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Ban Discussion Megathread

@Fat Link You hard banned @gymletethnicel because you got angry he called you a faggot? You didn't even give him a long temp to cool down and apologize? You really did my bro like in that for being pissed off at you that this forum is slowly degenerating? Ironically, you're proving his point about the forum.

As an aside, the "purity spiralling" argument doesn't apply here. Setting clear and defined boundaries and adhering to them in a community is not the same as pushing people out who are duplicitously inside the community boundaries.

You want to do the right thing? Please restore his account, if possible. Else, just let him be here with his name again. It's a complete travesty and perversion of power and justice to have an absolute truecel like @gymletethicel (an actual truecel, not like some other "truecels" here) banned for being critical of TPTB, while @Rhaast roams free. It's peak clown world in our very back yard.

And punishing these two @CurrycelRaja @BraincelsRefugee ?

Like @Diocel said,
since when is insulting moderation team a banable offense?
Fucking disgraceful, buddy boyos. This place truly is at risk of becoming like reddit, if we continue down this road.
forum destruction does not happen over night, its a process

I recommed if you can to take a requested ban for some time and then come back, you will miss it and learn to accept the flaws and accept the new environment

otherwise you might get frustrated and cocky and before you notice it you are banned
forum destruction does not happen over night, its a process
That's right. However, it's very much a top-down process. @BlkPillPres even mentioned how it all comes down to the forum culture and how seriously a community takes it's own forum. That's absolutely spot on. Right now, what we have is basically a very lax clause that let's anyone walk in through the front door: just say your a mentalcel and keep the larp going until you get bored. Even then, you can stay without worry. A couple of users, whom I won't give any more free rent in my head space by calling them by name, can't help themselves and keep bragging and trolling with impunity. Though to be fair, in the defence of one of them, they've toned it down.
@Persecuted? he seemed like one of the better GrAYs
@Fat Link You hard banned @gymletethnicel because you got angry he called you a faggot? You didn't even give him a long temp to cool down and apologize? You really did my bro like in that for being pissed off at you that this forum is slowly degenerating? Ironically, you're proving his point about the forum.

As an aside, the "purity spiralling" argument doesn't apply here. Setting clear and defined boundaries and adhering to them in a community is not the same as pushing people out who are duplicitously inside the community boundaries.

You want to do the right thing? Please restore his account, if possible. Else, just let him be here with his name again. It's a complete travesty and perversion of power and justice to have an absolute truecel like @gymletethicel (an actual truecel, not like some other "truecels" here) banned for being critical of TPTB, while @Rhaast roams free. It's peak clown world in our very back yard.

And punishing these two @CurrycelRaja @BraincelsRefugee ?

Like @Diocel said,

Fucking disgraceful, buddy boyos. This place truly is at risk of becoming like reddit, if we continue down this road.
No. He wasn’t banned simply for that or by me alone as komesarj essentially banned him at the same time.

Though if he were banned for that alone it’d be more than justified considering I did or said nothing at all to warrant his calling me that in that thread and I challenge you to find otherwise. :feelssus:

He’s repeatedly shit on me and our forum despite my bending over backwards to try and make him continue to feel welcome here despite my racial views and the power differential that exists between us with my becoming a staff member and his remaining a regular user.

He’s also broken rules off site which the community voted it wants us to enforce by his fag role play with ex incels.is moderator Cocksucker. :feelswhere:

Now do you based_meme my would be Arbiter and hand selected judge for all that is supposedly holy and pure about inceldom or at least our community here want a literal fucking faggot amongst us? :feelsseriously:

Well do you?? :feelsUgh:

Because if so I may as well welcome knajjd, Cocksucker and iami back onto the mod team and we’ll eventually merge with the already long pozzed and AIDS infected Wizchan and r9k and turn this once thriving bastion and bulwark of inceldom into the second cumming of Grindr. :feelsahh:

View: https://youtu.be/HaMq2nn5ac0
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ayo hol up FREE MY NIGGA @kanyepilled right goddamn now you trannie jannies!

He diddu nothen
No. He wasn’t banned simply for that or by me alone as komesarj essentially banned him at the same time.

Though if he were banned for that alone it’d be more than justified considering I did or said nothing at all to warrant his calling me that in that thread and I challenge you to find otherwise. :feelssus:

He’s repeatedly shit on me and our forum despite my bending over backwards to try and make him continue to feel welcome here despite my racial views and the power differential that exists between us with my becoming a staff member and his remaining a regular user.
I understand. I don't like it, but that's my being partial in the situation.

He’s also broken rules off site which the community voted it wants us to enforce by his fag role play with ex incels.is moderator Cocksucker. :feelswhere:

Now do you based_meme my would be Arbiter and hand selected judge for all that is supposedly holy and pure about inceldom or at least our community here want a literal fucking faggot amongst us? :feelsseriously:

Well do you?? :feelsUgh:
What the hell are you talking about? What fag role play? He claimed that's a bold-faced lie and I believe him when he says that. I know him outside of this forum (Xbox) and he's never given off any fag vibes or try to hide something like that. Best case scenario - and this is being charitable - is that @Komesarj89 made a mistake and thought somebody else was him. Is there any proof of this? Otherwise, it's just hearsay.

Because if so I may as well welcome knajjd, Cocksucker and iami back onto the mod team and we’ll eventually merge with the already long pozzed and AIDS infected Wizchan and r9k and turn this once thriving bastion and bulwark of inceldom into the second cumming of Grindr. :feelsahh:

View: https://youtu.be/HaMq2nn5ac0

:feelsseriously: :feelskek:
Hey man. So I’ll chime in here. The point I was making is that Gymcel really has no ground to stand on when it comes to his criticisms. He is totally okay with being in a server with gay roleplaying, yet that does not raise any flags for him. And I’ve seen him do it too.
If you're being 100% truthful, that's fucked up. What did he say or do? Do you have screenshots?

Now I’m not saying he’s actually gay, I know it’s a joke.
You've seen him gay role play on discord, but you say you know it's a joke? Then why bring that up against him if you know it's a joke?

But it rubs me the wrong way to be okay with doing stuff like that on discord and then coming here with a holier than thou attitude calling us all fakecels. According to him this is just a terrible place with no redeeming qualities.
I agree that it's inconsistent - and even hypocritical - to be critical of the forum when you're on a questionable discord server and behaving in questionable ways. The thing is, he claims that you're making up lies about his discord gay posting, because you didn't like that he left your discord server for another one.

So my policy going forward when I see that is to ask users if they want a perm. I don’t see the point in having someone here who hates it and doesn’t want to be here. He said yes, so I did it. I also offered him a no questions asked unban if he goes to appeals.
That's fair. Wasn't he hard banned, though?

Gymcel is just a symptom of a much larger problem tho. It feels like we’re constantly under attack from both sides of every issue we have to make a decision on. How do we make everyone happy? We can’t
I've spoken to @Dregster666 about this. The fact of the matter is that you can't make everyone happy. When you try to make everyone happy you make make no one happy. If there was a solution to that, you would have politicians that everybody loves. Happiness shouldn't be the goal. That's chasing the bottom of a rainbow.

What you should try doing instead is being very transparent and open. It builds trust and fosters a sense of community. @Fat Link has been doing this, and it's making headway I believe, albeit at a slow pace. But that slow pace is a leftover relic from the suspicions that have understandably been built up with Serge and the way he was always distant (and sometimes shady e.g., the Naama Kates and Light Upon Light connection). Being distant from a community that, for all intents and purposes, you lord over builds resentment from them. A lot of users didn't trust Serge because of that.

Thanks for chiming in, btw.
As an aside, the "purity spiralling" argument doesn't apply here. Setting clear and defined boundaries and adhering to them in a community is not the same as pushing people out who are duplicitously inside the community boundaries.

You want to do the right thing? Please restore his account, if possible. Else, just let him be here with his name again. It's a complete travesty and perversion of power and justice to have an absolute truecel like @gymletethicel (an actual truecel, not like some other "truecels" here) banned for being critical of TPTB, while @Rhaast roams free. It's peak clown world in our very back yard.

And punishing these two @CurrycelRaja @BraincelsRefugee ?

Like @Diocel said,

Fucking disgraceful, buddy boyos. This place truly is at risk of becoming like reddit, if we continue down this road.
The purity spiral isn’t so much an argument as it is a description or rather identifying word for a small but vocal subset of users yourself included sadly that simply refuse to believe in the concept of mentalceldom even though it’s clear that famouscels Elliot Rodger and Martin Bryant were both clearly this type of incel.

The oh so “genius” argument put forward against the reality of the mentalcel condition is usually we will have someone from the purity spiral contingent saying something along the lines of: “Hahaha guys all Chad has to do is claim to be a mentalcel and instantly he’ll be accepted to the site! Peak clown world am I right?” followed by various laugh emoji’s apparently to not only highlight the purity spiralers sense of humor, wit and intelligence but to also effortlessly dunk (or so it seems) on his staff member nemesis (usually me) but his argument is easily rendered as while not necessarily being pure trash…certainly not at all amazing or profound as it at first may sound to fellow purity spiraler ears.

Now why is that?

Here is why…

Purity spiraler asshole troll: hahaha pretend to be a mentalcel get accepted to the board! :feelshaha:

Regular asshole troll: hahaha pretend to be an incel get accepted to the board! :feelshaha:

So as you can see the conclusion is…?

Herpa derp. :feelsseriously:

2. Are you seriously saying mods should allow ourselves to be shit on and viciously name called with impunity?

That we shouldn’t have the same recourse any other viciously insulted user would have?

Please tell me you’re not a BLM/Antifa “defund the police!” type as well based_meme because if you really think it’s “fucking disgraceful” for mods to defend ourselves from attacks well just saying this line of logic is where that thinking will take you.
I almost feel sorry for @GripMaxxing .
Is @Richard Coper an alt of @Meus ?
Free @98GoinOnDead
he dindu nuffin
The purity spiral isn’t so much an argument as it is a description or rather identifying word for a small but vocal subset of users yourself included sadly that simply refuse to believe in the concept of mentalceldom even though it’s clear that famouscels Elliot Rodger and Martin Bryant were both clearly this type of incel.

The oh so “genius” argument put forward against the reality of the mentalcel condition is usually we will have someone from the purity spiral contingent saying something along the lines of: “Hahaha guys all Chad has to do is claim to be a mentalcel and instantly he’ll be accepted to the site! Peak clown world am I right?” followed by various laugh emoji’s apparently to not only highlight the purity spiralers sense of humor, wit and intelligence but to also effortlessly dunk (or so it seems) on his staff member nemesis (usually me) but his argument is easily rendered as while not necessarily being pure trash…certainly not at all amazing or profound as it at first may sound to fellow purity spiraler ears.

Now why is that?

Here is why…

Purity spiraler asshole troll: hahaha pretend to be a mentalcel get accepted to the board! :feelshaha:

Regular asshole troll: hahaha pretend to be an incel get accepted to the board! :feelshaha:

So as you can see the conclusion is…?

Herpa derp. :feelsseriously:
As I mentioned before, it's not purity spiraling when you set clear and defined boundaries for a community. Right now, you've widened the boundaries to include "mentalcels." That's all well and good, if those are your defined boundaries for the community, but disagreements about those community boundaries doesn't mean that there's purity spiraling occurring. Anyone who disagrees about who is and who isn't an incel isn't a "purity spiraler," ESPECIALLY when it's not clearly defined within the community. That seems like some negative label you attach to someone to discredit their position or arguments, like "agecuck" or "moralfag."

2. Are you seriously saying mods should allow ourselves to be shit on and viciously name called with impunity?

That we shouldn’t have the same recourse any other viciously insulted user would have?
I'm seriously saying that: A) should have thicker skin, especially as an admin, and B) calling someone a name (faggot, retard, cumskin, nigger etc.) is not sufficient grounds for punishing them. I mean, WTF. That's being a sensitive fucking snowflake. Punishment should occur if they're legit harassing people, as in, constantly going after them thread after thread and insulting them.

"Mods are cucks." "Mods are shitheads." "Mods suck dick." If these are punishable offences, then we're truly lost.

I've never reported someone for insulting me and the very idea of that is downright feminine in a free speech board like this. Punishing these 4-5 people for "abusing staff" and "spreading misinformation" is petty and an abuse of power. It's frankly concerning how you and/or others brought down the hammer this hard on something like that.

Speaking of misinformation, what is that about? The screenshot of Rhaast's post that got deleted? That's not misinformation. More than one person caught the screenshot.

Please tell me you’re not a BLM/Antifa “defund the police!” type as well based_meme because if you really think it’s “fucking disgraceful” for mods to defend ourselves from attacks well just saying this line of logic is where that thinking will take you.
Are you serious? You just compared me to those leftist communist faggots? I'm neutral and apolitical, btw. I don't care about politics.

What's disgraceful what I said previously just above (banning for petty reasons).

Im not sure why Gymlet keeps saying I’m mad he left the Discord server. I barely talked to him. Regardless, the server mutiny happened a month ago and Bloc has existed for over 4 years. We were in the same discord for a long time and I saw what was going on - joking or not. My point about his hypocrisy stands. He’s totally okay with many things on discord that we ban here “, but comes here with a very haughty attitude about how we have fallen from grace and that none of us are incels. It’s a very tiring double standard.
I don't use discord, but I know how it works. If you can retrieve knajjd's messages and screenshot them for all of us to see in a stickied thread, then you shouldn't have a problem finding at least one of the several times you say you've seen him post gay roleplay.

Right now, it's still just your word against his, and you've taken away his voice.
I log out for one day and all this shit goes down
I'm seriously saying that: A) should have thicker skin, especially as an admin, and B) calling someone a name (faggot, retard, cumskin, nigger etc.) is not sufficient grounds for punishing them. I mean, WTF. That's being a sensitive fucking snowflake. Punishment should occur if they're legit harassing people, as in, constantly going after them thread after thread and insulting them.

"Mods are cucks." "Mods are shitheads." "Mods suck dick." If these are punishable offences, then we're truly lost.

I've never reported someone for insulting me and the very idea of that is downright feminine in a free speech board like this. Punishing these 4-5 people for "abusing staff" and "spreading misinformation" is petty and an abuse of power. It's frankly concerning how you and/or others brought down the hammer this hard on something like that.

Speaking of misinformation, what is that about? The screenshot of Rhaast's post that got deleted? That's not misinformation. More than one person caught the screenshot.

Are you serious? You just compared me to those leftist communist faggots? I'm neutral and apolitical, btw. I don't care about politics.

What's disgraceful what I said previously just above (banning for petty reasons).
1. Thicker skin has nothing to do with it as I’ve long established that Lounge and Sewers are for that kind of low brow, unproductive, juvenile, shitposting NOT incel discussions or the ban appeals board or ban discussions thread.

Users know they can insult eachother or myself and the rest of the staff freely 24/7 if they want calling me, the rest of the mods or eachother the worst names you can think of and I nor the rest of the mod team will ever ban them for it.

2. Asking for more than two giant boards of the site for this sort of shitposting is not only what is truly “petty” as well reaching but its also simply being greedy and agenda driven as if you personally enjoy the idea of serious discussions being undermined or derailed or taken needlessly into the gutter in such ways?

And getting back to that growing a thicker skin thing? Maybe it’s actually that certain users need to grow a bigger brain and get a higher IQ as the wise old saying by Malcolm X goes: “A man curses because he doesn’t have the words to say what’s on his mind”.

What’s truly disgraceful is your promotion of shitposting as being some be all end all type of speech that belongs absolutely everywhere else the sky should be falling.


It has its proper place here and that’s mostly on the very appropriately named board “The Sewers”.

We don’t need it here on ban discussions and there’s no abuse of power in this stance taking place either, as I’m not stooping to these shitposters level and calling them similar names here, whether they can or cannot respond, because again as I’ve just stated, that type of rhetoric has its time and place but serves no valid or honest purpose here in ban discussions.
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free @Zesto

and wtf is up with @SellingGf10k ?????????????
fuck this might take a couple of days ngl
There are many, many MANY more brutal blackpills that she dropped, but i didnt want to write a fucking book :lul:.

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