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SuicideFuel came back to curryland a few days ago and already fucking hate it

yup. these retards telling us to go back. Need to go visit the shitholes and see our pov.
You think they give a shit? Racists intensely wish this life upon you, you deserve to live in a literal shithole because you are not white. Your existence in white society is a burden on all white people. You still don't get it eh?
Stupid comment but I’ll bite. How is he a burden on white society if he pays taxes that go towards education, defense/military, and other social welfare programs that helps other whites?
If you really think like this, you are still bluepilled af and don't understand how much white society hates immigrants in 2022. Seriously bro, go pay your fucking taxes and stay cucked for whitey.

Nigger, your very existence is a pain in the eye of every cumskin. Be it left wing or right wing, in their heart of hearts they all feel their society would be better off if all non-white immigrants returned to their country of origin.
Or what about the jobs a white person would never work that immigrants will mostly fill in such as food production/distribution, transportation, and construction?
Btw what kind of cucked attitude is this? You really think there arent any low iq whities to do shit ass jobs which are now done by mostly ethnics?

Whites wont work those jobs because there are non-whites who slave harder than them so they can do useless higher paid jobs like HR fag or "Assistent-Manager" while having a <100 iq but because white they "deserve" those jobs.

You have a low selfesteem if you try to justify your existence in white society with that argument:


Happy Stormy Weather GIF by Turner Classic Movies
I already know how much white people despite other non whites you fucking moronic shittalkint race-baiter. As if the cold responses I’ve received from them here and my negative interactions with them in my personal life weren’t enough (I have met only a few decent White people),
walt disney animation GIF by hoppip

I being the retard I am listened to my shitskin parents and decided to go to curryland for seeing some relative's funeral and another one's marriage. But God damn I already FUCKING regret it. This place while not being boiling hot at the moment due to winterish time, is still a disgusting smelly ugly shithole. And seeing poor slum fags suffering isn't a good cope anymore, I just feel disgust seeing them but no longer feel better about myself from it.

This will probably be my last visit to curryland for a few years. After this will be sure to go some actual interesting place. no more curry bullshit.

Some key problems I have noticed again which I haven't talked about before:
  • too many religious extremists. These niggers make tons of noise. Dumb ass rituals everywhere over done.
  • for example, if you go to curry Muslim neighborhood, they run their shitty Allah prayer bullshit thing super loud to wake people. sometimes retarded Muslims also go on to the street and preach about muh Allah. muh this muh that
  • In the past apparently and even now some places. Some fully naked Hindu /Jain priests walked about during certian holidays. and play some music too
  • shitty smelly sewer water leaks out on the street in most neighborhoods
  • too many police and security checks for everywhere and anything
  • if you go to the country side, many many signs are in full Hindi and 0 English. How the fuck is someone from other Indian states or a foreigner supposed to find their way around in those type of areas? backwards shithole trait.
  • too many rude niggers. Government fuckers here are even more rude than most USA niggers many times. Especially the police here. Arrogant annoying faggots.
  • curry niggers have no patience. Every fucker tries to rush to enter an elevator. every nigger tries to push others out the way if possible
  • far far too many humans for the amount of space and resources.
  • many curry niggers lie to your face, a curry nigger relative of mine told me he just found a girl to get engaged to. You go and check the fucker's Instagram, he has know the girl and has pics with her for the last 3+ years. what the hell? These fuckers blatantly lie
  • Another curry fucker relative bought a car and tells me that he is just 'borrowing' his friend's car. yeah for sure, anyone would let you borrow their car 24/7 for months.
  • Curries often love to bullshit, exaggerate, and often double speak. Many poorfag relatives also try to make you sympathize with them and get money out of you. Massive subhuman leech trait.
  • nigger street dogs are still too common. Even see em at the fucking airport now too lmao. Fucking airport has nigger street dogs. How the fuck do you let the place where tourists get the first impression of your nation be such a shithole?
  • No trash cans anywhere in many areas. No choice but to throw the trash on the ground as a result. And no one cleans up largae amount of these shithole streets. Or they half ass their job at the least
  • air quality is shit although everyone knows this by now
tldr: anyone telling western curries to go back to this dump is retarded. Being an incel in west is 100% preferable to being a normie in curryland.
  • too many religious extremists. These niggers make tons of noise. Dumb ass rituals everywhere over done.
  • for example, if you go to curry Muslim neighborhood, they run their shitty Allah prayer bullshit thing super loud to wake people. sometimes retarded Muslims also go on to the street and preach about muh Allah. muh this muh that
  • In the past apparently and even now some places. Some fully naked Hindu /Jain priests walked about during certian holidays. and play some music too
  • shitty smelly sewer water leaks out on the street in most neighborhoods
  • too many police and security checks for everywhere and anything
  • if you go to the country side, many many signs are in full Hindi and 0 English. How the fuck is someone from other Indian states or a foreigner supposed to find their way around in those type of areas? backwards shithole trait.
  • too many rude niggers. Government fuckers here are even more rude than most USA niggers many times. Especially the police here. Arrogant annoying faggots.
  • curry niggers have no patience. Every fucker tries to rush to enter an elevator. every nigger tries to push others out the way if possible
  • far far too many humans for the amount of space and resources.
  • many curry niggers lie to your face, a curry nigger relative of mine told me he just found a girl to get engaged to. You go and check the fucker's Instagram, he has know the girl and has pics with her for the last 3+ years. what the hell? These fuckers blatantly lie
  • Another curry fucker relative bought a car and tells me that he is just 'borrowing' his friend's car. yeah for sure, anyone would let you borrow their car 24/7 for months.
  • Curries often love to bullshit, exaggerate, and often double speak. Many poorfag relatives also try to make you sympathize with them and get money out of you. Massive subhuman leech trait.
  • nigger street dogs are still too common. Even see em at the fucking airport now too lmao. Fucking airport has nigger street dogs. How the fuck do you let the place where tourists get the first impression of your nation be such a shithole?
  • No trash cans anywhere in many areas. No choice but to throw the trash on the ground as a result. And no one cleans up largae amount of these shithole streets. Or they half ass their job at the least
  • air quality is shit although everyone knows this by now
nice delhi description
Show off your english and dolla and fuck a local
I have only been to India around 10 years ago in 2013. What kind of improvements have you seen,
better payment system using Paytm thing which is similar to apple. some decent mall like areas. some new metro stetions and roads. But still vast majority of roads are kinda meh especially residential ones
if u are a Blackpiller and subhuman you would avoid going to marriage, you by voluntarily going to marriage suggest me that u are normie who likes to get validation and is not so high inhib. there i say it, needs to be banned.
I have refused any arrange Marriage bullshit. Not gonna get divorced raped and green card raped
On point my brother
imo many westoid curries are either excessively self hating or excessively nationalistic. very few in the healthy middle
You think they give a shit? Racists intensely wish this life upon you, you deserve to live in a literal shithole because you are not white. Your existence in white society is a burden on all white people. You still don't get it eh?
this true. Doesn't matter how much economic output inventions are made by STEM curries/rice. The whites on genetic level hate em. richfag whites just love $ more than they hate nonwhites. And so import ethnics accordingly
I already know how much white people despite other non whites you fucking moronic shittalking race-baiter. As if the cold responses I’ve received from them here and my negative interactions with them in my personal life weren’t enough (I have met only a few decent White people).
Really over for us western ethnics, especially those who aren't from the few rich ethnic nations. We can't go back due to lifestyle collapse, and when we stay in west, we get fucked by racism/meh economy/hypergamy
Show off your english and dolla and fuck a local
not that easy and don't want to be green card raped
I being the retard I am listened to my shitskin parents and decided to go to curryland for seeing some relative's funeral and another one's marriage. But God damn I already FUCKING regret it. This place while not being boiling hot at the moment due to winterish time, is still a disgusting smelly ugly shithole. And seeing poor slum fags suffering isn't a good cope anymore, I just feel disgust seeing them but no longer feel better about myself from it.

This will probably be my last visit to curryland for a few years. After this will be sure to go some actual interesting place. no more curry bullshit.

Some key problems I have noticed again which I haven't talked about before:
  • too many religious extremists. These niggers make tons of noise. Dumb ass rituals everywhere over done.
  • for example, if you go to curry Muslim neighborhood, they run their shitty Allah prayer bullshit thing super loud to wake people. sometimes retarded Muslims also go on to the street and preach about muh Allah. muh this muh that
  • In the past apparently and even now some places. Some fully naked Hindu /Jain priests walked about during certian holidays. and play some music too
  • shitty smelly sewer water leaks out on the street in most neighborhoods
  • too many police and security checks for everywhere and anything
  • if you go to the country side, many many signs are in full Hindi and 0 English. How the fuck is someone from other Indian states or a foreigner supposed to find their way around in those type of areas? backwards shithole trait.
  • too many rude niggers. Government fuckers here are even more rude than most USA niggers many times. Especially the police here. Arrogant annoying faggots.
  • curry niggers have no patience. Every fucker tries to rush to enter an elevator. every nigger tries to push others out the way if possible
  • far far too many humans for the amount of space and resources.
  • many curry niggers lie to your face, a curry nigger relative of mine told me he just found a girl to get engaged to. You go and check the fucker's Instagram, he has know the girl and has pics with her for the last 3+ years. what the hell? These fuckers blatantly lie
  • Another curry fucker relative bought a car and tells me that he is just 'borrowing' his friend's car. yeah for sure, anyone would let you borrow their car 24/7 for months.
  • Curries often love to bullshit, exaggerate, and often double speak. Many poorfag relatives also try to make you sympathize with them and get money out of you. Massive subhuman leech trait.
  • nigger street dogs are still too common. Even see em at the fucking airport now too lmao. Fucking airport has nigger street dogs. How the fuck do you let the place where tourists get the first impression of your nation be such a shithole?
  • No trash cans anywhere in many areas. No choice but to throw the trash on the ground as a result. And no one cleans up largae amount of these shithole streets. Or they half ass their job at the least
  • air quality is shit although everyone knows this by now
tldr: anyone telling western curries to go back to this dump is retarded. Being an incel in west is 100% preferable to being a normie in curryland.
Cool, now remember that because of people like you, us whites don't have a country we can go back to because they're all full of pajeets and jeromes, also, remember that all those points you made about indians in india are the same exact things white people think about people like you living in the west.
Sad truth
Have you seen any development in the last few years due to Modi? Or is that just muh India superpower 2030 Larp.
there is improvement, but its too slow. by the time india/china become us status and we get good dating options we'll either be dead or super old with non functional nut :feelsrope: :cryfeels:
If this was the 'jewel in the crown' of the British Empire then the British Empire must have been really shit.
Cool, now remember that because of people like you, us whites don't have a country we can go back to because they're all full of pajeets and jeromes, also, remember that all those points you made about indians in india are the same exact things white people think about people like you living in the west.
Sad truth
fuck u and ur country
If this was the 'jewel in the crown' of the British Empire then the British Empire must have been really shit.
curryland was less polluted and overpopulated back then
Cumskins conquered and ethnically cleansed entire continents, destroying great civilizations and cultures in the process like the Aztecs and replacing them with modern-day shitholes like Mexico. They sucked the economic life out of others leaving us ethnics to live in shitholes instead and reducing our iqs. Now when a small minority of ethnics come to their countries while sincerely following all the laws and regulations they themselves passed they start freaking over it and crying about how they’re being “genocided”

Idgaf about cumskins losing everything in the end because of how much us ethnics suffered so that they could succeed.
based. These fuckers also spread feminism, tinder, tranny fucking, porn, tattoos, climate change all over the place. Fuck them. They made all this globohomo technology. Then bitch at us ethnics
Is Pakistan better or worse?
ermany, Iceland,Australia, New Zealand are all countries with 90% caucasians and have space to accommodate more whites who wish to live in monolithic ethno-states like you. @
@subhuman was right on the money when he said that the United States should be given to the Native Americans while the blacks are repatriated to Africa, the orientals back to Asia, and the whites back to Europe.
those stats are altered because of old white people who ain't reproducing anymore, unlike muslims and pajeets, germany, australia and new zealand will all be majority brown in the matter of a handful of decades or probably less.
Iceland is a case of it's own as it's an island in the middle of nowhere with barely 370k people living there.

And the thing about everyone magically going back to their own country is utopia, about as possible to happen as the government issuing mandated gf's to every incel
Cumskins conquered and ethnically cleansed entire continents, destroying great civilizations and cultures in the process like the Aztecs and replacing them with modern-day shitholes like Mexico. They sucked the economic life out of others leaving us ethnics to live in shitholes instead and reducing our iqs. Now when a small minority of ethnics come to their countries while sincerely following all the laws and regulations they themselves passed they start freaking over it and crying about how they’re being “genocided”

Idgaf about cumskins losing everything in the end because of how much us ethnics suffered so that they could succeed.
mexico is unironically 100 times better than whatever pile of shit society existed before, and anyone with a glimmer of knowledge in history knows this.
Literally everyone in history genocided others, that's how everyone survived and took resources, whites just did it better than others.
You are full of cope bro, actually laughable stuff
lol nigga you made this post not me, you wrote a whole manifesto on why your country sucks and you try to insult my country? lmao
curryland ain't my country
this post is relatable kek

You also forgot the curry nigger who keep staring at you even if you stare back they don't have the decency to look away they just keep staring
true many curry niggers do this. Ig this is the native culture. very sad. I also went to a curry movie theater. And like 1/3 of the curry niggers were using their phones, not even watching the fucking movie. jfl
Go run your mouth harder on your local politician about allowing brown immigrants to settle in your country instead of wasting your breath bitching to other incels who don't have the leverage to change public policy - this is assuming that you have even come up with a solution to address the falling birth rates of whites which is why these Anglosphere countries have been importing many foreign workers to begin with.
falling birth rates are just sign of people having a high iq and technological advancement, dumbest countries are the ones with highest fertility rates and vice versa.
foreign workers being brought in white countries are just something that was decided by a couple dozen billionaires and politicians years ago to become even more rich, this wasn't something the whole population actually wanted or needed, they were psyop'd into believing they did, now the average retard like you believes the people who put a rocket on the moon ABSOLUTELY NEED to have juan and muhammad pick vegetables and stack bricks because otherwise our country would fall apart without them lmao
“Pile of shit society”? :feelskek:

That’s not what the Spanish conquistadores thought when they travelled to pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. Look up Bernal Castillo’s account of the city Tenochtitlan.
What about it? Other than being a beautiful place, what was so great about it? The people living there were about 1000 years behind spaniards when it came to technology, science etc, that's why they got fucked so easily
I being the retard I am listened to my shitskin parents and decided to go to curryland for seeing some relative's funeral and another one's marriage. But God damn I already FUCKING regret it. This place while not being boiling hot at the moment due to winterish time, is still a disgusting smelly ugly shithole. And seeing poor slum fags suffering isn't a good cope anymore, I just feel disgust seeing them but no longer feel better about myself from it.

This will probably be my last visit to curryland for a few years. After this will be sure to go some actual interesting place. no more curry bullshit.

Some key problems I have noticed again which I haven't talked about before:
  • too many religious extremists. These niggers make tons of noise. Dumb ass rituals everywhere over done.
  • for example, if you go to curry Muslim neighborhood, they run their shitty Allah prayer bullshit thing super loud to wake people. sometimes retarded Muslims also go on to the street and preach about muh Allah. muh this muh that
  • In the past apparently and even now some places. Some fully naked Hindu /Jain priests walked about during certian holidays. and play some music too
  • shitty smelly sewer water leaks out on the street in most neighborhoods
  • too many police and security checks for everywhere and anything
  • if you go to the country side, many many signs are in full Hindi and 0 English. How the fuck is someone from other Indian states or a foreigner supposed to find their way around in those type of areas? backwards shithole trait.
  • too many rude niggers. Government fuckers here are even more rude than most USA niggers many times. Especially the police here. Arrogant annoying faggots.
  • curry niggers have no patience. Every fucker tries to rush to enter an elevator. every nigger tries to push others out the way if possible
  • far far too many humans for the amount of space and resources.
  • many curry niggers lie to your face, a curry nigger relative of mine told me he just found a girl to get engaged to. You go and check the fucker's Instagram, he has know the girl and has pics with her for the last 3+ years. what the hell? These fuckers blatantly lie
  • Another curry fucker relative bought a car and tells me that he is just 'borrowing' his friend's car. yeah for sure, anyone would let you borrow their car 24/7 for months.
  • Curries often love to bullshit, exaggerate, and often double speak. Many poorfag relatives also try to make you sympathize with them and get money out of you. Massive subhuman leech trait.
  • nigger street dogs are still too common. Even see em at the fucking airport now too lmao. Fucking airport has nigger street dogs. How the fuck do you let the place where tourists get the first impression of your nation be such a shithole?
  • No trash cans anywhere in many areas. No choice but to throw the trash on the ground as a result. And no one cleans up largae amount of these shithole streets. Or they half ass their job at the least
  • air quality is shit although everyone knows this by now
tldr: anyone telling western curries to go back to this dump is retarded. Being an incel in west is 100% preferable to being a normie in curryland.
Faggot. Curryland mogs hard. I was there and I loved every minute of it.
Faggot. Curryland mogs hard. I was there and I loved every minute of it.
u must be a giga richfag curry with dalit slaves. No curry of lower class orign such as myself would enjoy living in such an utter fucking shithole
None. There have been absolutely none. :feelskek:

I've asked my relatives and they said nothing much has changed over the past decades. Major cities like Chennai and Bangalore have been progressing incredibly slowly and have been pretty much the same since the 2000s, though they might have renovated airports and fancy shopping malls now. Other places have been pretty much the same for 40+ years, though access to western products has increased since the 1990s. According to my mom, the place she grew up in has looked exactly the same as it did when she was growing up. And that place had a HDI in the "Very High" category.
Sad truth, the nation is growing too fucking slow. Pathetic compared to our chink brethren who were once poorer than us and now mog us to infinity. Curryland's ethnic/religious diversity has led to excessive inner conflict and doomed our futures. massive ragefuel
Its because Curryland adopted soy western democracy. Other nations like South Korea, China, Taiwan, Singapore, etc were initially poor but became economically developed because they had dictatorships and efficient bureaucracies led by experts that didn't have to worry about public opinion.
yup and also we had dumb fuck socialist niggers running the government for too long. Had India gone full way capitalist then shited over to more leftist policies over time, it would be a million times more prosperous. I also agree countries with majority being uneducated trash shouldn't be democracies. Too many good moves are blocked by the masses. I remember modi wanted to pass those farming laws which would help curryland in long run, the low IQs protested over and over. And now curryland continues to have shitty farming
The west has fallen
average westener mogs the fuck out of average curry. only thing average curry has over westeners is higher chance of a loyal wife.
they are loyal by themselves or they also get beat up?
both. more loyal by default. many stick with abusive husbands more than white foids would. But many also abused into submission
west is on last legs
cope harder christcuck :feelskek:
You explained why birth rates were falling in developed countries, but skirted around the question about how you were going to restore them back to replacement levels in a manner where immigrants are not needed to fill in the gaps of a shrinking labor force and an ageing population.

You believe the only value of foreign-workers are scientific output and R&D while overlooking other equally important industries like the agricultural sector where half and three-quarters of the farmworkers who ensure a supply of food to the American population are undocumented workers; the farmers responsible for growing your food are no less important than the scientists crunching numbers for moon landings, all while being paid less for it than the latter. On a broader scale, US GDP would take a hit because not enough people of working age to contribute to economy .

It seems your problem isn't with immigrants, but non-white immigrants, making you a racial separatist acting on the fears of your asinine mind, because I clearly pointed out in the previous paragraph what the contributions of non-white immigrants were to the economy and how the US GDP growth rate would take a hit without them, but a separatist like you would insist that those immigrants are nothing but "stupid brown monkeys" even when confronted with data that would disprove your narrative.
he's just upset that steph the cumskin foid would get bred by tyrone/chadpreet/jose/chang
:feelsree::feelsree: Fuck we could have been rich
too many corrupt politcal families controlling everything
cuckdia had a chance to have 250-300billion dollar profits every few years had they allowed samsung and intel to open fabs in early 2000s
I don't think it's because of a brain drain. If I remember correctly, the hypothesis why China has such a large IQ was because meritocratic imperial examinations during the Medieval period allowed the most intelligent people in China to be selected for. Medieval India followed a birth-based caste system, so low IQ people at the top of the caste hierarchy had just as much reproductive success as someone with a high IQ because of their caste and high IQ people at the bottom of the caste hierarchy were likely to be killed or punished for stepping out of line, resulting in a low average IQ for curryland.

you see this now days to, my family has few friends in shitdia that are low caste but they are mid~high class educated, super chill and doing decently.

off side you see plenty of retarded high caste dipshits
I being the retard I am listened to my shitskin parents and decided to go to curryland for seeing some relative's funeral and another one's marriage. But God damn I already FUCKING regret it. This place while not being boiling hot at the moment due to winterish time, is still a disgusting smelly ugly shithole. And seeing poor slum fags suffering isn't a good cope anymore, I just feel disgust seeing them but no longer feel better about myself from it.

This will probably be my last visit to curryland for a few years. After this will be sure to go some actual interesting place. no more curry bullshit.

Some key problems I have noticed again which I haven't talked about before:
  • too many religious extremists. These niggers make tons of noise. Dumb ass rituals everywhere over done.
  • for example, if you go to curry Muslim neighborhood, they run their shitty Allah prayer bullshit thing super loud to wake people. sometimes retarded Muslims also go on to the street and preach about muh Allah. muh this muh that
  • In the past apparently and even now some places. Some fully naked Hindu /Jain priests walked about during certian holidays. and play some music too
  • shitty smelly sewer water leaks out on the street in most neighborhoods
  • too many police and security checks for everywhere and anything
  • if you go to the country side, many many signs are in full Hindi and 0 English. How the fuck is someone from other Indian states or a foreigner supposed to find their way around in those type of areas? backwards shithole trait.
  • too many rude niggers. Government fuckers here are even more rude than most USA niggers many times. Especially the police here. Arrogant annoying faggots.
  • curry niggers have no patience. Every fucker tries to rush to enter an elevator. every nigger tries to push others out the way if possible
  • far far too many humans for the amount of space and resources.
  • many curry niggers lie to your face, a curry nigger relative of mine told me he just found a girl to get engaged to. You go and check the fucker's Instagram, he has know the girl and has pics with her for the last 3+ years. what the hell? These fuckers blatantly lie
  • Another curry fucker relative bought a car and tells me that he is just 'borrowing' his friend's car. yeah for sure, anyone would let you borrow their car 24/7 for months.
  • Curries often love to bullshit, exaggerate, and often double speak. Many poorfag relatives also try to make you sympathize with them and get money out of you. Massive subhuman leech trait.
  • nigger street dogs are still too common. Even see em at the fucking airport now too lmao. Fucking airport has nigger street dogs. How the fuck do you let the place where tourists get the first impression of your nation be such a shithole?
  • No trash cans anywhere in many areas. No choice but to throw the trash on the ground as a result. And no one cleans up largae amount of these shithole streets. Or they half ass their job at the least
  • air quality is shit although everyone knows this by now
tldr: anyone telling western curries to go back to this dump is retarded. Being an incel in west is 100% preferable to being a normie in curryland.
How long are you stuck there for?
brutal, because Curryland's average IQ isn't high and there's a significant brain drainage going on where the small percentage of high IQ people are fleeing to the West anyways. China didn't have this problem because they convinced High IQ people to stay within the country and develop it. Future is looking dim for curryland :fuk:
True this is hurting curryland somewhat but imo not that big of an issue. The corruption and lack of resources would makes most of those high IQs useless in the end.
I don't think it's because of a brain drain. If I remember correctly, the hypothesis why China has such a large IQ was because meritocratic imperial examinations during the Medieval period allowed the most intelligent people in China to be selected for. Medieval India followed a birth-based caste system, so low IQ people at the top of the caste hierarchy had just as much reproductive success as someone with a high IQ because of their caste and high IQ people at the bottom of the caste hierarchy were likely to be killed or punished for stepping out of line, resulting in a low average IQ for curryland.
Rice fuckers mogging us again.
How long are you stuck there for?
few more days only thankfully

Caging at these violent vegetarians
Funny thing is Pajeets are vegetarians not because they feel guilty for eating flesh of animal suffering but because their shitty book tells them too.Cows are holy and mother like but apparently they are left to fend for themselves in the streets when they stop giving milk and being useful?Is that how they treat their animal mother??!!
I live on the 3rd world on a poor country on south america but what you describe looks million of times worse than my slum
Indian slums are one of the most filthiest in the world rivalling african states but suprisingly much safer then most slums in latin america.Curries are mostly a filthy but non violent race compared to mestizos/niggers
Last edited:
I feel blessed I don't live there, even if the UK is a depressing dump.
You believe the only value of foreign-workers are scientific output and R&D while overlooking other equally important industries like the agricultural sector where half and three-quarters of the farmworkers who ensure a supply of food to the American population are undocumented workers; the farmers responsible for growing your food are no less important than the scientists crunching numbers for moon landings, all while being paid less for it than the latter. On a broader scale, US GDP would take a hit because not enough people of working age to contribute to economy .
Wow, so you're telling me after 60 years of never seen before illegal (and legal) immigration, with over 50 millions, mostly low iq south americans, immigrants pouring into the us, if tomorrow we were to suddenly throw them all away, our gdp would take a hit? Damn you must be the smartest black man alive, truly ground breaking ideas being shared here.
Obviously when I say we don't need juan and muhammad picking our vegetables i am critiquing how politicians and millionaires have handled immigration for decades, not this year alone.
Discussing how things would go in our own utopia isn't really useful, gotta be realistic.

You explained why birth rates were falling in developed countries, but skirted around the question about how you were going to restore them back to replacement levels in a manner where immigrants are not needed to fill in the gaps of a shrinking labor force and an ageing population.
stop all immigration and throw as many illegals as possible back to mehiko, stop abortion, ban porn, incentivize women to not go to university and become mothers thus less people in the work force and higher wages etc.
Btw, "low birth rates" aren't inherently bad, you can't have 3 kid per women forever, at some point the society is gonna become full and you're gonna have some decades of low birth rates, it's completely fine (unless you're a devil worshipping billionaire).
Notice how there are so many articles around about how the earth is full and we need to stop having kids to save the planet, yet on the next page there'll be some jew writing about how WE NEED IMMIGRATION because our birth rates don't resemble Nigeria
No they weren’t; you just made this up. The Mesoamericans were superior to the Spaniards at this time. Anyone who thinks otherwise has never bothered to study pre-Columbian America before 1492z.
Are you smoking crack or just high on cope? lmao
American indians had just discovered how to work copper and silver (which they almost solely used for cosmetic reasons) when europeans came, meanwhile the spaniards had iron weapons and armor, arquebus, huge sails, war horses etc.
Tenochtitlan, the biggest metropoly of ancient latin america with millions of citizens, literally fell in record time when the spaniards arrived, the only reason they got driven out at the beginning was the vast difference in numbers and resources that Cortes had in his army, still it only took months to conquer. "muh diseases" not my problem aztecs were weak
u must be a giga richfag curry with dalit slaves. No curry of lower class orign such as myself would enjoy living in such an utter fucking shithole
No, I’m a poorfag. It’s not a shithole, the west is a shithole. It’s good to have your own country. Where were you exactly?

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