How so? Prove it...
The fact that Europeans literally were building empires and introducing inventions while Africans were fighting with swords and bows?
And by doing so, you turn away more blackcels from father Incelistan to the enemy, increasing our challenge and work we have to do. I ahve no doublt in my mind that you're a Cuckqueers agent here to stop people from dedicating themselves to Father Incelistan.
Cucktears sympathizes with blackcels. Didn't you look at the thread that I linked?
Choose one. In the primitive tribal mind and in History, for ethnostates, only the ethnostate matters. To hell with the rest.
Nazi Germany is a perfect example, as well as the US till the 60's.
Your very words in this quote are proof! "to force white women to breed with whitecels" "'Bure, h'white Gayrian methnostate, I h'will finally get a Bure luving h'white wamen!". It's literally the same thing.
At least I have not admitted defeat yet and would like to reverse the current trend of hypergamy.
Every patriarchy that an ethnostate has tried to develop has fell to degeneracy at some point or another. Even the poster-boy of ethnostates, Israhell, gives much liberty to it's women these days while getting record kills of Palestinians.