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Discussion Boomers and the Housing Crisis



Dec 3, 2020
Despite young people on a massive scale living with their parents in western countries (out of financial necessity), the general view from both women when it comes to prospective partners and also from the older generations is that living with your family or parents is a sign of failure and that it’s shameful.

An irony here is that many women who wouldn’t consider a guy that lives with his parents either also lives with their parents or did for an extended period.

As for why this has happened, of course we all the know that the cost of a home and rent has skyrocketed VS median wages putting home ownership out of reach for most working young people (there are of course reasons behind why that’s occurred). And paying rent is such a high portion of one’s paycheck that if you can avoid it or pay your family less it’s a must since otherwise you cannot get ahead due to flushing all your money down the drain and into your land lords pocket.

Fixing this isn’t even that hard honestly (see below), but the reason it doesn’t get fixed is because the people in power who are very wealthy and the largest voting block (the Boomers) are home owners and they’re being greedy and selfish to put it bluntly — and as a result they are crushing young people all so that they (already a very wealthy group even in adjusted terms) can have more and so that their homes have the highest values possible.

I learned recently that Churchill advocated many moons past for safeguarding against monopolies especially of land and advocated for taxing land at the rental value it held. Even Milton Friedman a famously conservative economist conceded that a tax on land was a “least bad tax”.

I’m not sure we’d have to go as far as Churchhill’s proposal but the solution is to:
> heavily disincentivize owning multiple homes or homes you don’t reside in through policy action
> government starts building way more housing
> kick out the foreign speculators

> government tells NIMBY groups who just want to prop up their own home values to fuck off
> curtail immigration to lessen housing demand which would also probably put an upward pressure on low skill labor
> I’m uncertain when it comes to direct rent controls but at this point the greed is so overt something big has to be done. If the board flips too far and owning a home/land isn’t worth it to people anymore then we went too far and policy can be scaled back. Is that really so hard?

The housing cost problem isn’t the everything problem but it’s a huge fucking problem. And it’s one our parents and grandparents did not have to struggle with in the same way young people today have to.

Housing costs relative to wages have ballooned over time to an absurd degree. This is basically why people live with their parents even when they work.

And if you’re a boomerfag who “got theirs” I don’t care, you should be drug through the street for your selfishness and caring about no one but yourself. And people say millennials are the “me me me” generation, bullshit. Boomers lived through the most prosperous era in human history and were exceptionally lucky yet most delusionally believe they just worked harder than “young people today” giving no real thought to how society around us has changed to fuck young people in the ass.

I did everything they told me too education wise and I’ve been working for 15 years having my soul crushed and for what? The houses get more expensive faster than I can save for one. And honestly no shit people throw all their money into assets since we live in a society where money is constantly being devalued due to inflation.

Fuck this shit, these are the bad times.
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Just be a foid theory.
Just be a foid theory.
Honestly people generally are more lenient when it comes to women depending on others for housing and resources. If you’re a man you are seen a failure if you don’t have your own place.
foids live life on easy mode. incels live life on hard mode pretty simple.
Honestly people generally are more lenient when it comes to women depending on others for housing and resources. If you’re a man you are seen a failure if you don’t have your own place.
That's right, brocel. Being a woman today, especially in the West, is the best thing that can happen to you in life while many men, a good majority, have nowhere to drop dead or must give their souls to survive, and not necessarily happy, as you mentioned.

So fucking over.
foids live life on easy mode. incels live life on hard mode pretty simple.
Sometimes you want to read a more elaborate development and not the wateriswet.txt shitpost we usually read.
not only rent prices are high but if you got sick or smth you also fucked cause medical services in US are extremely expensive
Sometimes you want to read a more elaborate development and not the wateriswet.txt shitpost we usually read.
It matters because if we want to have any actual impact on regular people then we have to be able to hit talking points and “prove” those water is wet statements or no one outside this bubble will ever shift their view. Normal people just dismiss statements like “women have it easier”, you have to show them succinctly an example where that’s the case seems to me.

Basically when you’re a niche group with a minority viewpoint it’s extra important that we can defend and argue those views.
not only rent prices are high but if you got sick or smth you also fucked cause medical services in US are extremely expensive
I broke a bone recently and it cost me 3500 dollars over 4 visits with insurance. In hindsight I never should’ve done what they said and I should’ve only gone twice and dodged the “follow up” appointments with more x rays cause that’s more money down the drain for nothing.

And in the USA so many people go in and give fake names and info or never pay that it balloons the cost of insurance for everyone else so it doesn’t really make sense why we don’t just use a system like other countries tbh.

And that wouldn’t kill private insurance for rich people either. That would still exist for higher standards of care for those who could afford it.

I mean ponder for a second what are the things that make sense to abstract to a government taxation layer? Roads, fire depo, cops, schools, medical care — basically things that 100% of people in your society are going to be able to benefit from and use. Medical care is one of those things no? The irony is you look it up the US spends more on healthcare than any of these other European countries kek.

The right claims this is due to quality differences and that we pay more for higher quality. Well, shouldn’t we have a choice to pay for better quality while having a healthcare floor?

That said I get that western governments are all in turbo debt bankrupt mode so the money has to come from somewhere (and not from money printing/inflation). Really it seems we need to go into a massive cost cutting response despite the short term hardship that will come from that, I dunno. The boomer generation Medicaid / social security seems to make up a lot of the budget. But if boomers paid in all their lives to the social security where the fuck did that money actually go that it’s a problem now eh? Or is it that they have it but due to inflation it’s worth less now? Wish I knew.
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I broke a bone recently and it cost me 3500 dollars over 4 visits with insurance. In hindsight I never should’ve done what they said and I should’ve only gone twice and dodged the “follow up” appointments with more x rays cause that’s more money down the drain for nothing.

And in the USA so many people go in and give fake names and info or never pay that it balloons the cost of insurance for everyone else so it doesn’t really make sense why we don’t just use a system like other countries tbh. And that wouldn’t kill private insurance for rich people either.
Damn 3500!1111111 It's just crazy
it's a medical mafia, they don't want to lose profits. They want to squeeze as much as they can per service.
Damn 3500!1111111 It's just crazy
it's a medical mafia, they don't want to lose profits. They want to squeeze as much as they can per service.
Yeah I really wish I didn’t hurt myself lol. I could’ve got a brand new computer or a used car or paid rent with that money. My insurance is pretty shitty in fairness but that’s my employers fault as they’re the ones who choose/set those terms. Ironically I work for a hospital right now kek :feelshaha:

I waited to go in the doctor for like two weeks hoping it was just a sprain that would heal because I knew the cost would hurt. It wasn’t and got worse so I had to go in, no choice. That was really stupid but it’s a lot of money. A lot of people don’t pay (or try not to pay) and get sent to collections. Without insurance it can be hard to get non-emergency things treated.

The real thing that can fuck you is if you lose your job there goes your health insurance. It’s mental and paying out of pocket without an employer is very costly.
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Cheers man its crazy this crisis
the problem is private landlords charge so much money because they are greedy and also, to keep poor people out of there area. its all rigged against incels. but always works in favor of normies.
If you are a multiple property owner and decide to turn your extras into rentals in this economy, you are a piece of shit.

boomers hold all of the wealth in America and on top of that they're racist as fuck. most of the nimbys are old white boomer fags and white karens.

when things get out of hand the government has to step on to get things under control.
boomers hold all of the wealth in America and on top of that they're racist as fuck. most of the nimbys are old white boomer fags and white karens.

when things get out of hand the government has to step on to get things under control.
NIMBY groups can fuck off, yeah. Something I wonder about is every country is freaking out about costs/expenditure since due to population paradigms where the boomers are retiring/retired and are a huge population cohort when people aren’t having kids so you have fewer working young people to support the retiree benefits.

The thing is, why are we taking money from the working young people who are impoverished by ye olde standards and giving that money to the boomers who are already wealthy and typically don’t even need the money?

Medicaid and Social security from what I read are the biggest costs by far in the USA. People say “well of course they’re rich they’re old and had time to earn” but this is a cop out since you can look at how well they were doing at the same ages as younger generations and it’s night and day. Pay and cost of living simply isn’t the same anymore.

That said, I do wonder about what the US government did with the money the Boomers paid into the social security system. One would think if it was well managed there would be enough for them despite the shrinking population no?

I’ll concede I may not know as much here as I should and this is an area I’m curious to know others thoughts on. Seems like countries cannot keep running an ever growing deficit and running the money printer forever without eventual collapse though or at the very least without making the working class suffer.
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Boomers also vote for policies and politicians that push for mass immigration. They want to keep housing prices expensive, immigrants need housing so increased competition with the locals.

Boomers are on a whole percentage wise due to the time factor of growing a business etc are also the men and women who run the majority of successful small to medium sized businesses. The vote of policies of mass immigration to keep wages artificially low through competition where immigrants even accept below minimum wage.

People blame Jews but its so strange to me that they so conveniently "fail" to mention how these old white men and white women are using their large block of boomers to push hard for politicians and policies causing all the problems that young whites are facing and will have to deal with because the boomers are now dying off

edit: The same thing is happening in Europe but for different reason but the end result is the same = mass immigration
Yeah, taxes against land/home hoarding or unoccupied housing would greatly help. They should incentivize cheap rents, because an unrented home would be a drain of wealth. There would still be ways around them, but I believe it would alleviate the problem.
foids live life on easy mode. incels live life on hard mode pretty simple.
HTB+ = tutorial mode with cheats enabled
Average + below average woman = tutorial mode
HTN+ = life on easy mode
Average men = hard mode
below average men = nightmare mode
Yeah, taxes against land/home hoarding or unoccupied housing would greatly help. They should incentivize cheap rents, because an unrented home would be a drain of wealth. There would still be ways around them, but I believe it would alleviate the problem.
Agreed, the only reasons I can really think of why it doesn’t already work like that is a combination of those making the decisions being wealthy home owners and then also boomers who have most of the money and mostly own homes already also don’t want this kind thing so they’re fucking over the next generations.
Agreed, the only reasons I can really think of why it doesn’t already work like that is a combination of those making the decisions being wealthy home owners and then also boomers who have most of the money and mostly own homes already also don’t want this kind thing so they’re fucking over the next generations.
Definitely this, with politicians and their having lots of properties they don't want taxed being the major part.

Boomers voting is weird. On one hand they fucked up society, culture, economy and dating, on the other they vote mostly republican.

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