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[Whitepill] Believing in ‘true love’ and the special ability that women can spawn a unique warmth is contributing to your misery. It is no different to a simp.

  • Thread starter CopingForBrutality
  • Start date


Apr 13, 2022
We’ve all at one point had to ask ourselves why we are so miserable, is it a lack of sex? Is it because we don’t get any genuine love? The answer is neither. The actuality is that society’s worship of women is the cause of our suffering, you are most likely guilty of it even though you would not like to believe so. Incels try to distance themselves from normies and think we are not like this, but many here undoubtedly like them, just in different form which I’ll explain later on. When too much fake credit is given to a woman or the female condition, the value of such object is inflated through various forms of mimetic desire causing ample amounts of greed, envy and resentment to be instilled upon our hearts. We compete and compete with other men and are led to believe that it is very attainable, we are told it is a great deal to have, that’s what the bluepillers have told us since we are born but when we realise we can’t attain a promised grandeur we are filled with extreme negative emotions. When our heart has too much of these feelings it is an inevitable creation of a never-ending cycle of constant misery. Eventually, when too many people have this, it causes eventual societal decay.

A common problem users face on this forum is that they are desiring to mimic Chad, we’ve seen him and heard about that guy in books, television and oral accounts but since we are not actually Chad, (un)knowingly trying to mimic him is only going to cause us deep trouble. It is extremely dangerous for us to try to desire something that is unattainable, rare and a façade. It is like a transgender trying to become a female and then wondering why they are so depressed; transgenders have such high suicide rates because they are trying so hard or desiring to become something that they will never be, they are bringing forth pain for no reason.

But since sex is actually a biological need it must be justifiable to have such desires? Attaining sex isn’t the problem, if you are on this forum then it’s likely you're from a country in the Western World, working hard for a year can buy you sex even if you are in a profession that pays little, it will just take longer. If you’re from America, you can buy a plane ticket to the Western European countries for attaining sex. Oh no, but going to prostitutes is cucked though, I will never do such behaviour! But believing that real love exists to a point that women have some magical ability to cure some void in any lonely man’s life, thus artificially inflating the value of foids because of a Hollywood fantasy and making them more hypergamous by believing they have some superhuman ability is NOT THE BEHAVIOUR OF A SIMP AND CUCKOLD? That is more simpworthy and more societally destructive than men going to prostitutes because you are allowing Chad to attain more and more power whilst beta males get less scraps by the year. Prostitution has been there since the dawn of civilisation, yet the amount of cuckery this society is going through is a recent phenomenon. Foid worship is multifolds worse, most incels and normies are guilty of this, it is more damaging to society than visiting a prostitute for sex, it’s not even a comparison.

But..but.. no real love from prostitute sex, I want genuine love. Believing real love exists or the so called ‘real love’ purported by Hollywood is further inflating the fake credit given to the object at hand (foid), we are inflating the foid’s actual value and making ourselves more miserable by believing in that nonsense. You can make an entire thread on proving that ‘real love’ is really just a façade but I’ll cut it short. The modern average relationship isn’t that much better than being an incel when you look at through a realistic unbiased lens, I don't have to prove this, just look at the divorce rates, even if they aren't divorced look at how unfulfilling some people's relationships are, simply a relationship between a man and a women is far more complex than we’d like to believe. It is a combination of factors, some elements being better than an incel and some worse, it has its fair share of both and doesn’t always skews to the positive side. When you average it out, it’s not light years ahead of being an incel. It has its up and downs for sure but the idea that real love or true love (whatever you want to call it) is complete rubbish and a fantasy novel sold by Hollywood, it is as real as Atlantis. Keep in mind not even Chad experiences it otherwise high status men like Tom Brady, the recent Morrocan footballer and Johnny Depp would be completely immune to getting cucked, the closest concept of true love you can experience is the small window of the honeymoon phase which eventually dims quickly as time passes. You will just become too used to the relationship and be back to where you started, it is not true contentment. Here is a thread and article on it.

Furthermore, the concept of "warmth of a woman" is a misguided belief that many incels hold. The idea that a woman can provide a unique warmth and comfort is a myth that has been perpetuated by society and the media, it is blatant foid worship and simping to a whole other level. Believing that foids have the personality or characteristic of some superhero/mythical creature to cure the emptiness inside you or has some unique property is cucked. The idea of a biological desire for a woman's warmth is incorrect anyways, it is not the same as the biological motherly instinct given to a child or father to better his children, it is a mimetic desire because you are trying to copy the desire society has placed upon you, the valid biological desire we have with women is attaining sex or motherly love, the former is easy to access because I’ve shown you how to do it earlier. Men do not need a woman's warmth to live a fulfilling life because it is not a biological desire, it is mimetic desire, only sex and motherly love is biological desire. Besides, we have the capacity to experience warmth and comfort (copes) from many other desires such as friendships, family, pets, video games and unique food.

tldr; Be realistic about the ability of a positive life change foids can bring to your life, don’t inflate their values by attaching non-human abilities like the simps you despise and your inceldom will result in much less misery.
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Genuinely brutal. I read something similar to this which is what blackpilled me forever.
I remember back when I was 15 I coped so hard by pretending like I'm saving my first kiss for someone special
without realising that I completed my entire school life HOPING the day would come and it never did.
Great post brocel, take care.
Brutal whitepill, indeed.
Brutal whitepill, indeed.
It's more lifefuel than brutal I'd say, it should give some hope to people that if indeed true love is a façade concept used to inflate foid value then we have less to envy about.
Much rather the warmth of a woman than a man nigga. I don't think it's a hollywood thing only, we humans have an innate desire to seek out a partner and mate with them, we're not very far off from animals nigga.
Yeah, we have a biological instinct for sex. I explained that. You think mammals give a fuck about caring about the love of a foid? True love is a bullshit concept, it's mimetic and not biological.
There has been quite a few studies done showing the long term effects of loneliness, it's not like it's an unnatural thing
Loneliness Matters: A Theoretical and Empirical Review of Consequences and Mechanisms
The complexity of loneliness
Long term effects of loneliness because everyone overhypes the importance of it through credit inflation, I just explained that too.
On the contrary I'd attribute the artificial inflation of whore smv to dating apps and other forms of media like cuckstagram and chinktok
Wanting Hollywood style love is cucked, dating apps is a result of everyone believing in that fairytale, it was a predecessor of its creation, blame the root cause not just the invention.
This is basically like saying "money doesn't make you happy" to a guy working minimum wage. You can get used to good things and take them for granted, but someone making €100k a year is still going to be happier than someone making €15k a year.

The real value of females isn't even "love" or "warmth", it's the ability to give you children. There is nothing else in life that can act as a substitute for having children.
This is basically like saying "money doesn't make you happy" to a guy working minimum wage. You can get used to good things and take them for granted
Money is a different concept. It's a need because you MUST HAVE it to live, it can be argued to some extent it is not a memetic desire up to a certain point but a biological will to live.
but someone making €100k a year is still going to be happier than someone making €15k a year.
Yes there was a study done on how earning more money increases happiness, but it stagnates and the effects are negligible after a certain point, I think the value was $120k.
The real value of females isn't even "love" or "warmth", it's the ability to give you children.
Most people here complain about the love thing, I haven't seen much people complaining about not having children, I guess because it's something you think about afterwards if you get a foid in the first place.
There is nothing else in life that can act as a substitute for having children.
You want to reproduce as a potential sub5 man? Also I don't care about "continuing my bloodline", it's a masturbatory concept to feel some pride from an achievement since there's so much collective societal value to it. If you really cared about that potential kid and not your masturbatory urges for pride I'd either be buying eggs from a tall attractive woman and getting a kid from there or not reproducing at all.

There's no 'winner' in life because everyone will meet the same end, individuals may have different experiences of various accomplishments and fulfilments but death being the greatest equaliser and the end result to those long chain of events make it clear to me that I shouldn't care too much if I don't meet a certain societal standard. I'll try as much as I can in the moment to better myself, but with that try to minimise how sad I'll be if I don't meet a certain collective societal standard (in this case having children). Knowing death is the greatest equaliser is a beautiful comfort.
Lust is the closest thing to "true love", and is only accessible to a single digit percentage of men. Anything else is pure cope. Over.
Yes there was a study done on how earning more money increases happiness, but it stagnates and the effects are negligible after a certain point, I think the value was $120k.
I know of that study and that's why I chose 15k and 100k. We know there will be a difference in happiness between the two.
Also I don't care about "continuing my bloodline", it's a masturbatory concept to feel some pride from an achievement since there's so much collective societal value to it.
Let's set aside the intellectual masturbation concepts like bloodline and legacy.
There is nothing more emotionally satisfying than seeing your children be born and grow up.
(Obviously I don't know from personal experience, but it's easy to see how happy people are with their children.)
And almost everything we do is for emotional satisfaction. You made this thread to get some sort of emotional satisfaction. You spend time with family, friends and pets for emotional satisfaction. You play video games for emotional satisfaction.

It might be selfish, but how can you fault me for wanting to reproduce?
If you really cared about that potential kid and not your masturbatory urges for pride I'd either be buying eggs from a tall attractive woman and getting a kid from there or not reproducing at all.
Have you ever looked up how expensive it is to buy eggs? It basically confirms that the real value of females is in their reproductive capability, JFL.
The cost of the eggs + cost of the surrogacy combined is such that you might as well just do it the old-fashioned way.
You want to reproduce as a potential sub5 man? Also I don't care about "continuing my bloodline", it's a masturbatory concept to feel some pride from an achievement since there's so much collective societal value to it. If you really cared about that potential kid and not your masturbatory urges for pride I'd either be buying eggs from a tall attractive woman and getting a kid from there or not reproducing at all.

There's no 'winner' in life because everyone will meet the same end, individuals may have different experiences of various accomplishments and fulfilments but death being the greatest equaliser and the end result to those long chain of events make it clear to me that I shouldn't care too much if I don't meet a certain societal standard. I'll try as much as I can in the moment to better myself, but with that try to minimise how sad I'll be if I don't meet a certain collective societal standard (in this case having children). Knowing death is the greatest equaliser is a beautiful comfort.
I know of that study and that's why I chose 15k and 100k. We know there will be a difference in happiness between the two.

Let's set aside the intellectual masturbation concepts like bloodline and legacy.
There is nothing more emotionally satisfying than seeing your children be born and grow up.
(Obviously I don't know from personal experience, but it's easy to see how happy people are with their children.)
How do you know it will be the best emotional satisfaction to exist and even if true it's not guaranteed, it's all a chance just like a relationship, there's a decent chance the situation could turn more sour than being an incel. Imagine raising a slut daughter or a dumb son I'd rather just die alone than have more liabilities like that. Of course I shouldn't use the bad situation to make my case but I don't think it's the best emotional satisfaction in the world because I look my own family and reflect upon that; it's possible you had a great upbringing.

You've idealised something because it's something society's has placed as glamourous and you prize that experience. It's not biological though which makes it fine for me, it can't make me feel crazy without it all of a sudden like sex would, most mammals just fuck and don't care about anything else, nuclear families are not present in most species. Your argument may be humans are more sophisticated than that and that's why we have a complex family structure but you could make the argument for the opposite case, if we are in an incel-like situation we can think beyond, realise where our desires stem from and make peace with that.
And almost everything we do is for emotional satisfaction. You made this thread to get some sort of emotional satisfaction. You spend time with family, friends and pets for emotional satisfaction. You play video games for emotional satisfaction.
Sometimes we have to do things we hate to get ahead. We have to suppress emotional, gustatory, physical and all the types of masturbation there is to get ahead in life, this is what differentiates us from other species. I get what you mean though, in your limited free time, it's mostly spent on masturbatory activates.
It might be selfish, but how can you fault me for wanting to reproduce?
It's up to you, but I think you may be less miserable if you didn't have the burning desire for it
Have you ever looked up how expensive it is to buy eggs? It basically confirms that the real value of females is in their reproductive capability, JFL.
The cost of the eggs + cost of the surrogacy combined is such that you might as well just do it the old-fashioned way.
Yeah I knew the prices, and unless I was rich I wouldn't reproduce. It's expensive because of the medical procedures involved not the value of the female
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It might be selfish, but how can you fault me for wanting to reproduce?
I don't think he is faulting you for wanting to reproduce. He is saying that he thinks that "wanting to reproduce" is merely a cope which hides the desire for validation.

In nature, the need to reproduce is taken care of by sexual desire. We don't have a specific "wanting to have offspring" instinct on top of that. Therefore, the idea that we "want offspring" is a cultural idea which is sensible in certain contexts (a medieval noble who wants an heir, etc) but not in ours. We do not really have a desire for offspring unless we make is a facade for some other desire we want to hide. Here it hides the usual female worship need for "validation".
don't care about movie romance shit*
Excellent thread. I came to the same conclusion recently
Lust is the closest thing to "true love", and is only accessible to a single digit percentage of men. Anything else is pure cope. Over.
Fair enough.

This is basically like saying "money doesn't make you happy" to a guy working minimum wage. You can get used to good things and take them for granted, but someone making €100k a year is still going to be happier than someone making €15k a year.

The real value of females isn't even "love" or "warmth", it's the ability to give you children. There is nothing else in life that can act as a substitute for having children.
Money solves problems. That's a different thing. It can make you content or glad and comfortable, relaxed. But "Happiness" as a permanent condition is a bullshit state of mind that will leave you lower than before if you try to maintain it.
Money solves problems. That's a different thing. It can make you content or glad and comfortable, relaxed. But "Happiness" as a permanent condition is a bullshit state of mind that will leave you lower than before if you try to maintain it.
I had contentment in mind when talking about happiness in this context.
If you can accept that money can increase your level of happiness, but having children can't, then JFL.
Your value as a human being is directly tied to your attractiveness in the eyes of women. So realistically you can't cope your way out of it. And yes, the most valuable thing about a women is that they can allow you to have sex with them.

The reality tho that "love" or at least something close to it, is only attaineable to attractive humans. They will get the affection and sex from women while others will not, maybe some normies will get it for a while and then when the honeymoon phase or chad comes around the misery part will come.

There's a grand cope going around here that somehow normies have it worse than us. What you people dont take into account is that even tho normies get finantially ruined by being divorce raped, having a lot of children and getting cheated on. They still continue seeking girlfriends and women in general. Why is that? Why being so foolish? Well that's because, it's that great to have a woman partner it seems.

You can live a fulfilling life as an incel, there's no doubt. But let's not cope ourselves alright. Also there's nothing worse in this world but knowing that you cannot get something just because of a lack of luck, there was nothing you dd that could alter your fate.
Prostitutes can't replace a 'normal' female.
I don't have a much experience with prostitutes. Still, I came to some conclusions from visiting a few escorts and seeing prostitutes on the streets.
Average not old woman naturally smells better than prostitute. Smell is extremely important for development of affection.
The fact that escorts often need to scam their photos shows that many of them aren't even attractive ( and probably rarely any of them have voluptuous body ).
I visited 3 prostitutes. Today I has a meeting with my sister's family and we walked a bit outside. So I have seen 3 random females just in a short period of time which I would choose any time over 3 prostitutes I visited.
The first one ( of the females I have seen today ) was nothing special. Somehow chubby, rather short but had some tits and looked fertile.
The second wasn't curvy but she was slim, good-looking and had gorgeous long hair.
The third had a very nice ball-like big tits. This alone makes her highly desirable.
So if 3 random women I meet while walking outside have a bigger sexual appeal than 3 prostitutes I visited makes you think about nature of prostitution.
Prostitutes, since they are seen as 'priestesses of love', ought to be more attractive and sexually desirable than random women you can see on the streets.
The way prostitutes write on escort sites or just online makes many of them highly unappealing. They are either rude, angry, demanding, or too self-absorbed ( like 'I'm the best choice you could find, blah-blah-blah ).
Only some of them sound decent.
Prostitutes can't replace a 'normal' female.
I don't have a much experience with prostitutes. Still, I came to some conclusions from visiting a few escorts and seeing prostitutes on the streets.
Average not old woman naturally smells better than prostitute. Smell is extremely important for development of affection.
The fact that escorts often need to scam their photos shows that many of them aren't even attractive ( and probably rarely any of them have voluptuous body ).
I visited 3 prostitutes. Today I has a meeting with my sister's family and we walked a bit outside. So I have seen 3 random females just in a short period of time which I would choose any time over 3 prostitutes I visited.
The first one ( of the females I have seen today ) was nothing special. Somehow chubby, rather short but had some tits and looked fertile.
The second wasn't curvy but she was slim, good-looking and had gorgeous long hair.
The third had a very nice ball-like big tits. This alone makes her highly desirable.
So if 3 random women I meet while walking outside have a bigger sexual appeal than 3 prostitutes I visited makes you think about nature of prostitution.
Prostitutes, since they are seen as 'priestesses of love', ought to be more attractive and sexually desirable than random women you can see on the streets.
The way prostitutes write on escort sites or just online makes many of them highly unappealing. They are either rude, angry, demanding, or too self-absorbed ( like 'I'm the best choice you could find, blah-blah-blah ).
Only some of them sound decent.

Legalizing postitution is the only way to take out the only thing women have to offer: their holes. Realistically speaking, that's the best thing that could be done to solve the male sexless problem. I'm not only talking about us here, but also all the soycucks who are stuck in a dead bedroom relationship etc...

There's no way to solve foids hypergamy, cause let's be honest we're never gonna put all chads into concentration camps, ban internet, have peoples getting forcefully married, or have brainships implanted into everyone's brain to monitor whatever the fuck they're doing.

And religion ain't making a comeback either.
This is much better.
I remember back when I was 15 I coped so hard by pretending like I'm saving my first kiss for someone special

I cannot. I have amnesia.
Legalizing postitution is the only way to take out the only thing women have to offer: their holes. Realistically speaking, that's the best thing that could be done to solve the male sexless problem. I'm not only talking about us here, but also all the soycucks who are stuck in a dead bedroom relationship etc...

There's no way to solve foids hypergamy, cause let's be honest we're never gonna put all chads into concentration camps, ban internet, have peoples getting forcefully married, or have brainships implanted into everyone's brain to monitor whatever the fuck they're doing.

And religion ain't making a comeback either.
I'm against fraud.
If you pay for sex with one woman ( on pics ) but really you encounter other, this is a fraud and highly disrespectful.
The real white pill (for a blackpilled normie) would be to just appreceate how a woman's love makes his dumb body feel great.

In the ideal case he is not trying to constantly think about the blackpill, but he also disconnects from all the cuck phantasies that his brain will immediately spawn when he thinks about the future with a specific woman.

But he can still enjoy her love and warmth. Even though it is completely conditional on the fact that he has desirable genes. This will also make him automatically act like a high value man as the redpillers would say. Because he won't idealize her in his mind, he will just live in the moment and enjoy her love towards him. When she acts like a whore he will discipline her without hesitation.

It's kind of like being on a drug. You enjoy the feeling, but your brain won't start idealizing the drug and dream about how perfect and innocent that drug is. Same with women.
I had contentment in mind when talking about happiness in this context.
If you can accept that money can increase your level of happiness, but having children can't, then JFL.
Not not jfl. Money solves problems, that can provide comfort. Happiness is a total bullshit concept. It's really code for being "High" and insulting everyone and having them insult you and have it all be acceptable and okay. If you meant contentment then fine, but if you need a foid + children for that, you are screwed.

I'm not saying that in the past having a wife and kids would be a sign of success and therefore content/happy mood cycles, but it's clear that shit ain't what it's all about anymore so, best to let it go.
We’ve all at one point had to ask ourselves why we are so miserable, is it a lack of sex? Is it because we don’t get any genuine love? The answer is neither. The actuality is that society’s worship of women is the cause of our suffering, you are most likely guilty of it even though you would not like to believe so. Incels try to distance themselves from normies and think we are not like this, but many here undoubtedly like them, just in different form which I’ll explain later on. When too much fake credit is given to a woman or the female condition, the value of such object is inflated through various forms of mimetic desire causing ample amounts of greed, envy and resentment to be instilled upon our hearts. We compete and compete with other men and are led to believe that it is very attainable, we are told it is a great deal to have, that’s what the bluepillers have told us since we are born but when we realise we can’t attain a promised grandeur we are filled with extreme negative emotions. When our heart has too much of these feelings it is an inevitable creation of a never-ending cycle of constant misery. Eventually, when too many people have this, it causes eventual societal decay.

A common problem users face on this forum is that they are desiring to mimic Chad, we’ve seen him and heard about that guy in books, television and oral accounts but since we are not actually Chad, (un)knowingly trying to mimic him is only going to cause us deep trouble. It is extremely dangerous for us to try to desire something that is unattainable, rare and a façade. It is like a transgender trying to become a female and then wondering why they are so depressed; transgenders have such high suicide rates because they are trying so hard or desiring to become something that they will never be, they are bringing forth pain for no reason.

But since sex is actually a biological need it must be justifiable to have such desires? Attaining sex isn’t the problem, if you are on this forum then it’s likely you're from a country in the Western World, working hard for a year can buy you sex even if you are in a profession that pays little, it will just take longer. If you’re from America, you can buy a plane ticket to the Western European countries for attaining sex. Oh no, but going to prostitutes is cucked though, I will never do such behaviour! But believing that real love exists to a point that women have some magical ability to cure some void in any lonely man’s life, thus artificially inflating the value of foids because of a Hollywood fantasy and making them more hypergamous by believing they have some superhuman ability is NOT THE BEHAVIOUR OF A SIMP AND CUCKOLD? That is more simpworthy and more societally destructive than men going to prostitutes because you are allowing Chad to attain more and more power whilst beta males get less scraps by the year. Prostitution has been there since the dawn of civilisation, yet the amount of cuckery this society is going through is a recent phenomenon. Foid worship is multifolds worse, most incels and normies are guilty of this, it is more damaging to society than visiting a prostitute for sex, it’s not even a comparison.

But..but.. no real love from prostitute sex, I want genuine love. Believing real love exists or the so called ‘real love’ purported by Hollywood is further inflating the fake credit given to the object at hand (foid), we are inflating the foid’s actual value and making ourselves more miserable by believing in that nonsense. You can make an entire thread on proving that ‘real love’ is really just a façade but I’ll cut it short. The modern average relationship isn’t that much better than being an incel when you look at through a realistic unbiased lens, I don't have to prove this, just look at the divorce rates, even if they aren't divorced look at how unfulfilling some people's relationships are, simply a relationship between a man and a women is far more complex than we’d like to believe. It is a combination of factors, some elements being better than an incel and some worse, it has its fair share of both and doesn’t always skews to the positive side. When you average it out, it’s not light years ahead of being an incel. It has its up and downs for sure but the idea that real love or true love (whatever you want to call it) is complete rubbish and a fantasy novel sold by Hollywood, it is as real as Atlantis. Keep in mind not even Chad experiences it otherwise high status men like Tom Brady, the recent Morrocan footballer and Johnny Depp would be completely immune to getting cucked, the closest concept of true love you can experience is the small window of the honeymoon phase which eventually dims quickly as time passes. You will just become too used to the relationship and be back to where you started, it is not true contentment. Here is a thread and article on it.

Furthermore, the concept of "warmth of a woman" is a misguided belief that many incels hold. The idea that a woman can provide a unique warmth and comfort is a myth that has been perpetuated by society and the media, it is blatant foid worship and simping to a whole other level. Believing that foids have the personality or characteristic of some superhero/mythical creature to cure the emptiness inside you or has some unique property is cucked. The idea of a biological desire for a woman's warmth is incorrect anyways, it is not the same as the biological motherly instinct given to a child or father to better his children, it is a mimetic desire because you are trying to copy the desire society has placed upon you, the valid biological desire we have with women is attaining sex or motherly love, the former is easy to access because I’ve shown you how to do it earlier. Men do not need a woman's warmth to live a fulfilling life because it is not a biological desire, it is mimetic desire, only sex and motherly love is biological desire. Besides, we have the capacity to experience warmth and comfort (copes) from many other desires such as friendships, family, pets, video games and unique food.

tldr; Be realistic about the ability of a positive life change foids can bring to your life, don’t inflate their values by attaching non-human abilities like the simps you despise and your inceldom will result in much less misery.
It's depressing how true this is.
We’ve all at one point had to ask ourselves why we are so miserable, is it a lack of sex? Is it because we don’t get any genuine love? The answer is neither. The actuality is that society’s worship of women is the cause of our suffering, you are most likely guilty of it even though you would not like to believe so. Incels try to distance themselves from normies and think we are not like this, but many here undoubtedly like them, just in different form which I’ll explain later on. When too much fake credit is given to a woman or the female condition, the value of such object is inflated through various forms of mimetic desire causing ample amounts of greed, envy and resentment to be instilled upon our hearts. We compete and compete with other men and are led to believe that it is very attainable, we are told it is a great deal to have, that’s what the bluepillers have told us since we are born but when we realise we can’t attain a promised grandeur we are filled with extreme negative emotions. When our heart has too much of these feelings it is an inevitable creation of a never-ending cycle of constant misery. Eventually, when too many people have this, it causes eventual societal decay.

A common problem users face on this forum is that they are desiring to mimic Chad, we’ve seen him and heard about that guy in books, television and oral accounts but since we are not actually Chad, (un)knowingly trying to mimic him is only going to cause us deep trouble. It is extremely dangerous for us to try to desire something that is unattainable, rare and a façade. It is like a transgender trying to become a female and then wondering why they are so depressed; transgenders have such high suicide rates because they are trying so hard or desiring to become something that they will never be, they are bringing forth pain for no reason.

But since sex is actually a biological need it must be justifiable to have such desires? Attaining sex isn’t the problem, if you are on this forum then it’s likely you're from a country in the Western World, working hard for a year can buy you sex even if you are in a profession that pays little, it will just take longer. If you’re from America, you can buy a plane ticket to the Western European countries for attaining sex. Oh no, but going to prostitutes is cucked though, I will never do such behaviour! But believing that real love exists to a point that women have some magical ability to cure some void in any lonely man’s life, thus artificially inflating the value of foids because of a Hollywood fantasy and making them more hypergamous by believing they have some superhuman ability is NOT THE BEHAVIOUR OF A SIMP AND CUCKOLD? That is more simpworthy and more societally destructive than men going to prostitutes because you are allowing Chad to attain more and more power whilst beta males get less scraps by the year. Prostitution has been there since the dawn of civilisation, yet the amount of cuckery this society is going through is a recent phenomenon. Foid worship is multifolds worse, most incels and normies are guilty of this, it is more damaging to society than visiting a prostitute for sex, it’s not even a comparison.

But..but.. no real love from prostitute sex, I want genuine love. Believing real love exists or the so called ‘real love’ purported by Hollywood is further inflating the fake credit given to the object at hand (foid), we are inflating the foid’s actual value and making ourselves more miserable by believing in that nonsense. You can make an entire thread on proving that ‘real love’ is really just a façade but I’ll cut it short. The modern average relationship isn’t that much better than being an incel when you look at through a realistic unbiased lens, I don't have to prove this, just look at the divorce rates, even if they aren't divorced look at how unfulfilling some people's relationships are, simply a relationship between a man and a women is far more complex than we’d like to believe. It is a combination of factors, some elements being better than an incel and some worse, it has its fair share of both and doesn’t always skews to the positive side. When you average it out, it’s not light years ahead of being an incel. It has its up and downs for sure but the idea that real love or true love (whatever you want to call it) is complete rubbish and a fantasy novel sold by Hollywood, it is as real as Atlantis. Keep in mind not even Chad experiences it otherwise high status men like Tom Brady, the recent Morrocan footballer and Johnny Depp would be completely immune to getting cucked, the closest concept of true love you can experience is the small window of the honeymoon phase which eventually dims quickly as time passes. You will just become too used to the relationship and be back to where you started, it is not true contentment. Here is a thread and article on it.

Furthermore, the concept of "warmth of a woman" is a misguided belief that many incels hold. The idea that a woman can provide a unique warmth and comfort is a myth that has been perpetuated by society and the media, it is blatant foid worship and simping to a whole other level. Believing that foids have the personality or characteristic of some superhero/mythical creature to cure the emptiness inside you or has some unique property is cucked. The idea of a biological desire for a woman's warmth is incorrect anyways, it is not the same as the biological motherly instinct given to a child or father to better his children, it is a mimetic desire because you are trying to copy the desire society has placed upon you, the valid biological desire we have with women is attaining sex or motherly love, the former is easy to access because I’ve shown you how to do it earlier. Men do not need a woman's warmth to live a fulfilling life because it is not a biological desire, it is mimetic desire, only sex and motherly love is biological desire. Besides, we have the capacity to experience warmth and comfort (copes) from many other desires such as friendships, family, pets, video games and unique food.

tldr; Be realistic about the ability of a positive life change foids can bring to your life, don’t inflate their values by attaching non-human abilities like the simps you despise and your inceldom will result in much less misery.
>true love
normkikes who say that true love is a thing then why isn't there a single fucking person who stayed together with this true love for the rest of their lives, and even if there was such thing that was prolly only possible to achieve prior to the 2000's, it is a cucked generation now.
That's like saying you should not desire candies as a diabetescel because they're bad for you and have no transcending value.

OIP 40

That's like saying you should not desire candies as a diabetescel because they're bad for you and have no transcending value.

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This is sillier logic. Yes you desire the woman and the fine chocolate. The reality is you can have one but not the other, so you need to remove all the religious haze which surrounds the other from you brain, otherwise you will suffer.
The real white pill (for a blackpilled normie) would be to just appreceate how a woman's love makes his dumb body feel great.

In the ideal case he is not trying to constantly think about the blackpill, but he also disconnects from all the cuck phantasies that his brain will immediately spawn when he thinks about the future with a specific woman.

But he can still enjoy her love and warmth. Even though it is completely conditional on the fact that he has desirable genes. This will also make him automatically act like a high value man as the redpillers would say. Because he won't idealize her in his mind, he will just live in the moment and enjoy her love towards him. When she acts like a whore he will discipline her without hesitation.

It's kind of like being on a drug. You enjoy the feeling, but your brain won't start idealizing the drug and dream about how perfect and innocent that drug is. Same with women.
You can only "enjoy" the drug if your life is more or less going the right direction. After a while the drug is useless. If you are prevented from going the direction of "love and warmth" from a foid for reason of being a dalit (Incel) then you must purge this desire from the brain. Otherwise, suffer !
I'm against fraud.
If you pay for sex with one woman ( on pics ) but really you encounter other, this is a fraud and highly disrespectful.
Yes. So then forgo prostitution.
Prostitutes can't replace a 'normal' female.
I don't have a much experience with prostitutes. Still, I came to some conclusions from visiting a few escorts and seeing prostitutes on the streets.
Average not old woman naturally smells better than prostitute. Smell is extremely important for development of affection.
The fact that escorts often need to scam their photos shows that many of them aren't even attractive ( and probably rarely any of them have voluptuous body ).
I visited 3 prostitutes. Today I has a meeting with my sister's family and we walked a bit outside. So I have seen 3 random females just in a short period of time which I would choose any time over 3 prostitutes I visited.
The first one ( of the females I have seen today ) was nothing special. Somehow chubby, rather short but had some tits and looked fertile.
The second wasn't curvy but she was slim, good-looking and had gorgeous long hair.
The third had a very nice ball-like big tits. This alone makes her highly desirable.
So if 3 random women I meet while walking outside have a bigger sexual appeal than 3 prostitutes I visited makes you think about nature of prostitution.
Prostitutes, since they are seen as 'priestesses of love', ought to be more attractive and sexually desirable than random women you can see on the streets.
The way prostitutes write on escort sites or just online makes many of them highly unappealing. They are either rude, angry, demanding, or too self-absorbed ( like 'I'm the best choice you could find, blah-blah-blah ).
Only some of them sound decent.
It's true that the pick of the litter isn't great and for many men being with a foid naturally gives better arousal. However and again, the Incel situation is what it is. If you don't meet the requirements for the temple, then they wont allow you inside, how will you cope with this. Prostitution is just one suggested method so you can see how "sex-having" is and then to get over it eventually.
Not not jfl. Money solves problems, that can provide comfort. Happiness is a total bullshit concept. It's really code for being "High" and insulting everyone and having them insult you and have it all be acceptable and okay. If you meant contentment then fine, but if you need a foid + children for that, you are screwed.

I'm not saying that in the past having a wife and kids would be a sign of success and therefore content/happy mood cycles, but it's clear that shit ain't what it's all about anymore so, best to let it go.
The mind is literally wired not to let you be content without that. If it was that easy, humans would have gone extinct a long time ago.
The mind is literally wired not to let you be content without that. If it was that easy, humans would have gone extinct a long time ago.
No! The mind is not "wired" for any of that. Yes procreation and then teaching lessons to younger humans is something Man does, but it's not "wired" to do so to the point of not being able to function if you can't have smaller humans. The brain/body does however have strong desires towards needing to be social and give affection/teaching. And this part of the brain can be stimulated and satisfied by having dogs or being a teacher in a school or in other ways. I know. Believe me, I'm an Incel, and I've done exactly that. I'm doing that right now.
This is sillier logic. Yes you desire the woman and the fine chocolate. The reality is you can have one but not the other, so you need to remove all the religious haze which surrounds the other from you brain, otherwise you will suffer.

You can only "enjoy" the drug if your life is more or less going the right direction. After a while the drug is useless. If you are prevented from going the direction of "love and warmth" from a foid for reason of being a dalit (Incel) then you must purge this desire from the brain. Otherwise, suffer !

Yes. So then forgo prostitution.

It's true that the pick of the litter isn't great and for many men being with a foid naturally gives better arousal. However and again, the Incel situation is what it is. If you don't meet the requirements for the temple, then they wont allow you inside, how will you cope with this. Prostitution is just one suggested method so you can see how "sex-having" is and then to get over it eventually.
No, the diabetescel can't have candies or he'll die that's why I made a parallel. Cravings are visceral feelings that don't give a shit about rationality. You can stop desiring a relationship with actual women cause you despise what they really are but you can't free yourself from the hunger for the idea of love, the longing for intimacy, cuddles, feeling safe and serene. That's like saying that a guy surrounded by salty water should stop desiring drinkable water cause the only available one is salty. It's a non sequitur.
Cope. Foids can love Chad
No, the diabetescel can't have candies or he'll die that's why I made a parallel. Cravings are visceral feelings that don't give a shit about rationality. You can stop desiring a relationship with actual women cause you despise what they really are but you can't free yourself from the hunger for the idea of love, the longing for intimacy, cuddles, feeling safe and serene. That's like saying that a guy surrounded by salty water should stop desiring drinkable water cause the only available one is salty. It's a non sequitur.
It is a sequitur, you just have to twist your brain according to a different mental yoga. I'm telling you tha"hunger for the idea of Love" is mostly non-existent for most men. The only reason you think that you value this is because of the religious haze that movies and television have built up in your head and supported by your social networks, or at least by the ones you want to have.

This is the direction OP @CopingForBrutality was headed in and this is what I've specifically mentioned now as the reason. You have been tricked into THINKING that you crave these things very badly, and you can just as easily stop imitating this desire of other.

Well okay, I'll be honest, it's not "easy' but it is easier than accepting many other things that might come at you in life.
All arguments heard here were decent, but in the end; Desire them and suffer - OR - Recognise your desire is an imitation and learn to forgo it, (or at least try), what's your pick fellas?
It is a sequitur, you just have to twist your brain according to a different mental yoga. I'm telling you tha"hunger for the idea of Love" is mostly non-existent for most men. The only reason you think that you value this is because of the religious haze that movies and television have built up in your head and supported by your social networks, or at least by the ones you want to have.

This is the direction OP @CopingForBrutality was headed in and this is what I've specifically mentioned now as the reason. You have been tricked into THINKING that you crave these things very badly, and you can just as easily stop imitating this desire of other.

Well okay, I'll be honest, it's not "easy' but it is easier than accepting many other things that might come at you in life.
It's not, it's something physical and honestly wtf? Just twist your brain? Yoga? Tricked would not explain why this forum exists at all. I never liked love movies. I developed my feelings just by being not a robot.
All arguments heard here were decent, but in the end; Desire them and suffer - OR - Recognise your desire is an imitation and learn to forgo it, (or at least try), what's your pick fellas?
The latter is the obvious choice if there is even a choice. None of us will be worse off even if we fail, so this is a great cope at the very least.
It's not, it's something physical and honestly wtf? Just twist your brain? Yoga? Tricked would not explain why this forum exists at all. I never liked love movies. I developed my feelings just by being not a robot.
No you don't understand what I'm saying. That's not meant to be an explanation for why this forum exists. Although that can also be discussed if you wish and I'll tell you why I believe it exists. Regardless, you are barking up the wrong tree of you think that your desires (don't use the word "feelings" it's too vague and bullshitty) are soley of your own original makeup and spontaneous!

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No you don't understand what I'm saying. That's not meant to be an explanation for why this forum exists. Although that can also be discussed if you wish and I'll tell you why I believe it exists. Regardless, you are barking up the wrong tree of you think that your desires (don't use the word feelings it's too vague and bullshitty) are your own.

So basically solitude and longing for affection and warmth aren't human feelings but brainwashing?
The latter is the obvious choice if there is even a choice. None of us will be worse off even if we fail, so this is a great cope at the very least.
Well. The way you have to look at it is that your have your health. Even that can be taken away, and so one should not use exaggerations to describe their Inceldom experience. These users who do it like wereq make me sick. They represent the worst that linguistics has to offer.
Well. The way you have to look at it is that your have your health. Even that can be taken away, and so one should not use exaggerations to describe their Inceldom experience. These users who do it like wereq make me sick. They represent the worst that linguistics has to offer.
So basically solitude and longing for affection and warmth aren't human feelings but brainwashing?
Yes. Not the "longing for affection" part. You are putting that in. There are many ways to fill that need. I have canines, they give me a lot more "affection" and satisfaction in that category than I feel from fucking and kissing a prostitute. Fucking a prostitute is just so I can say I've done this, have the feeling and hold my head up for a time, it isn't the driving force of my confidence.

Furthermore - it's not the longing for affection part as brainwashing. It's the fact that you think that fulfillment of that affection criteria can only be achieved by the relationship with pretty foid. Thats the brainwashing. You believe this because everyone else believes it and they have been dangling it in front of your face for a century. It doesn't matter that you were born recently the inscription is there inside all of us.

You want to go inside the temple so badly, but they won't let you in. What are you going to do?

I have big problems with some of your conclusions here. Other statements are reasonable. For example, about mid way through you wrote "getting struck by a bus is worse...but that's besides the point ..etc" No! It's NOT besides the point !
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Yes. Not the "longing for affection" part. You are putting that in. There are many ways to fill that need. I have canines, they give me a lot more "affection" and satisfaction in that category than I feel from fucking and kissing a prostitute. Fucking a prostitute is just so I can say I've done this, have the feeling and hold my head up for a time, it isn't the driving force of my confidence.

Furthermore - it's not the longing for affection part as brainwashing. It's the fact that you think that fulfillment of that affection criteria can only be achieved by the relationship with pretty foid. Thats the brainwashing. You believe this because everyone else believes it and they have been dangling it in front of your face for a century. It doesn't matter that you were born recently the inscription is there inside all of us.

You want to go inside the temple so badly, but they won't let you in. What are you going to do?

I cuddle with my cats everyday, still seems to me you're saying "stop thirsting for water, you have food". Two different kinds of longings.

I'll destroy the temple and everyone inside.
I have big problems with some of your conclusions here. Other statements are reasonable. For example, about mid way through you wrote "getting struck by a bus is worse...but that's besides the point ..etc" No! It's NOT besides the point !
Why? Does losing your legs make you lose faith in humans? Two different kinds of pain. Ofc losing your legs is worse that was clarified immediately.
I cuddle with my cats everyday, still seems to me you're saying "stop thirsting for water, you have food". Two different kinds of longings.
"Cats". Imo this is the problem. Dogs are different. It's a heavier responsibility and payoff. You think they are two different kinds at the moment. You need to merge them eventually.
I'll destroy the temple and everyone inside.
This is terrorism if done in a borish way. It won't help. Destroying the temple has to be done slowly, like the Christians did. But now even they are pro Temple of Stacy and Temple of Chad.
Why? Does losing your legs make you lose faith in humans?
It can. Added on top of your already lost faith, absolutely.
It's not, it's something physical and honestly wtf? Just twist your brain? Yoga? Tricked would not explain why this forum exists at all. I never liked love movies. I developed my feelings just by being not a robot.
Feelings are fine, but you don't need to be watching love movies or reading romance novels to be conditioned to believe that there is a special kind of warmth that a female offers which is non-existent everywhere else. Believing that means you have been brainwashed. Just by living in this century we are unknowingly forced into believing it, go on Instagram and see the facades Chads/Stacies are putting out. We ourselves may fall victim to the cycle, normies always question what they have while perceiving others' as flawless and as a response trying to make themselves seem flawless, it's an ongoing cycle that affects everyone. Even when you have conversations with colleagues it mirrors this pattern, as everyone is trying to seek validation whilst at the same time trying to show how perfect they are. When we go outside and see couples kissing and holding hands we immediately are struck with envy trying to paint a picture perfect scenario but in reality that's far from the truth, by having envy you are worshipping the female because you are getting mad at a scenario that doesn't even exist. By displaying affection in public whilst knowing that it really isn't like that behind closed doors is trying to fool everyone outside and themselves ultimately leading to an illogical worship of the female form by both the person who is envious and the person committing the act. These are just some examples of why almost everyone worships females, there's too many to list but I think you get the point.

Once you realise everyone is trying to worship the female because people think its inherit unique properties is not offered anywhere else (and you figured out that's bullshit) you can cease the worship of it.
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"Cats". Imo this is the problem. Dogs are different. It's a heavier responsibility and payoff. You think they are two different kinds at the moment. You need to merge them eventually.

This is terrorism if done in a borish way. It won't help. Destroying the temple has to be done slowly, like the Christians did. But now even they are pro Temple of Stacy and Temple of Chad.

It can. Added on top of your already lost faith, absolutely.
I had dogs too, less cuddly but more " friends ". Dogs want to play WITH you, cats want to be adored BY you. Animals in general are keeping me from going literally on oxytocin deprivation coma.

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