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LifeFuel Black people are the enemy



Jul 20, 2023
Africans and all diaspora black people are my enemy. They, out of envy wish ill upon me and my family. They do not see me as an equal or even a human deserving of compassion and kindness. They see my well being and achievements as undeserved and unjust. They wish to appropriate, bastardise and blackwash the history of my people to proclaim and justify their superiority over me. They wish to rob me of my identity, the pride I have in the accomplishments of my ancestors and the very ancestral land I own. They wish to humiliate, abuse, beat and ultimately make me a castrated undignified slave who is treated little better than an animal. My dignity, my pride and my happiness is an affront to them. They wish to mongrelize my people into 65 IQ unevolved apes like them and they wish to completely eradicate the culture of my ancestors and rob us off all our intellectual achievements. When a black sees you he doesn't see another human, he sees a filthy tyrant who doesn't deserve happiness or peace as all non blacks are tyrannical in their eyes regardless of race, religion or political ideology and when a niggresses gazes upon a human woman she seethes and burns with envy as she realizes her existence on this very Earth is unnatural and Jewish forged. This is due to the entitlement their brains can conjure up. As their own ancestors have completely failed in accomplishing anything(and will always fail) they believe they are entitled to your culture, history and the land your people have worked hard to create.
They are trained by their Jewish Whipmasters into cunning and will repeatedly twist words and do whataboutism to turn your gaze from seeing them for what they truly are, evil groups of men and women who wish to enslave you as they lust for your history, culture, nation and your very bodies. As they do not see you as another human they have no qualms about killing, raping, torturing and violating you in every way possible. They will try to turn you against people who wish you no harm and then feast on the corpses of both you. Niggers will ply the feelings of mercy in your heart and use it to attack you. This mercy must be chopped off my very soul and being as it is the one weakness which negroes repeatedly exploit. I must become as endurant as the rock at the foot of a mountain so I can withstand whatever hatred and violence the Negro and his Jew whipmaster visits on me. May the Gods give strength to my body, my mind and my soul to wage a relentless war against those who wish me harm.

The only answer to the problem presented by them is Total Nigger Death. A Nigger's very existence on Earth is at odd with the existence of humans. Humans and Niggers can never coexist and as such by the virtue of being preservers of the first human cultures on this world and an Ordinator for the safety and dignity of my people I hereby declare that from this day forward the Negro will be an eternal enemy of mine and all the men of my bloodline who come after me. May I be struck down by God if I abondon my vows.
I would say I hate simps/ cucks/ whiteknights even more, but it's a close one
Real enemies are chads and foids.
Not black women tho:feelsmage:
Wait did it work or not? With that girl?
We went as friends nigga it was never a proper date to begin with :lul:
What do you think happened ? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING
Today friend, tomorrow boyfriend. Seen this shit happen as many times as the hairs I have on my head. Yeah bro sure
Sheboons are the dumbest of all humans. Your bloodline's IQ will drop to ground if you mix with niggers. Niggers were only meant to be farming tools.
Sheboons are the dumbest of all humans. Your bloodline's IQ will drop to ground if you mix with niggers. Niggers were only meant to be farming tools.
But booty
Same even tho I’m black
But booty
Think with you brain not dick. Human races intelligence will drop interacting with these niggers. We will turn into animalitic uncivlized apes like those niggers
sometimes its hard to keep caring who is the enemy or the problem of the universe. sometimes you just gotta say fuck it, and just enjoy life.
Think with you brain not dick. Human races intelligence will drop interacting with these niggers. We will turn into animalitic uncivlized apes like those niggers
Mofos just need to look at Haiti to see what kind of 'civilization' niggers create
Mofos just need to look at Haiti to see what kind of 'civilization' niggers create
Yes niggers are only good as farming tools
But Black woman are the most race loyal right?
Hell no
IMG 5591
settle for their own race when they can't find white partner?
Yes I believe the only bw who havent race mixed yet aren’t in proximity to whites or specifically want black children
Yes I believe the only bw who havent race mixed yet aren’t in proximity to whites or specifically want black children
What with #Stophavingblackbabies? Aren't you a nigger yourself?
Aren't you a nigger yourself?
Yes , no one deserves shit skin and carpet hair that doesn’t grow or to be rejected from society, born into a low income family with a below average face
Why is this written like a poem
No niggas are.
Africans and all diaspora black people are my enemy. They, out of envy wish ill upon me and my family. They do not see me as an equal or even a human deserving of compassion and kindness. They see my well being and achievements as undeserved and unjust. They wish to appropriate, bastardise and blackwash the history of my people to proclaim and justify their superiority over me. They wish to rob me of my identity, the pride I have in the accomplishments of my ancestors and the very ancestral land I own. They wish to humiliate, abuse, beat and ultimately make me a castrated undignified slave who is treated little better than an animal. My dignity, my pride and my happiness is an affront to them. They wish to mongrelize my people into 65 IQ unevolved apes like them and they wish to completely eradicate the culture of my ancestors and rob us off all our intellectual achievements. When a black sees you he doesn't see another human, he sees a filthy tyrant who doesn't deserve happiness or peace as all non blacks are tyrannical in their eyes regardless of race, religion or political ideology and when a niggresses gazes upon a human woman she seethes and burns with envy as she realizes her existence on this very Earth is unnatural and Jewish forged. This is due to the entitlement their brains can conjure up. As their own ancestors have completely failed in accomplishing anything(and will always fail) they believe they are entitled to your culture, history and the land your people have worked hard to create.
They are trained by their Jewish Whipmasters into cunning and will repeatedly twist words and do whataboutism to turn your gaze from seeing them for what they truly are, evil groups of men and women who wish to enslave you as they lust for your history, culture, nation and your very bodies. As they do not see you as another human they have no qualms about killing, raping, torturing and violating you in every way possible. They will try to turn you against people who wish you no harm and then feast on the corpses of both you. Niggers will ply the feelings of mercy in your heart and use it to attack you. This mercy must be chopped off my very soul and being as it is the one weakness which negroes repeatedly exploit. I must become as endurant as the rock at the foot of a mountain so I can withstand whatever hatred and violence the Negro and his Jew whipmaster visits on me. May the Gods give strength to my body, my mind and my soul to wage a relentless war against those who wish me harm.

The only answer to the problem presented by them is Total Nigger Death. A Nigger's very existence on Earth is at odd with the existence of humans. Humans and Niggers can never coexist and as such by the virtue of being preservers of the first human cultures on this world and an Ordinator for the safety and dignity of my people I hereby declare that from this day forward the Negro will be an eternal enemy of mine and all the men of my bloodline who come after me. May I be struck down by God if I abondon my vows.
Well articulated brocel; very well stated. :feelsYall:

Not black women tho:feelsmage:
Sheboons are the dumbest of all humans. Your bloodline's IQ will drop to ground if you mix with niggers. Niggers were only meant to be farming tools.
But booty
Think with you brain not dick. Human races intelligence will drop interacting with these niggers. We will turn into animalitic uncivlized apes like those niggers
I've tried explaining all of this to him before, yet he just can't seem to grasp the basic fact that Sheboons are the lowest of the low & virtually every foid on this planet mogs them: Not to mention, it will create far more dysgenic off-spawn as opposed to regular White kids or even Hapas or mixed with other race.
Mofos just need to look at Haiti to see what kind of 'civilization' niggers create

That, and virtually every black-majority country on Earth. :feelsjuice:

I would say I hate simps/ cucks/ whiteknights even more, but it's a close one
Real enemies are chads and foids.
:yes: :yes: :yes:

I know I mention my "political"/ideological & racial-realist world views at times, but tbh at the end of the day I would rather we spent more time hating on foids, cucks, etc.
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Well articulated brocel; very well stated. :feelsYall:
Thanks I kinda feel like I needed to write down the exact reasons why I hate them.

I know I mention my "political"/ideological & racial-realist world views at times, but tbh at the end of the day I would rather we spent more time hating on foids, cucks, etc.
To be honest all Chad, Foid, Nig problems have one common root : The Jew.

People in 1920s and 30s didn't spend anytime thinking about their height or looks as most women had realistic expectations and still valued things like a man's character and personal strength. Sure women still probably liked handsome men back then but societal values taught them not to be whore to a man just cause he is good looking. It all started going downhill with the Sexual Revolution in the USA since 70s which was orchestrated by Jews.
Thanks I kinda feel like I needed to write down the exact reasons why I hate them
Very well written I'd say.

To be honest all Chad, Foid, Nig problems have one common root : The Jew.

People in 1920s and 30s didn't spend anytime thinking about their height or looks as most women had realistic expectations and still valued things like a man's character and personal strength. Sure women still probably liked handsome men back then but societal values taught them not to be whore to a man just cause he is good looking. It all started going downhill with the Sexual Revolution in the USA since 70s which was orchestrated by Jews.
Hmmm, this is somewhat true, but we need to also remember that religion really isn't much of an answer to our problems imo: I've been doing some more research, and I've discovered that the whole "trad wife" thing is cope, hence the name "tradcuckery"

Personally, I think what we need is some mix of blackpilled beliefs ingrained into an ideal of Third-Positionism/National Socialism of sorts, which will ensure looksmatched relationships.

But yes, you are right, it stems from the same hooked-nose tribe most issues stem from:
Mofos just need to look at Haiti to see what kind of 'civilization' niggers create
But Conan O'Brien and Steven Colbert said Haiti was beautiful! In response to Trump. So it has to be a paradise, right?
i know some people of my own race that I hate more than niggers

and I usually don't just hate any random person or acquaintance unless its really deserved
And simp normies
people forget how dangerous simps can be. since we are not in compliance with soycial norms, we could get in trouble because of simps
the niggers just want a scapegoat for their culture causing self-destruction. they get a free pass for having behavioral problems because of the murrican victim mindset. As sacred victims, they get to blame whitey for their own lack of a doable family structure.
oh, and fuck you too jews. wanting to take away free speech because of muh victim status.

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