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Blackpill CIA ASCENSION PLAN. GLOW IN THE DARKS DOCUMENTS. Just dream a better life theory.



I just have to keep going...
May 1, 2019
Read the following documents in your spare time if you are interested. However I must warn you that most of the shit here is nothing more but anti-soviet psyops gibberish coined in the late stages of cold war to try to derail any espionage attempts. All of the documents are legit but most of them are just larps like I said. However the one I linked in the spoiler is completely fully legit which is what I want to focus on. There are also many, many more legit documents that I read over my time browsing the niche neo-psy communities. But I'll leave that for you to find if you want.

Why am I bringing this up? Because there is a somewhat off-the-grid believe that human consciousness can affect events around us. There was a spike in activity of number stations around the world just before 9/11. This may sound like superstitious bullshit but there is actually no superstition involved in any of this. This does not lead to god or anything like that, this is scientific, though it's pseudo-science. But the more we discover of our world the more this theories start to make sense. Especially as we dwell deeper into the nature of quantum mechanics which really start to prove everything laid out in the inter-linked-consciousness theory to be at least somewhat correct. The power of visualization is real you can alter the reality around you and the state of your existence purely by wishing it to change. Though how much of an impact do you have is hard to say, probably close to nothing on a singular scale but perhaps there are ways to go around it.

How does this relate to the Inceldom? Perhaps if we utilize all this techniques and learn more about this from the glow in the darks and ancient religious sanctum ceremonies we will be able to alter our lives for the better. Attaining true inner peace and tranquility, the ultimate whitepill.

You may personalize your visualizations like I used to do before I dropped the whole topic out of depression. I took it for a pagan spin, visualizing pagan gods and performing pagan rituals. It's important to fully immerse yourself in the experience no matter how you visualize it even if you wanna pray to ER or whoever it doesn't matter it's not who you visualize to that matters it's how committed you are to your visualization and the personalization's are supposed to help you get to that stage. You don't actually have to believe in the gods you visualize yourself to, you don't even need to do it with gods at all and the nature of your visualization does not even have to be worship there are many different spins of it the sole purpose of it is to allow yourself to be committed to it entirely.

I know all of this sounds like pseudospiritualistic bullshit but like I said you don't have to believe in a god, I don't. It's not about religion at all it has nothing to do with religion it's simply an exercise of taming our own conscious mind with the help of abstract thoughts.

Here a list of bunch of interesting documents on related topics, some of this is larp but some of it may be true (this is all from CIA databases, you can look at it yourself if you want just request information under freedom of information act):

Or you could just do heroin or shit

Copium in it's purest form
I believe achieving a higher level of consciousness is real. An extreme example irl was the monk who was set on fire.
I believe achieving a higher level of consciousness is real. An extreme example irl was the monk who was set on fire.

That's bullshit you can see he's sitting in oil and there's a trail of oil behind him the oil was lit from the end of the trail which is outside of the crowd
Just be in the infinite tsykyomi theory
That's bullshit you can see he's sitting in oil and there's a trail of oil behind him the oil was lit from the end of the trail which is outside of the crowd
Obviously someone else lit the fire. R u thinking the fire was caused by his meditation? :feelskek:
@Incline can u tldr any of those documents or say where the best bits are?
Obviously someone else lit the fire. R u thinking the fire was caused by his meditation? :feelskek:
Oh lol I misread I thought u were saying u thought he set himself on fire
just ask low value male depressives with no self confidence to practice "the secret" in an effort to change the psychosphere theory, bro.
How does this relate to the Inceldom? Perhaps if we utilize all this techniques and learn more about this from the glow in the darks and ancient religious sanctum ceremonies we will be able to alter our lives for the better. Attaining true inner peace and tranquility, the ultimate whitepill.

Bitch if I figure out how this shit works I'm making myself into a demi-god, I'm not using that knowledge for no weak ass white pill faggotry, seriously come on dude, talk about setting bar low
Bitch if I figure out how this shit works I'm making myself into a demi-god, I'm not using that knowledge for no weak ass white pill faggotry, seriously come on dude, talk about setting bar low
Unblock me
Wish it would help me become chad

Based, I'd rather go for it

@Incline can u tldr any of those documents or say where the best bits are?

Oh lol I misread I thought u were saying u thought he set himself on fire

I will make another thread about it with condensed information into just few lines not to bore anybody some time later maybe next week. Would want to look up the good stuff but they are hard to find because some documents were removed from the government website or just expired or idk what the fuck happened to them but they are not there anymore so have to browse through niche forums full of lunatics and conspiracy theorists to find some of them lol. I had a nice library of this shit but I lost it all when my HD died and I didn't really care enough back then to fix it.

Bitch if I figure out how this shit works I'm making myself into a demi-god, I'm not using that knowledge for no weak ass white pill faggotry, seriously come on dude, talk about setting bar low

I'm just being realistic bro I don't think you can really hope to influence the outer world too much with this effect. It can probably change your personal life if you somehow manage to master it but then again so can any other form of radical self-control. The theories are interesting though and this phenomena is more akin to background noise that we all part of and it can actually be detected to some degree though none of this is main stream science.

There is one famous experiment that at least gives all of this some foundation. Though it may not even have anything to do with what I posted in this thread and there may be some other completely valid explanation for this video as of right now I don't think any has been found so I will just assume that this is relevant for now. You must have heard of it because unlike everything I mentioned up to now this one is actually considered mainstream science; the double slit experiment.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiAj7S6ko9Q&ab_channel=CollectiveEvolution

Good luck but don't count on any results but just in case you acquire some paranormal abilities materialize a cute waifu for me please.
I will make another thread about it with condensed information into just few lines not to bore anybody some time later maybe next week. Would want to look up the good stuff but they are hard to find because some documents were removed from the government website or just expired or idk what the fuck happened to them but they are not there anymore so have to browse through niche forums full of lunatics and conspiracy theorists to find some of them lol. I had a nice library of this shit but I lost it all when my HD died and I didn't really care enough back then to fix it.

I'm just being realistic bro I don't think you can really hope to influence the outer world too much with this effect. It can probably change your personal life if you somehow manage to master it but then again so can any other form of radical self-control. The theories are interesting though and this phenomena is more akin to background noise that we all part of and it can actually be detected to some degree though none of this is main stream science.

There is one famous experiment that at least gives all of this some foundation. Though it may not even have anything to do with what I posted in this thread and there may be some other completely valid explanation for this video as of right now I don't think any has been found so I will just assume that this is relevant for now. You must have heard of it because unlike everything I mentioned up to now this one is actually considered mainstream science; the double slit experiment.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiAj7S6ko9Q&ab_channel=CollectiveEvolution

Good luck but don't count on any results but just in case you acquire some paranormal abilities materialize a cute waifu for me please.

So either scientists have got electrons wrong as well as the fact that it was the device used to observe the particles that changed their movement in a scientific way or the video is right.

So if we know that our consciousness can change our reality, how we go about doing that is what we need to know.

You know one thing that was really weird that happened is that my earphones were making this really annoying ringing noise whenever I played stuff so out of frustration I absolutely obliterated them and threw them to the ground and ripped them apart and then gathered all the pieces and threw them in the bin.

So now I'm in need for a new pair of headphones/earphones and I'm stingy as fuck with my money but also a procastinstor so one or two weeks goes by without me having bought a new pair of headphones or earphones.

So then a week or two later I'm on my way to college and on this electrical box are a pair of white earphones.

So I walk past dem and then think oh shi I might aswell take them. Turns out they're fucking great and have great sound quality and fit perfectly in my ears and are obviously new because old earphones aren't as soundproof.

But the weird thing was how they were completely and utterly clean and dry despite being out in the open and supposedly having belonged to someone. And then this week I b lying in bed listinin to stuff and I realise that this peely thing was still on them as if the headphones had never been owned by anybody. (They're still in my bin so I got them back out and put them back on again and took the pic below)
IMG 20201106 011425

Fuckin weird init. Was in need for new headphones and magically they appear. Mad coincidence init.
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Just get iplogged on the cia servers bro
I'm just being realistic bro I don't think you can really hope to influence the outer world too much with this effect

Not by myself, but in the same way that the sacrifice of millions is required to create a philosophers stone in full metal alchemist, I have no problem sacrificing millions to ascend that way

I will make another thread about it with condensed information into just few lines not to bore anybody some time later maybe next week. Would want to look up the good stuff but they are hard to find because some documents were removed from the government website or just expired or idk what the fuck happened to them but they are not there anymore so have to browse through niche forums full of lunatics and conspiracy theorists to find some of them lol. I had a nice library of this shit but I lost it all when my HD died and I didn't really care enough back then to fix it.

I actually want to make an occult forum to pair up with my black pill forum, I've always been kind of obsessed with these things, threads like this will always please me

I used to even do "experiments" on other people lol

When I was around 14 I was literally doing experimental tests using auditory subliminal messages in various frequencies and testing them on people and seeing if it had any effect.

Only one test worked on my brother and it actually shocked me that it worked, from that day I've always promised myself once I get myself financially set, I'd dedicated my time and money into doing some proper research and testing

I'm also very interested in alchemy
I believe achieving a higher level of consciousness is real. An extreme example irl was the monk who was set on fire.

agreed. I have experienced very unique States of conciousness with long periods of Meditation.
Not by myself, but in the same way that the sacrifice of millions is required to create a philosophers stone in full metal alchemist, I have no problem sacrificing millions to ascend that way

I actually want to make an occult forum to pair up with my black pill forum, I've always been kind of obsessed with these things, threads like this will always please me

I used to even do "experiments" on other people lol

When I was around 14 I was literally doing experimental tests using auditory subliminal messages in various frequencies and testing them on people and seeing if it had any effect.

Only one test worked on my brother and it actually shocked me that it worked, from that day I've always promised myself once I get myself financially set, I'd dedicated my time and money into doing some proper research and testing

I'm also very interested in alchemy
based and blackpilled. I have done good amount of occult experiments , vast majority are trash but you can occasionally find a gem in the pile of shit. And these gems are worth the effort.
Read the following documents in your spare time if you are interested. However I must warn you that most of the shit here is nothing more but anti-soviet psyops gibberish coined in the late stages of cold war to try to derail any espionage attempts. All of the documents are legit but most of them are just larps like I said. However the one I linked in the spoiler is completely fully legit which is what I want to focus on. There are also many, many more legit documents that I read over my time browsing the niche neo-psy communities. But I'll leave that for you to find if you want.

Why am I bringing this up? Because there is a somewhat off-the-grid believe that human consciousness can affect events around us. There was a spike in activity of number stations around the world just before 9/11. This may sound like superstitious bullshit but there is actually no superstition involved in any of this. This does not lead to god or anything like that, this is scientific, though it's pseudo-science. But the more we discover of our world the more this theories start to make sense. Especially as we dwell deeper into the nature of quantum mechanics which really start to prove everything laid out in the inter-linked-consciousness theory to be at least somewhat correct. The power of visualization is real you can alter the reality around you and the state of your existence purely by wishing it to change. Though how much of an impact do you have is hard to say, probably close to nothing on a singular scale but perhaps there are ways to go around it.

How does this relate to the Inceldom? Perhaps if we utilize all this techniques and learn more about this from the glow in the darks and ancient religious sanctum ceremonies we will be able to alter our lives for the better. Attaining true inner peace and tranquility, the ultimate whitepill.

You may personalize your visualizations like I used to do before I dropped the whole topic out of depression. I took it for a pagan spin, visualizing pagan gods and performing pagan rituals. It's important to fully immerse yourself in the experience no matter how you visualize it even if you wanna pray to ER or whoever it doesn't matter it's not who you visualize to that matters it's how committed you are to your visualization and the personalization's are supposed to help you get to that stage. You don't actually have to believe in the gods you visualize yourself to, you don't even need to do it with gods at all and the nature of your visualization does not even have to be worship there are many different spins of it the sole purpose of it is to allow yourself to be committed to it entirely.

I know all of this sounds like pseudospiritualistic bullshit but like I said you don't have to believe in a god, I don't. It's not about religion at all it has nothing to do with religion it's simply an exercise of taming our own conscious mind with the help of abstract thoughts.

Here a list of bunch of interesting documents on related topics, some of this is larp but some of it may be true (this is all from CIA databases, you can look at it yourself if you want just request information under freedom of information act):

read Neville Goddard
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Good luck but don't count on any results but just in case you acquire some paranormal abilities materialize a cute waifu for me please.
So either scientists have got electrons wrong as well as the fact that it was the device used to observe the particles that changed their movement in a scientific way or the video is right.

So if we know that our consciousness can change our reality, how we go about doing that is what we need to know.

You know one thing that was really weird that happened is that my earphones were making this really annoying ringing noise whenever I played stuff so out of frustration I absolutely obliterated them and threw them to the ground and ripped them apart and then gathered all the pieces and threw them in the bin.

So now I'm in need for a new pair of headphones/earphones and I'm stingy as fuck with my money but also a procastinstor so one or two weeks goes by without me having bought a new pair of headphones or earphones.

So then a week or two later I'm on my way to college and on this electrical box are a pair of white earphones.
View attachment 367256

So I walk past dem and then think oh shi I might aswell take them. Turns out they're fucking great and have great sound quality and fit perfectly in my ears and are obviously new because old earphones aren't as soundproof.

But the weird thing was how they were completely and utterly clean and dry despite being out in the open and supposedly having belonged to someone. And then this week I b lying in bed listinin to stuff and I realise that this peely thing was still on them as if the headphones had never been owned by anybody. (They're still in my bin so I got them back out and put them back on again and took the pic below)
View attachment 367254

Fuckin weird init. Was in need for new headphones and magically they appear. Mad coincidence init.
Interesting story
CIA has always worked on the darkest projects one can imagine. The MKULTRA thing alone was a giant experiment on people, to determine if new drugs could lead to state of mind able to obtain intelligence for their spies. But who could imagine the CIA has stopped doing such things ? They'll investigate every means to obtain a strategic advantage. If tomorrow, they discovered Incels who ascend have a mental access to Chinese technological data, they'll send 100 nudes foids to each of our houses.

But that's not the reason why they keep a close eye on us. They see us as a threat, people able to kill, potential terrorists or whatever they labeled us. Which is why they're stupid.

About the ability to change reality with your mind, it's a thing where there's a lot to say. First, you have to know that I have psychic issues since I was born, and at age 37, I can tell you that I saw many, many weird events that had zero chances of just being due to my psychic condition. Many neurotypicals testified about what those facts. And I'm a scientist-mind, however I saw so many extremely strange events that I understood there was something else. Something we can't name.

I was 18 when 9/11 happened. I saw that on TV, here in France. And I remotely heared people stuck in the collapsed buildings. They were crying in my head. It was frightening as fuck. Notice that such a perception never happened to me before or after 9/11. But I heared people cry for 3 days. Then it became all silent.

From age 16 to 19, I was also seeing events that would happen in the future. I told friends I had that if we would go in this precise street now, we would encounter a precise guy we knew. One of these friend challenged me and went with me to see if it was true. And the guy was here. Exactly as described. He asked me how the fuck I was doing that. It was like flashes of future I was seeing. And it was never stopping. I saw people die, events from my city, events from the immediate future and... events in a very far future. Seeing all this so precisely was destroying my life. I decided to see a medium about this. She told me it was a gift, that it was normal but it required to be domesticated. Instead, I asked her to remove it from me. She asked me if I wanted those sights to cease, and I said yes. She explained me what to do so. And it stopped.

My reflexions about the nature of reality ultimately led me to write a book about a means to manipulate it and use it as a military weapon. The whole process was completely described in details. No publishing house accepted to publish it. So, I put the book on Amazon France, Amazon US, every Amazon website accepting self-publishing. Nobody bought my book in France, I sold like 3 copies. So I gave up. But a few years later, I received money from Amazon about copyrights. And I discovered that hundreds copies of my book were sold on Amazon.com. In the US. A book entirely written in french. But also, my Amazon Publishing Account was "closed" by Amazon, which means I still receive money, but I can't remove the book or do anything. A strange series of events.

My theory is that US Army is still investigating about any non-conventionnal means. It means modeling reality is a goal they also want to do... and they also want to avoid being a victim of another nation modeling reality at the US expense.

To come back to Inceldom, I don't think you can modify reality to ascend. But it's a very good question. I'll formulate it differently : is it possible for an Incel to modify reality in order to always make the choices that would lead him to ascend ? To always take the best path among all the other paths. Either we succeed, either we stay on this forum forever.

Another question is : Is reality created by our mind ? Sounds ridiculous, but science is much more mitigated about the answer, especially since the 1978 Wheeler Experience on "photon attitude" was verified by italian scientist Paolo Villoresi in 2017. He verified it with a satellite and stated the same thing that were understood by John Wheeler : the photon "decides" his wave-particle duality if he "knows" he's watched or not. Even worse, he is able to "know" if he will be watched in the future. Not only this spark of light seems conscious of himself, of being watched by Others, but he's also able to see the Future ?

It led some scientist to think that maybe, reality doesn't exists outside of our minds.

We don't even understand what consciousness is. The matter decides to be aware of its existence, and starts to think about abstract concepts.

Maybe I should work on metaphysics again. Studying Reality and its principles is... motivating.
CIA has always worked on the darkest projects one can imagine. The MKULTRA thing alone was a giant experiment on people, to determine if new drugs could lead to state of mind able to obtain intelligence for their spies. But who could imagine the CIA has stopped doing such things ? They'll investigate every means to obtain a strategic advantage. If tomorrow, they discovered Incels who ascend have a mental access to Chinese technological data, they'll send 100 nudes foids to each of our houses.

But that's not the reason why they keep a close eye on us. They see us as a threat, people able to kill, potential terrorists or whatever they labeled us. Which is why they're stupid.

About the ability to change reality with your mind, it's a thing where there's a lot to say. First, you have to know that I have psychic issues since I was born, and at age 37, I can tell you that I saw many, many weird events that had zero chances of just being due to my psychic condition. Many neurotypicals testified about what those facts. And I'm a scientist-mind, however I saw so many extremely strange events that I understood there was something else. Something we can't name.

I was 18 when 9/11 happened. I saw that on TV, here in France. And I remotely heared people stuck in the collapsed buildings. They were crying in my head. It was frightening as fuck. Notice that such a perception never happened to me before or after 9/11. But I heared people cry for 3 days. Then it became all silent.

From age 16 to 19, I was also seeing events that would happen in the future. I told friends I had that if we would go in this precise street now, we would encounter a precise guy we knew. One of these friend challenged me and went with me to see if it was true. And the guy was here. Exactly as described. He asked me how the fuck I was doing that. It was like flashes of future I was seeing. And it was never stopping. I saw people die, events from my city, events from the immediate future and... events in a very far future. Seeing all this so precisely was destroying my life. I decided to see a medium about this. She told me it was a gift, that it was normal but it required to be domesticated. Instead, I asked her to remove it from me. She asked me if I wanted those sights to cease, and I said yes. She explained me what to do so. And it stopped.

My reflexions about the nature of reality ultimately led me to write a book about a means to manipulate it and use it as a military weapon. The whole process was completely described in details. No publishing house accepted to publish it. So, I put the book on Amazon France, Amazon US, every Amazon website accepting self-publishing. Nobody bought my book in France, I sold like 3 copies. So I gave up. But a few years later, I received money from Amazon about copyrights. And I discovered that hundreds copies of my book were sold on Amazon.com. In the US. A book entirely written in french. But also, my Amazon Publishing Account was "closed" by Amazon, which means I still receive money, but I can't remove the book or do anything. A strange series of events.

My theory is that US Army is still investigating about any non-conventionnal means. It means modeling reality is a goal they also want to do... and they also want to avoid being a victim of another nation modeling reality at the US expense.

To come back to Inceldom, I don't think you can modify reality to ascend. But it's a very good question. I'll formulate it differently : is it possible for an Incel to modify reality in order to always make the choices that would lead him to ascend ? To always take the best path among all the other paths. Either we succeed, either we stay on this forum forever.

Another question is : Is reality created by our mind ? Sounds ridiculous, but science is much more mitigated about the answer, especially since the 1978 Wheeler Experience on "photon attitude" was verified by italian scientist Paolo Villoresi in 2017. He verified it with a satellite and stated the same thing that were understood by John Wheeler : the photon "decides" his wave-particle duality if he "knows" he's watched or not. Even worse, he is able to "know" if he will be watched in the future. Not only this spark of light seems conscious of himself, of being watched by Others, but he's also able to see the Future ?

It led some scientist to think that maybe, reality doesn't exists outside of our minds.

We don't even understand what consciousness is. The matter decides to be aware of its existence, and starts to think about abstract concepts.

Maybe I should work on metaphysics again. Studying Reality and its principles is... motivating.

Yes it is all very interesting. I too had a couple of weird events happen to me throughout my life, though nothing as of late. One of those events potentially saved my life. I was 16 and walking to my unpaid work at some charity job I was doing for africancels. I suddenly felt a huge urge to pick up some random rock from the pavement. It came from nowhere but it was overwhelming. I ignored it at first but I had a terrible feeling that I must I just fucking must pick up that rock or something bad will happen. So I went back few steps and picked up that rock and put it in my pocket. I then went to a street crossing and like 2-3 seconds before I was about to cross some retard run right through the red light at full speed. He would not be able to see me since there is a giant fucking metal staircase leading to an overpass obstructing the view. If I did not pick up that rock I would probably be dead because I would walk into that street crossing just in time for that cunt to delete me. Though maybe that would be for the better.

I had few other unexplainable shit happen to me through my life. Once I heard a random voice in my head out of nowhere. It never repeated and I have no fucking clue who it was. I don't even remember what she said it was only like a word or two, I think she called out to me though she didn't use my name. It spooked me but my mind actually rejected it, like it didn't happen. I didn't feel weirded out at all I just discounted it as my imagination or something even though I can clearly remember it.

There is a couple more random events that I cannot explain. Though none of them are outside the realm of just pure coincidence.

I want to get back into this subject but don't really have time neither the right state of mind for it at the moment. I am planning to move out to a quieter place when I earn some more money where I can start preforming mind experiments and go deep into this whole concept. I wanna commit at least 5 years of my life to this though dealing with my inceldom and depression is really distracting this is why I am trying to ascend so I can fucking put that behind me and focus on the important shit.

I wanna see how deep this rabbit hole goes.

PS: Also PM me your book I would be interested to read it. I have a huge backlog of books on this topic to read though and some of them are more 'cultist' and spiritual in nature but regardless of that they are all a treasure trove of information on this subject.
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Yes it is all very interesting. I too had a couple of weird events happen to me throughout my life, though nothing as of late. One of those events potentially saved my life. I was 16 and walking to my unpaid work at some charity job I was doing for africancels. I suddenly felt a huge urge to pick up some random rock from the pavement. It came from nowhere but it was overwhelming. I ignored it at first but I had a terrible feeling that I must I just fucking must pick up that rock or something bad will happen. So I went back few steps and picked up that rock and put it in my pocket. I then went to a street crossing and like 2-3 seconds before I was about to cross some retard run right through the red light at full speed. He would not be able to see me since there is a giant fucking metal staircase leading to an overpass obstructing the view. If I did not pick up that rock I would probably be dead because I would walk into that street crossing just in time for that cunt to delete me. Though maybe that would be for the better.

I had few other unexplainable shit happen to me through my life. Once I heard a random voice in my head out of nowhere. It never repeated and I have no fucking clue who it was. I don't even remember what she said it was only like a word or two, I think she called out to me though she didn't use my name. It spooked me but my mind actually rejected it, like it didn't happen. I didn't feel weirded out at all I just discounted it as my imagination or something even though I can clearly remember it.

There is a couple more random events that I cannot explain. Though none of them are outside the realm of just pure coincidence.

I want to get back into this subject but don't really have time neither the right state of mind for it at the moment. I am planning to move out to a quieter place when I earn some more money where I can start preforming mind experiments and go deep into this whole concept. I wanna commit at least 5 years of my life to this though dealing with my inceldom and depression is really distracting this is why I am trying to ascend so I can fucking put that behind me and focus on the important shit.

I wanna see how deep this rabbit hole goes.

PS: Also PM me your book I would be interested to read it. I have a huge backlog of books on this topic to read though and some of them are more 'cultist' and spiritual in nature but regardless of that they are all a treasure trove of information on this subject.

The first experience you describe.... it happened to me too. That's really strange, but I was driving and was listening audio book on my smarphone. And suddenly, the phone just powers off. No reason. I push the On buttton, nothing, I get nervous, I stop on the side of the road and the phone finally restarts normally. I drive again, and one kilometer later, the road is blocked. A car has crashed into a truck who has swerved on the car's lane due to the narrow winding road.

My smartphone has never powered off before and after this event. I still use this phone.

About the voice, I can't tell, I've never had such a clear voice in my head, only vague but strong feeling that something was wrong. I know when things are coincidences... but I also know when things are statistically impossible to happen in such a series of events.

A quiet place is important to explore such ways. I see on this forum a lot of despair about loneliness, lost of hope, rejection and being bullied, suffering traumas and depressions. Most people here have to put the words, what they feel, out of them, to people able to understand it. I fight my own depression too, my absolute isolation : the only individual I see now is my therapist. Nobody else ; I have zero friend, and zero family.

You know, I don't think I can ascend at all. Which is why I can go further in studying other aspects of life. And from what I've seen, the rabbit hole is a giant place to explore. I've barely seen 1% of it. I call this "Something Else".

About the book, it's a story about dogs, metaphysics and Mars. You'll recognize it when you'll see it. I'll PM you the name. I used a pen name to write it, not my real name.
I believe achieving a higher level of consciousness is real. An extreme example irl was the monk who was set on fire.

"consciousness" with drugs is a cope for the most the part, all of the drug users I saw (weed, LSD, mushroom users not hard core drugs like meth)
are all losers who think that they understand everything, if you had consciousness then you should be able to translate it into value in the real world
and operate better (or basing it in other words)
This works way better with two people. I have always wanted to try it but I never found a schizo who cared enough to try it. I know of an old method that has been modernized and is used by people, including the elite, with apparent success, especially when art or advertisements are involved but the method applies to anything. It's a daily 5 step method that takes minimal effort. PM if you are interested. It only works with too people, not one or three.
Fucking CIA niggers

I have yet to dream my waifu to life
Based and reality shifting pilled

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