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Serious Brock Turner’s life is much worse than Chanel Miller’s life



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
Many people online are gonna say “omg Chanel has a horrible ruined life she’ll never heal and is probably experiencing pain 24/7”

guess what? Brock Turner has it way worse. Chanel might be traumatized but she has millions of people who all care about her, support her and would do anything to help her. Brock turner’s life is actually ruined.Everyone in America knows who he is and wants to kill him. If he ever walks out in public ever again, he’ll get screamed at, beaten or even killed. He cannot show his face ever again. I’d rather experience what Chanel experienced than experience what Brock is experiencing
Not defending the foid, but I hate Brock Turner though because he literally got an easy sentence just because he’s a Chad. If he were an ethnicel he would’ve gotten sentenced for life.
Not defending the foid, but I hate Brock Turner though because he literally got an easy sentence just because he’s a Chad. If he were an ethnicel he would’ve gotten sentenced for life.
Do you hate him because he’s a chad?
Yeah I hate him because he got off so easily. I feel for the ethnicels who are punished terribly yet he barely was in prison.
Yeah I hate him because he got off so easily. I feel for the ethnicels who are punished terribly yet he barely was in prison.
So you hate how he got off easy just because ethnic-cels would get harsher punishment?

What’s your opinion on his crime?
Not defending the foid, but I hate Brock Turner though because he literally got an easy sentence just because he’s a Chad. If he were an ethnicel he would’ve gotten sentenced for life.

A white Chad who was a Stanford athlete. The judge was also a former Stanford athlete.

OP, Brock Turner's life isn't that bad. His parents got him a paper-pushing quality control job. He earns $12 an hour. He lives in a decent neighborhood with his parents.

I suppose it really, really sucks that Turner will never be the Olympic swimmer or venture capitalist that he probably would've become after his graduation from Stanford. It's a huge downward departure in the social ladder.

You're right that Miller's life will be so much easier than Turner's. But Turner's life is still better than the life of many incels.
A white Chad who was a Stanford athlete. The judge was also a former Stanford athlete.

OP, Brock Turner's life isn't that bad. His parents got him a paper-pushing quality control job. He earns $12 an hour. He lives in a decent neighborhood with his parents.

I suppose it really, really sucks that Turner will never be the Olympic swimmer or venture capitalist that he probably would've become after his graduation from Stanford. It's a huge downward departure in the social ladder.

You're right that Miller's life will be so much easier than Turner's. But Turner's life is still better than the life of many incels.
Dude If Brock walks out there again, he will get beaten or killed. Everyone is trying to ruin his life. His life does suck now
Dude If Brock walks out there again, he will get beaten or killed. Everyone is trying to ruin his life. His life does suck now

He hasn't been beaten or killed yet. I suppose the cops watch his parents' mansion 24/7.
So you hate how he got off easy just because ethnic-cels would get harsher punishment?

What’s your opinion on his crime?

I thought the sentence was appropriate for the charges he was convicted on. He is a young first-time offender who is unlikely to re-offend.
Brock Turner isn't Chad JFL
Don’t care for either of them

Mayo Chad or the Happa whore
He hasn't been beaten or killed yet. I suppose the cops watch his parents' mansion 24/7.
But he will be if he walks out in public, I’d rather have Chanel miller’s life than have brock’s life

Brocks life is worse than Chanel’s life
No shit, water is wet

Not a gigaChad, but being a rich, white, tall Stanford athlete means you SMV mog most of this forum.
He’s a brad
Brock turner’s life is actually ruined.
Everyone in America knows who he is and wants to kill him.
I wouldn't say EVERYONE.

Honestly I think anybody who thinks critically (this is a minority of the population of ANY nation) know the charges are bullshit, that 'Emily Doe' obviously consented and then feigned unconsciousness so her boyfriend wouldn't know she chose to cheat on him.

"Big Mama" Emily was the actual sexual predator (Brock was younger than her, smaller than her, and more intoxicated than she was) but of course being a woman she gets off free.

You should join my Gaia Online group about exonerating him bro.
I wouldn't say EVERYONE.

Honestly I think anybody who thinks critically (this is a minority of the population of ANY nation) know the charges are bullshit, that 'Emily Doe' obviously consented and then feigned unconsciousness so her boyfriend wouldn't know she chose to cheat on him.

"Big Mama" Emily was the actual sexual predator (Brock was younger than her, smaller than her, and more intoxicated than she was) but of course being a woman she gets off free.

You should join my Gaia Online group about exonerating him bro.
Most people are always on the foids side
In all fairness though Casey Anthony is at least one foid who'd get the same treatment as Brock Turner if spotted out in public.

Though I believe if memory serves correct various Jew's news programs entertainment or otherwise have supposedly said she's had extensive plastic surgery to try and hide her identity so maybe she'll be just fine being spotted in public now?
Not defending the foid, but I hate Brock Turner though because he literally got an easy sentence just because he’s a Chad. If he were an ethnicel he would’ve gotten sentenced for life.
All sub6 males should get half the sentences chads and stacys get, because we've been oppressed for so long.
Not defending the foid, but I hate Brock Turner though because he literally got an easy sentence just because he’s a Chad. If he were an ethnicel he would’ve gotten sentenced for life.
The foid is a noodle. When chad isn’t good enough for a noodle than you know the world has something SERIOUSLY wrong with it. Chad wasn’t good enough for a noodle, let that sink in.
In all fairness though Casey Anthony is at least one foid who'd get the same treatment as Brock Turner if spotted out in public.

Though I believe if memory serves correct various Jew's news programs entertainment or otherwise have supposedly said she's had extensive plastic surgery to try and hide her identity so maybe she'll be just fine being spotted in public now?
Casey Anthony? Who’s that?
All sub6 males should get half the sentences chads and stacys get, because we've been oppressed for so long.
A sub6 male shoudlnt get any sentence for “sexually assaulting” an ugly noodle roastie.
A sub6 male shoudlnt get any sentence for “sexually assaulting” an ugly noodle roastie.
Automatically no punishment if the foid is below a 6, isn't married, and not an under 16 year old virgin.
Automatically no punishment if the foid is below a 6, isn't married, and not an under 16 year old virgin.
Chanel Miller was in her early 20s and was a 5/10 Becky
I was really surprised when I saw what brock’s victim looked like
Chanel Miller was in her early 20s and was a 5/10 Becky
She shouldn't be complaining if she's over 16 and not a virgin, unless it was violent rape. She's just trying to get victim points, incels go through much worse daily suffering than her "rape".
She shouldn't be complaining if she's over 16 and not a virgin, unless it was violent rape. She's just trying to get victim points, incels go through much worse daily suffering than her "rape".
I thought she’d be some hot gigastacy
A sub6 male shoudlnt get any sentence for “sexually assaulting” an ugly noodle roastie.
If the quotes mean that it wasn't actually an assault at all, I agree.

However if an actual assault occurred there should be some kind of penalty regardless of the ethnicity or attractiveness or gender of the victim.

What case are you referring to anyway w/ noodle? I didn't hear anything about the woman accusing Brock Turner being asian...

*finally clicks to google Chanel Miller*

Ah I see.

I'd say she's more average than ugly.

Automatically no punishment if the foid is below a 6, isn't married, and not an under 16 year old virgin.
Now you're just posting to get on IT

I was really surprised when I saw what brock’s victim looked like
You shouldn't call her a victim. You should call her "alleged victim" or "purported victim."

I'd personally call her "Brock's rapist" rather than "Brock's rapee".

There is no proof that Chanel Miller is a victim of anything other than her own addiction to alcohol.

If anyone is a victim it is Brock Turner: he was more inebriated, younger, and possibly weighed less (how tall is Chanel "Big Mama" Miller"? How much did she weigh in 2015?) and he was assaulted by a pair of foreigners after giving consensual digital masturbation to Chanel.

The foid is a noodle.
When chad isn’t good enough for a noodle than you know the world has something SERIOUSLY wrong with it.
Chad wasn’t good enough for a noodle, let that sink in.
You're misunderstanding the situation. Brock was enough for Chanel, that's why she consented for him to digitally penetrate her.

The only reason she brought this to court was because a pair of Swedes in bicycle shorts misunderstood the situation (or just wanted a reason to assault an American) and attacked Turner.

This meant the police would be involved, and Chanel was lucid enough to realize that: meaning she knows her boyfriend and family will find out about it. She was probably thinking the entire time "I hope nobody finds us, but I'm really horny" and I think girls plan ahead of time when they cheat and act slutty like this in secret that if anyone does find out, they'll cry rape to keep their reputation intact.

That is why Chanel played dead for the paramedic and claimed to not remember anything, so the boyfriend she cucked by cheating w/ Brock (do we know his name?) wouldn't dump her, so she wouldn't acquire a bad reputation for the slut she was.

I listened and believed ... to Brock.

I thought she’d be some hot gigastacy
I can't believe it took me until now to learn she'd revealed herself when it happened back in September, how am I three fucking MONTHS behind when I used to follow this with such dedication?

If you had thought she was a hot gigastacy prior to this though, you clearly did not look much into the case.

It was available in the transcripts circulating years ago that her nickname was "Big Mama". That should have tipped you out that she wasn't hot.

It's also available in the testimony that she ate a HUGE meal (Brock by comparison had nothing) before going out drinking. This is part of what led to the skewed blood test results.

Brock SEEMED less drunk because they waited a long time to do the blood test. He quickly burned through the alcohol at max speed. Chanel had a slow release of alcohol into her system because of her prior meal, which is why she was never particularly drunk, but still had traces in her system for longer.

What should have also tipped you off was her slutty behavior. Getting drunk and lying in a bed of dirty and pine needles begging for some swim jock to finger her while her cucked boyfriend is unawares at home, and then lying to everybody to retain her reputation and throw an innocent boy under the bus.

That's standard mid-tier foid behavior. Gigastacies tend to be classier because they can stay at home and have sex served on a platter to them by gigachad.

Brock Turner was basically a chadlite who Big Mama Chanel Miller preyed upon while he had a vulnerable moment.

The ugly ones complain the most because it's harder for them to get attention.
I don't think her initial decision to play dead had anything to do with wanting attention, just in feeling ashamed of cheating on her boyfriend by letting some younger white college freshman fingerbang her behind a dumpster. She didn't want her boyfriend (is he asian? poor guy) to leave her, she didn't want her family and peers to look down upon her.

It's easier to get empathy as a "victim" rather than as a slut with agency, so she lied.

I am confident she lied because the paramedic testimony shows she was faking when he used the nailbed-poke test and she jerked in pain and got up and vomited. Unconscious people don't do that. She's a fucking liar.
Who? JFL if you expect me to know who these people are especially by their name alone. JFL if you think i'm gonna google it too.
Who? JFL if you expect me to know who these people are especially by their name alone. JFL if you think i'm gonna google it too.
you don’t know who Brock turner is?
I don't think her initial decision to play dead had anything to do with wanting attention, just in feeling ashamed of cheating on her boyfriend by letting some younger white college freshman fingerbang her behind a dumpster. She didn't want her boyfriend (is he asian? poor guy) to leave her, she didn't want her family and peers to look down upon her.
There would be no way for him to find out. It was only the two swedish fags who witnessed, it's not like they were going to tell her bf.
There would be no way for him to find out. It was only the two swedish fags who witnessed, it's not like they were going to tell her bf.
He dindu nuffin
There might be a few more situations to consider, but not many.
Posting that there should just be a free-for-all gropefest just seems like it's being done to troll for quotes.

I'll be the first to admit to feeling apathetic about putting myself on the line to rescue foids when this is happening (given how little they seem to care for men's issues) but that doesn't necessarily mean we should have a 24/7 "the purge" type lawless situation going on.

I'll try to understand you in regard to one approach I've begun to take on another issue though...

I believe in the freedom to have abortions. I think it is wrong to force someone to carry a fetus against their will or to penalize them for murdering a fetus.

That said: I am so pissed off about the differences in paternal/maternal obligations to children (moms can abort/abandon babies to avoid paying $$$, a man doesn't have this option to avoid child support) that beyond apathy toward pro-choice movements (where is the choice for men) I'm actually willing to vote for anti-choice anti-abortion political parties just to fuck women over because they're fucking us over so everyone may as well be fucked.

Is that basically the approach you have here?

The thing about the "let it burn" type of approach is that I'd like to view it as a temporary kind of upheavel that might level the playing field. IE hopefully expedient once egalitarian aims are achieved, and not kind of any long-term solution.

A long-term society where ugly/unmarried/old women can just be groped legally with no penalty to the groper doesn't seem appealing to me, and that's not what I would want to see indefinitely. If I had to tolerate something disgusting like that going on, I would only be able to vote in support of it if the stated aim was to use it as a bargaining chip to get woman to stop persecuting men unfairly and getting preferential treatment in various areas like DV disputes or rape accusations or child support.

The thing is: for that to be workable you would need some kind of finishing line, and I don't know how we should fairly assess when such goals are achieved. I would hope for something more specific than feel / "I know it when I see it" because that doesn't seem neutral, but it means having a complex talk about how we can actually evaluate the reality of the non-parity going on and how we might evaluate changes in it occuring.

A big problem is when you can't trust the media or the court systems to be fair in the first place, you can't really get decent reports, so the truth ends up being a lot of feeling out of how mass amounts of people talk about stuff. A very much Je ne cais quoi.
I am so pissed off about the differences in paternal/maternal obligations to children (moms can abort/abandon babies to avoid paying $$$, a man doesn't have this option to avoid child support) that beyond apathy toward pro-choice movements (where is the choice for men) I'm actually willing to vote for anti-choice anti-abortion political parties just to fuck women over because they're fucking us over so everyone may as well be fucked.
Your single vote won't matter, you have to convince all the cucks and normies to vote for anti-abortion too.
I would only be able to vote in support of it if the stated aim was to use it as a bargaining chip to get woman to stop persecuting men unfairly and getting preferential treatment in various areas like DV disputes or rape accusations or child support.
We need more uncucked voters, if not we have to create a new system that doesn't require the approval of half the normie sheeple.
A long-term society where ugly/unmarried/old women can just be groped legally with no penalty to the groper doesn't seem appealing to me, and that's not what I would want to see indefinitely.
If it were legal to grope sluttily dressed foids with their asses and tits hanging out they would think before they decide to go out looking like whores.
Is that basically the approach you have here?

The thing about the "let it burn" type of approach is that I'd like to view it as a temporary kind of upheavel that might level the playing field. IE hopefully expedient once egalitarian aims are achieved, and not kind of any long-term solution.
When the cucked laws change and foids aren't given any more special treatment in courts, then the average male's smv will rise enough to the point where they wouldn't feel like groping random whores even if they were allowed, and if they did the whores will take it as a compliment. Realistic sexbots that will replace ugly foids are also going to help fix things and increase male smv.
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There would be no way for him to find out.
It was only the two swedish fags who witnessed, it's not like they were going to tell her bf.
You are misunderstanding the situation.

It wasn't merely that there were random witnesses that she could ignore.


That meant it was going to be a spectacle. More people were going to find out.

Indeed, after the swedes began the brawl, more guys showed up, police were called, ambulance, etc.

Your single vote won't matter, you have to convince all the cucks and normies to vote for anti-abortion too.
I won't have to alone. There's already a religious-backed anti-abortion movement. I'll let them do the grunt work and just lend my silent approval.

When the cucked laws change and foids aren't given any more special treatment in courts, then the average male's smv will rise enough to the point where they wouldn't feel like groping random whores even if they were allowed,
In many cases I agree, but there would still be an amount of them who would do it.

and if they did the whores will take it as a compliment
Taking it as a compliment does not mean they will accept it.

Whores for example, even if they realize that male attention is a compliment to their allure, do not want to give away sexual favours for free. They want a transaction.

Also there will always be some kind of male hierarchy so no matter how much we elevate baseline SMV, they will always not care for compliments from those who are loweest.
You are misunderstanding the situation.

It wasn't merely that there were random witnesses that she could ignore.


That meant it was going to be a spectacle. More people were going to find out.

Indeed, after the swedes began the brawl, more guys showed up, police were called, ambulance, etc.
Why didn't she tell the swedish fags to leave him alone instead of staying silent until the police arrived?
I won't have to alone. There's already a religious-backed anti-abortion movement. I'll let them do the grunt work and just lend my silent approval.
If you can't stop them from reaching their goal by yourself then your approval or disapproval doesn't matter to them.
In many cases I agree, but there would still be an amount of them who would do it.
If they do, it should just be seen as a minor annoyance, and not a crime that puts you on a sex offender's registry. Foids dressed like whores get their asses grabbed in clubs all the time, they should be used to it in public too.
Whores for example, even if they realize that male attention is a compliment to their allure, do not want to give away sexual favours for free. They want a transaction.
Whores need to snap out of this "transaction" way of thinking, and just accept that they're put on earth to please men if they decide to be whores. They force men to please women by making them follow cucked laws and stealing their tax money. Until foids are willing to forgo all their government assistance then I see nothing wrong with men stealing minor "transactions" from the ones who dress like sluts.
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Why didn't she tell the swedish fags to leave him alone instead of staying silent until the police arrived?
My first (perhaps misogynistic... which I don't want to be, so I'm going to second-guess it here) instinct is to just say because she's a horrible human being.

However, when I try to think of an alternate explanation here, one seems pretty obvious: she could've been paralyzed with fear.

Not everyone immediately screams when violence erupts. Sometimes you're just petrified.

She might've even made some noise, and just not had it noticed. The Swedes were too busy beating the shit out of Brock to actually notice if she had opened her eyes or spoken anything.

Keep in mind this wasn't a silent night: a party was going on maybe 20 feet away (this was just behind a dumpster next to the house) and there was loud music blaring.

Plus, even if the swedes had noticed her being animated in the midst of attacking Brock: they are NOT going to admit that. The whole reason they aren't having assault charges pressed against them is based on the idea that Emily Doe (Chanel Miller) was supposedly non-responsive and being ~obviously raped~ so they HAD to attack him.

If you can't stop them from reaching their goal by yourself then your approval or disapproval doesn't matter to them.
The approval / disapproval of individuals does matter to groups trying to tip public favor when it's near-gridlock.

My thought process doesn't exist in a void, it can be mirrored in others.

If they do, it should just be seen as a minor annoyance, and not a crime that puts you on a sex offender's registry.
I concur with you about that, although more broadly because I don't believe in having a special status/registry for sex crimes. It's not ilke they have a "murderer registry" where parents get to be notified when a murderer moves into the neighborhood. It's bullshit. Murderers are more dangerous.

Foids dressed like whores get their asses grabbed in clubs all the time, they should be used to it in public too.
I don't believe in a 'dressed like whores' concept. Whether a woman is a slut or a prostitute, she might dress as a nun or as a soldier while doing so. There's just no such thing.

Women will also attack guys in clubs if they get their asses grabbed by non-chads, so there's not really a double standard between recreation in clubs or working to earn money as a waitress in a diner. The double standard is simply between the consequences for violence between 2 people depending on whether it's F>M or M>F.

Whores need to snap out of this "transaction" way of thinking, and just accept that they're put on earth to please men if they decide to be whores.
I do not believe in any kind of inherent purpose for women, I think it's fine for us to determine our own purposes.

In this case there is no evidence the woman was a literal whore (selling sex) though I can understand why you might view her as some kind of metaphorical whore because of how she was dressed revealingly in short-shorts...

Women in many occupations do show off their assets, I think to give them advantages either from their bosses (less work, more raises) or customers (more tips, less complaints) and this understandable makes those of us not able to exploit that envious of their privilege.

They force men to please women by making them follow cucked laws and stealing their tax money.
Until foids are willing to forgo all their government assistance then I see nothing wrong with men stealing minor "transactions" from the ones who dress like sluts.
You make a legitimate point about how they are exploiting men en masse and I do understand the desire to 'even the scales'.

I suppose why I don't see this as any kind of solution is it really doesn't fix the problem. They'll just use shit like this as further justification to win more privileges for themselves.

I know I personally never pursue such "minor transactions" so it's usually just chadlites (who think the girl might like it and might tolerate it, but turn out to be wrong) who actually bother trying it and occasionally getting away with it.

If we actually had enough control over the system to declare "okay lads, as an apology for circumcision and child support inequality, you can grope all the waitress QTs you like" then I think we'd have the power to make more substantial changes.

Since we don't actually have this power, thinking this even approaches justice is just cope. Hell, even if we could achieve that it would be cope, because groping butts isn't anywhere close to sex.

Hell, even if we could just have sex with any woman we wanted, that would still be cope, because they'd still hate us.

I think the only satisfying justice (perhaps a pipe dream) is to actually change the hearts and minds of women to actually love us and validate us and WANT us.

Part of pursuing that is certainly in our court (better ourselves by being less obese, for example, so a greater portion of us are attractive to women) but it's blue-pill to think that a unilateral effort toward self-improvement from men would somehow achieve this in isolation. Women have to improve themselves too (make a greater portion of themselves attractive to men by also becoming less obese, for example) so it is a cooperative effort to find happiness, but I don't know how we can convince them to do this.

It's a change I don't think coercion could accomplish. Negotiation on an intellectual seems like a pipe dream... how do we bridge the gap between our thinking?

I wonder if some of it is a "blink first" situation, like men don't bother getting ripped because they think women won't like them even if they do, and women don't bother being thin+chaste because they don't think men will get ripped for them and commit to them so they just settle on being occasional cumdumps for chads/chadlites.

I focus too much on obesity as obviously there's less mutable stuff (height, face) which is far more expensive to fix with surgery. I guess obesity is just an easy one to focus on because it's so prevalent. We'd have a lot more mutually fulfilling relationships out there if both genders were gym-maxing consistently.

It's not just about physical attraction but also lifestyle choices too, I suppose. I wish there was a way to have women see the merit in fringe hobbies, as I think the minority engaging in them are just trying to fill special niches with only a minority holding actual acceptance and elevating of those hobbies. It's like they're slumming in a hobby hoping to snag a chad who is briefly interested in a hobby so they can leave it together.
I honestly don't care about either of them. I have my vegetable garden, I have my hunting rifle, all retarded normies who fuck each other in dumpsters could die and my life would hardly change..
Not defending the foid, but I hate Brock Turner though because he literally got an easy sentence just because he’s a Chad. If he were an ethnicel he would’ve gotten sentenced for life.

FUCK Brock Turner. He's a fucking Chad that got greedy with his lust, and it's about time one of these fucks PAYED THE TOLL. I bet he's fucking some stupid whore right now who doesn't care that he molested an unconcious foid with a tree branch. Fact is, only SJWs would know who Brock Turner even is.

Remember our lives are 10x worse than Brock Turner's life right now, just due to his superior genes.
FUCK Brock Turner. He's a fucking Chad that got greedy with his lust, and it's about time one of these fucks PAYED THE TOLL. I bet he's fucking some stupid whore right now who doesn't care that he molested an unconcious foid with a tree branch. Fact is, only SJWs would know who Brock Turner even is.

Remember our lives are 10x worse than Brock Turner's life right now, just due to his superior genes.
pretty much lol

JFL at the Chad worship in this thread, for a guy who has fucked dozens of foids and probably put incels into lockers everyday in high school. fuck him tbh

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