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Ban Discussion Megathread

Holy shit that ban appeal :feelskek::lul:
I lost as well. Creative and high IQ like typical Fontaine.

I'll miss him if he really gets perma'd tbh. As much as I can't dispute that he clearly broke the rules.
Look at ban appeals he's saying he was larping lol

Tbh dude you adopt my mindset, looksmax.org is a completely different place and so your mindset should be a bit different there, you may hold personal grudges but others in the site do not (for obvious reasons)

The only difference about me on Looksmax is that I can post 3D Asian girls.

The others might welcome him with open arms (doubt it) but I won't ever forgive trash that brags to incels the way he did.

It's only a matter of time until he gets ran out of there as well IMO. The slayers on there don't tolerate the autism he would spew out on here. He will quickly realize that himself and evaporate.
The only difference about me on Looksmax is that I can post 3D Asian girls.
Yeah don't post 2D, we'll be watching
Yeah don't post 2D, we'll be watching


Not going to make a difference boyo.

Everyone on Looksmax is already fully aware of my autism.
Fontaine can go to looksmax.org now with the other chads.
"B-but it was just a larp"

If it was not a larp => deserves to be banned for being a fakecel
If it was a larp => deserves to be banned for trolling
Fontaine can go to looksmax.org now with the other chads.
lol, a lot of those guys are turboautists or KHV teenagers larping as chads. Looksmax might be the worst incel community yet
lol, a lot of those guys are turboautists or KHV teenagers larping as chads. Looksmax might be the worst incel community yet
Y so harsh

View attachment 53076

Is this sarcasm?

He was too retarded to read the sticky and ping the pod he's appealing to.
I saw that, but I found the message funny and creative.

Most banned users try to argue with the mods and say they didn't really do anything wrong, but Fontaine just straight up said "it was a larp". Kek.
Everyone should've known it was a larp. It would've been believable if he'd said he ascended with a 5/10 obese roastie.
True. Fontaine is a Goebbels-skulled deformed cel, if he's LARPing about his appearance, he's doing it way too well since he's also in looksmaxx.org

There's no way he'd fuck a 18 yo Stacy.
lol, a lot of those guys are turboautists or KHV teenagers larping as chads. Looksmax might be the worst incel community yet

An incel community where the word
gets used without a trace of irony.
Why do mods expect us to get info on banned users by pming them? They most likely aren't visiting the site anymore, because they are banned.
Why do mods expect us to get info on banned users by pming them? They most likely aren't visiting the site anymore, because they are banned.
-Why was X user warned / banned?
Warnings are personal, we do not publicly announce reasons.
You are free to PM the user in question to ask, though know that it will not be an official statement.
-Why was X user warned / banned?
Warnings are personal, we do not publicly announce reasons.
You are free to PM the user in question to ask, though know that it will not be an official statement.

This rule should be changed tbh, we need public lynchings
I'm having a giggle at the most cancerous posters on the site cheering on @Fontaine 's ban. I didn't agree with most of what he posted, but I respect his content for being 1000000x more substantive than anything some of the people shitting on him have ever done.
I'm having a giggle at the most cancerous posters on the site cheering on @Fontaine 's ban. I didn't agree with most of what he posted, but I respect his content for being 1000000x more substantive than anything some of the people shitting on him have ever done.
Not really, talking shit and making it seem high iq isn't amusing or helpful @Fontaine
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JFL if you suck Fontaine's dick despite him being a fakecel.
Not really, talking shit and making it seem high iq isn't amusing or helpful @Fontaine
Not being unable to understand and engage with someone's post doesn't make it shit.
JFL if you suck Fontaine's dick despite him being a fakecel.
JFL if you think that dude ascended while writing 10 paragraph threads on here and literally writing a fucking novel about inceldom
Not being unable to understand and engage with someone's post doesn't make it shit.

JFL if you think that dude ascended while writing 10 paragraph threads on here and literally writing a fucking novel about inceldom
JFL if you think personality fucking matters. If he looks decent enough he'll get laid -- the entire point of the blackpill.
It’s all downhill from here

He was a fakecel and a sex haver, his ban should stay

"B-but he was a quality poster"

Just go find the highest quality forum out there then and pretend that its an incel forum with lots of blackpilled normies or something, this forum is for incels, I value people being virgins over their post quality
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He will not going back just accept it :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
@Fontaine was a legit dude, but he fucked up big time. I do think he should be given a second chance some time in the future but the permaban rule is really clear tbh, RIP
And another good one bites the dust.

*Pressed F to show respect*
@PM_ME_STRIPPERS and @theultimate341 should be banned so I can be in the top 5.
@PM_ME_STRIPPERS and @theultimate341 should be banned so I can be in the top 5.
bruh u amateur as fuck if you cant even beat me, i hardly post these days :)
Since the LARP wasn't credible, I don't think he did anything that was all that big a deal. Probably (1) people were looking for an excuse to get rid of him anyway, and (2) it seemed likely he would continue attempting suicide by admin to try to get himself forced off the forum, so banning him seemed like a way to avoid further disruption.

He's probably a misfit who can't find anywhere else to post where people will engage with him and not ban him. Maybe he should create his own forum, "Fontaine's Hangout," or something, to challenge assumptions and discuss the pressing philosophical issues of the day. I doubt it'll happen, though.

Probably there was simmering resentment against him for a long time, but people gave up talking too much shit about him, because they figured it was hopeless trying to get him kicked off. Then when he actually did break the rules, they feigned outrage at the LARP to nail the door shut against him coming back.

All this could've been avoided if he'd gotten an anime avatar so that the halo effect could've saved him. It would've triggered that same impulse that makes parents say, "Wow, this kid really misbehaved.. she's so cute though.." It's hard to feel that way about Tom Cruise; even if he is good-looking, he's not kawaii.
Why did people resent him in the first place though? Most of his posts were high quality and he actually had some interesting things to say.
Since the LARP wasn't credible, I don't think he did anything that was all that big a deal. Probably (1) people were looking for an excuse to get rid of him anyway, and (2) it seemed likely he would continue attempting suicide by admin to try to get himself forced off the forum, so banning him seemed like a way to avoid further disruption.

He's probably a misfit who can't find anywhere else to post where people will engage with him and not ban him. Maybe he should create his own forum, "Fontaine's Hangout," or something, to challenge assumptions and discuss the pressing philosophical issues of the day. I doubt it'll happen, though.

Probably there was simmering resentment against him for a long time, but people gave up talking too much shit about him, because they figured it was hopeless trying to get him kicked off. Then when he actually did break the rules, they feigned outrage at the LARP to nail the door shut against him coming back.

All this could've been avoided if he'd gotten an anime avatar so that the halo effect could've saved him. It would've triggered that same impulse that makes parents say, "Wow, this kid really misbehaved.. she's so cute though.." It's hard to feel that way about Tom Cruise; even if he is good-looking, he's not kawaii.
Tbh I too think a permaban is something too harsh for just a single (as far as I know at least) troll/LARP post, especially considering that he was a long time, high effort poster. But I'm already familiar with the rigidness and unforgiveness of incels.is mods, so I won't try to dispute or say "free him". That's why I made that conformed post.
Tbh I too think a permaban is something too harsh for just a single (as far as I know at least) troll/LARP post, especially considering that he was a long time, high effort poster.
I can see the argument for both sides tbh. It makes sense to just say sorry the rules are the rules but I agree that he should have been given a little leeway considering how much he contributed here.
Im sure it was trolling. Fucker was legit and i have no doubt about that.
Have you even seen the guy's face?
I can never understand users who get so attached to other users. Everyone in here is a fakecel, operate under that assumption at all times until proven otherwise. None of the users who i've seen faces of, and whom look undeniably ugly, have ever had sex in their lives.

Lol at the latest Ban appeal, you can tell a mile away that's a foid. "My favorite avenger is the hot one, and i'm into anime, aren't I so geeky and nerdy teehee"
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Zyros doesn't even identify as an incel so how can he be a fakecel? He's a blackpilled normie.
Still @Fontaine didn't brag tbh, up until his last post, which may also be a LARP. You are underestimating the amount of fakecels here.
I'm glad that weeb faggot is finally banned

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