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SuicideFuel [BROWNS GTFIH] Being brown is so OP that its even overcomes most of the PSL theories

  • Thread starter UnderdevelopedSlav
  • Start date
>come up with theory about dating
>find betabuxxer out there that confirms your theory
>post it on incels.is
Bro i see brown with slavtoilet on the every corner

Reminder my country is 99% white
Keep in mind in my country theres like 1% browns at most statistically

30% couples ive seen today where brown and cumskin toilet

I got rated htn on dalits.org and i have inferior blue eyes

After blackpilling myself ive just realized looksmaxxing is all about being brown. Rest doesnt matter. If you cant brownmaxx you can either ldar or visit Gandy

Also these browns were all like 170cm at most. I live in country where average is 181cm for a zoomer

Dont fucking cope with just be exotic. Theres no sensible reason behind this theory. Allegedly foids arent willing to racemix.

Also dont cope that slavshit whores are like that. Theres also no reason to support this theory. Keep in mind browns been geomaxxing to western countries for years and cuck cumskins for years aswell.

Btw i saw a paki with a child (obv white) who gets mogged by his Toyota Avensis. Lmfao

Jbw so legit! :soy:

this nigga, sees one ooofy doofy guy with a megamind head shape and no hair because the norwood reaper took it, and he claims that "being brown" is attractive. As if this disproves all the data confirming that white eurocentric features are the most attractive.

Keep in mind when you see a couple on the street, that almost never means the woman actually desires them. Reminder that only the top 20% or less of men are actually attractive and desirable, the rest are cannon fodder, betabuxxers, blue pilled faggots, "good husband" material, etc.

Your cope will not be accepted. an ugly guy with a foid at a restaurant only proves one thing as a fact, he's ugly, and he pays for her meals. We can all guess and theorize what kind of relationship that is like.

this thread isn't suicidefuel it's cope.
Bro i see brown with slavtoilet on the every corner

Reminder my country is 99% white
you see a bunch of horny brown men who will do anything, pay anything, to get mediocre slav women in a country where they're everywhere.

you do realize how easy it is for a slav women to just let these brown guys serve them and act like their personal mules while they continue looking for chad right?
you see a bunch of horny brown men who will do anything, pay anything, to get mediocre slav women in a country where they're everywhere.

you do realize how easy it is for a slav women to just let these brown guys serve them and act like their personal mules while they continue looking for chad right?
Dnr + stfu + kys
stop beliving jew propaganda
xddd i go for 2h to the city center as a wagecuck for 500 jewros a month and see lotta browns everywhere and all have harem here while psl forums tell me to be enjoyed with cuck a30 and blonde hair
@LeFrenchCel @Dregster take a look at this. Is he a fakecel or just larping?
From what I can see he's not larping
Thanks for noticing us of this
How am i coping im a blonde cuck
you're trying to say that being white is not attractive, and that BROWN skin is more attractive lmao that's pure fucking delusion and cope. And you keep citing "seeing brown boys with whites" as if oofy doofy brown men surrendering everything they have for mediocre white foids is a rare phenomenon.

white men have the highest SMV (sexual market value) compared to other races, that is never changing, won't change. And just because you're sub5 and you think being brown is the cure to not being sub5 does not change that. Try being reborn as a sub5 brown person and see if you have the same stupid fucking idea.
Meds/Hispanic or foids who aren’t of the Anglo stock have better facial development than standard Anglos in America. They have a proper forward grown Anteface & proper eye areas on a compact midface.
Anglos are moggers. A bunch of high-tier phenos like North Atlantid, Brunn, and Paleo Atlantid are present in the British Isles. Anglos being ugly is a meme that comes from people cherrypicking photos of Chav wiggers and old people. I've been to England and I can say you'll see way more sub-5s among whites in New Jersey (which is mostly Italians & Italian-Irish mutts, at least where I live)
inferior blue eyes
After blackpilling myself ive just realized looksmaxxing is all about being brown. Rest doesnt matter. If you cant brownmaxx you can either ldar or visit Gandy
Keep in mind browns been geomaxxing to western countries for years and cuck cumskins for years aswell.
There's no way this thread was written by anyone but a coping nig or curry:feelskek: :forcedsmile:

And before you call me a JBW shiller, I don't believe in that shit either
There's no way this thread was written by anyone but a coping nig or curry:feelskek: :forcedsmile:

And before you call me a JBW shiller, I don't believe in that shit either
JBA is law. Just Be Attractive, now of course you gotta admit that some nigs do have a certain media halo when in places like Europe but that is pretty much it. The guy in the picture OP has shown is most likely with an escort
JBA is law. Just Be Attractive, now of course you gotta admit that some nigs do have a certain media halo when in places like Europe but that is pretty much it. The guy in the picture OP has shown is most likely with an escort
The sole degree of truth to JBW is that whites are significantly more attractive than ethnics objectively are on average. Just be *insert race* takes would be less nonsensical if they were in regards to specific phenos as opposed to broad racial groups, since pheno applies more to individual looks
JBA is law. Just Be Attractive, now of course you gotta admit that some nigs do have a certain media halo when in places like Europe but that is pretty much it. The guy in the picture OP has shown is most likely with an escort
This. Being attractive is key.

The forgotten detail is that whiteness and attraction are linked. Eurocentric features, etc. Whites have the highest SMV and 99% of chads are white. The only time men from other races are attractive are when they have eurocentric/white features or they look really good for their phenotype.

All this cope about other races being more attractive than whites, JBB, "niggers can't be incels", then citing chads or white passing men as proof is downright fucking abysmal.


attraction is a pyramid.
  1. white chads are at the top
  2. white chadlites and chads from other races with eurocentric features are below that
  3. everyone else is a sub 8 average oofy doofy betabuxxer who women will settle with after chasing the chads and becoming single moms
  4. everyone sub5 is invisible.

if you're sub 8, AND you're not white, you're now sub5 in the eyes of most women. You're a ghost. you're a 5'4 indian janitor. You're gonna be like the guy posted in this thread. Paying for foids food and meals and dates while she looks for a chad or a WHITE guy to settle and marry. She will never desire you, you are temporary at best, you're basically participating in long term prostitution. i'd be surprised if this guy even gets to fuck her more than once a month on her terms.

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Bro i see brown with slavtoilet on the every corner

Reminder my country is 99% white
Just another immigrant betabuxx nigga
stfu about with this cope i won't ever slay cause of my genes
Anglos are moggers. A bunch of high-tier phenos like North Atlantid, Brunn, and Paleo Atlantid are present in the British Isles. Anglos being ugly is a meme that comes from people cherrypicking photos of Chav wiggers and old people. I've been to England and I can say you'll see way more sub-5s among whites in New Jersey (which is mostly Italians & Italian-Irish mutts, at least where I live)
True north Atlantid is the most mogger pheno and the most attractive foid in her prime ever brooke shields has north Atlantid pheno but she looks kinda Irish.

I’ve also noticed a lot of Anglos tend to be more manlet like compared to other euros
What about a brown non NT
True north Atlantid is the most mogger pheno and the most attractive foid in her prime ever brooke shields has north Atlantid pheno but she looks kinda Irish.

I’ve also noticed a lot of Anglos tend to be more manlet like compared to other euros
most attractive in San Cristobal de las Casas prob

Ideal is meso med with dark hair and 4th fitzpatrick
True north Atlantid is the most mogger pheno and the most attractive foid in her prime ever brooke shields has north Atlantid pheno but she looks kinda Irish.
Paleo-Atlantid, Dalo-Faelid, Tronder, and light-eyed Eurafricanids mog NA I'd say.

On the topic of Brooke Shields looking Irish, modern day Anglos and Gaels are basically genetically indistinguishable.
I’ve also noticed a lot of Anglos tend to be more manlet like compared to other euros
More manlet compared to other Northern Euros for sure, but they heightmog Southern Euros (excl. Balkanites) by a pretty good amount
can't believe whites are jealous of browns nowadays
This. Being attractive is key.

The forgotten detail is that whiteness and attraction are linked. Eurocentric features, etc. Whites have the highest SMV and 99% of chads are white. The only time men from other races are attractive are when they have eurocentric/white features or they look really good for their phenotype.

All this cope about other races being more attractive than whites, JBB, "niggers can't be incels", then citing chads or white passing men as proof is downright fucking abysmal.


attraction is a pyramid.
  1. white chads are at the top
  2. white chadlites and chads from other races with eurocentric features are below that
  3. everyone else is a sub 8 average oofy doofy betabuxxer who women will settle with after chasing the chads and becoming single moms
  4. everyone sub5 is invisible.

if you're sub 8, AND you're not white, you're now sub5 in the eyes of most women. You're a ghost. you're a 5'4 indian janitor. You're gonna be like the guy posted in this thread. Paying for foids food and meals and dates while she looks for a chad or a WHITE guy to settle and marry. She will never desire you, you are temporary at best, you're basically participating in long term prostitution. i'd be surprised if this guy even gets to fuck her more than once a month on her terms.

Have you ever left your county or state (assuming you're from US)?
Most AmERicans and othER mentally poor people are surprised that not evERy world is like their nearest area
Have you ever left your county or state (assuming you're from US)?
if you mean have i been to a european slavic country where brown men jump through hoops and pay monies for caucasian women, no. I don't need to go there to understand that that happens.
More manlet compared to other Northern Euros for sure, but they heightmog Southern Euros (excl. Balkanites) by a pretty good amount
depends because Dinaric alps are the tallest region on the planet
Keep in mind in my country theres like 1% browns at most statistically

30% couples ive seen today where brown and cumskin toilet

I got rated htn on dalits.org and i have inferior blue eyes

After blackpilling myself ive just realized looksmaxxing is all about being brown. Rest doesnt matter. If you cant brownmaxx you can either ldar or visit Gandy

Also these browns were all like 170cm at most. I live in country where average is 181cm for a zoomer

Dont fucking cope with just be exotic. Theres no sensible reason behind this theory. Allegedly foids arent willing to racemix.

Also dont cope that slavshit whores are like that. Theres also no reason to support this theory. Keep in mind browns been geomaxxing to western countries for years and cuck cumskins for years aswell.

Btw i saw a paki with a child (obv white) who gets mogged by his Toyota Avensis. Lmfao

Jbw so legit! :soy:

Short ugly old brown bald man + slavic HTB. Not bad, which country is this?

I WILL PACK MY SUITCASE AND STEAL AN EE SHEMON :feelsdevil::feelsping::lasereyes::feelsree::reeeeee:
Apparently JDBS (just dont be slav) is a legit strat in slav countries
No. Germcucks and nordcucks have 0 smv and never seen any of them with a foid on the streets

Only brown skin is law. The browner, the better.
This. Being attractive is key.

The forgotten detail is that whiteness and attraction are linked. Eurocentric features, etc. Whites have the highest SMV and 99% of chads are white. The only time men from other races are attractive are when they have eurocentric/white features or they look really good for their phenotype.

All this cope about other races being more attractive than whites, JBB, "niggers can't be incels", then citing chads or white passing men as proof is downright fucking abysmal.


attraction is a pyramid.
  1. white chads are at the top
  2. white chadlites and chads from other races with eurocentric features are below that
  3. everyone else is a sub 8 average oofy doofy betabuxxer who women will settle with after chasing the chads and becoming single moms
  4. everyone sub5 is invisible.

if you're sub 8, AND you're not white, you're now sub5 in the eyes of most women. You're a ghost. you're a 5'4 indian janitor. You're gonna be like the guy posted in this thread. Paying for foids food and meals and dates while she looks for a chad or a WHITE guy to settle and marry. She will never desire you, you are temporary at best, you're basically participating in long term prostitution. i'd be surprised if this guy even gets to fuck her more than once a month on her terms.

Jfl at this post tbh.
I must seamaxx there what country is this? Do the cumskin foids like beaners?
Do they? I’m kinda brown but I’m 5’6
Keep in mind in my country theres like 1% browns at most statistically

30% couples ive seen today where brown and cumskin toilet

I got rated htn on dalits.org and i have inferior blue eyes

After blackpilling myself ive just realized looksmaxxing is all about being brown. Rest doesnt matter. If you cant brownmaxx you can either ldar or visit Gandy

Also these browns were all like 170cm at most. I live in country where average is 181cm for a zoomer

Dont fucking cope with just be exotic. Theres no sensible reason behind this theory. Allegedly foids arent willing to racemix.

Also dont cope that slavshit whores are like that. Theres also no reason to support this theory. Keep in mind browns been geomaxxing to western countries for years and cuck cumskins for years aswell.

Btw i saw a paki with a child (obv white) who gets mogged by his Toyota Avensis. Lmfao

Jbw so legit! :soy:

its only law in Poland

all polak whores want bronze kings to cleanse their inferior lineage

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