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Ban Discussion Megathread

I don't give a fuck about what "Fat Link" said. "Mentalcels" have NEVER been allowed on this website.
@based_meme and I have just told you that mentalcels were (and as far as I know still are) allowed here, and I just told you that even FatLink (the head janny himself) LITERALLY said that they're allowed. What more do you retard want?

If you disagree with this - show me a thread that has a user say that he is a chad BUT he is mentalcel so it's fine with mods not shutting that guy down.
The threads have been deleted, but I have a screenshot of the Alert that I got when I reported the bragging mentalcel:

Now please shut your fucking low IQ mouth and accept the truth. Mentalcels have and still are allowed. There is no agree or disagree about this, it's just a FACT.
@based_meme and I have just told you that mentalcels were (and as far as I know still are) allowed here, and I just told you that even FatLink (the head janny himself) LITERALLY said that they're allowed. What more do you retard want?

The threads have been deleted, but I have a screenshot of the Alert that I got when I reported the bragging mentalcel:
View attachment 1062403

Now please shut your fucking low IQ mouth and accept the truth. Mentalcels have and still are allowed. There is no agree or disagree about this, it's just a FACT.
@Gokubro's retardation is reaching new lows. JFL
@based_meme and I have just told you that mentalcels were (and as far as I know still are) allowed here
Nice OPINION, literally ANY evidence for this claim?
and I just told you that even FatLink (the head janny himself) LITERALLY said that they're allowed.
Show me this post by this "Fat Link" where he says that "Mentalcels" are allowed, although that's beside the point because his opinion is WORTHLESS.
The threads have been deleted,
By this logic I could say that you are a murderer but I ""lost"" the evidence. Do you think anyone would take me seriously?
Nice OPINION, literally ANY evidence for this claim?
Not an opinion, just a fact. Multiple people have just told you and I showed the screenshot of the Alert I got which clearly says that my report has been denied because mentalcels are allowed.

Show me this post by this "Fat Link" where he says that "Mentalcels" are allowed, although that's beside the point because his opinion is WORTHLESS.
You can use the search function yourself. Fat Link mentions the term mentalcel on a regular basis, seeing mentalcels as legit incels. His oppinion is not worthless, as he is literally the person who makes the rules on this site.

By this logic I could say that you are a murderer but I ""lost"" the evidence. Do you think anyone would take me seriously?
Do you have evidence of mentalcels getting banned?
Nowhere in the rules does it say that they're not allowed.
Nice OPINION, literally ANY evidence for this claim?
Two people just told you how it was. It's not our fault that the threads got deleted. Do you think we are making this up just so we can argue with you? How braindead are you, really?
@nice_try is speaking facts brah.

Users might not like it but broads first and foremost want to feel safe with a guy so it doesn’t matter how great he looks if he’s a total fuckin spazz that gives off “I’m going to cannibalize you any second now” vibes. :feelsugh:

Low IQ users might argue this point by pointing out all the dangerous niggers and related thug criminal types regardless of race women get with to try and counter this as well how women regularly give out marriage proposals to prisoners and all I can say to that is that’s a far different kind of excitement not to mention the thug criminal in question at least initially doesn’t give off the vibe that he could or ever would kill said Foid but moreso he gives the off a vibe that Foids in their mental sickness find delicious which is the dark triad male archetype where he comes off as an emotionally unavailable work in progress for her that she thinks she or her love is going to change but all that ends up happening is she ends up in a body bag and or simply becomes a single mother. :feelsokman:
Not an opinion, just a fact.
KEKAROOOOOOOOOOOOO. What the fuck is this? "My opinions are facts!". Are you like 10 years old?
You can use the search function yourself.
So if I accuse you of something and you ask for evidence I could say "just look for it yourself"? That's not how it works.
Do you have evidence of mentalcels getting banned?
>Shifting the burden of proof
Done. BUT EVEN IGNORING THIS. "Mentalcels" (who don't exist btw) are banned almost EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY. Including today. LITERALLY THE LAST FUCKING GUY THAT GOT BANNED:
KEKAROOOOOOOOOOOOO. What the fuck is this? "My opinions are facts!". Are you like 10 years old?
It's not an oppinion. The User "moeggels" existed. He was not banned for his "mentalceldom" and it was a huge discussion.

He even says it himself "there are plenty of mentalcels on this forum". He got banned for bragging, not for being a mentalcel.

@Fat Link I'm tired of argueing this braindead retard. Could you please just quickly confirm that there was a user called moeggels who was a mentalcel and he didn't get banned for it at the time? Can you also please tell us if mentalcels are or aren't allowed as of today?
Two people just told you how it was. It's not our fault that the threads got deleted. Do you think we are making this up just so we can argue with you? How braindead are you, really?
Ignore him
thx for tagging, this gokubro user is a known retard. sadly, this is a common theme for 2021+ users.
I blame inceltears for getting front page of reddit back then and turning this place into a fucking meme, just look at how many people signed up for rapey after r/pedologic exposed them for having a guide for finding girls who want to run away from their parents home and will live with you in exchange for sex..... Meme joiners and idiots who couldn't locate this place organically show up, the meme joiners die off real quick, and the retards who could only find this place because losers are posting about it on reddit are left.

Rapey was such a safe space, rip brother.
It's not an oppinion.
It is YOUR opinion, if you think it's actually a fact, show me evidence that "mentalcels" were allowed.
He even says it himself "there are plenty of mentalcels on this forum".
So we are now considering the words of some banned subhuman as facts? What are you going to use next? Random reddit posts?
Also you are lying, he got banned for being a "mentalcel" (this term means fakecel that uses his shyness as a justification for identifying as an incel).
It is YOUR opinion, if you think it's actually a fact, show me evidence that "mentalcels" were allowed.
It's not my opinion, it's historical fact. Multiple users have already confirmed this.
There's no reason for us to make it up.

Ignore him
You're not the first person who says this. Will do, thanks.
It's not my opinion
And judging by the fact you've ignored the rest of my arguments - you FUCKING conceded. Another victory for me.
And judging by the fact you've ignored the rest of my arguments - you FUCKING conceded. Another victory for me.
Maybe consider therapy. You're stupid as hell and many users realize this. You should do some self-reflection.
Multiple users just told you the facts and how it was back then and you're just completely ignoring their knowledge and only believing your own lies. You're dumb as fuck and retarded. Talking to you is a waste of time.
Anyways, stay stupid. Nice addition to my ignore list.
And judging by the fact you've ignored the rest of my arguments - you FUCKING conceded. Another victory for me.
@LeFrenchCel what happened to @Nate Higgers
Is what @bus27jihad did really that bad?

He sent a dickpic in some discord without face and got compliments for it? How does that not make him an incel?
As far as I'm aware this is what he was banned for, maybe there is more to that story that I'm not aware of.

He sent tons of ban appeals already, seems like the guy is really ostracized in school, would mean a lot to him to be brought back in probably.

He was a contributing user as well, wrote a lot of personal stories.
Mods on here are corrupt
Maybe considering making an actual argument?
Buddy @nice_try has literally been destroying you since the new mod thread. Stop reaching so high and try to be more seasoned with the forum culture.
Buddy @nice_try has literally been destroying you since the new mod thread. Stop reaching so high and try to be more seasoned with the forum culture.
The argument? Where is it?
The argument? Where is it?
Screenshot 20240213 115133 Chrome

You had actually lost this much sooner. This is where you got closed out. Anything after this is just you wasting his time.

Regular users usually get more leeway when making those sort of jokes while greycels dont get that same kind of freedom.

It's as he said, if you suspect the claim to be true, it's a ban, if you know it's a joke it gets left alone. That's how I operate as a mod.
@proudweeb did you delete General Aleks account?
@proudweeb @Fat Link @SlayerSlayer @The Enforcer


Could it be possible to unlock mentally lost cel's account so that he can write a second ban appeal in order to have a fair trial?

He'd really appreciate it.
whats gotten into you, are you a faggot? he needs to worry about killing himself not making a ban appeal hes already been proven fakecel many times
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
I joined a facebook incel group to see what is it all about and it was full of single moms in their late 30s unironically thinking to themselves they are femcels, clown shit.
whats the group name :feelskek:
Yeah I want to know as well; imagine making a fake account just to infiltrate it & troll & maybe get it banned. :feelskek:
i already have multiple fake accounts ready to join as soon as he tells me the name kek
Total: 71 (Incels: 10, Bluepillers: 61)
im already furious just from reading that
I'm blocked from the page and the group, admin is a 50 year old divorced man who unironically calls himself incel, he blocked me ofc when I called out his bs

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