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Theory Brief history of the Bantu (the niggers) expansion, how the discovery of the Americas resulted in the black africa today



Jun 25, 2022
niggers evolved in rainforests of west africa (the 2nd largest rainforest in the world, the 1st is the amazon). west africa is on the equator with hot suns year around, so their skins darkend through selective pressure during evolution, to pitch black to prevent sunburns. their hairs became curly to protect their scalps from the heat and sun. their IQ didn't evolve much, nor are delayed gratifications, logical skills, analytical skills, high inhibitions etc. coz niggers didnt need to plan much, the year is the same all around.

the closer imagery of "out of africa" population would be the bushmen/khoisan people (but note they've been raped and genocided by niggers so they look more "black" than pre-bantu expansion). they look different from the niggers. some of them even have asian eyes. they look brown, rather than black.

the bushmen were hunter gatherers. while the bantus were farmers. however, the bantus didnt have good crops, and they're shit at farming (prime example of how they turned Zimbabwe/Rhodesia into food importer after taking farms from white farmers, and Rhodesia was a major food exporter). the shitty state of their agriculture meant they were not able to sustain much population, so their range was limited, largely confined to west africa where they originated.

bantu r what today known as the niggers. after contact with the Portuguese, who set up trading posts along the African coast, starting from the 1400s, the portuguese introduced high yield crops from the Americas such as casavas to the niggers in west africa. casava were highly suited for the niggers. its a hardy crop, dont require much attention and planning, just plant, wait, dig them up and process a bit to remove toxicity and eat.

as a result, the nigger population in west africa exploded with casava (similar to how Irish population exploded after potatos). and with exploding population, living space became high competition, and they began to expand outwards. to the north, it was Sahara desert, to the west, was Atlantic ocean. so the only direction were going southeast, and they did.

Before what is academically known as the Bantu Expansion, africa was very different, demographically/racially. Most of sub-sahara africa were populated by bushmen, not the niggers. bushmen are also retarded just like niggers, though they look different, they r hunter gatherers hunting animals on the steppe/savannah of africa.

Southern Africa (south africa, bostswana, zimbabwe, namibia etc.) were especially populated by the bushmen, and was absent of the niggers. since niggers didnt have wheat, or any other crop, before Portuguese gave them casavas, niggers only had shitty low yield crops that only grew in wet, rainforests. so the dry steppes (savannah) could not support their shitty agriculture.

the Bantu expansion caused the bushmen to be genocided and were largely replaced by bantu niggers migrating from the northwest. bushmen only survived in areas where it's too dry even for new American crops like casavas, such as the interier of Namibia (desert climate), Bostwana, and also the southern most point of Africa where it's the furthest away from the niggers (however, it was only a matter of time before then niggers reach there)

when Dutch came to South Africa, they noticed it was a no-man land. Cumskins were actually the first settlers of the tip of South Africa. this was because even by the 1600s, about 200 years after the Portuguese gave the niggers the magic crop of casava, the nigger bantus have not yet reached the southern most point of africa yet. and the few people there were the hunter gatherer bushmen, so it was almost like empty land. kinda like how Australia was bascially empty when the British began to settle it, coz hunter gatherer society had very low population density and they moved around all the time, giving the impression of empty land.

it's very convultated that somehow the discovery of the Americas caused such demographic change in Africa. Thanks to the discovery of Americas, niggers were able to become "Africans" (while before that, they were mostly confined to west africa), and also got transported to the Americas coz the Native Americans converted to Christianity and the christian sect forbid owning christian slaves so the Europeans imported nigger slaves instead since they were not christians. The whole Trans-Atalantic slave trade, in a way, was coz of cumskin's over-empathy :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: if it were any other race, the native americans would be enslaved permanently even after they convert to Christianity, no need for nigger slaves. And this, evidently ruined the Americas with the importation of niggers, and to this day American countries with high nigger population still have very high crime rates (the US, Brazil, Haiti, etc.).
and btw, blue eyed niggers exist coz of genetic inheritance. thats the MOST LIKELY SCENARIO. they had the genes responsible for blue eyes but they were recessive, and somehow two niggers with recessive blue eyed genes bred, and the kid got blue eyes.

another possibiity is simply some illness.. blue eyes is fundamentally a lack of pigment on the eye. so it could be the kid has some illness or genetic condition that resulted in loss of pigment in it , without having the actual genes for blue eyes (blue eyes r believed to have evolved only once in humans)
first sentence and you already erred. nigs never evolved
Thanks for the history lesson, I wonder how cassava taste.
Thanks for the history lesson that the history textbooks never taught. This is the true history of what happened.
So the nigger overpopulation and slow take over of the nigger is white people's fault? :feelsree:
and the corn that the British brought from US of A . This food grows extremely well in the savanha areas of Africa. Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa. The nigger populations there are exploding in those areas.

Whites should stop sending aid , get out the popcorn out ,sit back and watch the nigs starve lol. Their agriculture can never ever sustain the population they have now
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We was kangz are always Bantu nigs.

Yes ancient Egyptians were dark skinned but not Bantu, yes Carthage were dark skinned but not Bantu, yes Moors that conqoured parts of Europe and would take British as slaves yes they dark skin but no Bantu, yes Ethiopian empires that controlled parts of Arabia were dark skinned but no Bantu, yes the people who civilised the Europeans were dark skinned but not Bantu, yes Islam created mathematics and they dark skinned but not Bantu

Bantu never invented anything, never created anything. I say wipe Bantu off the earth. Each last one, remove them all from the face of the earth.
and btw, blue eyed niggers exist coz of genetic inheritance. thats the MOST LIKELY SCENARIO. they had the genes responsible for blue eyes but they were recessive, and somehow two niggers with recessive blue eyed genes bred, and the kid got blue eyes.

another possibiity is simply some illness.. blue eyes is fundamentally a lack of pigment on the eye. so it could be the kid has some illness or genetic condition that resulted in loss of pigment in it , without having the actual genes for blue eyes (blue eyes r believed to have evolved only once in humans)
Neanderthal Humans also had blue eyes so it could have just been inherited by a distant Neanderthal ancestor to modern humans.
Too long dnr

But it's all cope. Torks are worse than anything.
This is completely wrong the Bantu expansion started well before the Europeans arrived. Prior to the Bantu expansion true Khoisan (Bushmen) only lived in far Southern Africa. Nilotes (South Sudanese) are the darkest Africans. North Africans always looked the way they did (pseudo-Arab). Northeast Africans (Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, Ethiopia) are the result of ancient North African males mixing with Nilotic females.
So the nigger overpopulation and slow take over of the nigger is white people's fault? :feelsree:
yes especially Christian ones and anti birth control. I remember USA apparently used to give the nigs condoms and shit in Africa. But chirstcuck Republicans scrapped the program. And Europeans were also too lazy to step in and send the niggers free condoms. Now we will suffer effects of nigger invasions as climate change rises
and the corn that the British brought from US of A . This food grows extremely well in the savanha areas of Africa. Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa. The nigger populations there are exploding in those areas.

Whites should stop sending aid , get out the popcorn out ,sit back and watch the nigs starve lol. Their agriculture can never ever sustain the population they have now
whites biggest mistake was not encouraging globohomo birth control, abortion in Africa. Even now they aren't doing enough. Now those nigger countries will still be overfilled and flood Europe as rapefugee migrants as climate change heats up
yes especially Christian ones and anti birth control. I remember USA apparently used to give the nigs condoms and shit in Africa. But chirstcuck Republicans scrapped the program. And Europeans were also too lazy to step in and send the niggers free condoms. Now we will suffer effects of nigger invasions as climate change rises

lol cuckservative are so dumb, then they get mad when their texan toilet daughters burn coal :lul::lul:
lol cuckservative are so dumb, then they get mad when their texan toilet daughters burn coal :lul::lul:
indeed and these fuckers don't see which race apparently has most degenerate sex is nigs. Abortion ban will lead to more nigs for some time.
indeed and these fuckers don't see which race apparently has most degenerate sex is nigs. Abortion ban will lead to more nigs for some time.

my only issue with niggers is they got too much of halo effect, so as a deathnic when you see a ugly retard manlet nigger with a hot foid especially white one it just kills you :feelsrope::feelsrope:

I feel the same way if you ever catch some ugly curry with a hot foid
This reminds me that nearly 40 million Africans are starving because of the Ukraine-Russia war. Many countries in East, West, Middle, and Southern Africa rely on both countries for a significant percentage of their wheat, fertilizer, and vegetable oil imports, but the war has disrupted global markets and trade flow to Africa :lul::lul:

So now people are starving in Africa because faggot Slav Russia couldn't hold the pause button on an invasion :feelskek:

White people need to let Africans fucking starve and learn how to sustain themselves instead of naively handing them food that will run out again anyway because of their scorching climate and imploding population.

This old saying bears repeating: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime
Bra let Africans starve. That continent has enough resources to feed itself twice and still have enough left to export.

Those pictures you see of starving blacks with flies on their faces are in the desert areas of East Africa at war where all food is blocked by enemy forces. All the worlds cocoa for chocolate comes from West Africa. ALL the worlds cocoa, think about that.

I was watching on television that the farms in Rhodesia and South Africa are not even producing enough to feed their own people yet when whites were farming commercialy they had enough to ffed the whole country and then also export.

So its good , Africans will starve because even white countries will have food shortages next year and cant send aid.
They going to learn when they start dying by the millions.
Rural Africans have been living a hunter-gatherer lifestyle for thousands of years, so many argue there is no excuse for rural Africans to complain about not getting enough food donations from white countries when they could hunt wild game around them and survive off their environment. Africans that live in urbanized cities have local markets to buy their food from, but farmers and countryfolk mainly from parts of central and East Africa are isolated and rely on subsistence farming for their survival, but because of Africa's terrible fucking climate, frequent droughts cause crop failure: farmers starve and must resort to begging white countries to send them food. This is why I've always argued that agrarian societies are unsustainable and ultimately harmful for people that live in Africa. They depend on the fucking weather of all things for their sustenance and when things take a turn for the worse, millions of people are put at jeopardy and many die. Hunter-gatherer culture must be taught to all rural Africans because it's the only livable way of life in a region that is beaten down constantly by its brutal climate.

Sub-Saharan Africa has and always will be the most depressing place in the world, and it's only going to get worse with this global warming shit!
hunter-gatherer is good enough for small populations.

have you looked at the figures for Africas demographic development since the last 200 - 300 years?
It has exploded to over 20 X its size. Subsistence farming is fine for a few people but no way it can feed a growing population. Africas population is exploding. The current structure of African farming, society, economy. Any food shortage and millions will starve 100%.

The only unaffected regions will be the central Congo area because they never had anything and were always at war since the end of colonisation.
No way urbanization of Africa can match growing demands of its population. They need family education planning and governments should enforce a two child or less policy ASAP. Millions of niggas packed in a scorching environment with no food and water because their parents never bothered to teach them hunting/gathering and crop failure from droughts will create civil wars and famines.
How will hunter-gathering feed a growing population? It cannot. To sustain a growing population you need commercial agriculture which Africa does not have. So any worldwide food shortage and the first to starve will be Africa because the developed nations will buy up all the available supplies . Very simple and straight forward.

Of course the africans can change this with commercial agriculture but that is their own decision. As of now they do not have commercialy viable structures.

The ones who will starve are East Africa and Southern Africa. The central region around Congo area is fine because they never had anything since 600 years. The West is also fine because they have oil and massive plantations of cocoa, banana etc.
Also land in Africa is degrading and becoming arid from desertification :kys:
Too bad. Cutting trees for fire wood.

Ah well, they can change all this if the want. Just need to plant trees and conserve the environemnt, teach the people how to make natural gas from sewage etc. But their own decision at the end of the day.
Africa is nowhere near the level of industrialization needed for commercial agriculture; they don't have the machinery, knowledge of pesticides , fertilizers, antibiotics or infrastructure for that, so when the next devastating drought rolls around and shit hits the fan, many people will probably die.

And I concur that the hunting/gathering idea is fucking stupid, but maybe it will be viable option once the next devastating drought amplified by global warming kills off millions of people in Eastern and Southern Africa and white countries are too distracted by domestic affairs to spoon-feed them.

Also land in Africa is degrading and becoming arid from desertification :kys:

Let them niggas starve.
which country do you reside in?
When I have the funds, I would like to go back to Africa and die there :kys:

Licking the white man’s boots and speaking his language, mimicking his mannerisms, and leeching off his hard work and ingenuity doesn’t sit right with me.

Plus, I think racially diverse societies are a terrible mistake and we should all live in homogeneous lands with people that look like us.
How many years you been in Burgerland?
Almost twenty years but I still feel like a foreigner after experiencing countless rejections from the women here.
Lol I think even Amerimutts get rejected.

I heard African American women are actually the majority because so many black men die young or in prison.

Is it not easy to get a native African American?
The black women I approached in school had looks of disgust on their faces when I propositioned hanging out with them.

They would typically say I “wasn’t their type”, which is just a euphemism for saying you think someone is ugly without being overtly upfront about it.

One girl pretended to like me, then ghosted me for a muscular light skinned Spanish man with prominent cheekbones and bowl haircut.

All my white friends had multiple girlfriends and they had personalities of vegetables. Women approached them and they put forth little effort

Now I’m getting older and have accepted my fate. And it’s very hard to find a black woman nowadays that isn’t obese. Although, I haven’t spoken to a single female besides my mother in three years :waitwhat:
Are most African American women overweight?

Also Is t true that African American men are violent compared to say African men or South America blacks ?
Those pictures you see of starving blacks with flies on their faces are in the desert areas of East Africa at war where all food is blocked by enemy forces. All the worlds cocoa for chocolate comes from West Africa. ALL the worlds cocoa, think about that.
"Though Ivory Coast accounts for roughly 45 percent of the cocoa produced around the world, it receives only about 7 percent of the global revenue from the commodity." NYTIMES. Is N-cuckedt-imes talking nonesense like usual?
"Though Ivory Coast accounts for roughly 45 percent of the cocoa produced around the world, it receives only about 7 percent of the global revenue from the commodity." NYTIMES. Is N-cuckedt-imes talking nonesense like usual?
I dont know tbh. I am not a finance expert. What I know is the soil is fertile tropical rainforest with good rainfall so they wont starve, thats what I am saying.

Plus anyway producing lots of a product means nothing because high prices are paid for quality not just quantity. So maybe their product is not quality and maybe Ghana produces less but higher quality. Could be maybe
niggers evolved in rainforests of west africa (the 2nd largest rainforest in the world, the 1st is the amazon). west africa is on the equator with hot suns year around,
Yes! They have many hot SUNS!
so their skins darkend through selective pressure during evolution, to pitch black to prevent sunburns. their hairs became curly to protect their scalps from the heat and sun. their IQ didn't evolve much, nor are delayed gratifications, logical skills, analytical skills, high inhibitions etc. coz niggers didnt need to plan much, the year is the same all around.

the closer imagery of "out of africa" population would be the bushmen/khoisan people (but note they've been raped and genocided by niggers so they look more "black" than pre-bantu expansion). they look different from the niggers. some of them even have asian eyes. they look brown, rather than black.

the bushmen were hunter gatherers. while the bantus were farmers. however, the bantus didnt have good crops, and they're shit at farming (prime example of how they turned Zimbabwe/Rhodesia into food importer after taking farms from white farmers, and Rhodesia was a major food exporter). the shitty state of their agriculture meant they were not able to sustain much population, so their range was limited, largely confined to west africa where they originated.

bantu r what today known as the niggers. after contact with the Portuguese, who set up trading posts along the African coast, starting from the 1400s, the portuguese introduced high yield crops from the Americas such as casavas to the niggers in west africa. casava were highly suited for the niggers. its a hardy crop, dont require much attention and planning, just plant, wait, dig them up and process a bit to remove toxicity and eat.

as a result, the nigger population in west africa exploded with casava (similar to how Irish population exploded after potatos). and with exploding population, living space became high competition, and they began to expand outwards. to the north, it was Sahara desert, to the west, was Atlantic ocean. so the only direction were going southeast, and they did.

Before what is academically known as the Bantu Expansion, africa was very different, demographically/racially. Most of sub-sahara africa were populated by bushmen, not the niggers. bushmen are also retarded just like niggers, though they look different, they r hunter gatherers hunting animals on the steppe/savannah of africa.

Southern Africa (south africa, bostswana, zimbabwe, namibia etc.) were especially populated by the bushmen, and was absent of the niggers. since niggers didnt have wheat, or any other crop, before Portuguese gave them casavas, niggers only had shitty low yield crops that only grew in wet, rainforests. so the dry steppes (savannah) could not support their shitty agriculture.

the Bantu expansion caused the bushmen to be genocided and were largely replaced by bantu niggers migrating from the northwest. bushmen only survived in areas where it's too dry even for new American crops like casavas, such as the interier of Namibia (desert climate), Bostwana, and also the southern most point of Africa where it's the furthest away from the niggers (however, it was only a matter of time before then niggers reach there)

when Dutch came to South Africa, they noticed it was a no-man land. Cumskins were actually the first settlers of the tip of South Africa. this was because even by the 1600s, about 200 years after the Portuguese gave the niggers the magic crop of casava, the nigger bantus have not yet reached the southern most point of africa yet. and the few people there were the hunter gatherer bushmen, so it was almost like empty land. kinda like how Australia was bascially empty when the British began to settle it, coz hunter gatherer society had very low population density and they moved around all the time, giving the impression of empty land.

it's very convultated that somehow the discovery of the Americas caused such demographic change in Africa. Thanks to the discovery of Americas, niggers were able to become "Africans" (while before that, they were mostly confined to west africa), and also got transported to the Americas coz the Native Americans converted to Christianity and the christian sect forbid owning christian slaves so the Europeans imported nigger slaves instead since they were not christians. The whole Trans-Atalantic slave trade, in a way, was coz of cumskin's over-empathy :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: if it were any other race, the native americans would be enslaved permanently even after they convert to Christianity, no need for nigger slaves. And this, evidently ruined the Americas with the importation of niggers, and to this day American countries with high nigger population still have very high crime rates (the US, Brazil, Haiti, etc.).
We was kangz are always Bantu nigs.

Yes ancient Egyptians were dark skinned but not Bantu, yes Carthage were dark skinned but not Bantu, yes Moors that conqoured parts of Europe and would take British as slaves yes they dark skin but no Bantu, yes Ethiopian empires that controlled parts of Arabia were dark skinned but no Bantu, yes the people who civilised the Europeans were dark skinned but not Bantu, yes Islam created mathematics and they dark skinned but not Bantu

Bantu never invented anything, never created anything. I say wipe Bantu off the earth. Each last one, remove them all from the face of the earth.
Islam didnt create shit (they stole GrecoRoman knowledge) and never will. Same with niggers
Islam didnt create shit (they stole GrecoRoman knowledge) and never will. Same with niggers
Ah yes thats I forgot why today we use Roman Numerals.
Thats indians though
Makes no difference. Romans created nothing and got all their stuff from Greece who got it from Egypt. Show me anything Greece had before going to Egypt. The answer is nothing at all.

Show me exactly what Romans discovered completely on their own. I am waiting.
Makes no difference. Romans created nothing and got all their stuff from Greece who got it from Egypt. Show me anything Greece had before going to Egypt. The answer is nothing at all.

Show me exactly what Romans discovered completely on their own. I am waiting.
Greeks and Romans lay the foundations for the moderrn world.

Egyptians has no science or philosophy. They just build pyramids for their god kings. Thats all they did lol
Greeks and Romans lay the foundations for the moderrn world.

Egyptians has no science or philosophy. They just build pyramids for their god kings. Thats all they did lol
Just bring the evidence I asked you. I am not trying to hear about foundation, foundation, with a people that created nothing on their own.

Bring the evidence mentioned and we can move on from there. Either that or shut the fcuk up.
Just bring the evidence I asked you. I am not trying to hear about foundation, foundation, with a people that created nothing on their own.

Bring the evidence mentioned and we can move on from there. Either that or shut the fcuk up.
Shut the fuxk with that we wuz kangz shit. Niggers are useless. Egyptians who are not niggers didnt do jack shit either. Modern way of thinking started with Greeks. Thats all im saying nd You know its true

Greece > Egypt tough the later is much older and thus more primitive
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Shut the fuxk with that we wuz kangz shit. Niggers are useless. Egyptians who are not niggers didnt do jack shit either. Modern way of thinking started with Greeks. Thats all im saying nd You know its true

Greece > Egypt tough the later is much older and thus more primitive
Just bring the evidence please.
cant be bothered. You win okey
Nigs wuz kang and shiet
No I am not trying to win anything. It has nothing to do with kangz.

You were telling me about amazing Roman inventions and I am simply asking you which ones. Please bring the evidence. Thats all I am asking, nothing more, nothing less. Just the evidence.

Next you going to be telling me about Aryans. Read what the Romans said about Germanics and Brits when they first met them. They were savage, barbarians .

So I am asking you a simple staright forward question. Please bring the evidence, thats all.

where are you ? I am waiting for evidence. Just bring evidence only please, thats all
niggers evolved in rainforests of west africa (the 2nd largest rainforest in the world, the 1st is the amazon). west africa is on the equator with hot suns year around, so their skins darkend through selective pressure during evolution, to pitch black to prevent sunburns. their hairs became curly to protect their scalps from the heat and sun. their IQ didn't evolve much, nor are delayed gratifications, logical skills, analytical skills, high inhibitions etc. coz niggers didnt need to plan much, the year is the same all around.

the closer imagery of "out of africa" population would be the bushmen/khoisan people (but note they've been raped and genocided by niggers so they look more "black" than pre-bantu expansion). they look different from the niggers. some of them even have asian eyes. they look brown, rather than black.

the bushmen were hunter gatherers. while the bantus were farmers. however, the bantus didnt have good crops, and they're shit at farming (prime example of how they turned Zimbabwe/Rhodesia into food importer after taking farms from white farmers, and Rhodesia was a major food exporter). the shitty state of their agriculture meant they were not able to sustain much population, so their range was limited, largely confined to west africa where they originated.

bantu r what today known as the niggers. after contact with the Portuguese, who set up trading posts along the African coast, starting from the 1400s, the portuguese introduced high yield crops from the Americas such as casavas to the niggers in west africa. casava were highly suited for the niggers. its a hardy crop, dont require much attention and planning, just plant, wait, dig them up and process a bit to remove toxicity and eat.

as a result, the nigger population in west africa exploded with casava (similar to how Irish population exploded after potatos). and with exploding population, living space became high competition, and they began to expand outwards. to the north, it was Sahara desert, to the west, was Atlantic ocean. so the only direction were going southeast, and they did.

Before what is academically known as the Bantu Expansion, africa was very different, demographically/racially. Most of sub-sahara africa were populated by bushmen, not the niggers. bushmen are also retarded just like niggers, though they look different, they r hunter gatherers hunting animals on the steppe/savannah of africa.

Southern Africa (south africa, bostswana, zimbabwe, namibia etc.) were especially populated by the bushmen, and was absent of the niggers. since niggers didnt have wheat, or any other crop, before Portuguese gave them casavas, niggers only had shitty low yield crops that only grew in wet, rainforests. so the dry steppes (savannah) could not support their shitty agriculture.

the Bantu expansion caused the bushmen to be genocided and were largely replaced by bantu niggers migrating from the northwest. bushmen only survived in areas where it's too dry even for new American crops like casavas, such as the interier of Namibia (desert climate), Bostwana, and also the southern most point of Africa where it's the furthest away from the niggers (however, it was only a matter of time before then niggers reach there)

when Dutch came to South Africa, they noticed it was a no-man land. Cumskins were actually the first settlers of the tip of South Africa. this was because even by the 1600s, about 200 years after the Portuguese gave the niggers the magic crop of casava, the nigger bantus have not yet reached the southern most point of africa yet. and the few people there were the hunter gatherer bushmen, so it was almost like empty land. kinda like how Australia was bascially empty when the British began to settle it, coz hunter gatherer society had very low population density and they moved around all the time, giving the impression of empty land.

it's very convultated that somehow the discovery of the Americas caused such demographic change in Africa. Thanks to the discovery of Americas, niggers were able to become "Africans" (while before that, they were mostly confined to west africa), and also got transported to the Americas coz the Native Americans converted to Christianity and the christian sect forbid owning christian slaves so the Europeans imported nigger slaves instead since they were not christians. The whole Trans-Atalantic slave trade, in a way, was coz of cumskin's over-empathy :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: if it were any other race, the native americans would be enslaved permanently even after they convert to Christianity, no need for nigger slaves. And this, evidently ruined the Americas with the importation of niggers, and to this day American countries with high nigger population still have very high crime rates (the US, Brazil, Haiti, etc.).
What about theyre wide noses tho?
Could you also write to us why niggers are so loud and always screaming in theyre phone? i have niggerneighbours and theyre fucking loud night and day
Could you also write to us why niggers are so loud and always screaming in theyre phone? i have niggerneighbours and theyre fucking loud night and day
niggers were not evolvd to be low inhib. they were basically a total tribal society that totally skippd stages such as classical society and medieval soceity and so on and went straight to "modern" society coz of cumskins who exported the tech to them directly. those niggers never evolved beyond that. niggers gonna nigger
niggers were not evolvd to be low inhib. they were basically a total tribal society that totally skippd stages such as classical society and medieval soceity and so on and went straight to "modern" society coz of cumskins who exported the tech to them directly. those niggers never evolved beyond that. niggers gonna nigger
So thats why i cant sleep at night, a while ago my city was filled with them everywhere blasting music and littering the area
I dont care enough bro. Dont have the energy to continue this
I just need evidence because you were saying all fancy things about the Romans thats why I just asked for evidence of anything at all that Romans created before interacting with Greeks.

I will even make it very easy for you. Show me anything Greeks ever created before they went to Egypt.

Infact even more easy for you. Show me anything the Germanic so-called Aryans created before they met Romans other than savagery.

Only that tiny, small, little evidence thats I want please.

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