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Blackpill Central-Eastern Europe is lost

Repeat once again. Nationalism is an artifcial creation and there is nothing natural about it. Nationalism is a bastard of French Revolution (the same that you criticize so much, and you're right in this case). Maximilian Robespierre was the first nationalist being in power and he destroyed France. He contributed to murder of a King (guarding Natural Law in France), he created a first (((nation-state))), which is actually a state run by extremely dumb mob manipulated by Jewish-paid demagogues. Rise of nationalism is directly connected to rise of liberalism, because in fact idea of a nation as a political factor requires the idea of universal suffrage to arise. Nationalism equals liberalism and greatly contributed to creation of degeneracy, which is ruling Western world right now. No. Religions rise from spiritual outlook of it's creators. And this outlook is greatly shaped by race and personal experience of these creators. And there are prophetic and non-prophetic religions (paganism is for example non-prophetic), so there is nothing common about origins of most widespread religions. Marxism is a secular form of Christianity. It is based on the same principle of absolute universal equality. The difference is that Christianity (mostly) keeps this equality spiritual, and Marxism wants to reach these equality in our current life. When you speak about a nature of Paganism, I can even agree with you to some degree, but you need to notice that paganism wasn't based on absolute spiritual equality of mankind. Therefore, initiations and esoterism were not forbidden and ridiculed, so the religion of peasant and diviner could be not exactly the same. Consumptionism is simply a outcome of mixture between reformist Marxism and liberal capitalism. But I agree with you, there must always be a factor which is binding socjety together. But nationalism simply isn't useful for this in my opinion. Nope. Nationalism isn't a modern form of tribalism. Tribes weren't egalitarian at all, they had it's social stratification. And nationalism is an idea of egalitarian (if nation is a sovereign, egalitarianism in it is desired) centralised nation-state, which is based around language (because we do not have any other factor of national allegiance apart from language and personal consciouness). This idea is dangerous for white race, who is an objective biological fact rather than a delusion of Jewish-alligned intelectuals like a nationalism. Hungarians have these strong nationalist urges, because their motherland was humiliated and deprived from the lands, which belonged to it since Middle Ages. This is laughable. Sarmatian period was a period of biggest fucking degeneracy in the whole history of Poland and I'm glad that it was ended by a partitions. It created a state based on universal suffrage of nobility, opposition against strong leadership, civic citizenship, cult of freedom, pacifism and early feminism. And it's ridiculously similar to .........(((current West))), isn't it? 1. As an every state in the world, that's why we need to create a state seeking only an interest of white race. 2. That's why we need to end nationalism, it causes only more brother wars between whites. 3. Democracy is a lie. Mob will always be dumb. German National Socialism wasn't about Aryanism. The sincere Aryanists were murdered by Hitler in 1934. And from then Hitler twisted an Aryan ideal, using it as a pawn for his own ((((nationialistic))) agenda. Hitler was a Rotschild whose job was to murder as many Aryans as possible (therefore his (((anti-slavism))) based on leftist lies from XIXth century) and help to create an Israel state. Slavs are white Indoeuropeans, akin to Germans and Balts and not noticing this fact is caused by believing in myths created by Jews to divide whites. And what do you say isn't true, Sarmatians weren't that close to Slavs (they were predominantly of R1b haplogroup) and in fact northern Norwegians (predominantly of R1a haplogroup) are closer to Slavs than Sarmatians. Slavs do have a lot of Iranian cultular influence (for exapmple the Polish word bóg meaning god comes from Iranian), but it is unclear which ancient Iranian group was a factor which brought this influence to Slavs.
Nazi Germany was a Jewish puppet state where Adolf Hitler (in fact, (((Rothschild))) ) used Prussian and German tradition as a facade in carrying out Rotschild plan of destruction of white race, created by Nathan Rotschild. Prussia was much different than it. Frederick the Great didn't care what language someone spoke, as long as said person obeyed his orders (for example, Frederick the Great was a good friend of Pole, bishop Krasicki, which would be unlikely in Hitler's case). I don't support a current state of EU. I suport the violent revolution against Brussels elite aiming to create and united, white and pagan Europe. But for this to happen, we need first an united European state, because without it the revolutionary movement will be taken over by a nationalists. The factor, which can unify society is race.
I am Racialist, I strongly believe in Race, its cohesion and purity. Yet, I am not Racist, since I do not support any kind of "Master vs Slave" relation, Racism is nothing more than a relation between these 2 elements. People who consider being "superior" than others are racists. Racism is strong in Asia. 
Europe has no problem with Racism, on the contrary, it is the most anti-Racist place on Earth. We, Europeans must return to our primordial, European Racialism (yes, European Race, exists)and combine it with anti-Racist, anti-xenophobic policies, eased on National-Corporatist values.
There is no need to be racist,
You do not understand, the meaning of this word, I presume. Racism has nothing to do with Race or even ethnicity, but with "Master-Slave relation". Word "racism" was used to describe the relations between the Masters of one race and slaves of other Race. What's very interesting, it was not White vs Black relation, because slavery lasted for long centuries, before the Age of Discovery. And it were Arabs and Jews, who were mostly responsible for slave trade proceedings, between Africa and European colonies. It is completely unknown theme and many people, from Africa, but also from USA are trying to show, who were truly responsible for this centuries-lasting process. 
I can fully say, that Europe is full of racism, nowadays. It is especially visible in West vs East divide. Western Europeans treats Eastern Europe in clearly, 100% racist way. Mentality of Westerners is clearly racist, they considers themselves as "superior Masters". It is visible in everything from Liberal arrogance, lecturing of Poland, Hungary, but also in economic policy
So, dear Western "equality" proponents, what are you trying to do now, to show your pro-equality mentality, towards Eastern Europe?
I would say more, genetics, but history too, says, that about 1/3 of contemporary "pure blood Germans" have Slavic origin. Nearly all former East Germany was a Slavic territory, Berlin was built by Slavic tribes, whole Macklemburg-Vorpommern was Slavic, islands like Rumia were centres of slavic religious cults, especially in Arkona. 
Basically, Germany is not even Germanic, it is rather Celtic, so called Hallstadt culture was in based in todays Bavaria. France theoretically is Celtic, Galia was, but after the Germanic, Frankish especially colonization, it became much more germanised. For me, whole northern France is more Germanic than Celtic/Roman. 
Europe, especially its central territory is nothing more than a meltic pot. Poland is even more mixed than Germany, Celts were living here too, Germanic tribes were living here for ages, until 5th century A. D. Slavic tribes, so called Venedae (I am not sure if they were Slavs)were living in eastern Poland, central Ukraine and Belarus, so aditec made huge mistake writing about "russian lands". Russia was created in 18th century, before that it was Muscovy, Novgorod and other principalities of Rus'. It is Kiev which is the heart of Rus', not Moscow, although Russian imperialists spread this propaganda all the time.
I don't say, that there were no German influence in Poland, on the contrary, Polish culture were under huge German influence, but also under French, Italian, Dutch, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Swedish, Jewish, Armenian, Russian, Czech, Turkish, Persian, etc. Poland is one of the most "multi- cultural" countries in this part of the world, only Italy, Turkey, maybe Spain, France could be called more "multi-cultural". I am proud to live in such multi-cultural place, I am proud for being partly German, partly Ukrainian, partly Hungarian, I don't even know how many influence is in my blood. Germany is more Slavic than Germanic, especially East Germany, that's for sure, genetics tells this very precisely. Germans are mix of Celtic, Slavic and partly Germanic influence, the same as French are being a mix of Celtic, Germanic, Italic, etc. Every, big country, lying in places where there was huge mixing of cultures and peoples is "multi-cultural". That's why I say, Europe does not need any need, artificial "multi-culturalism", because is has always been multicultural, much more than Northern Africa or Middle East. And that's why I don't and I won't ever call Poland "western" country, because there are huge influences from Western Asia and Middle East, too.

What kind of "European" quality do you promote? Is it genetic, is it racist? I thought EU is just an economic community for corporations something like a crowded aquarium for few sharks. Why do you believe EEC was so much struggling when the non-European Algeria and Greenland wished to withdraw from the Community? No, the EU corporations would accept every country that can be economically controlled. THAT is the reason why Russia is not member but Greece although Greek people voted against EEC in 1981.

Plato was very clear about Athenian Democracy, it sucks. I also consider, Democracy as a complete absurd, which is based on false pseudo-Ideas, like Equality. We, Humans are not equal, we differ from one another and only 2 features, makes us Humans – Morality and Culture. Sadly, in modern times, where cultural Marxism, destroys the last remnants of Morality and last remnants of Culture, we can say openly – majority of people, living in the West, should be put in the ZOO.
Nationalism is based on Corporatism, because every Nation is different and people, within the National Body/Organism, differ from one another. Good politician must be a Corporatist Patriot, he or she must think about everyone. Society, State, Economy are part of the same Political Organism and political elite is the brain of one organism. Corporatist Society is based on the notion of mutual respect and mutual reciprocity. Definitely not on Equality, I hate Equality, since it does not exist in Nature and people cannot be treated equally. Minorities cannot be given the same power as majority, just like individuals cannot be given the same power and influence. If a person is wise, industrious, patriotic, must be given bigger influence on the state as the traitorous-acting lazybones and parasites. Nationalism, isolationism, xenophobia are only products of evils like imperialism, globalism, multiculturalism, international capitalism, Marxism. Destroy the latter, former will be gone. I say it once and for all, nationalism has nothing to do with xenophobia. It is imperialism, socialism, internationalism, capitalism, globalism which produce xenophobia and hate. Every war stars from national hubris which has nothing to do with pride. Racial pride has nothing to do with racism. Racism is widespread in Africa, Asia, but none sees it. I do not want to say, why, because it will obviously be considered as racism. We live in the times of fully legalized racism, anti-white, especially anti-Eastern European racism. Hypocrisy has the power. 

I like German slogan "Deutschland über Alles", although I this is exactly what every country in Europe and the world needs, civilized nationalism, free of chauvinism and imperialism. So called "Prussian spirit", mixture of Polish and East German elements was a great thing. Problem is, that it should not be combined with German nationalism, it makes Germans, evil people.
Our Polish tradition is based on Sarmatism – we are Western country with strong Eastern spirit. That's why, Western Europe is not the best option for us. That's why I support idea of Pol-Exit. We prefer Intermarium, not EUSSR. Sarmatism was an essence of "Western-sceptic, pro-Eastern" kind of thinkings. Poland is a place where West meets East, that's the fact, everyone who says something opposite is an anti-Polish traitor and foreign agent. 

Insults say more about the sender than about the addressee. You are very industrious to offend others. Perhaps that is the reason why one would like to kick your ass, the reason for the antipathy to Poland that you feel.
This comment is clear evidence for everything I wrote here and I write all the time. Only a HYPOCRITE, CRITICIZES NATIONALISM. Only hypocrite! 
Since, it is the most logical, rational, natural system, one can imagine. If we speak about "antipathy" I do not know, what are you talking about. I blame Polish people for 3 things: Libertarianism and arrogant egocentrism, for cosmic level of naivety towards the outside world and for insanely irrational altruism. Sounds weird, but this is the society, we must live. Only Russia and Ukraine are more primitive in this case, although I consider them, as less degenerated, these days. 
People, just like Nations, do not have friends or foes, only chances and opportunities. Of course, there are people who are closer to us and who are more distant, just like countries and other groups. But human being, from its own birth to its own death is on his/her own. That's why, to survive and to success one must embrace Corporatism, unless lives on inhabited island. Communitarian Egoism to be precise. Ant-thesis for Libertarian, egocentrist arrogance. 2 worst things on this world are arrogance and hypocrisy, effect of people's egocentrism. 
It is egocentrism which is negative. Combination of egoism, arrogance and hypocrisy.
You commits the same mistake as many other persons here. You say Nationalism, instead of Imperialism. Concert of Powers was a product of Imperialism and Imperialism is anti-Nationalism. Thanks to Nationalism, half of Europe is now free. Poland, Baltic States, Finland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yuguslavia, Ireland, these countries have been born in early 20th Century, thanks to collapse of Imperialism, by Nationalism. 
Nationalism bases itself on 2 most importal values – Freedom/Liberty and Dignity. There is no freedom without the dignity. Europe cannot fight with Freedom nor with Dignity, it will be exactly like the Marxist-Communist and Nietscheanist-Nazi totalitarian system of 20th Century. 
So, Europe must embrace Nationalism, which is nothing more than a stronger, more active form of Patriotism. It is natural than Chauvenism, Jingosim, Imperialism were responsible, next to Marxism and Capitalism, for the 1914-1918, 1939-1945 and even earlier conflicts and wars. People in Europe must analyze the history firsts, free of Marxist-Liberal, but also National Joingoist propaganda. I try to evaluate the history in such way, therefore I am able to foresee the political evens, like the conflict in Ukraine, which started 3 years ago. 

But clearly, judging by your simplistic evaluations, you don't even know what you're wishing for.
 I want Nationalism and Corporatism to take power in as many places, in the world, as it is possible. Not because I want to "start a new War" or introduce genocide, but because I want to prevent it. It is Liberalism, Socialism, Capitalism, Marxism Globalism, Imperialism which stand in opposition to Nationalism and these systems, ideologic ones are the truly criminal. Not Nationalism, which is a form of self-defense. Against all these evils. 
And Hungary is one of the very few countries which tries to defend itself, against all these forces. Poland is already lost, because it embraced Liberalism, Capitalism, Liberal Democracy. Marxism is slowly gaining ground even here, in country which lost at least 3 million people, from the hands of Marxists. This what makes me sick. Longer I live in this country, more radical I am becoming. In the past, I was sure, that my standpoint is maybe "too radical", but when I watch all these events, in my country, in Europe, in the world, I know, I am the most rational person, possible.
If there were no Imperialism in Europe, if Nationalism in Europe were as strong as it were in the second part of 19th Century, there would be no Great War. If there had no been Great War, there would have been no Marxism, USSR as well. Hence, there would have been no Hitler, no Mussollini and so on. There would have been all these tragedies today. 
Conclusion is very simple – Nationalism could have save Europe from death. Nationalists have failed together with all European Nations.
I'd say you fit perfectly the criteria of a German nationalist yourself, if not of a WW2 German apologist at worst!
I repeat it all the time, Modern Nationalism, no matter of what nationality it represents, has the same, single enemy – Globalism. Everyone, German Nationalists, Polish Nationalists, US Nationalists, Iranian Nationalists, Chinese Nationalists and so on. 
Nationalism is anti-thesis for Globalism and modern Globalism has two faces – Liberal Democratic Marxism and Capitalist Globalism. Both Marxists/Socialists/Communists and Liberal-Conservative Capitalists represent the same coin – Globalism. 
Leftists who shout about "evil Globalization" spread lies, because they are the part of this movement. Ask them about immigration. Only Nationalism opposes both, immigration and emigration. We do not like neither of both. 
Nationalism, simply, fights for Freedom and Dignity for every Nation, Tribe, Ethnic Group in this world. It is not my fault, that people still believe in Liberal/Marxist propaganda, related to Nationalism. You are free to believe in everything, even in your gibberish.
I blame Germans for their atrocities, definitely not Mussolini or any other Far Right leader at the time. Even Hitler's role in atrocities should be reconsidered. But I am against any weird thesis that Hitler was a good guy or even a "lesser evil ", or that he was placed by the Rotschilds . Even to comparison to Stalin or Mao Tse Tung, with whom Adolf was closely related, mentally, a crank.
What you don’t understand is that Liberalism binded with Nationalism, creates Imperialism. Imperialism is a National Egoism, antithesis for Nationalism which is based on Corporatism, where every Nation, just like every individual, has its own place on Earth and lives according to Corporatist, based on relations, between the elements, way. So, you speak about similar thing, but I do not consider individual humans as top priority. Community, like Family, Nation/Tribe, Race are more important than single individuals and these individuals must accept such a rule. This is what I am talking about.

All of people have their own views and have part of one ideology. I personally tried to find the most "unbiased" ideology and I found, that Corporatism and Nationalism is, paradoxically the least ideological of all. At least, people who believe in Corporatism/Nationalism are flexible and do not have ideological or moral doubts. Corporatism and Nationalism are very easy to understood – interest of Society and Nations always, I repeat, always, comes above the interest of one individual. I accept that, as an individual, I support egoism, but I despise ego-centrism. Sadly, people have basic problem from differentiation between these two standpoints. Everyone should act like an egoist and to fight ego-centrism in the same moment. That's why I support Nationalism but fight Chauvinism and Imperialism. Nationalism stands against Jingoism and Imperialism, just like Egoism stands against Ego-centrism. Everyone must understand this very basic truth. 
Anti-thesis for Egoism and Nationalism is Altruism and Internationalism, which are completely irrational. Altruism is popular among apes. Yet, I consider humans standing above apes.
@Adolf_Hitler is back

He will save us :feelsautistic:
Where are you from?

Humanity has learned to benefit from the learning of ancestors.
Indeed, but only this part, which is worth enough and intelligent enough. People are different and many are not even able to learn from their own experience.

Wisdom is exactly what depends on the life-learning. Intelligent person who is wise, is able to learn from its own experience, not to commence the same, continuous mistakes. Larger groups, the same, but not every. Polish society today for example still is utterly stupid and naive. Many wise Poles, especially Polish statesmen, like Dmowski, Piłsudski and others have wrote a lot about the mistakes, committed by the Polish Nation, in the past. Yet, only few, contemporary people, in Poland fully understand that, what they meant. But in fact, so called "popular wisdom", among the ordinary folk is exactly the same, as the works of these people. Germans have learnt a lot from the past, especially from the last 200 years experiences. Yet, they still commit the same mistakes, as an ethnic and cultural community, as Nation. Despite wise voices, coming from many sides of the "folk". I could add such a guy, like Theo Sarrazin, a leftist policitian, from SPD, whom I like to read (I read his books, downloaded from the web) and hear.

Yet, too many people are still committing the same mistakes, as in the past, despite all these wise voices around.

Why? That's the clue.
You veer off the point too much. If a country wants to be successful it should start with itself. Bitching about the past will get you nowhere. Germany picked itself up after WW2 and became rich very quickly. Africa has the most fertile soil on Earth yet it still struggles to be a global player. But fine keep bitching about 'muh oppression.' JFL.
All Religions, like Christianity, Islam, Paganism and many others, also these not related to deity (like Confucianism)have the same particle – Corporatism. Christianity is definitely better than Atheism, because it is based on Corporatism. Majority of non-religious people are proponents of "equality" or are degenerated Nihlists without any moral norms.

Read The Red Giant on Chechar's blog. That article by Conservative Swede beautifully explains why atheist secularists are egalitarian - because they remain Christian axiologically, and Christianity is the original degenerate egalitarian creed that made 1517 and 1789 possible.
Sorry for being inactive here for a while. I was toiling in a job, which fully deprived me from any positive attitude to the Central European society I'm living right now. I've always been very pessimistic when it comes to analysis of the mental and social condition of European Post-Communist society. But now, after half of a year I spent in debt collection, where I was forced to day by day, fight with the least moral parts of this very society, I have enough.

Central-Eastern European society is a hell, I personally do not see more degenerated society, when it comes to social relations and social cohesion, than Polish society. In Polish, we call it "Polish little hell"/Polskie piekiełko. Practically of Polish social scientist would agree with me – Poland has a tremendously divided and atomized society, nowadays.

Sadly, I see no good perspectives for that. Mental condition of Polish society is very weak, I heard, that approximately 15 million people had some, bigger or smaller mental and psychological problems, suicide rates are in the worldwide top 15.

Number of mental cranks among Poles is huge. So, for me, this recent attack is nothing unusual. Generally speaking, Polish Left, Liberals have their own "Smoleńsk". Adamowicz had been attacked by Gazeta Wyborcza, TVN and other, leftist-Liberal outlets, many times before this attack occurred. Yet, they try to fuel the anti-PiS paranoias. Oncoming elections, to European and Polish parliament will be full of brutal, fierce attacks on PiS camp. Yet, I do not care about them, really much. Overall, two decades was enough for this society to became totally degenerated. As for foids they are totally into tinder and likes, hypergamous careless style of life, while white knighting is still very honored; most men are cucked with few chads/chad-lites that gets it all. For me, Poland is already lost. Because Poles are lost.

yep, i was born in poland and dfegeneracy of this country destroyed me mentally. rich whores bullied me during the time of school sending rich chads to beat the shit out of me. they always laughed about my looks just to feed their degenerate temptations. Hate this country i wish russia burn polacks with fucking fire. jebac polskie psy zwierzeta pierdolone mam nadzieje ze polska splonie
Read The Red Giant on Chechar's blog. That article by Conservative Swede beautifully explains why atheist secularists are egalitarian - because they remain Christian axiologically, and Christianity is the original degenerate egalitarian creed that made 1517 and 1789 possible.
First of all, Christian religion isn't homogeneous.

I want to remind you, that an economic-social thought was anti-Liberal and anti-Capitalist, before Marx. You should read works of Utopian Socialists, like Charles Fourrier, Robert Owen and similar, before Marx. Besides, Catholic Church has created its own, Corporatist, anti-Liberal and anti-Marxist doctrine. Pope Francis bases his anti-Capitalist views on this doctrine, not on Marxist blasphemy.

Catholic Church is also infected by Liberalism and even Marxism, also here in Poland. A lot of Catholic priests were agents of Communist Services. For example, Cardinal Glemp, successor of Cardinal Wyszyński. Wyszyński was 100% Corporatist I am very surprised reading his opinions about society, economy and history. Wyszyński was not only anti-Communist/Marxist, he was also anti-Capitalist, he supported Distributist economic system, based on Catholic Social-Economic Doctrine. Sadly, Poland does not use it, at all. Economy is clearly based on Liberal principles, combined with the remnants of Socialism. There is no basic respect to any form of Community. All these social and political tensions are showing that Liberal threat is far bigger threat for Poles, than Soviet Communism.

I am an agnostic, but I do not care that officially I am a Catholic, I could become a Protestant, Slavic Pagan but never ever an atheist. Atheists believe in materialism, money, career, they're worse than animals.
I support distributist and corporatist doctrine of economy, both based on cooperation principle, both based on Catholic-Church Social Doctrine.

Because multiculturalism does not mean multi-religious or left-wing multiculturalism. Poland has created its own Catholic-Conservative-Liberal Multi-Culturalism only in 16th Century. And when I hear all these pathetic Marxist animals (it is the only name I can use), who dare to critisize Conservative-Liberal, free of Marxism, Poland, I can only say "Dear Perun/dear Jesus, let have mercy for these animals".

The fact, that Catholic Church supported and supports EU is a top argument for my anti-Catholic stance. In Bible, it is clearly written, that "Every Nation, deserves to live on its land". So, Bible, supports Nationalism, I suppose. Why then, EU supporters and proponents of EU are still fighting with Nationalism? And with Corporatism? Reason is simple – they are Communists, Liberals or Globalists. Anti-Christian, anti-Pagan and anti-European people, that's for sure. Rationally thinking people will never believe, that destruction of Nations will help, preventing People, to go on the war. It is the Spinelli's idea, pure Communism.
So, the only way what we, European Patriots, should do, is to support complete destruction of EU and turning it, into a bunch of ruble. European Network of Cooperation, based on idea of Nationalism and Corporatism is the only form of "European integration" which can succeed. Why? Because it is based on the Natural Law.
You veer off the point too much. If a country wants to be successful it should start with itself. Bitching about the past will get you nowhere. Germany picked itself up after WW2 and became rich very quickly. Africa has the most fertile soil on Earth yet it still struggles to be a global player. But fine keep bitching about 'muh oppression.' JFL.
First of all, answer my question.
Secondly, you make a statement without even stretching it out or explaining it, laughably you almost don’t say anything. Just like accusing me to veer off the point too much, you’re extremely vague.

Problem lies, that people in Eastern Europe have enormous inferior complex, they consider themselves as inferior and consider West as superior. Still, despite all these problems, we can witness in the West.

Which « success » are you talking of, economical one?

But in Eastern Europe THERE IS NO SUCCESS STORY. The country which is in best condition, these days is...Hungary. No surprise, since it was the first country, which adopted so called "market socialism" or "gulash socialism", it was the most "liberal" in economic terms country of COMECON. I do not speak about Yugoslavia, which was outside COMECON and outside Warsaw Pact. If there had been no war in Yugoslavia, it would have been the richest, most developed country in Eastern Europe, today.
But Estonia is a success, when we make a small comparison. Compare it to Moldova. Country which, on map looks like...part of woman's body. But Moldova is definitely not a "hot" place to live, it is rather the anti-thesis for success. Country, where the richest oligarkh stole, 50% of country's budget and walks freely! Moldova, historically part of Romania was occupied by Soviets, nearly for the same period of time, like Estonia, it was incorporated by Soviets in 1940. Compare Moldova to Romania, you will see the difference. Much bigger than the difference between Poland and Ukraine, that's for sure.
All of these only show, how Soviet-imposed, Marxism was destructible, evil, degenerated and inhumane. Complete madness. When I look at situation in Eastern Europe, I see no positive prospects for the future. Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Estonia have a little chance. Rest has lost.

I want to remind you that the Marshall plan was a loan given to nations which were previously destroyed, also by US bomb-lines in WE, along it Germany. Not just France but also the US (conditions for Marshall plan aid) have been driving forces in establishing the predecessors of the EU in the 1950s.

People are forgetting the role of USA in creation of EU and Western political system. Not only NATO, which is equally pointless as EU, but also EU was formed, on behalf of USA. It was the Cold War, West was dominated by USA and even such countries, like UK, France, West Germany had to obey its orders. Just like Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Soviets' orders.
For more than 150 years, USA was reluctant in its attention for European affairs. Only, after 1945, US became actively attached into European affairs, through NATO. Thanks to American Liberal propaganda, cultural Marxists has become so successful in 1960's and 1970's. American Liberalism and the fact, that USA is a country of immigrants, are one of the main reasons, why modern Europe is in dire social-economic-cultural situation. Thanks to Americans and their policies on the Middle East and Africa, especially for their pro-Israel stance, millions of immigrants are storming European shores. As European but also Polish Nationalist, I say loudly, Americans go home, Russians to Siberia! USA=Russia

As you know, Capitalism was born during Era of Discoveries, thanks to Colonialism, Imperialism, trade between colonies and the metropolies. Peak of Capitalism is now, in the Era of Globalism. So, we can say openly, that the modern world is divided on 2 sides – on metropolises, countries with strong economies and colonies, countries with weak economies, dependent on external capital. With the exception of PRC and Russia, India all the rest of countries which are strong economically, are rich. Brazil or Mexico, Indonesia which are big economies are dependent on foreign capital inflow.
Bear in mind, that Africa is under Colonial rule, just like it was in 19th Century. But it is not Britain, France which dominate this continent. It is PRC, USA. Middle East is exactly in similar condition.
Global trade is one of the biggest problems of the world. It is a propaganda, to say that "free trade" brings wealth. To these who are the most innovative, the richest, maybe yes. But not for the poorest. Is Africa, which has the cheapest products in the world, better off, that in was 500 years ago, in comparison to the rest of the world?
If we compare the economic development of historical powers, like Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, China, India and today, USA, it is the same scenario. Wealth was created domestically, through consumption and investment. Not through trade, which was important but not the backbone of the economic growth. And history tells us, that the world to thrive, economic development must be balanced. Africa does not need any "development aid" coming from Europe, China or USA. It needs only technology and a pure capital. Just like Poland or other Eastern European countries.
Poland is the best example of neo-colonialism, we are 100% colony. Of the West, mostly EU, especially Germany, France. This neo-colonialsm, turned our population into slaves, farmhands who have no chance to catch up with the West. And only now, people are starting to realize, that only Economic Nationalism/Patriotism can bring us the wealth. Not EU funds/EU "aid" or export-driven economy. Sadly, it is too late .
I repeat, today there are only 3 sides, when it comes to Social Thought – Corporatism, the most "natural", in my eyes, Marxism, its anti-thesis, based on Hypocrisy and disdain to Nature and Natural Law and Liberalism- Egocentric Individualism. We live in Liberal societies under strong influence of Marxism, Corporatism is very weak, at least in Europe. In other countries, though it is the opposite. Other continents, take Africa, do not know such a thing like Materialism, Liberalism is popular, only now, in the period of higher economic growth. Africans for example, are simply too poor and too poorly educated to embrace Marxism. They live, day by day, so Corporatism is the best path for them. Liberalism is not as a threat for them, as for us, since they are strong enough, strong morally, not to become the "slaves of Liberalism". Africa is also a place, where such values, like Family, Tribe, Race, Religion/Spirituality are still very strong. 
Sadly, Africa is superior than Europe. 

First of all, Christian religion isn't homogeneous.

I want to remind you, that an economic-social thought was anti-Liberal and anti-Capitalist, before Marx. You should read works of Utopian Socialists, like Charles Fourrier, Robert Owen and similar, before Marx. Besides, Catholic Church has created its own, Corporatist, anti-Liberal and anti-Marxist doctrine. Pope Francis bases his anti-Capitalist views on this doctrine, not on Marxist blasphemy.

Catholic Church is also infected by Liberalism and even Marxism, also here in Poland. A lot of Catholic priests were agents of Communist Services. For example, Cardinal Glemp, successor of Cardinal Wyszyński. Wyszyński was 100% Corporatist I am very surprised reading his opinions about society, economy and history. Wyszyński was not only anti-Communist/Marxist, he was also anti-Capitalist, he supported Distributist economic system, based on Catholic Social-Economic Doctrine. Sadly, Poland does not use it, at all. Economy is clearly based on Liberal principles, combined with the remnants of Socialism. There is no basic respect to any form of Community. All these social and political tensions are showing that Liberal threat is far bigger threat for Poles, than Soviet Communism.

I am an agnostic, but I do not care that officially I am a Catholic, I could become a Protestant, Slavic Pagan but never ever an atheist. Atheists believe in materialism, money, career, they're worse than animals.
I support distributist and corporatist doctrine of economy, both based on cooperation principle, both based on Catholic-Church Social Doctrine.

Because multiculturalism does not mean multi-religious or left-wing multiculturalism. Poland has created its own Catholic-Conservative-Liberal Multi-Culturalism only in 16th Century. And when I hear all these pathetic Marxist animals (it is the only name I can use), who dare to critisize Conservative-Liberal, free of Marxism, Poland, I can only say "Dear Perun/dear Jesus, let have mercy for these animals".

The fact, that Catholic Church supported and supports EU is a top argument for my anti-Catholic stance. In Bible, it is clearly written, that "Every Nation, deserves to live on its land". So, Bible, supports Nationalism, I suppose. Why then, EU supporters and proponents of EU are still fighting with Nationalism? And with Corporatism? Reason is simple – they are Communists, Liberals or Globalists. Anti-Christian, anti-Pagan and anti-European people, that's for sure. Rationally thinking people will never believe, that destruction of Nations will help, preventing People, to go on the war. It is the Spinelli's idea, pure Communism.
So, the only way what we, European Patriots, should do, is to support complete destruction of EU and turning it, into a bunch of ruble. European Network of Cooperation, based on idea of Nationalism and Corporatism is the only form of "European integration" which can succeed. Why? Because it is based on the Natural Law.

First of all, answer my question.
Secondly, you make a statement without even stretching it out or explaining it, laughably you almost don’t say anything. Just like accusing me to veer off the point too much, you’re extremely vague.

Problem lies, that people in Eastern Europe have enormous inferior complex, they consider themselves as inferior and consider West as superior. Still, despite all these problems, we can witness in the West.

Which « success » are you talking of, economical one?

But in Eastern Europe THERE IS NO SUCCESS STORY. The country which is in best condition, these days is...Hungary. No surprise, since it was the first country, which adopted so called "market socialism" or "gulash socialism", it was the most "liberal" in economic terms country of COMECON. I do not speak about Yugoslavia, which was outside COMECON and outside Warsaw Pact. If there had been no war in Yugoslavia, it would have been the richest, most developed country in Eastern Europe, today.
But Estonia is a success, when we make a small comparison. Compare it to Moldova. Country which, on map looks like...part of woman's body. But Moldova is definitely not a "hot" place to live, it is rather the anti-thesis for success. Country, where the richest oligarkh stole, 50% of country's budget and walks freely! Moldova, historically part of Romania was occupied by Soviets, nearly for the same period of time, like Estonia, it was incorporated by Soviets in 1940. Compare Moldova to Romania, you will see the difference. Much bigger than the difference between Poland and Ukraine, that's for sure.
All of these only show, how Soviet-imposed, Marxism was destructible, evil, degenerated and inhumane. Complete madness. When I look at situation in Eastern Europe, I see no positive prospects for the future. Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Estonia have a little chance. Rest has lost.

I want to remind you that the Marshall plan was a loan given to nations which were previously destroyed, also by US bomb-lines in WE, along it Germany. Not just France but also the US (conditions for Marshall plan aid) have been driving forces in establishing the predecessors of the EU in the 1950s.

People are forgetting the role of USA in creation of EU and Western political system. Not only NATO, which is equally pointless as EU, but also EU was formed, on behalf of USA. It was the Cold War, West was dominated by USA and even such countries, like UK, France, West Germany had to obey its orders. Just like Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Soviets' orders.
For more than 150 years, USA was reluctant in its attention for European affairs. Only, after 1945, US became actively attached into European affairs, through NATO. Thanks to American Liberal propaganda, cultural Marxists has become so successful in 1960's and 1970's. American Liberalism and the fact, that USA is a country of immigrants, are one of the main reasons, why modern Europe is in dire social-economic-cultural situation. Thanks to Americans and their policies on the Middle East and Africa, especially for their pro-Israel stance, millions of immigrants are storming European shores. As European but also Polish Nationalist, I say loudly, Americans go home, Russians to Siberia! USA=Russia

As you know, Capitalism was born during Era of Discoveries, thanks to Colonialism, Imperialism, trade between colonies and the metropolies. Peak of Capitalism is now, in the Era of Globalism. So, we can say openly, that the modern world is divided on 2 sides – on metropolises, countries with strong economies and colonies, countries with weak economies, dependent on external capital. With the exception of PRC and Russia, India all the rest of countries which are strong economically, are rich. Brazil or Mexico, Indonesia which are big economies are dependent on foreign capital inflow.
Bear in mind, that Africa is under Colonial rule, just like it was in 19th Century. But it is not Britain, France which dominate this continent. It is PRC, USA. Middle East is exactly in similar condition.
Global trade is one of the biggest problems of the world. It is a propaganda, to say that "free trade" brings wealth. To these who are the most innovative, the richest, maybe yes. But not for the poorest. Is Africa, which has the cheapest products in the world, better off, that in was 500 years ago, in comparison to the rest of the world?
If we compare the economic development of historical powers, like Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, China, India and today, USA, it is the same scenario. Wealth was created domestically, through consumption and investment. Not through trade, which was important but not the backbone of the economic growth. And history tells us, that the world to thrive, economic development must be balanced. Africa does not need any "development aid" coming from Europe, China or USA. It needs only technology and a pure capital. Just like Poland or other Eastern European countries.
Poland is the best example of neo-colonialism, we are 100% colony. Of the West, mostly EU, especially Germany, France. This neo-colonialsm, turned our population into slaves, farmhands who have no chance to catch up with the West. And only now, people are starting to realize, that only Economic Nationalism/Patriotism can bring us the wealth. Not EU funds/EU "aid" or export-driven economy. Sadly, it is too late .
I repeat, today there are only 3 sides, when it comes to Social Thought – Corporatism, the most "natural", in my eyes, Marxism, its anti-thesis, based on Hypocrisy and disdain to Nature and Natural Law and Liberalism- Egocentric Individualism. We live in Liberal societies under strong influence of Marxism, Corporatism is very weak, at least in Europe. In other countries, though it is the opposite. Other continents, take Africa, do not know such a thing like Materialism, Liberalism is popular, only now, in the period of higher economic growth. Africans for example, are simply too poor and too poorly educated to embrace Marxism. They live, day by day, so Corporatism is the best path for them. Liberalism is not as a threat for them, as for us, since they are strong enough, strong morally, not to become the "slaves of Liberalism". Africa is also a place, where such values, like Family, Tribe, Race, Religion/Spirituality are still very strong. 
Sadly, Africa is superior than Europe. 

And you think Eastern Europe hasn't accomplished anything because of 'muh oppression.' STOP BLAMING OTHERS FOR YOUR PROBLEMS.
I will answer your questions if you put them in succinct sentences with a question mark at the end.
I only had one question to you "Where are you from?", you are so lazy that you even noticed that, not saying you're not even able to write more than two short sentences, which mean nothing in that case.
I'm from Canada.

Canada soy
It’s gone down the drain.
And you think Eastern Europe hasn't accomplished anything because of 'muh oppression.' STOP BLAMING OTHERS FOR YOUR PROBLEMS.
I do have, sympathy for Yanks, but also for Canadians (also from Quebec), but I do have little sympathy and understanding to the English. I've never been a fan of American/Canadian humour and comedies, though. Which I've always considered as primitive and stupid.
Comedies with Leslie Nielsen were an exception English humour is definitely more intelligent. I watched "Allo, Allo" very often in the past. Monthy Python was funny, but without an American in their team (who created all these cartoons), they would not be, what they were. Benny Hill and Mr. Bean were also hilarious.
It is a paradox, that American sense of humour stands in the complete opposition to the American/Canadian style of living, English humour, to the English style of living.
They want refugee cock
It's bad but still better than western Europe. I mean I still at least feel like I'm in Europe, in my city the only non-polish I ever see are Ukrainians. Oh and there's one or two Vietnamiese working in restaurant business. it's good to feel in your country like in home, even if in terms of wealth your home is shit in comparison to some(not all) neigbours.
it's only going to get worse

the birth rate is stupid low
If we look on demographic prospects and immigration policies, in countries like Poland, then we see, that Eastern Europe is slowly, starting to follow Western European policies of 1960's and 1970's.
According to Polish business elite, Poland needs at least 5 million immigrants in the coming decades. According to recent data, the second, after Ukrainians, immigrant group, who were "imported" by Polish business were people from...Nepal.
I heard about oncoming people from Phillipines or Vietnam. Still, there is little appetite for Arabs or Turks. Personally, I do not see any bigger difference, between immigration from East Asia and Middle East. Of course, Asians, like Chinese, Vietnamese tend to be more industrious than Arabs, Turks or Iranians. Yet, immigration is becoming a reality in Eastern Europe. And I see personally little prospect for the improvement in this area.
I personally do not differ – Arab, Vietnamese, Bangladeshi. I said many times, that I could support max. 5% of immigrants.

For example, latest demographic statistic of Germany shows that 22.5% of inhabitants are migrants and counting...
In Poland, about 6-9% of people, living here are immigrants. Mostly Ukrainians, 3 million and counting. Among younger generation, situation is simple – 3 million Poles have left, 3 million Ukrainians have come. Population replacement. I am not an optimist when it comes to Eastern Europe, at least in case of Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, ex-Yugoslav states. Sorry, but demographic situation is deteriorating, not improving. And emmigration is still very popular among younger people, including myself. I've been doing everything possible not to leave Poland, but quite recently I understood, there is little chance for improvement. And do not tell me anything about Islam, Islamization, I am a Corporatist and I prefer Muslim Conservatism than Western Liberalism. I would have no problem with leaving in Saudi Arabia or Iran, I am very adaptable person. 
In my opinion, Islamization of Western Europe, especially such countries like Sweden, Netherlands has positive effects. Ultra-Liberal, nearly Communist societies have been turned more Conservative. And what is the most 
laughauble, LGBTs are acting like suicides. Most of LGBTs are or were supporting "refugees welcome". I can only imagine, how many homophobes and xenophobes were among these, who came to Germany, Sweden. But, LGBTs prefer Marxism, than Nationalism, so it is their problem, not mine.
Sluts get put in their place over there. Plus the wall is an actual thing there, an Albanian guy can go until 50 years old and still marry a young woman. But if the woman are unmarried until their mid 30's she will be shamed and nobody will want her

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