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Ban Discussion Megathread

Free @CruxGammata Free @Johnhatenigger12 they dindu nuffin nigga fuck 12 fuck da jannies #IncelLivesMatter #AllModsAreBastards #MeToo
Didn't John sexualize minors? Anyone has link?
@Whitefeminineboy is banned. Anyone know why?
I have the same question. It appears he isn’t just banned but hardbanned as well

@Master @LeFrenchCel

Posting this on behalf of @Pajeetsingh who asked me to post this here on another forum

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@Master @LeFrenchCel

Posting this on behalf of @Pajeetsingh who asked me to post this here on another forum

View attachment 1168342
As far as I can tell that is not a hardban.
Good riddance.

I have the same question. It appears he isn’t just banned but hardbanned as well

@Master @LeFrenchCel

Posting this on behalf of @Pajeetsingh who asked me to post this here on another forum

View attachment 1168342
Me after that fag got banned

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnQetSSXc1A
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She has never been one of us
Free @
@CruxGammata he didnt do anything wrong

>crux gammata
>posts a close up image of a hentai black cock ejaculating
>says "i post questionable hentai sometimes"
>had posted it in the media section as well
>both get deleted
>gets off with just a 4 day ban

Oh, this one?

See? :feelsYall:

Sometimes I might post questionable hentai like the picture I shared above but it's 100% heterosexual
>crux gammata
>posts a close up image of a hentai black cock ejaculating
>says "i post questionable hentai sometimes"
>had posted it in the media section as well
>both get deleted
>gets off with just a 4 day ban
get bbc worshippers off the site tbh :feelswhat::feelswhat::feelswhat:
Yeah, it's a hardban now.
Good decision. Totally lacked empathy for others, talked about smashing a baby, raping his 10 year old cousin, called infants crotch goblins and shit like a soy retard he is :soy::foidSoy:

can be something done with pajeetsingh ban ? he didn't deserve this
If you think he doesn't deserve the ban, then you deserve to get banned again
We all know that you are underaged normie fakecel who is only here to spread hindu dindu propaganda
For now @Pajeetsingh will be benched for exactly 1 month’s time for referring to the entire mod team as “fucking faggots” unprovoked not to mention his spamming and flooding our report system with his retarded vendetta grudge against @anandkonda

However should my fellow mods be fine with having been called fucking faggots by him I will reduce the ban to two weeks time.

Literally only 1-3 reports of his on Anankonda were valid as he’d told members to kill themselves but the rest were an estimated 30+ pages of autism spam claiming Anankonda was race baiting which were dubious claims at best. :feelshehe:

Edit: I await my brothER’s vERdict on this most pressing issue in our mod chat and also I have only hard banned pajeet to prevent him from flooding my PM box and ban appeals with cries/whines for freedom/early release which he judging by his past report spamming history no doubt would have done.

Unfortunately the standard muting/no PM’s feature doesn’t seem to work or at least not all the time when applied to users but with hard banning it always does.
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In his moms house
Here. In general he lacks empathy for others

Look at that child, I would smash it into the concrete to save him from his future suffering and misery.
Mine was my female cousin, always wanted to fuck her ever since I was a 10 year old. I would still fuck her if she gave me a chance.
crotch goblin
Well I find curry-on-curry beef hilarious so I hope we see @Pajeetsingh on here again.

(The colonial English must have LOVED watching the caste system and curries covering each other in shit generally, it would have been like cock fighting.)

And I just generally liked his unfiltered style. Calling moderators of any forum "cucked faggots" is a bit bold though.
The colonial English must have LOVED watching the caste system and curries covering each other in shit generally, it would have been like cock fighting.
Exactly right, especially since "caste" "system" was invented by Portuguese and British.
No. Never.

That was entirely my boy infinity’s call and doing.

This (AIJD) is also whom I’m referring to as “the junkie”, “drug addict”, “lazy piece of shit” or “the ex mod” or “the traitor”. :feelsUgh:
What did he do
Yeah, I saw it. So we have at least two homos, few sexhavers and various braggers and fakecels. Why not making it open forum for anyone to join, its unfair to fags and normies.
What did he do
It was just a huge misunderstanding.

We’ve made peace long ago and he was reinstated with a new account and VIP colors ontop of things.

Though after he came back he didn’t post for very long before leaving again so who knows?

Maybe he died or ascended?

He was shall we say involved in very dangerous real world criminals activities and had his problems with addiction so I hope his absence is simply because he found a better cope or lucked out and found a unicorn type of broad and not died/ been murdered. :cryfeels:
It was just a huge misunderstanding.

We’ve made peace long ago and he was reinstated with a new account and VIP colors ontop of things.

Though after he came back he didn’t post for very long before leaving again so who knows?

Maybe he died or ascended?

He was shall we say involved in very dangerous real world criminals activities and had his problems with addiction so I hope his absence is simply because he found a better cope or lucked out and found a unicorn type of broad and not died/ been murdered. :cryfeels:
We had that under Serge too.
Snoop Dogg Idk GIF by NBC
Someone should write about the history of this site, very interesting
Why do manlet shamers like @packardD get unbanned ? @LeFrenchCel
"Fuck you motherfuckers @ItsovERfucks @Fatass3000 @Uggo Mongo @ParasiteToSociety @Bianor fuxking butthurt manlet snitch ass fags, go ahead and permaban me, I don’t want to deal with these mentally ill people anymore. “BYE BYE:blackpill::yes:”"
Wtf did I do?

I'm also a manlet:feelswhat:

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