get it through your skull, you are not incel because you AREN'T BROWN. you are reaching for fucking straws looking at anecdotal data of whores trying out pakis and browns (and then going back to looking for white chads) and trying to say THAT is the one thing missing.
nigger being brown would not fix anything, it is MORE unattractive. statistically proven, eurocentric features and whtie skin is more attractive BY FAR. Every ethnic dating out of their race ends up having to negotiate "desire" with money and gifts and good behavior. Maybe the tyrones and chadguptas of blacks and indians are desirable.
- When considering a man of a different race from their own: 95% excluded Indian men, 94% excluded middle eastern men, 92% excluded Asian men, 87% excluded black men, 69% excluded Latino men, and 42% excluded white men.
Cool, now look at the actual marriage/sexhaving/cohabitation data that actually mean something in the real world

The absolute
only racial group in the West that struggles because of their race are East Asians, while in the UK at least, Slavs/EEs also join them as the only groups whose women are more likely to marry out than their men. In the US, blacks are much more likely to marry white women that vice versa, while Latinos, Indians and others mostly tie with white guys or slightly lose, but then make up for it since all of them have higher fertility with white women than white men have with their women.
Interesting:feelsstudy::feelsjuice:. Racial Pairings and Fertility: Do Interracial Couples Have Fewer Children? These data also indicate substantial variation in fertility across different racial-gender pairings (Table 2, off-diagonal cells). Of these racial pairings, fertility was lowest...
The preferences studies like the one you just cited are, frankly, completely meaningless unless there's a study that actually matters, with actual marriage/sex/children data backing it up.
Obviously in a majority white country, people are going to prefer the majority, or at least not kick them out of their dating pool, given that the other populations are smaller.
I could equally simply cite this Egyptian study where they asked women their preferred skin color in men, with the majority picking brown, followed by black and white in the last place:
Physical qualities assumes a significant part in deciding allure. This examination expects to assess the effect of male physical engaging quality in anticipating spouses' conjugal fulfillment. The current examination was led on 350 female members. The greater part of them were 20-39 years of age...
Same principle as the study you showed. In a brown country, most people prefer brown, while in a white country, most people prefer white. Both of those are equally meaningless without actual real-world results data supporting them.
nigger, the study in question - which says OUT OF THE 770,000 MARRIAGES IN RUSSIA IN 2020, and the 66,000 MARRIAGES IN MOSCOW IN 2020 - only 6,000 marriages in moscow were foreign. LMFAO
and out of that small slice of fucking foreign marriages (0.7% of fucking marriages in the country) it says 81 were turkish grooms and 63 were nigerian men and whatever.
are you fucking kidding me? this is exactly what I said. you low iq motherfuckers pick anecdotal evidence of tyrones and turkish chads becoming betabuxxers and even then, they only score ugly fucking slavic whores who have a fetish for foreigners like the stupid fucking video of the indian with that mediocre bitch you linked
and this is supposed to be extrapolated to the whole region? as if the 12% of interracial marriages in russia out of the 770,000 are supposed to be taken as a fucking fact? you dumb nigger.
JBW is law - no amount of cherrypicking anecdotes or complaining about mid slavic whores with their brown and black dildo betabuxxers can change that.
Total numbers are meaningless, it's the ratios that matter. You can have however many of your men marrying foreign women, as long as your women are marrying out more, you're losing. It's as simple as that.
Using this exact logic, you might as well say that outmarriage isn't a problem anywhere outside of the West (where, as mentioned, it's a problem only for East Asians), since no place has anywhere as much interracial relationship as it has. 99%+ of marriages in China, for example, are between two Chinese, but since noodles there are about twice as likely to marry foreigners as their male counterparts are, that means that they are losing out to foreigners.
Same thing here. There might not be as many international marriages in Russia as in the US, but since Russian women are overwhelmingly more likely to be the ones doing so, which is the case in other Slavic countries as well, that means that the local men are losing to those foreigners. It's that simple.
did you even go through any of the studies actually posted in those threads?
all of those studies say that interracial marriages are 12% or less in russia, and endogamous marraiges are THE REST. the majority. 12% of whores choosing foreigners does not write the story for the REST OF THE FUCKING POPULATION.
"In Moscow, endogamous marriages between ethnic Russians are by far most frequent. In Kazan, where the population is split about equally between ethnic Russians and Tatars, most people marry within their ethnic groups (cases on the main diagonal), but intermarriages between ethnic Russians and Tatars are also numerous. In Vladikavkaz, we observe a similar pattern for Ossetians and ethnic Russians, although ethnic intermarriages seem to be less frequent compared to Kazan. Finally, in Makhachkala, the heat map is dominated by the cases on the main diagonal, indicating a very high propensity for ethnic endogamy."
look at the heatmaps
"In Moscow over 90% of ethnic Russians married endogamously, which is not surprising given that they are by far the largest ethnic group. "
JBW is law stop coping
Yes? I have gone over that study since I posted it and made sure to write out for each of the studied regions which ethnicities were more likely to have their men marry Russian women (which were most of them), and for which the reverse was true (which was a much smaller amount.)
Yes, most people marry within their group. Not just in Russia, but worldwide. Even in the US, with the
possible exception of noodlewhores (finally seeing the pattern

?), most people marry within their race. That's why, as I've said, it's not really about the total numbers, but about the gender ratio, and which groups' women are more likely to choose foreigners over their own men when given the chance, which, as that study clearly shows, usually happens to Russians when they come into contact with minorities in their country.
The researchers even calculated the endogamy scores for the groups there, and you can clearly see that Russians tend to be less endogamous than many of those minorities who, despite being massively outnumbered by ethnic Russians (who, according to you, are also boosted by being white), they still overwhelmingly choose their own people, and when they do mix with Russians, it's mostly minority men dating and marrying ethnic Russian women.
Boyo really looked at data which says that everyone, white and non-white, is doing the same thing and preferring and mostly marrying their own, and said that it proves that whites somehow have it better because of that
