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Ban appeal: fatass3000

  • Thread starter Cybersex is our hope
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He makes good posts and gives larger perspective on things discussed here. Of course you should be able to guestion things. This forum would become bland and die if they banned every incel who has different opinions, beliefs and views. That would be a huge win to sexhavers who hate us just for existing and the media telling stupid lies about incels. No one can be favored by all hundreds of active users at the same time. In my opinion we have very decent rules here so no need for drama, that's what foids do. Just chill out.
You can discuss things but using arguments showing your total lack or basic knowledge or pure trollery is not acceptable. Especially if such behaviour is creting strong sus about you being infiltrator in lots or users here
a decline in birth rate does not mean most man aren't having kids, you're actually so fucking retarded. If every man on the country has 1 kid, then the birth rate is gonna be 1.0 The birth rate being above 1.0 is proof that most man are having kids. I'm done arguing with you, you're a low iq red pilled boomer
A decline is birthrate show how PROPORTIONALLY less and less men are having kids. Of course you don’t have immediately 90% celibacy rate but it happens over time. That’s why we are definetly moving in that direction as i showed you over and over again (zoomer males). Litterally feels like talking tona feminist retard from 2014
He makes good posts and gives larger perspective on things discussed here. Of course you should be able to guestion things. This forum would become bland and die if they banned every incel who has different opinions, beliefs and views. That would be a huge win to sexhavers who hate us just for existing and the media telling stupid lies about incels. No one can be favored by all hundreds of active users at the same time. In my opinion we have very decent rules here so no need for drama, that's what foids do. Just chill out.
hes just mad I beat him in an argument and now he's seething because his world view was challenged. And then we have the pedophiles in here who want me banned "if you're not attracted to 13 yo girls then you're an age cuck and an infiltrator!" :soy::soy:
hes just mad I beat him in an argument and now he's seething because his world view was challenged. And then we have the pedophiles in here who want me banned "if you're not attracted to 13 yo girls then you're an age cuck and an infiltrator!" :soy::soy:
You litterally were humiliated by me and others over and over again and kept moving the goal post to moral faggotry when provee wrong. I can link the thread here so everyone can see your deep stupidity and mental retardation
A decline is birthrate show how PROPORTIONALLY less and less men are having kids. Of course you don’t have immediately 90% celibacy rate but it happens over time. That’s why we are definetly moving in that direction as i showed you over and over again (zoomer males). Litterally feels like talking tona feminist retard from 2014
it doesn't show that less man are having kids, if shows that man are having less kids. For the population to stay the same, every couple needs to have 2 kids. Most people nowadays don't want 2 kids because of economic factors or not having the energy to do it due to wage slaving 10 hours a day. Most people nowadays are having 1 kid.
You litterally were humiliated by me and others over and over again and kept moving the goal post to moral faggotry when provee wrong. I can link the thread here so everyone can see your deep stupidity and mental retardation
You're projecting so hard it ain't even funny, name 1 time I moved the goal post. All I did was asking you for proof and an explanation on why you believe what you believe.
He makes good posts and gives larger perspective on things discussed here. Of course you should be able to guestion things. This forum would become bland and die if they banned every incel who has different opinions, beliefs and views. That would be a huge win to sexhavers who hate us just for existing and the media telling stupid lies about incels. No one can be favored by all hundreds of active users at the same time. In my opinion we have very decent rules here so no need for drama, that's what foids do. Just chill out.
Lol i can link the thread where he is defending the stupidest shit ever and moves the goal post to moral shit when proved wrong. Like us showing him how in the past with less female working and education rights there were more families and children and since he could NOT prove that wrong he resorted to “but that was betabuxxing”
Hence agreeing with us but changing the topic into water wet moral argument
it doesn't show that less man are having kids, if shows that man are having less kids. For the population to stay the same, every couple needs to have 2 kids. Most people nowadays don't want 2 kids because of economic factors or not having the energy to do it due to wage slaving 10 hours a day. Most people nowadays are having 1 kid.
It DOES show that everyone is having less kids INCLUDING men. That’s litterally what low demography indicates: peoole having less kids. Holy fucking hell how tard you are.
And again: women working makes most men so unattractive that even men who want kids are often forced into loneliness and being childless
It DOES show that everyone is having less kids INCLUDING men. That’s litterally what low demography indicates: peoole having less kids. Holy fucking hell how tard you are.
And again: women working makes most men so unattractive that even men who want kids are often forced into loneliness and being childless
having less kids doesn't mean people aren't having kids, you completely missed my point because you're a retarded boomer.

working doesn't make most man unattractive, most man aren't incel you fucking retard. Only 13% of man between the ages of 20-24 are virgins. source: https://gitnux.org/virginity-statistics/
You're projecting so hard it ain't even funny, name 1 time I moved the goal post. All I did was asking you for proof and an explanation on why you believe what you believe.
I literally named in my post you moving vagina brain damaged faggot. But you cannot read. Many other users said the same because your arguments were wrong and dishonest. That’s why so many other people here are defending and asking for your ban
having less kids doesn't mean people aren't having kids, you completely missed my point because you're a retarded boomer.

working doesn't make most man unattractive, most man aren't incel you fucking retard. Only 13% of man between the ages of 20-24 are virgins. source: https://gitnux.org/virginity-statistics/
It means people are having LESS kids hence men are having LESS kids. No ine said “no kid is being born”
Everyone besides of you was saying “not enough kids are being born to replace the current generation and the trend is esponentially going worse”

Litterally you are a troll or brain damaged as fuck
@Fat Link

We need some intervention
I literally named in my post you moving vagina brain damaged faggot. But you cannot read. Many other users said the same because your arguments were wrong and dishonest. That’s why so many other people here are defending and asking for your ban
Only 2-3 users agreed with you regarding, the rest want me banned because leftist and against pedophilia. You didn't name a single reason. You suffer from dunning Kruger effect and don't even know it.
We need to ban women from the workplace so that they have to depend on men again.
they will just hate you and make you miserable if you force them to be around you its complete nonsense i agree with the guy
Looks like forum is at moment full of hidden skeletons
It means people are having LESS kids hence men are having LESS kids. No ine said “no kid is being born”
Everyone besides of you was saying “not enough kids are being born to replace the current generation and the trend is esponentially going worse”
you said man aren't having kids in general, you didn't say man aren't having enough kids you fucking retard
Most men are not havint kids you leftard faggot ass licker.
they will just hate you and make you miserable if you force them to be around you its complete nonsense i agree with the guy
trying to speak logic to retarded red pill tradcuck boomers is like teaching quantum physics to a 5 yo. Most man can't even afford to support a family with their own paycheck
you said man aren't having kids in general, you didn't say man aren't having enough kids you fucking retard
No no no you dishonest leftard. I and litterally EVERYONE in that thread was saying people are not having enough kids to replace the current generation and THAT is highly likely to be because of female hypergamy+ foids rights. That’s litterally what everyone was saying. “People are not having kids” is a broad generalization to express a real concept aka people are having so few kids it fels like they are not having any and they are going extinct. No one with two braincels would ever go to that thread and understand i or anyone else were saying NO ONE is having kids
I feel like there was a fakecel last year that got banned that had the same type of profile with ronald mcdonald. maybe its an alt
“People are not having kids” is a broad generalization to express a real concept aka people are having so few kids it fels like they are not having any and they are going extinct. No one with two braincels would ever go to that thread and understand i or anyone else were saying NO ONE is having kids
jfl at this retard lying :feelskek: :feelskek: ok im actually done arguing with you, you have actually resorted to lying to win. Total tradcuck death
trying to speak logic to retarded red pill tradcuck boomers is like teaching quantum physics to a 5 yo. Most man can't even afford to support a family with their own paycheck
I spoke logic to your retard bluepilled ass over and over again. You’ve been proven wrons not by me but by litterally anyone else in that thread

And here you go again: turning it into moral
Implications since you can not accept the basic fact that foids being economially dependent on men= more kids and families.

Go on making fun of yourself. Soon your cucked bluepilled ass will be out
I feel like there was a fakecel last year that got banned that had the same type of profile with ronald mcdonald. maybe its an alt
I picked Ronald McDonald because my username is fatass3000 :feelsseriously:
jfl at this retard lying :feelskek: :feelskek: ok im actually done arguing with you, you have actually resorted to lying to win. Total tradcuck death
JFL at a fucking brain damaged pussy moron who actually thinks anyone in that post was even remotely implying that NO MAN is having kids (in facts we say over and over again that chads and dark triad men are having the few kids who are born today)
they will just hate you and make you miserable if you force them to be around you its complete nonsense i agree with the guy
Lol you know that is the only workint system we have right? They will hate you at first but then they will respect you way more
jfl at this retard lying :feelskek: :feelskek: ok im actually done arguing with you, you have actually resorted to lying to win. Total tradcuck death
You keep wrongly using the word “tradcuck” while you were the one trying to make moral arguments. Total faggot. Illitterate larper. Just realize many other users here for some weird reason understand me and kinda dislike your stupidity and dishonesty
Lol you know that is the only workint system we have right? They will hate you at first but then they will respect you way more
it clearly wasnt working if women fought so hard to destroy it and men had to wageslave even more than they do now
it clearly wasnt working if women fought so hard to destroy it and men had to wageslave even more than they do now
It was a shit test and it clearly worked in creating families way more than this
i made a thread saying im leftist, I didn't make a thread saying I support globohomo or that I support LGBTQ
Look at how this faggot liar badly tries to manipulate peoole. NO you actually denies having said you are a leftist up in the posts! There is litterally your post as a evidence you infamous bastard. Glad other people are noticing your behaviour

Leftists are all potentially damaging to us and root of our problems just like the right is in terms of economy
I didn't lie about anything, I'm openly leftist. I deny supporting globohomo. Nowhere have I ever said that I do.
You lied up there saying you never sair you were a leftist. Again you beint a leftist just explain your total retardation on some topics
When it comes from women rebelling to you 99% it is
you are coping hard women just want nothing to do with ugly subhumans like us and they fought ooth and nail to get away from them
I feel like there was a fakecel last year that got banned that had the same type of profile with ronald mcdonald. maybe its an alt
The sooner we get rid of this shill the better
you are coping hard women just want nothing to do with ugly subhumans like us and they fought ooth and nail to get away from them
You are bluepilled as fuck. Women shit test men all the time (even chads) the more you give in the worse it becomes. Anyway back in the days when it came to family and kids it was mathematically better. End of the story
You lied up there saying you never sair you were a leftist. Again you beint a leftist just explain your total retardation on some topics
no I didn't retard. @DarkStarDown said I meant it in the globohomo sense and I replied with "no I didnt". If I meant to say I'm not leftist, I would had replied with "no im not". Last response overall.
You are bluepilled as fuck. Women shit test men all the time (even chads) the more you give in the worse it becomes. Anyway back in the days when it came to family and kids it was mathematically better. End of the story
iam just a realist you are delusional lmao
you are coping hard women just want nothing to do with ugly subhumans like us and they fought ooth and nail to get away from them
don't bother arguing with him, he refuses to accept when he's wrong, constantly moves the goal post, uses faulty reasoning and calls anyone who disagrees with him an infiltrator and bluepilled.
What a fucking liar my god. BAN this bastard already
You did, you even made a thread on it at one point.
@Fat Link ?

faggot3000 is some dumbass. just look at all the cocksuckers comments in this thread

no I didn't retard. @DarkStarDown said I meant it in the globohomo sense and I replied with "no I didnt". If I meant to say I'm not leftist, I would had replied with "no im not". Last response overall.
There was not globohomo sense you said you never said you were a leftard and you clearly are. Socially leftists hence the worst scum together with economically right wing. Bastard liar
Bye @Fat Link
faggot3000 is some dumbass. just look at all the cocksuckers comments in this thread

That’s why we should ban all socially leftist faggots from this forum. They are the source of our problems together with extreme free marketer neocons
I seriously urge the mods to ban or investigate this user

He (probably she) is basically denying basic blackpill like women workint as root cause of inceldom and then low demography

Doing so is using arguments so retarded and so blupilled (stuff we already have been knowing for 10+ years seems alien to him/her) that he litterally either is a total bluepilled cuck or a foid infiltrator
Either way worth a ban

Your genetics are why you're incel not women working. We could be in trad nazi Germany in the 30s and women would still reject trucels.
iam just a realist you are delusional lmao
I am litterally the one showing you with fucking math which system produced more kids and family. Stop being a fucktard. You are wrong
Your genetics are why you're incel not women working. We could be in trad nazi Germany in the 30s and women would still reject trucels.
No we would not. Women working increased the standards to a point where even mild aspergerism can ruin you. The basica the fucking basics.
Women were alwasy like that but this but in the past they were more constrictee HENCE you had more children, more families and a much lower average age.

Stop defending retardation and committintg fallacies
No we would not. Women working increased the standards to a point where even mild aspergerism can ruin you. The basica the fucking basics.
Women were alwasy like that but this but in the past they were more constrictee HENCE you had more children, more families and a much lower average age.

Stop defending retardation and committintg fallacies
The hierarchy has always existed dude. Women have been chasing chad since forever, and only settled for normies after Chad already claimed her.
iam just a realist you are delusional lmao
You wanna me showing you which day and age had more families, younger people, kids being born etc? You really are that into reality denyal and low iq? You really are that bluepilled? That system worked better. Women were still hypergamous and no one is denying that but they wer CHANNELED into motherhood and them not having the same freedom they have now was the most important factor in making them marry the average man. If you let things flow shit just explodes and their inner nature go to fucking insane levels hence making even autistic chadlites potential incels.

It’s beyond embarassing to be forced to explain this in this forum. This is basic knowledge. I can understand the leftist ass fucker but there are other members arguing in a way which let me and others really believe the forum has dumbed down over the years

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