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Blackpill Comfortability is the Slow death of us ALL. Their is a GREATER Blackpill to be discovered

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1039
  • Start date
Deleted member 1039

Deleted member 1039

Be Free from the slavery of your Ego.
Nov 9, 2017
Whats the point of us existing and just suffering 24/7 while indulging in short term harmful pleasures and instant gratification? Our existence is quite literally meaningless and pointless. Without a purpose to live for we are already dead. Comfortability is the slow death of all of us.

Is anyone here working towards a greater goal or purpose on this earth? If not, why are we even living just wasting our lives away? All we do is play videogames, browse the internet, watch porn, watch movies, watch tv, wageslave, and sleep. What the fuck kind of lives are we living? What the fuck is this shit!? How do we look at the great men throughout history, the great men of this era, men who have their own business, skills, and accomplishments as we continue to live like trash?

Wageslaving fucked me over. Beforehand I was slowly, but steadily increasing my productivity and working towards my goal but then wageslaving made me lazy as fuck. Lazier than before. I drive and deliver packages for up to 10 hours a day most of the time. I come home tired as fuck. You think I want to workout or work towards my goals? HELL NO. I just want lay down, watch youtube, play some videogames, fap, then sleep. Literally slavery. Dont be fooled by being paid a "salary". If you arent working for yourself, or working a job that actually make you happy, YOU ARE A SLAVE. Yet here I am still living like this. Why? Because comfortability is quite literally a stronger force than sexual energy. Even if your situation sucks, the urge to stay with what you know instead of doing something new is a massive force to overcome.

Its a middleground of absolute mediocrity. Your situation isnt good, but it also isnt too bad to where you would ride the fire of change to get out of it, like the starving kid in africa meme, or someone born in a shitty third world country whos just praying to be able to find clean water to drink the next day. But even then its only relative. Someone whos lived a life that shitty for so long may actually be comfortable with searching for fresh water and food everyday, rather than finding any possible means of escaping.

The Japanese during ww2 commited some of the most vile atrocities known to mankind but I can compliment one thing about them. Atleast they had a purpose to live for, even if it was a brainwashed one. Believing their emperor was GOD and his word was law. To die for the emperor was the greatest of all honors and would be rewarded in the afterlife. They believed and followed in their own purpose so much that they would kamikaze themselves and fly their own planes into enemy ships.

We choose to be slaves just to be comfortable.

Check out the great philosopher Platos allegory of the cave.

Humans who were born and raised in a cave. The cave is all they know. They do not know what green grass or sunlight is. They do not know what a blue sky or a sky in general is. They dont know anything outside of their cave. One wanderer one day discovers an exit out the cave. His worldview is absolutely shattered. Blue skies, sunlight, different variety of foods, plants, green pastures. He quickly finds his way back to tell everyone about his findings. You think this man was met with excitement and treated as a hero? No. His peers hated him, challenging their worldview, telling them there existed a world outside their cave? Even though leaving the cave would've provided them with a better life and resources they chose to disbelieve their peer, they chose comfortability over ascension.

But then I realized the lack of motivation, even while wageslaving comes from short term pleasures and instant gratification, but even worse, the turn towards these things come from trauma and underlying negative beliefs. How is a subhuman who is hated by almost everyone purely because of his existence suppose to be motivated in life? The amount of uncomfortability you have to put yourself through to ascend is almost impossible.

Does anyone here know who Gordon Ramsay is? Have you seen the show Kitchen Nightmares? All of these owners have struggling restraunts and call world reknown Chef Ramsay for help. But what happens when he gets there? Every owner gets massively defensive over their food and service and pretend like its perfect because they dont want to hear the uncomfortable truth that their food is garbage, their practices arent good, and that they are awful owners. But only after ccepting the truth can they improve. We the viewers laugh at them like the fools they are, but we are literally no different than them. We may not be failing restaurant owners but we get defensive and run from other truths in our lifes. Literally the same concept but from another perspective, the same way someone can phrase a sentence in multiple different ways yet saying the same thing.

Maybe becoming blackpilled was a bad idea? When I was still bluepilled years ago, I tried way harder than I am now in life because I thought there was a chance, but the hatred I experieced for being subhuman pushed me further and further towards the blackpill AKA the "truth". I guess its true, the truth can be so painful that it really can destroy you if you let it.

But Im a hypocrite myself because I talk spiritual shit but I havent been on the path for a long time now. Literally a fraud who tries to call out other frauds to hide my own fraudulency :feelshehe: That makes me no different than a normie, or a foid, or anyone else that I hate. I'm starting to see now that alot of the people I hated the most(excluding past bullies, FUCK THEM) are actually people who are similar to me in negative qualities but from another perspective.

I have alot of hatred towards attractive people because they have something that would instantly fix my life situation. If I was good looking, I would've accomplished or been close to accomplishing all my goals by now. But honestly, that hatred is pointless because situations are all relative at the end of the day. Yes it is hard to accept but attractive people too have their own life problems, problems that may be minuscule or nonproblems to us, but nonetheless, they are problems towards them. However you have to look at both sides of the coin here. Even though we may hate this platitude, it is true even if it comes from a normies mouth. There are people with FAR worse situations than us. We are lucky to not have been born in some shitty gang corrupted south american country or shitty third world warring country where the only thing we have to look forward too the next day is hoping to not get killed, or starve to death. Those victims would instantly trade lives with us and look at our problems as minuscule and non issues.

I no longer hate females or normies, because I'm not any better than them. Im a hypocrite like them but from a different perspective. Thats all it is. Also hatred has done nothing good for me, nor has it made my life any better. So whats the point?

Im going to torture myself to succeed. IDGAF, no more excuses. Im adopting a new philosophy. Either gradually improve/go all out, or just die. Theirs literally no point at all in living like this, and even if I fail atleast i didnt let the capitalist NWO system beat me. Atleast I can say I went all out or actually tried instead of bending over and letting the NWO fuck me at will. If im not going to improve then I dont deserve to live.

I think their is a greater blackpill, than the blackpill that we know. A hidden further blackpill that exist if we open our eyes. Their are two sides to it. The side in which you accept it and give up, and the side in which you accept it but learn and accommodate towards it to live a happy life.


The blackpill we know now is just a footnote, the way of buddha is the next step and the TRUE blackpill. Only once you can accept that you are responsible for changing and fixing your own life situations and that you are currently at heart, no better than most of your enemies can you see and follow the buddha pill.
I literally only read the first paragraph and it already resonates with what I've been thinking for awhile

"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human being to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries."

I'm going to enjoy reading this, thanks bro.
Ima get some hot cocoa and get cozy and read this book of a thead...
I literally only read the first paragraph and it already resonates with what I've been thinking for awhile

"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human being to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries."

I'm going to enjoy reading this, thanks bro.
the guy was ted kaczynski,the unabomber,ivy league student that got fucked up by a university psychological experiment,went to live in isolation and sended bombs to electronics shops,thats his manifesto
in some ways he nails our current situation worldwide,in other pages its just and insane guy ranting,its half and half
an okay read
WE are bound By Morals so we cant so what WE want

Your a poor fuck that dosnt want to Work? Get neetbux and disabilty bux , embrace your autistic Nature so you get the disabilty Money.

Take a huge Credit spend It all and then Take yourself Out? Its a fast way to pleasure you Just have to Deal with your death Afterwards. I mean what IS the fucking Point of this anyways , after your dead YOUR DEAD . Nobody will remember when you Hit the Gym Last Time or what you did .

Degenerate , become a sexy MTF to abuse this gynocentric Shithole. That shits on Average Man - below , Turn Back after you did it ,/ Made it or Just stay that way to have some fun.

Again you will die anyways , Nobody will Care about what the fuck you did.

It is indoctrinated Morals and Fear of judgment / Ego that will hold you in place, remove this layer and utter freedom May await.

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good writing,I also want to achieve something but have severe mental problems, just today I got very anxious over something, wanted to cry and felt I lost will to do anything, but I know it is just mental problems, I must try hard to achieve something and begin to seek cure of my mental problems
hope you will update your life condition in the future
I no longer hate females or normies, because I'm not any better than them.
I don't show my hate for anyone. Because my hate is elevated to a higher level. This reality will suffer for what it has done to me. I vow this. :feelsdevil:
Im going to torture myself to succeed.
Oh look.. the slave is torturing itself.
If im not going to improve then I dont deserve to live.
Keep chasing the cheese. Figrews want you to do this. Because if Men are constantly fighting to try and improve themselves they will never slow down to compartmentalise their own stupidity. Even better, at the end of their rope if they kill themselves their is one less Man in the world that can point out the double standards.
If torturing yourself gives you lifefuel, go for it. Comfymaxxing is lifefuel for others, it is just a cope like everything in this life.

Unfortunately as biological machines we are programmed to go after something, and if we don't get it, then there is suffering.

If you are able to get free from the urge to want something, you are mostly free. You can do that with meditation, or with medicines. In the end I reached the conclusion that it is good to have something to strive for that you can achieve. Without it, it is just waiting to die.
I have been feeling this same way for a while. I don’t feel growth and having this comfy lifestyle is not good for my mental health.

I have decided to get multiple certifications to improve my skill sets that will help me in my Career. Although I don’t like my current job, I think if I move up in workplace that will provide me some sort of achievement.

I have wasted couple years just bsing after university but I have to change cuz my mental health is declining rapidly and I feel stagnated.

In the end I want to start my own business but I can’t really start that now because I don’t have the drive/discipline now. So I settle with slowly improving in current my job to take the safe way out. I don’t trust my self with taking a leap of faith cuz I am temporarily motivated and then burn out in a week and now I’ll be in a worst place than before cuz I got no job
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@ReturnOfSaddam thread for you

But yeah wageslaving completely destroys your ability and drive to self improve.
Because there is no need to be “ great” the people that are looked to as great are just those who worked there ass off for literally no reason. Nothing matters, never has never will. Why torture yourself when you can comfymaxx?
If you're an incel after university it's already too late. Non-sub3 youngcels who haven't studied should self-improve and then study CS or some other nerdy degree where they can make some friends and maybe fuck an ugly drunk foid if they get lucky (probably not).

After that that's over your life is pretty much set in stone and self-improvement becomes impossible. How can you make friends while wageslaving if you dont have friends? Normies befriend people they can relate to, and they cant relate to those who have no friends and no social life to talk about. How can you get a foid if you have no social life? Good luck finding a foid as an ugly male through a dating site. Betabux is a (bad) option but to become one as an incel you need to have a lot of bux. Even with cope scenarios such as making a lot of money and then surgerymaxxing you'd probably be too old by the time you're not ugly anymore to get something nice out of it.
You may think that bluepilled people achieve more, but those that become Blackpilled are worse off in bad life situations, which explains the lack of achievement rather than bluepill ideology itself. Also bluepills propagate harmful ideologies, like gynocentrism, so being blackpilled isnt bad. Bluepills can also suffer a lot, just because they tell themselves everything will turn out allright doesn't mean it will.
If you're an incel after university it's already too late. Non-sub3 youngcels who haven't studied should self-improve and then study CS or some other nerdy degree where they can make some friends and maybe fuck an ugly drunk foid if they get lucky (probably not).

After that that's over your life is pretty much set in stone and self-improvement becomes impossible. How can you make friends while wageslaving if you dont have friends? Normies befriend people they can relate to, and they cant relate to those who have no friends and no social life to talk about. How can you get a foid if you have no social life? Good luck finding a foid as an ugly male through a dating site. Betabux is a (bad) option but to become one as an incel you need to have a lot of bux. Even with cope scenarios such as making a lot of money and then surgerymaxxing you'd probably be too old by the time you're not ugly anymore to get something nice out of it.
Yeah just look at normies, their social circle was formed before college, or at the very least before the end of college. Normies make very few real friends after college. And most of those post college friends are people they meet through their initial social circle

If normies find it extremely hard or unlikely to make friends after college, a subhuman with no social circle is completely doomed tbh
The odds are stacked so hard against us tbh
Whats the point of us existing and just suffering 24/7 while indulging in short term harmful pleasures and instant gratification? Our existence is quite literally meaningless and pointless. Without a purpose to live for we are already dead. Comfortability is the slow death of all of us.

Is anyone here working towards a greater goal or purpose on this earth? If not, why are we even living just wasting our lives away? All we do is play videogames, browse the internet, watch porn, watch movies, watch tv, wageslave, and sleep. What the fuck kind of lives are we living? What the fuck is this shit!? How do we look at the great men throughout history, the great men of this era, men who have their own business, skills, and accomplishments as we continue to live like trash?

Wageslaving fucked me over. Beforehand I was slowly, but steadily increasing my productivity and working towards my goal but then wageslaving made me lazy as fuck. Lazier than before. I drive and deliver packages for up to 10 hours a day most of the time. I come home tired as fuck. You think I want to workout or work towards my goals? HELL NO. I just want lay down, watch youtube, play some videogames, fap, then sleep. Literally slavery. Dont be fooled by being paid a "salary". If you arent working for yourself, or working a job that actually make you happy, YOU ARE A SLAVE. Yet here I am still living like this. Why? Because comfortability is quite literally a stronger force than sexual energy. Even if your situation sucks, the urge to stay with what you know instead of doing something new is a massive force to overcome.

Its a middleground of absolute mediocrity. Your situation isnt good, but it also isnt too bad to where you would ride the fire of change to get out of it, like the starving kid in africa meme, or someone born in a shitty third world country whos just praying to be able to find clean water to drink the next day. But even then its only relative. Someone whos lived a life that shitty for so long may actually be comfortable with searching for fresh water and food everyday, rather than finding any possible means of escaping.

The Japanese during ww2 commited some of the most vile atrocities known to mankind but I can compliment one thing about them. Atleast they had a purpose to live for, even if it was a brainwashed one. Believing their emperor was GOD and his word was law. To die for the emperor was the greatest of all honors and would be rewarded in the afterlife. They believed and followed in their own purpose so much that they would kamikaze themselves and fly their own planes into enemy ships.

We choose to be slaves just to be comfortable.

Check out the great philosopher Platos allegory of the cave.

Humans who were born and raised in a cave. The cave is all they know. They do not know what green grass or sunlight is. They do not know what a blue sky or a sky in general is. They dont know anything outside of their cave. One wanderer one day discovers an exit out the cave. His worldview is absolutely shattered. Blue skies, sunlight, different variety of foods, plants, green pastures. He quickly finds his way back to tell everyone about his findings. You think this man was met with excitement and treated as a hero? No. His peers hated him, challenging their worldview, telling them there existed a world outside their cave? Even though leaving the cave would've provided them with a better life and resources they chose to disbelieve their peer, they chose comfortability over ascension.

But then I realized the lack of motivation, even while wageslaving comes from short term pleasures and instant gratification, but even worse, the turn towards these things come from trauma and underlying negative beliefs. How is a subhuman who is hated by almost everyone purely because of his existence suppose to be motivated in life? The amount of uncomfortability you have to put yourself through to ascend is almost impossible.

Does anyone here know who Gordon Ramsay is? Have you seen the show Kitchen Nightmares? All of these owners have struggling restraunts and call world reknown Chef Ramsay for help. But what happens when he gets there? Every owner gets massively defensive over their food and service and pretend like its perfect because they dont want to hear the uncomfortable truth that their food is garbage, their practices arent good, and that they are awful owners. But only after ccepting the truth can they improve. We the viewers laugh at them like the fools they are, but we are literally no different than them. We may not be failing restaurant owners but we get defensive and run from other truths in our lifes. Literally the same concept but from another perspective, the same way someone can phrase a sentence in multiple different ways yet saying the same thing.

Maybe becoming blackpilled was a bad idea? When I was still bluepilled years ago, I tried way harder than I am now in life because I thought there was a chance, but the hatred I experieced for being subhuman pushed me further and further towards the blackpill AKA the "truth". I guess its true, the truth can be so painful that it really can destroy you if you let it.

But Im a hypocrite myself because I talk spiritual shit but I havent been on the path for a long time now. Literally a fraud who tries to call out other frauds to hide my own fraudulency :feelshehe: That makes me no different than a normie, or a foid, or anyone else that I hate. I'm starting to see now that alot of the people I hated the most(excluding past bullies, FUCK THEM) are actually people who are similar to me in negative qualities but from another perspective.

I have alot of hatred towards attractive people because they have something that would instantly fix my life situation. If I was good looking, I would've accomplished or been close to accomplishing all my goals by now. But honestly, that hatred is pointless because situations are all relative at the end of the day. Yes it is hard to accept but attractive people too have their own life problems, problems that may be minuscule or nonproblems to us, but nonetheless, they are problems towards them. However you have to look at both sides of the coin here. Even though we may hate this platitude, it is true even if it comes from a normies mouth. There are people with FAR worse situations than us. We are lucky to not have been born in some shitty gang corrupted south american country or shitty third world warring country where the only thing we have to look forward too the next day is hoping to not get killed, or starve to death. Those victims would instantly trade lives with us and look at our problems as minuscule and non issues.

I no longer hate females or normies, because I'm not any better than them. Im a hypocrite like them but from a different perspective. Thats all it is. Also hatred has done nothing good for me, nor has it made my life any better. So whats the point?

Im going to torture myself to succeed. IDGAF, no more excuses. Im adopting a new philosophy. Either gradually improve/go all out, or just die. Theirs literally no point at all in living like this, and even if I fail atleast i didnt let the capitalist NWO system beat me. Atleast I can say I went all out or actually tried instead of bending over and letting the NWO fuck me at will. If im not going to improve then I dont deserve to live.

I think their is a greater blackpill, than the blackpill that we know. A hidden further blackpill that exist if we open our eyes. Their are two sides to it. The side in which you accept it and give up, and the side in which you accept it but learn and accommodate towards it to live a happy life.

View attachment 442834

The blackpill we know now is just a footnote, the way of buddha is the next step and the TRUE blackpill. Only once you can accept that you are responsible for changing and fixing your own life situations and that you are currently at heart, no better than most of your enemies can you see and follow the buddha pill.

Massive massive massive respect to you for this post dude. Haven't read something so good in a while. Thought provoking and well thought out. I feel much the same way.
I hope you find and successfully achieve your purpose, I hope you get your drive back. I honestly hope we all do. I hope (or is it cope?).
I agree with some of the stuff you had to say 100%

Despite our past conflicts, I really respect you bro. Your one of the few I respect on this forum that makes amazing threads, analyse hypocrisy ,is consistent and make sense.

Good luck on your future @Nautica1983
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Good point in adding the unabomber manifesto. I feel your mood OP but you have to see the bigger picture. Life feels meaningless because a lot of factors are out of our control. We have no small scale communities where improving something will have an effect you will see on a local leve. Since you dont know the people you work for, since you dont even know your neighbours there is no real goal achievement progress done. If you fix the internet of your grandma you receive praise and feel like you have done something. If you are a police officer in a small city you have the feeling of actually being important and needed. If you live in those mega cities you are just replacable. Human psychology cant cope with this since we are used to live in small tribes of 50-150people.

What do you want to do to get a feeling of meaning?

Working in any NPC company wont feel meaningful, at least thats what i think. Imagine you are data scientist at any company. Its abstract as fuck and you dont feel any progress of what you are doing. You are getting your salary, living in a appartment, maybe you have your girlfriend and some normie friends but the majority is spent at work.

Okay you be as isolated as being a NEET. That is one advantage. Maybe work distracts you from your suffering aswell so that could be also one advantage.

The general message is that you are choosing between big shit or small shit. Trying to find a balance in our modern system, especially in big cities is very difficult.

I agree that non suffering produces suffering. Comfymaxxing makes me crazy too. We as human animals are used to live in our biological niche, now we live in this absurd technological city bubble with little nature left. Obviously we will have psychological side effects. But then dropping out of the city could come with isolation, people are actually moving into the big cities. Its hella difficult.

I dont know what the smartest solution is.

Ted Kaczynski stopped giving a fuck and moved out into nature and left the city bubble. He felt more or less at peace but as some people pointed out hermitmaxxing might be the way to hell due to isolation.

Either you can adapt to the system, with more or less suffering or you have to accept the biological adaptation through psychiatric drugs, or you find your own niche which is hard too.

If anyone has good ideas how to solve OPs problem, share it.
Good point in adding the unabomber manifesto. I feel your mood OP but you have to see the bigger picture. Life feels meaningless because a lot of factors are out of our control. We have no small scale communities where improving something will have an effect you will see on a local leve. Since you dont know the people you work for, since you dont even know your neighbours there is no real goal achievement progress done. If you fix the internet of your grandma you receive praise and feel like you have done something. If you are a police officer in a small city you have the feeling of actually being important and needed. If you live in those mega cities you are just replacable. Human psychology cant cope with this since we are used to live in small tribes of 50-150people.

What do you want to do to get a feeling of meaning?

Working in any NPC company wont feel meaningful, at least thats what i think. Imagine you are data scientist at any company. Its abstract as fuck and you dont feel any progress of what you are doing. You are getting your salary, living in a appartment, maybe you have your girlfriend and some normie friends but the majority is spent at work.

Okay you be as isolated as being a NEET. That is one advantage. Maybe work distracts you from your suffering aswell so that could be also one advantage.

The general message is that you are choosing between big shit or small shit. Trying to find a balance in our modern system, especially in big cities is very difficult.
Good points and @Copexodius Maximus has posted about industrialization leading to the current state of things and how he thinks Ted was right.
I agree that non suffering produces suffering. Comfymaxxing makes me crazy too. We as human animals are used to live in our biological niche, now we live in this absurd technological city bubble with little nature left. Obviously we will have psychological side effects. But then dropping out of the city could come with isolation, people are actually moving into the big cities. Its hella difficult.

I dont know what the smartest solution is.
Because imo most men (whether blackpilled or not) are biologically wired to want a purpose in life that is centered around a woman they are in a relationship with. If you are comfymaxxing without a woman you know that you are still rotting. If you are self improving without anything to show for it and still haven't attracted a woman you know that you are wasting your time.
Ted Kaczynski stopped giving a fuck and moved out into nature and left the city bubble. He felt more or less at peace but as some people pointed out hermitmaxxing might be the way to hell due to isolation.

Either you can adapt to the system, with more or less suffering or you have to accept the biological adaptation through psychiatric drugs, or you find your own niche which is hard too.
There is no solution when men are hard wired to want the companionship of women to derive meaning from life.
If anyone has good ideas how to solve OPs problem, share it.
Don't think about things too deeply and don't question too much.

Might get boring fast though and that's another problem. Only by having a woman will you be able not to afford to think about other things beside your relationship, family and work too deeply.
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Good points and @Copexodius Maximus has posted about industrialization leading to the current state of things and how he thinks Ted was right.

Because imo most men (whether blackpilled or not) are biologically wired to want a purpose in life that is centered around a woman they are in a relationship with. If you are comfymaxxing without a woman you know that you are still rotting. If you are self improving without anything to show for it and still haven't attracted a woman you know that you are wasting your time.

There is no solution when men are hard wired to want the companionship of women to derive meaning from life.

Don't think about things too deeply and don't question too much.

Might get boring fast though and that's another problem. Only by having a woman will you be able not to afford to think about other things beside your relationship, family and work too deeply.
Agree. Everyone here should have been a father by now. Its normal to get children at 15-18 since that is the biological age for it. Now it is prosponed for economic reasons until late 30s. Nietzsche has pointed out that no other animal is trying to get rid of its instincts as much as the homo sapiens. Thats what makes it, according to nietzsche, the most retarded one but also the most interesting.

Having not even a GF in this already atomized world is just plain cruelty. I cant cope with that fact.
Agree. Everyone here should have been a father by now. Its normal to get children at 15-18 since that is the biological age for it. Now it is prosponed for economic reasons until late 30s. Nietzsche has pointed out that no other animal is trying to get rid of its instincts as much as the homo sapiens. Thats what makes it, according to nietzsche, the most retarded one but also the most interesting.

Having not even a GF in this already atomized world is just plain cruelty. I cant cope with that fact.
The traditional life script of having a wife and kids if you worked hard was what worked best for most guys. It wasn't perfect but nothing in this life is. As a result of it being torn up and serial monogamy coming into full effect with social media and dating apps you have many men without a purpose.

For proof of this look at what happened pre coronavirus with the economy beginning to get better and managing whatever shocks occurred. Still many people mocked the concept of how "at least GDP is rising" and "record job growth/record unemployment" and the alt-right and other groups indicating dissatisfaction with the status quo were common and gaining traction. What did all those groups having dissatisfaction with the status quo have in common? Lamenting that the old life script of getting married and staying married to a loyal, faithful woman that you love was no longer as easy or attainable for the average man.
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Good points and @Copexodius Maximus has posted about industrialization leading to the current state of things and how he thinks Ted was right.

Because imo most men (whether blackpilled or not) are biologically wired to want a purpose in life that is centered around a woman they are in a relationship with. If you are comfymaxxing without a woman you know that you are still rotting. If you are self improving without anything to show for it and still haven't attracted a woman you know that you are wasting your time.

There is no solution when men are hard wired to want the companionship of women to derive meaning from life.

Don't think about things too deeply and don't question too much.

Might get boring fast though and that's another problem. Only by having a woman will you be able not to afford to think about other things beside your relationship, family and work too deeply.
Tbf, most married men are miserable because even having a wife (even if they have a great relationship) won’t make them happy or feel like their life has meaning. Marriage and family is only one part of the power process, and industrial society makes it almost impossible to achieve many of our other goals in this respect.
Whats the point of us existing and just suffering 24/7 while indulging in short term harmful pleasures and instant gratification? Our existence is quite literally meaningless and pointless. Without a purpose to live for we are already dead. Comfortability is the slow death of all of us.

Is anyone here working towards a greater goal or purpose on this earth? If not, why are we even living just wasting our lives away? All we do is play videogames, browse the internet, watch porn, watch movies, watch tv, wageslave, and sleep. What the fuck kind of lives are we living? What the fuck is this shit!? How do we look at the great men throughout history, the great men of this era, men who have their own business, skills, and accomplishments as we continue to live like trash?

Wageslaving fucked me over. Beforehand I was slowly, but steadily increasing my productivity and working towards my goal but then wageslaving made me lazy as fuck. Lazier than before. I drive and deliver packages for up to 10 hours a day most of the time. I come home tired as fuck. You think I want to workout or work towards my goals? HELL NO. I just want lay down, watch youtube, play some videogames, fap, then sleep. Literally slavery. Dont be fooled by being paid a "salary". If you arent working for yourself, or working a job that actually make you happy, YOU ARE A SLAVE. Yet here I am still living like this. Why? Because comfortability is quite literally a stronger force than sexual energy. Even if your situation sucks, the urge to stay with what you know instead of doing something new is a massive force to overcome.

Its a middleground of absolute mediocrity. Your situation isnt good, but it also isnt too bad to where you would ride the fire of change to get out of it, like the starving kid in africa meme, or someone born in a shitty third world country whos just praying to be able to find clean water to drink the next day. But even then its only relative. Someone whos lived a life that shitty for so long may actually be comfortable with searching for fresh water and food everyday, rather than finding any possible means of escaping.

The Japanese during ww2 commited some of the most vile atrocities known to mankind but I can compliment one thing about them. Atleast they had a purpose to live for, even if it was a brainwashed one. Believing their emperor was GOD and his word was law. To die for the emperor was the greatest of all honors and would be rewarded in the afterlife. They believed and followed in their own purpose so much that they would kamikaze themselves and fly their own planes into enemy ships.

We choose to be slaves just to be comfortable.

Check out the great philosopher Platos allegory of the cave.

Humans who were born and raised in a cave. The cave is all they know. They do not know what green grass or sunlight is. They do not know what a blue sky or a sky in general is. They dont know anything outside of their cave. One wanderer one day discovers an exit out the cave. His worldview is absolutely shattered. Blue skies, sunlight, different variety of foods, plants, green pastures. He quickly finds his way back to tell everyone about his findings. You think this man was met with excitement and treated as a hero? No. His peers hated him, challenging their worldview, telling them there existed a world outside their cave? Even though leaving the cave would've provided them with a better life and resources they chose to disbelieve their peer, they chose comfortability over ascension.

But then I realized the lack of motivation, even while wageslaving comes from short term pleasures and instant gratification, but even worse, the turn towards these things come from trauma and underlying negative beliefs. How is a subhuman who is hated by almost everyone purely because of his existence suppose to be motivated in life? The amount of uncomfortability you have to put yourself through to ascend is almost impossible.

Does anyone here know who Gordon Ramsay is? Have you seen the show Kitchen Nightmares? All of these owners have struggling restraunts and call world reknown Chef Ramsay for help. But what happens when he gets there? Every owner gets massively defensive over their food and service and pretend like its perfect because they dont want to hear the uncomfortable truth that their food is garbage, their practices arent good, and that they are awful owners. But only after ccepting the truth can they improve. We the viewers laugh at them like the fools they are, but we are literally no different than them. We may not be failing restaurant owners but we get defensive and run from other truths in our lifes. Literally the same concept but from another perspective, the same way someone can phrase a sentence in multiple different ways yet saying the same thing.

Maybe becoming blackpilled was a bad idea? When I was still bluepilled years ago, I tried way harder than I am now in life because I thought there was a chance, but the hatred I experieced for being subhuman pushed me further and further towards the blackpill AKA the "truth". I guess its true, the truth can be so painful that it really can destroy you if you let it.

But Im a hypocrite myself because I talk spiritual shit but I havent been on the path for a long time now. Literally a fraud who tries to call out other frauds to hide my own fraudulency :feelshehe: That makes me no different than a normie, or a foid, or anyone else that I hate. I'm starting to see now that alot of the people I hated the most(excluding past bullies, FUCK THEM) are actually people who are similar to me in negative qualities but from another perspective.

I have alot of hatred towards attractive people because they have something that would instantly fix my life situation. If I was good looking, I would've accomplished or been close to accomplishing all my goals by now. But honestly, that hatred is pointless because situations are all relative at the end of the day. Yes it is hard to accept but attractive people too have their own life problems, problems that may be minuscule or nonproblems to us, but nonetheless, they are problems towards them. However you have to look at both sides of the coin here. Even though we may hate this platitude, it is true even if it comes from a normies mouth. There are people with FAR worse situations than us. We are lucky to not have been born in some shitty gang corrupted south american country or shitty third world warring country where the only thing we have to look forward too the next day is hoping to not get killed, or starve to death. Those victims would instantly trade lives with us and look at our problems as minuscule and non issues.

I no longer hate females or normies, because I'm not any better than them. Im a hypocrite like them but from a different perspective. Thats all it is. Also hatred has done nothing good for me, nor has it made my life any better. So whats the point?

Im going to torture myself to succeed. IDGAF, no more excuses. Im adopting a new philosophy. Either gradually improve/go all out, or just die. Theirs literally no point at all in living like this, and even if I fail atleast i didnt let the capitalist NWO system beat me. Atleast I can say I went all out or actually tried instead of bending over and letting the NWO fuck me at will. If im not going to improve then I dont deserve to live.

I think their is a greater blackpill, than the blackpill that we know. A hidden further blackpill that exist if we open our eyes. Their are two sides to it. The side in which you accept it and give up, and the side in which you accept it but learn and accommodate towards it to live a happy life.

View attachment 442834

The blackpill we know now is just a footnote, the way of buddha is the next step and the TRUE blackpill. Only once you can accept that you are responsible for changing and fixing your own life situations and that you are currently at heart, no better than most of your enemies can you see and follow the buddha pill.

I disagree ,comfymaxxing is the only thing we can get so why not
Tbf, most married men are miserable because even having a wife (even if they have a great relationship) won’t make them happy or feel like their life has meaning.
Idk if that's true. Married men are miserable when they are in deadbedrooms but otherwise they like the status that comes with being a married man.
Marriage and family is only one part of the power process, and industrial society makes it almost impossible to achieve many of our other goals in this respect.
True this was all set in motion a long time before. It went in leaps from transition to an agriculture to industrial economy (hypergamy is worse in the city), the sexual revolution and birth control pill (removed the stigma and consequences around sleeping around and having premarital sex) and then social media and dating apps giving women unlimited attention and access to good looking men so that women being faithful to the average man became more rare
[UWSL]However you have to look at both sides of the coin here. Even though we may hate this platitude, it is true even if it comes from a normies mouth. There are people with FAR worse situations than us. We are lucky to not have been born in some shitty gang corrupted south american country or shitty third world warring country where the only thing we have to look forward too the next day is hoping to not get killed, or starve to death. Those victims would instantly trade lives with us and look at our problems as minuscule and non issues.[/UWSL]
The traditional life script of having a wife and kids if you worked hard was what worked best for most guys. It wasn't perfect but nothing in this life is. As a result of it being torn up and serial monogamy coming into full effect with social media and dating apps you have many men without a purpose.
Agree. Everyone here should have been a father by now.
Imagine bring a child in this world. I’ll say it again bring a child in this world is never to the benefit of the child!

You guys also started to go a bit off topic in the end.
Imagine bring a child in this world. I’ll say it again bring a child in this world is never to the benefit of the child!
Agree but there is nothing to do to stop it completely. The only "positive" of inceldom is that less children from incel fathers will be brought into this world.
You guys also started to go a bit off topic in the end.
Some of the stagnation and lack of purpose that comes in incel life is because there is no long term relationship to look forward to where you raise children of your own. It's a sad thing but many men can only derive meaning in life from this.
Maybe it wasn't always like this though like BlkPillPres has said
the fall of monogamy and the fall of the traditional family are to blame for society's current condition, men have nothing to strive towards. For most men in the past the purpose was mostly somehow related to their woman, their relationship with her or the family they had.
the fall of monogamy and the fall of the traditional family are to blame for society's current condition, men have nothing to strive towards. For most men in the past the purpose was mostly somehow related to their woman, their relationship with her or the family they had.
It's a padded comfortable prison cell with internet WiFi browsing capabilities and television, music, porn, or video games for entertainment when you're not wageslaving. Welcome to the postmodern world of the loner social outcast, this is your life right now.

[As it is for all of us.]

Just enough to keep you mentally sedated but not enough to make you feel happy or content having the feeling of being meaningfully whole.
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I'm adept to risk taking behavior.
one is not truly intelligent if claim that everything is meaningless, and the fate of us all is death, while being a vegetable rotting in a room waiting for any minimal difference while endlessly complaining.
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I'm adept to risk taking behavior.
one is not truly intelligent if claim that everything is meaningless, and the fate of us all is death, while being a vegetable rotting in room waiting for any minimal difference while endlessly complaining.
Risk is fine so long as rewards match or exceed it, it's all about pros and cons. I generally don't do anything if reward is not a part of the overall assessment
Read everything. Good luck
There is one purpose. Since we cannot pass on our genes directly we can at least do it indirectly. We share a lot of genetic material with our family members, by helping them we also propagate our own genetic material. Be nice to your siblings and relatives and help the whever you can
Whats the point of us existing and just suffering 24/7 while indulging in short term harmful pleasures and instant gratification? Our existence is quite literally meaningless and pointless. Without a purpose to live for we are already dead. Comfortability is the slow death of all of us.

Is anyone here working towards a greater goal or purpose on this earth? If not, why are we even living just wasting our lives away? All we do is play videogames, browse the internet, watch porn, watch movies, watch tv, wageslave, and sleep. What the fuck kind of lives are we living? What the fuck is this shit!? How do we look at the great men throughout history, the great men of this era, men who have their own business, skills, and accomplishments as we continue to live like trash?

Wageslaving fucked me over. Beforehand I was slowly, but steadily increasing my productivity and working towards my goal but then wageslaving made me lazy as fuck. Lazier than before. I drive and deliver packages for up to 10 hours a day most of the time. I come home tired as fuck. You think I want to workout or work towards my goals? HELL NO. I just want lay down, watch youtube, play some videogames, fap, then sleep. Literally slavery. Dont be fooled by being paid a "salary". If you arent working for yourself, or working a job that actually make you happy, YOU ARE A SLAVE. Yet here I am still living like this. Why? Because comfortability is quite literally a stronger force than sexual energy. Even if your situation sucks, the urge to stay with what you know instead of doing something new is a massive force to overcome.

Its a middleground of absolute mediocrity. Your situation isnt good, but it also isnt too bad to where you would ride the fire of change to get out of it, like the starving kid in africa meme, or someone born in a shitty third world country whos just praying to be able to find clean water to drink the next day. But even then its only relative. Someone whos lived a life that shitty for so long may actually be comfortable with searching for fresh water and food everyday, rather than finding any possible means of escaping.

The Japanese during ww2 commited some of the most vile atrocities known to mankind but I can compliment one thing about them. Atleast they had a purpose to live for, even if it was a brainwashed one. Believing their emperor was GOD and his word was law. To die for the emperor was the greatest of all honors and would be rewarded in the afterlife. They believed and followed in their own purpose so much that they would kamikaze themselves and fly their own planes into enemy ships.

We choose to be slaves just to be comfortable.

Check out the great philosopher Platos allegory of the cave.

Humans who were born and raised in a cave. The cave is all they know. They do not know what green grass or sunlight is. They do not know what a blue sky or a sky in general is. They dont know anything outside of their cave. One wanderer one day discovers an exit out the cave. His worldview is absolutely shattered. Blue skies, sunlight, different variety of foods, plants, green pastures. He quickly finds his way back to tell everyone about his findings. You think this man was met with excitement and treated as a hero? No. His peers hated him, challenging their worldview, telling them there existed a world outside their cave? Even though leaving the cave would've provided them with a better life and resources they chose to disbelieve their peer, they chose comfortability over ascension.

But then I realized the lack of motivation, even while wageslaving comes from short term pleasures and instant gratification, but even worse, the turn towards these things come from trauma and underlying negative beliefs. How is a subhuman who is hated by almost everyone purely because of his existence suppose to be motivated in life? The amount of uncomfortability you have to put yourself through to ascend is almost impossible.

Does anyone here know who Gordon Ramsay is? Have you seen the show Kitchen Nightmares? All of these owners have struggling restraunts and call world reknown Chef Ramsay for help. But what happens when he gets there? Every owner gets massively defensive over their food and service and pretend like its perfect because they dont want to hear the uncomfortable truth that their food is garbage, their practices arent good, and that they are awful owners. But only after ccepting the truth can they improve. We the viewers laugh at them like the fools they are, but we are literally no different than them. We may not be failing restaurant owners but we get defensive and run from other truths in our lifes. Literally the same concept but from another perspective, the same way someone can phrase a sentence in multiple different ways yet saying the same thing.

Maybe becoming blackpilled was a bad idea? When I was still bluepilled years ago, I tried way harder than I am now in life because I thought there was a chance, but the hatred I experieced for being subhuman pushed me further and further towards the blackpill AKA the "truth". I guess its true, the truth can be so painful that it really can destroy you if you let it.

But Im a hypocrite myself because I talk spiritual shit but I havent been on the path for a long time now. Literally a fraud who tries to call out other frauds to hide my own fraudulency :feelshehe: That makes me no different than a normie, or a foid, or anyone else that I hate. I'm starting to see now that alot of the people I hated the most(excluding past bullies, FUCK THEM) are actually people who are similar to me in negative qualities but from another perspective.

I have alot of hatred towards attractive people because they have something that would instantly fix my life situation. If I was good looking, I would've accomplished or been close to accomplishing all my goals by now. But honestly, that hatred is pointless because situations are all relative at the end of the day. Yes it is hard to accept but attractive people too have their own life problems, problems that may be minuscule or nonproblems to us, but nonetheless, they are problems towards them. However you have to look at both sides of the coin here. Even though we may hate this platitude, it is true even if it comes from a normies mouth. There are people with FAR worse situations than us. We are lucky to not have been born in some shitty gang corrupted south american country or shitty third world warring country where the only thing we have to look forward too the next day is hoping to not get killed, or starve to death. Those victims would instantly trade lives with us and look at our problems as minuscule and non issues.

I no longer hate females or normies, because I'm not any better than them. Im a hypocrite like them but from a different perspective. Thats all it is. Also hatred has done nothing good for me, nor has it made my life any better. So whats the point?

Im going to torture myself to succeed. IDGAF, no more excuses. Im adopting a new philosophy. Either gradually improve/go all out, or just die. Theirs literally no point at all in living like this, and even if I fail atleast i didnt let the capitalist NWO system beat me. Atleast I can say I went all out or actually tried instead of bending over and letting the NWO fuck me at will. If im not going to improve then I dont deserve to live.

I think their is a greater blackpill, than the blackpill that we know. A hidden further blackpill that exist if we open our eyes. Their are two sides to it. The side in which you accept it and give up, and the side in which you accept it but learn and accommodate towards it to live a happy life.

View attachment 442834

The blackpill we know now is just a footnote, the way of buddha is the next step and the TRUE blackpill. Only once you can accept that you are responsible for changing and fixing your own life situations and that you are currently at heart, no better than most of your enemies can you see and follow the buddha pill.

TL;DR. If you want to sperg out on philosophy, please read some nietzsche, learn that theres no value in your shity life, start taking drugs, OD and die.
In other words, end it.
Based and Tedpilled. Long live uncle Ted.
I literally only read the first paragraph and it already resonates with what I've been thinking for awhile

"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human being to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries."

I'm going to enjoy reading this, thanks bro.
You’re in for a treat. Ted kaczynski is a genius.
Society used to used foids to motivate men to put in effort. It doesn't anymore, so I can't be bothered. Doing extra work for a world that denies you reproductive success is cucked; the bare minimum to survive and afford copes is all an incel ahould be doing.
Whats the point of us existing and just suffering 24/7 while indulging in short term harmful pleasures and instant gratification? Our existence is quite literally meaningless and pointless. Without a purpose to live for we are already dead. Comfortability is the slow death of all of us.

Is anyone here working towards a greater goal or purpose on this earth? If not, why are we even living just wasting our lives away? All we do is play videogames, browse the internet, watch porn, watch movies, watch tv, wageslave, and sleep. What the fuck kind of lives are we living? What the fuck is this shit!? How do we look at the great men throughout history, the great men of this era, men who have their own business, skills, and accomplishments as we continue to live like trash?

Wageslaving fucked me over. Beforehand I was slowly, but steadily increasing my productivity and working towards my goal but then wageslaving made me lazy as fuck. Lazier than before. I drive and deliver packages for up to 10 hours a day most of the time. I come home tired as fuck. You think I want to workout or work towards my goals? HELL NO. I just want lay down, watch youtube, play some videogames, fap, then sleep. Literally slavery. Dont be fooled by being paid a "salary". If you arent working for yourself, or working a job that actually make you happy, YOU ARE A SLAVE. Yet here I am still living like this. Why? Because comfortability is quite literally a stronger force than sexual energy. Even if your situation sucks, the urge to stay with what you know instead of doing something new is a massive force to overcome.

Its a middleground of absolute mediocrity. Your situation isnt good, but it also isnt too bad to where you would ride the fire of change to get out of it, like the starving kid in africa meme, or someone born in a shitty third world country whos just praying to be able to find clean water to drink the next day. But even then its only relative. Someone whos lived a life that shitty for so long may actually be comfortable with searching for fresh water and food everyday, rather than finding any possible means of escaping.

The Japanese during ww2 commited some of the most vile atrocities known to mankind but I can compliment one thing about them. Atleast they had a purpose to live for, even if it was a brainwashed one. Believing their emperor was GOD and his word was law. To die for the emperor was the greatest of all honors and would be rewarded in the afterlife. They believed and followed in their own purpose so much that they would kamikaze themselves and fly their own planes into enemy ships.

We choose to be slaves just to be comfortable.

Check out the great philosopher Platos allegory of the cave.

Humans who were born and raised in a cave. The cave is all they know. They do not know what green grass or sunlight is. They do not know what a blue sky or a sky in general is. They dont know anything outside of their cave. One wanderer one day discovers an exit out the cave. His worldview is absolutely shattered. Blue skies, sunlight, different variety of foods, plants, green pastures. He quickly finds his way back to tell everyone about his findings. You think this man was met with excitement and treated as a hero? No. His peers hated him, challenging their worldview, telling them there existed a world outside their cave? Even though leaving the cave would've provided them with a better life and resources they chose to disbelieve their peer, they chose comfortability over ascension.

But then I realized the lack of motivation, even while wageslaving comes from short term pleasures and instant gratification, but even worse, the turn towards these things come from trauma and underlying negative beliefs. How is a subhuman who is hated by almost everyone purely because of his existence suppose to be motivated in life? The amount of uncomfortability you have to put yourself through to ascend is almost impossible.

Does anyone here know who Gordon Ramsay is? Have you seen the show Kitchen Nightmares? All of these owners have struggling restraunts and call world reknown Chef Ramsay for help. But what happens when he gets there? Every owner gets massively defensive over their food and service and pretend like its perfect because they dont want to hear the uncomfortable truth that their food is garbage, their practices arent good, and that they are awful owners. But only after ccepting the truth can they improve. We the viewers laugh at them like the fools they are, but we are literally no different than them. We may not be failing restaurant owners but we get defensive and run from other truths in our lifes. Literally the same concept but from another perspective, the same way someone can phrase a sentence in multiple different ways yet saying the same thing.

Maybe becoming blackpilled was a bad idea? When I was still bluepilled years ago, I tried way harder than I am now in life because I thought there was a chance, but the hatred I experieced for being subhuman pushed me further and further towards the blackpill AKA the "truth". I guess its true, the truth can be so painful that it really can destroy you if you let it.

But Im a hypocrite myself because I talk spiritual shit but I havent been on the path for a long time now. Literally a fraud who tries to call out other frauds to hide my own fraudulency :feelshehe: That makes me no different than a normie, or a foid, or anyone else that I hate. I'm starting to see now that alot of the people I hated the most(excluding past bullies, FUCK THEM) are actually people who are similar to me in negative qualities but from another perspective.

I have alot of hatred towards attractive people because they have something that would instantly fix my life situation. If I was good looking, I would've accomplished or been close to accomplishing all my goals by now. But honestly, that hatred is pointless because situations are all relative at the end of the day. Yes it is hard to accept but attractive people too have their own life problems, problems that may be minuscule or nonproblems to us, but nonetheless, they are problems towards them. However you have to look at both sides of the coin here. Even though we may hate this platitude, it is true even if it comes from a normies mouth. There are people with FAR worse situations than us. We are lucky to not have been born in some shitty gang corrupted south american country or shitty third world warring country where the only thing we have to look forward too the next day is hoping to not get killed, or starve to death. Those victims would instantly trade lives with us and look at our problems as minuscule and non issues.

I no longer hate females or normies, because I'm not any better than them. Im a hypocrite like them but from a different perspective. Thats all it is. Also hatred has done nothing good for me, nor has it made my life any better. So whats the point?

Im going to torture myself to succeed. IDGAF, no more excuses. Im adopting a new philosophy. Either gradually improve/go all out, or just die. Theirs literally no point at all in living like this, and even if I fail atleast i didnt let the capitalist NWO system beat me. Atleast I can say I went all out or actually tried instead of bending over and letting the NWO fuck me at will. If im not going to improve then I dont deserve to live.

I think their is a greater blackpill, than the blackpill that we know. A hidden further blackpill that exist if we open our eyes. Their are two sides to it. The side in which you accept it and give up, and the side in which you accept it but learn and accommodate towards it to live a happy life.

View attachment 442834

The blackpill we know now is just a footnote, the way of buddha is the next step and the TRUE blackpill. Only once you can accept that you are responsible for changing and fixing your own life situations and that you are currently at heart, no better than most of your enemies can you see and follow the buddha pill.

Stupid post
I only live because I don't have much of a choice. My parents are essentially forcing me to stay alive. While I do have methods, I wanted to upgrade and have the most ideal poison at hand, quick, painless, and no antidote, compared to my predecessor . I needed to prepare it, but my chance was squandered when my bluepilled simp of a stepdad threw out my seeds. I'm not allowed to get mad about it, as he and mom could kick me out. But honestly, if allowed, I'd take great pleasure in brutalizing them.

To go to China and seamaxx and begin anew is my last hope, but I doubt I'll ever make it. And I have doubts it'll do anything. I just want to be happy, but if not, just let me have my peace.
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good writing,I also want to achieve something but have severe mental problems, just today I got very anxious over something, wanted to cry and felt I lost will to do anything, but I know it is just mental problems, I must try hard to achieve something and begin to seek cure of my mental problems
hope you will update your life condition in the future
The way of the Buddha is ok if you’re rice or curry. For Europeans, Christianity is the only option.

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