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LifeFuel [BREAKING NEWS] Arab Chad goes ER in French commune. Children females in the verge of death.

Awful disturbing video. I am usually not a moralfag but have some decency. Why the fuck are you laughing at the misery of a helpless mother trying to protect her children from this fucking scum who does not deserve to live? How could a sane person laugh at innocent children who did nothing wrong being being stabbed ? Then you fucking wonder why incels in general are being portrayed as evil future school shooters it's because of the 10% of fucking retards who do not even know what the incel culture stands for.
Awful disturbing video. I am usually not a moralfag but have some decency. Why the fuck are you laughing at the misery of a helpless mother trying to protect her children from this fucking scum who does not deserve to live? How could a sane person laugh at innocent children who did nothing wrong being being stabbed ? Then you fucking wonder why incels in general are being portrayed as evil future school shooters it's because of the 10% of fucking retards who do not even know what the incel culture stands for.
Awful disturbing video. I am usually not a moralfag but have some decency. Why the fuck are you laughing at the misery of a helpless mother trying to protect her children from this fucking scum who does not deserve to live? How could a sane person laugh at innocent children who did nothing wrong being being stabbed ? Then you fucking wonder why incels in general are being portrayed as evil future school shooters it's because of the 10% of fucking retards who do not even know what the incel culture stands for.
Good, French people deserve this for pushing rapefuge immigration all these years, sandniggers should all just die tbh, even niggers are more civilized than them
Just another rampaging anti white Islamic militant, doesn’t count as an ER
Good Fuck humanity
Am I the only one who thinks this is feds' attempt to damage Christians? Why would he bring a bible and a cross with him? That's stupid af
Camp Speicher video is deleted but of course this is not real islam because the quran doesn't order muslims to "kill [them] wherever you find them" or something, but when muslims were overpowered by their enemies suddenly "You have your religion and I have mine" was revealed to the warmonger mohamed.

@thallium0000 @Moroccancel2- @Made in Heaven
exactly!!!!! there is quran from makkah and QURAN from Medina because Muhammad was overpowered BY Qurayshidolworshippershation and then when muslimmens GAINED power they fought mushrikeen SIK SIK SIK SIK HARAM PARA and then they conquered ALL arab peninsula but this killing IS only in offensive-defensive jihad in conquering non muslims pay jizya and if they deny FIUH FIUH FIUH OVER.
Camp Speicher video is deleted but of course this is not real islam because the quran doesn't order muslims to "kill [them] wherever you find them" or something, but when muslims were overpowered by their enemies suddenly "You have your religion and I have mine" was revealed to the warmonger mohamed.

@thallium0000 @Moroccancel2- @Made in Heaven
Those aren't incels, those are "refugees".
These people have been slaying pussy in their home country, but they want free money, that's why they migrate to the west and as soon as they realize that they won't get a mansion + 3 cars for free, they go on rampages like that.
Pathetic men. Put them into Gulag until they die.
No one said it was an incel
i see that the white race will die out by 2100 because their women do not want to have children with them :lul:
the world will follow shortly after the white race goes extinct
Europoors are so weak. How do they all just stumble about and then run when this guy is prancing around? This is what Western society is encouraging, rampant individualism, so no one can be surprised. Americans are reckless with their lives to a fault. People will risk their lives to defend their billionaire CEO’s merchandise jfl
Am I the only one who thinks this is feds' attempt to damage Christians? Why would he bring a bible and a cross with him? That's stupid af
If he did that, this is definitely a psyop. Some French secret agent was probably trying to trap him but the dude just bugged out and acted earlier than expected. Just wait for the media to report he was known to government officials.
if the children are females then i don't give a fuck
wow BASED refugee stabs FEMALE toddlers!!! BASED i love refugees now!!!
Based Syrian refugee! The immigrant problem in Europe was caused by America and NATO. Western air power targeted Gaddafi's forces. Libya is now a failed state in a civil war, with nearly a million of its people living abroad in Europe. America attempted to destabilize Syria by arming the (((opposition))) and by bombing Syrian government positions. There are 1 million Syrian refugees in Europe having the time of their lives. German women deserved to be raped on New Years Eve 2015/16, just as the little sluts deserved to be stabbed in the park :feelskek:

I jerk off everyday to trucks running over euroroach sluts in France and Germany, to Ebba the little hoe who dropped dead like a sack of shit, to the two euroach whores beheaded in Morocco, to the infidel sluts who slaughtered at Manchester Arena. Nothing pleases me more than seeing infidel sluts killed in the most gruesome way possible, be it at the hands of my Muslim brothers or at the hands of white rapists.

My favourite one is the Ariana Grande bombing. Most of the dead were little sluts in their early teens. They deserved to die because they listened to kuffr music by the infidel slut Ariana Grande. Western dogs finally learnt what it is like when their children were targeted - America was targeting schools, hospitals, civilian infrastructure for years during their ways in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria.

Western sluts get killed in Islamic martyrdom operations? Not my problem.
Western sluts get raped by Middle Eastern refugees? Not my problem.
To Western sluts reading this, you're not entitled to safety.
Wrong. I don't care who got stabbed. I didn't support anyone, all I did was condemning the acts of these "refugees".
Exactly. Condemning because females were stabbed like a normie
You're obviously a federal. How did you get that URL? Al'Raud is an ISIL unofficial wing media @Osman279. Maybe you're expecting certain reactions from certain users, most certainly.
https://al-raud.com/ is back up and running :feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber:

I Thought it got permanently nuked :feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD:
Jihadist links are easily accessible here: https://ghostsecuritygroup.com/extremist-links/
ISIS runs a Tor website for daily updates of their operations in every language.
Archive.org have every video ever made by ISIS.
Telegram hosts bots to disseminate ISIS material.
For academic research reasons only...
No this is too far. These are children.
100% not an incel and this is a normie refugee sexhaver.
This act is done by a normie.
He should be dismembered with a rusty cleaver by the locals in a public execution one limb at a time with interval waiting time and then patching him up to stop the bleeding and repeat until that all that remains is his torso which will then be given to a
necrophiliac to be fucked daily as a slab of meat.
Spoken like a true normtard
Don’t cry when people support guys like Tarrant or Roof then, after all nothing makes soyciety seethe more than when you kill their sacred brown apes
Women. Women are the enemy. This isn’t about right or left wing politics. Bunch of larping retards
You're obviously a federal. How did you get that URL? Al'Raud is an ISIL unofficial wing media @Osman279. Maybe you're expecting certain reactions from certain users, most certainly.
One of their best productions up their with Saleel al Sawarim
So what are you upset for? :feelstastyman:
I'm not upset.
I already wrote what I condemn about their behavior earlier in this thread. I don't have to repeat it for you.
Awful disturbing video. I am usually not a moralfag but have some decency. Why the fuck are you laughing at the misery of a helpless mother trying to protect her children from this fucking scum who does not deserve to live? How could a sane person laugh at innocent children who did nothing wrong being being stabbed ? Then you fucking wonder why incels in general are being portrayed as evil future school shooters it's because of the 10% of fucking retards who do not even know what the incel culture stands for.
these children probably bullied future incels already
Women. Women are the enemy. This isn’t about right or left wing politics. Bunch of larping retards
Women are an enemy* there are many more, including you
All the larpers in this thread exposing themselves :feelskek:

99% of “incels” in incel spaces are nothing more than losers with normie lives and beliefs who come here to just troll when bored but are such normies they can’t even keep up the facade when the poor childrens are victims
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There were innocent children on that playground muzzle, if that was my child I would have skinned him alive
You’re never going to have a child and all those innocent children are gonna grow up to become just like the people who are the reason why you’ll never have children and mock you for it. Also, no you wouldn’t :feelskek:
leave the children alone, our problem is with society not innocent kids
Which they are apart of and who are going to grow up to be like the rest of society :feelsclown:
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In this case I am truly just disgusted by this piece of shit rapefugee. I dislike foids and their behavior as well but just imagine how fucked up the situation was for the mother. This weird stabber runs around the playground in a random manner with your kid stuck on it. The mother can't flee bc she's too fat to carry the child out of there and all she can do is scream and hope this crazy guy doesn't target her or her kids.

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