutely going. Shishio was 100% right with his blackpills which is why I get disappointed when incels here fail to appreciate his wisdom.
Look at this barbaric shit:

View attachment 951591

What the fuck is going on in that video.
Poor subhuman armless man.

Nature sure is brutal. Manlets, curries/deathnics and disabled are relentlessly bullied/beaten/disrespected in life, it is all the natures way of telling ”your genes suck, please consider suicide.”

And women who say they dont like toxic masculinity gets their pussies wet for seeing manlets and other subhumans being beaten for just existing.

Tell me, how come nice friendly guys gets depressed and bullied get a successful life? Women.
it is all the natures way of telling ”your genes suck, please consider suicide.”
Yes, nature's invisible hand of eugenics acts through the cruel actions of bullies. Nature doesn't tolerate weakness. Civilization was meant to hold back nature's eugenics and make life for weaker people more livable and enjoyable but since civilization is eroding now due to complacency, corruption, degeneracy, and overall loss of discipline, morals, and ethics, we are slowly returning to the historical ages where only the strongest were deemed fit for survival.
Watch this:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX3fyeNG92o
And women who say they dont like toxic masculinity gets their pussies wet for seeing manlets and other subhumans being beaten for just existing.

Tell me, how come nice friendly guys gets depressed and bullied get a successful life? Women.
Life is an zero sum absurd contest of degradation and slavery.
This stuff is real, normies will deny it and say I'm paranoid. But without laws normies would gladly torture people like me
If I had to grow up in Indiana I'd go psycho too LMAO
"Stabbed for looking weird"

Lookism taken to a dystopian extreme, soon it will be legal to kill any non chad
All pajeets are dalits in the west regardless of their caste or status in India.
Indians need to be exterminated or shipped off to sub saharan africa
Dude, that's were its absolutely going. Shishio was 100% right with his blackpills which is why I get disappointed when incels here fail to appreciate his wisdom.
Look at this barbaric shit:

View attachment 951591
Imagine attacking a literal armless person cause they called you a nigger. Niggers have no self control and do everything they can to fulfill every stereotype about them. What a dumb orangutan
True but South Indians are generally more accepting of their status while North Indians cope with 'We Wuz Razputz and Shiet', 'We Jattz are superior saar' stuff. They are subhuman yet extremely arrogant. That's why I hate them. I am happy the Chadriguez showed the northern curry his place.
The more india gets raped by outsiders the better it gets. Curious!
Jesus Christ lmao, It is true that the strong subjugate the weak.
Indians need to be exterminated or shipped off to sub saharan africa
"Just ship the weakest race off to the most high T aggressive shithole on Earth, bro!"
"Just ship the weakest race off to the most high T aggressive shithole on Earth, bro!"
I think his point is that we should be killed off brutally.
He's burnt that's why his skin is like that. Otherwise, he's fair skinned too.
Yeah but it's clear what the author's intent is.black = evil
"Just ship the weakest race off to the most high T aggressive shithole on Earth, bro!"
Indians are very financially succesful in Africa. Niggers may be stronger than them, but thise nigs literally depend on indians for food. Uganda in the 70s expelled the indians then pathetically and desperately begged them to come back because rather local niggers were too stupid to mass produce food on the farms
I think his point is that we should be killed off brutally.
Ah, true. I'm low IQ for missing that. Thought he meant genuinely to geomaxx there, cause I've heard of rice slaying there and also seen a tinder experiment where BO2cel pulled like 100+ matches in a day on Nairobi tinder :feelshaha:
I think his point is that we should be killed off brutally.
Yeah but it's clear what the author's intent is.black = evil

Indians are very financially succesful in Africa. Niggers may be stronger than them, but thise nigs literally depend on indians for food. Uganda in the 70s expelled the indians then pathetically and desperately begged them to come back because rather local niggers were too stupid to mass produce food on the farms
Yeah but it's clear what the author's intent is.black = evil
Japanese media has constant color pills like this everywhere. Even the tan > pale/dark pill, the prettyboys in anime are usually pale but if you go on hentai boorus 99% of the faceless guys they draw fucking the foids are tan-skinned. Tall, dark, and handsome Medpill is universal
Ah, true. I'm low IQ for missing that. Thought he meant genuinely to geomaxx there, cause I've heard of rice slaying there and also seen a tinder experiment where BO2cel pulled like 100+ matches in a day on Nairobi tinder :feelshaha:
It is a genuine strategy for rice and curry to go to Africa. Their iq enables them to mog the locals, plus they can at least benefit mankind as a whole by de-nigrifying the population by mixing asian and indian dna with the locals
Japanese media has constant color pills like this everywhere. Even the tan > pale/dark pill, the prettyboys in anime are usually pale but if you go on hentai boorus 99% of the faceless guys they draw fucking the foids are tan-skinned. Tall, dark, and handsome Medpill is universal
Yep. Bronze skin for men is seen as peak even among Asians. It's why athletic characters in anime tend to be tan
Same for Arabs.
Difference is that arabs did the raping, while indians got raped.
gunmaxxing is essential in 2023
it will only get worse from here
It is a genuine strategy for rice and curry to go to Africa. Their iq enables them to mog the locals, plus they can at least benefit mankind as a whole by de-nigrifying the population by mixing asian and indian dna with the locals
If one is willing to take the risk. Personally I wouldn't even move to a black-majority neighborhood in the West, much less straight-up Africa
If one is willing to take the risk. Personally I wouldn't even move to a black-majority neighborhood in the West, much less straight-up Africa
I'm pretty sure the indians in Africa live segregated from the Nogs. That, and indians are able to more readily get away with killing them

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