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Blackpill Chinese Communist Party officials suck white CHAD dick - Call them "god-like Aryan men"



Sep 30, 2019

This is proof that JBW is not only about sex but about the prestige of the white race. Therefore, it is cultural and not genetic.

Not only noodlewhores but their fathers and grandfathers think that White Chads are gods. Nothing to do with foid genes (or white ones for that matter)
Chinese suck the dick of the presidents son

This is literally JBw :feelstastyman:
Imo its largely a status thing. That multi-millionaire sounds gay. Its not normal for one man to compliment other in such way.
Imo its largely a status thing. That multi-millionaire sounds gay. Its not normal for one man to compliment other in such way.
It is in China
@based_meme Once again, I win

This is proof that JBW is not only about sex but about the prestige of the white race. Therefore, it is cultural and not genetic.

Not only noodlewhores but their fathers and grandfathers think that White Chads are gods. Nothing to do with foid genes (or white ones for that matter)
This obviously doesn't apply to all white men. But white men who are tall, handsome and have a lot of power, they want to breed into that so their future descendants We'll be halflings with good genes and a lot of power.
It is in China
For real? I wonder would he say the same to some dragstor workers, but again wouldnt say it to Putin either. Men respect status+power+height+looks.
This obviously doesn't apply to all white men. But white men who are tall, handsome and have a lot of power, they want to breed into that so their future descendants We'll be halflings with good genes and a lot of power.
It is not for breeding dumbass. It is merely for signing contracts. Read the article. There is NOTHING sexual in there
For real? I wonder would he say the same to some dragstor workers, but again wouldnt say it to Putin either. Men respect status+power+height+looks.
Chinese are pagans. They respect "gods" and they think whites are gods. It is just a consequence of the material superiority that the industrial revolution associated with the white race. There is nothing sexual or genetic
If you accept the premise that White's have higher IQs than other races (which enabled the Industrial Revolution), then it is genetic
I don't. The industrial revolution is entirely the product of a religion started by sand-niggers: Christianity.

In antiquity, Western Europeans were considered stupid and backward.
Even if you're a White incel you have so many other things everyone doesn't have, including sexhavers and rich people of other races.
That's an illusion. Only from the perspective of an ethnic do they have these things. Whitecels are every bit as miserable as ethnics.

Most White people can trace their lineage to someone respectable, someone that made an impact on the world.
The vast majority of white people's ancestors were peasants (if you go back 200 years) or factory workers. That's it.

As a shitskin your bloodline is cursed cockroach like, you can't trace it back more than 3 generations,
Not at all. Jains and Brahmins in India can trace their ancestry far beyond that. I know Brahmins who know their genealogy for over 400 years.

Muslim curries can't even trace it back far enough because many of them escaped casteism out of shame and their ancestors don't want anything to do with being dalits so they didn't pass it on.
Of course, but this is a very specific thing to Indian Muslims. Even in this case there are some who are descendants of afghani or Mughal soldiers and those generally know it.

It's not all ethnics, in my book the East Asians and MENA people's still have a good amount of dignity.
In a way, yes, but this article clearly show that they grovel at the feet of white gods just as much as anybody else.

Ethnics have lower IQ,
No. That's a myth. The whites had a cultural advantage for a while but this is fast dwindling. Asians are scoring higher than whites in STEM in the US.

lower athleticism
not blacks

and worse living conditions.
Because they are poorer. But this is less than less the case. In india, for example, living conditions have tremendously improved tremendously over the last 30 years. Between my first visit in 1994 and now, I can see the difference.

what is good about any of this? If you're White AT LEAST you can cope with your ancestors being moggers and belonging to a sophisticated community.
Culturally, everyone is converging today. Western culture is becoming worse and other cultures are catching up. Soon, there will be no difference at all.

It's not all about sex, it's about dignity too, I can't cope with the fact that I have no dignity as an ethnic.
No man has dignity. Everything else is an illusion.

My bloodline is beyond cursed.
What is your bloodline exactly? Ex-dalit Indian Muslim? What is the problem? Genetics does not matter. Only culture does.

Even if I gained a billion dollars overnight and had 50 girls wanting to fuck me it does negate the fact that my bloodline is cursed.
What do you mean? Cursed how?
Chinese are pagans. They respect "gods" and they think whites are gods. It is just a consequence of the material superiority that the industrial revolution associated with the white race. There is nothing sexual or genetic
Whites were seen as 'foreign devils' in China. Why you write such a nonsense that Chinese think that whites are gods?

Aieeyaaa sample3
Did you read the article?
No. You think some Chinese businessman represents all the Chinese people and China's 5000 year old history?
No. You think some Chinese businessman represents all the Chinese people and China's 5000 year old history?
Yes. This represents the state of China today. Everyone in China worships the White man
Gujarati Hindu, ancestors were merchants. But it would make no difference if I was a Brahmin, I don't have to be White for it to make a difference, if I was from the Middle East or China then I could proudly say my countrymen achieved so many things. The last time Indians achieved something to brag about was 2000 years ago during the Maurya and Chola era.
These comparisons between cultures are futile. Cultures were indeed distinct in the past because of communications difficulties. Each cultural sphere was a world onto itself. It is no longer the case today. We will never have separate cultures again. Today, the world is a continuum of cultures with local variations but no absolute boundaries anywhere. What will emerge from this remains to be seen, but does it matter what happened in different parts of the world 2000 years ago? 2000 years ago, Western Europe was remote and barbaric. Does it matter to what Europe is today?

No man has dignity. Everything else is an illusion.
Can you elaborate on this, I agree it is a manmade construct but so is culture, in our current culture, dignity has value.
When Sanyasins, either Bhuddist, Jain or Hindu, say that the world is Maya, this is what they mean. In the Jewish/Christian tradition, the equivalent notion is "idolatry".The goal of the Sanyasin is to escape Maya through Moksha. The goal of Christian is to be saved from the sin of Idolatry. The language is different but the idea is the same. At bottom, both traditions recognize that the distinctions of honor (i.e. "dignity) that humans make are mostly bullshit. Both advocate for an escape from this bullshit. Imo, Christianity managed to obtain better results in that department, but Indians were certainly the first to investigate this problem. In many ways, Christianity is the heir to Indian earlier attempts. If you want to hear more about this, I recommend you read the book I published in the thread linked in my signature.
No. You think some Chinese businessman represents all the Chinese people and China's 5000 year old history?
Some of those guys unironically seem to think that way:worryfeels:.
JBW is also rule in latin america, here you can be ugly as fuck and still find mestizas and whitinas worshipping you
Communism was a mistake

Your bullshit bluepilled self centered idealism on how you view the world gave you this in-group fallacy like the film above. The entire system that you made is just introvert degeneracy that has no understanding on how the basic organism hormones work. This is why bullshit like the film above always happens. Full of hypocrisy

You talk about ishtar and the other bullshit but can't piggyback the spiritual warfare that were waged by those evil entities

What a pathetic crap you posted here

The culture theory that you brought upon us are just conservative version of the leftist cultural theory.

Two coins of the same side

Same shit same master

My opinion:

I'm glad people like you rotting alone because you deserve no power to bootstrap the entire world with your bullshit
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