Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Cope "b-but love is just a chemical reaction that compels us to breed, bro"



Mar 17, 2020
Every time I hear this argument, I ask myself; If emptying your balls was the problem, why do escortcels keep returning to this site sobbing over missed 'teen love'? To answer the question on Love unambigiously -- it's deceitful, utterly traumatic and experienced as real.

Back in high school I'd love to fuck that Stacie's brains out, but I still developed an intense oneitis for a less than attractive Becky. Why? Because Becky was just ugly enough for my naive mind to perceive her to be my looksmatch. To be in the realm of my 'league'. The unbearable appeal of a extroverted and popular Stacy was contrasted with the plainness of a shy introverted Becky whose mary-like innocence would compliment my own lack of sexual experience. Naturally I got compelled into fantasizing about her, asking myself the dumbest of questions; "could she be into me?", "does she like anime?" ... At this stage my attraction to her already surpassed the mere biological instinct to 'breed' with her as I developed an emotional fixation with her so strong, that I couldn't fap to her anymore. It was later on I realized that she was a slut much like the others, but this experience alone made me realize something about lust and love.

Love becomes distinct from bare lust the moment you start interpreting ones desire, by wishing to become ones object of desire. Love is supplanted and sustained by your own narcissism which makes you believe a girl actually wants you. When you're attractive you breach that gap by offering yoursel to the girl as the object of her desires, experiencing a moment of bliss and fulfillment. When you're not, you go on co. and write a shitpost about it.
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This is why animals laugh at us.
It is a chemical reaction, everything we feel is because of chemical
Every time I hear this argument, I ask myself; If emptying your balls was the problem, why do escortcels keep returning to this site sobbing over missed 'teen love'?

1. Fucking jailbait is illegal, the yearning for "teen love" is the yearning for wanting to fuck a young woman in her prime, an experience all of us were denied and still escapes us, so we obsess over it

2. We don't have consistent access to sex at sustainable prices, so we hit a lot of "dry spills" and that leaves us still frustrated, I mean my last and only fuck was like 2 years ago or something with a whore who wasn't even my type, if I can get consistent variety at a decent price I'll be set for fucking life

The moment I finish wealthmaxxing and move to SEA or EE to escortcel, all I'll be doing is posting threads about how great my life is going, which will lead to me getting banned as coping "love chasers" report me to the mods for bragging while ironically still arguing that "without love it isn't enjoyable"

I'll probably make my own forum then, remember this post you'll see it happen

Guys like you (well all normie tier thinkers) are obsessed with the concept of love due to ego reasons, you want to moralize your lust because then now its justified and even "righteous" what you are feeling, its not "just lust", because you are a "good person" so it must be "something deeper" JFL
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1. Fucking jailbait is illegal, the yearning for "teen love" is the yearning for wanting to fuck a young woman in her prime, an experience all of us were denied and still escapes us, so we obsess over it

2. We don't have consistent access to sex at sustainable prices, so we hit a lot of "dry spills" and that leaves us still frustrated, I mean my last and only fuck was like 2 years ago or something with a whore who wasn't even my type, if I can get consistent variety at a decent price I'll be set for fucking life

The moment I finish wealthmaxxing and move to SEA or EE to escortcel, all I'll be doing is posting threads about how great my life is going, which will lead to me getting banned as coping "love chasers" report me to the mods for bragging while ironically still arguing that "without love it isn't enjoyable"

I'll probably make my own forum then, remember this post you'll see it happen

Guys like you (well all normie tier thinkers) are obsessed with the concept of love due to ego reasons, you want to moralize your lust because then now its justified and even "righteous" what you are feeling, its not "just lust", because you are a "good person" so it must be "something deeper" JFL
Stop making mountains out of text and accept that you are inferior to normies.
Stop making mountains out of text and accept that you are inferior to normies.

Nothing I said had anything to do with not being inferior, maybe you should try having a better attention span and you won't see "mountains", this is the problem with not reading and then making assertions like a retard

Nothing you said even has anything to do with the thread, if you're going to be an idiot, just put me on your ignore list and do both of us a favor, you won't see anymore mountains JFL
Love becomes distinct from bare lust the moment you start interpreting ones desire, by wishing to become ones object of desire. Love is supplanted and sustained by your own narcissism which makes you believe a girl actually wants you. When you're attractive you breach that gap by offering yoursel to the girl as object of her desires, experiencing a moment of bliss and fullfillment. When you're not you go on co. and write a shitpost about it.
Nothing I said had anything to do with not being inferior, maybe you should try have a better attentions span and you won't see "mountains", this is the problem with not reading and then making assertions like a retard
"I pad my writing with extremely redundant and repetitive text because I'm an intellectual."
1. Fucking jailbait is illegal, the yearning for "teen love" is the yearning for wanting to fuck a young woman in her prime, an experience all of us were denied and still escapes us, so we obsess over it

2. We don't have consistent access to sex at sustainable prices, so we hit a lot of "dry spills" and that leaves us still frustrated, I mean my last and only fuck was like 2 years ago or something with a whore who wasn't even my type, if I can get consistent variety at a decent price I'll be set for fucking life

The moment I finish wealthmaxxing and move to SEA or EE to escortcel, all I'll be doing is posting threads about how great my life is going, which will lead to me getting banned as coping "love chasers" report me to the mods for bragging while ironically still arguing that "without love it isn't enjoyable"

I'll probably make my own forum then, remember this post you'll see it happen

Guys like you (well all normie tier thinkers) are obsessed with the concept of love due to ego reasons, you want to moralize your lust because then now its justified and even "righteous" what you are feeling, its not "just lust", because you are a "good person" so it must be "something deeper" JFL

You dont belong here tbh. For you, the lack of affection by a foid clearly isnt an issue. You just want sex and you're waiting to increase your income so you can fuck a variety of foids who are "your type".

For many others such as myself, this doesnt solve the problem. We want to be desired by a foid, so the act of sex shouldnt merely be fucking like animals but something more. That can only be achieved by being attractive to a foid.
Everything is just a chemical reaction. This argument is weak cope from bluepilled cucks, these chemical reactions are the most real thing you'll ever experience.
1. Fucking jailbait is illegal, the yearning for "teen love" is the yearning for wanting to fuck a young woman in her prime, an experience all of us were denied and still escapes us, so we obsess over it

2. We don't have consistent access to sex at sustainable prices, so we hit a lot of "dry spills" and that leaves us still frustrated, I mean my last and only fuck was like 2 years ago or something with a whore who wasn't even my type, if I can get consistent variety at a decent price I'll be set for fucking life

The moment I finish wealthmaxxing and move to SEA or EE to escortcel, all I'll be doing is posting threads about how great my life is going, which will lead to me getting banned as coping "love chasers" report me to the mods for bragging while ironically still arguing that "without love it isn't enjoyable"

I'll probably make my own forum then, remember this post you'll see it happen

Guys like you (well all normie tier thinkers) are obsessed with the concept of love due to ego reasons, you want to moralize your lust because then now its justified and even "righteous" what you are feeling, its not "just lust", because you are a "good person" so it must be "something deeper" JFL
Very good texts as always, easy for anyone.
"I pad my writing with extremely redundant and repetitive text because I'm an intellectual."
View attachment 229831
"I'm less intelligent than a nigger but I can't say that or I'll be banned/mocked, so I'll just sugarcoat my seething by making fun of his lexicon"
You dont belong here tbh. For you, the lack of affection by a foid clearly isnt an issue. You just want sex and you're waiting to increase your income so you can fuck a variety of foids who are "your type".

For many others such as myself, this doesnt solve the problem. We want to be desired by a foid, so the act of sex shouldnt merely be fucking like animals but something more. That can only be achieved by being attractive to a foid.
"I'm a cuck"
Love is your dick telling you lies so that you'll reproduce, it's the fog of pussy that obfuscates your common sense and puts you in a translike dreamy state where you'll do anything, fight, kill and die for it.

Lust is the primal physical aspect of that, love is just lust with post-processing turned on.

Part of the post-processing is your own ego and narcisism where you feel you need a virgin to satisfy your own overblown sense of uniqueness as a special snowflake.

After you have sex a bunch of times, the fog of pussy gets less and less, like a drug that your body gets used to, and get alot more clarity throughout the seduction process and about yourself, your own motivations, your ego, your narcicism, life, the universe and everything.

There is also something called "post-nut clarity" where unicorn pussy becomes just another lay the moment you cum. It's like when a spell breaks and you see the snow white angel is actually the wicked witch of the west.

The entire human animal is geared towards reproduction and the rationalizations that make that possible.

The less you care what any woman thinks, the more successful you'll be in your interactions, it's not about getting her to validate you, or punch your ticket saying that you are worthy. It's about effecting your own sexual imperative to bend a bitch over and shoot hot sticky jizz into her birth canal so that your DNA can live forever (which, in clarity, is probably not the best idea for the autistic retards on this forum, most of us here don't deserve to breed and damn well know it.)

Escortceling and betabuxing is ubiquitous to the human experience.

The idea that you're going to ever become a %2'er Don Juan alpha male and attract a woman's primal lust is your ego writing checks that your face and body can't cash.

The more you come down to earth with your expectations, the happier you'll be.
I just want a looksmatch girlfriend. Please, God, I just want to be loved as a human :cryfeels:

Fuck this gay Earth
"I'm less intelligent than a nigger but I can't say that or I'll be banned/mocked, so I'll just sugarcoat my seething by making fun of his lexicon"
"I use the word seething non-ironically."
"Love" is the ultimate lie. Missing out on teen "love" will damage you forever because even if you surgerymaxx and ascend, it will be with used up cumrags who have all lived lives that were basically a never ending CHADDED.com video. You can surgerymaxx and pump and dump in SEA or wherever but having a decent relationship and a family is pretty much impossible because all you'll have access to are damaged goods past their expiration date. If waifubots and artificial wombs don't come out soon, even if you pump and dump... that happy life and reproductive success will never come to you and you'll want to kill yourself.

Because your genes weren't good enough and you couldn't surgerymaxx at 18... you will be permanently damaged for life. Dating a used up whore who is your age will never be something to be proud of, you will be just as ashamed, if not more ashamed of that that being an ugly incel. We will never experience the fulfillment in life that chad experiences. The best we can do is make life livable just barely enough to where we don't rope, and even that is impossible for most of us. You will not find that 20 year old virgin NAWALT when you are 30.

Our best bet is to fight for artificial wombs as hard as we can. If foids have a right not to reproduce with us and reproduce with chad only, we have a right not to reproduce with foids and reproduce with artificial wombs only.
Love is your dick telling you lies so that you'll reproduce, it's the fog of pussy that obfuscates your common sense and puts you in a translike dreamy state where you'll do anything, fight, kill and die for it.

Lust is the primal physical aspect of that, love is just lust with post-processing turned on.

Part of the post-processing is your own ego and narcisism where you feel you need a virgin to satisfy your own overblown sense of uniqueness as a special snowflake.

After you have sex a bunch of times, the fog of pussy gets less and less, like a drug that your body gets used to, and get alot more clarity throughout the seduction process and about yourself, your own motivations, your ego, your narcicism, life, the universe and everything.

There is also something called "post-nut clarity" where unicorn pussy becomes just another lay the moment you cum. It's like when a spell breaks and you see the snow white angel is actually the wicked witch of the west.

The entire human animal is geared towards reproduction and the rationalizations that make that possible.

The less you care what any woman thinks, the more successful you'll be in your interactions, it's not about getting her to validate you, or punch your ticket saying that you are worthy. It's about effecting your own sexual imperative to bend a bitch over and shoot hot sticky jizz into her birth canal so that your DNA can live forever (which, in clarity, is probably not the best idea for the autistic retards on this forum, most of us here don't deserve to breed and damn well know it.)

Escortceling and betabuxing is ubiquitous to the human experience.

The idea that you're going to ever become a %2'er Don Juan alpha male and attract a woman's primal lust is your ego writing checks that your face and body can't cash.

The more you come down to earth with your expectations, the happier you'll be.

Love/pair bonding is an evolved mechanism to keep couples together for far longer after theyve copulated and made offspring. It has to do with the increased parental investment needed to make sure offspring make it to adulthood and can be observed in a lot of mammals.
You dont belong here tbh





Guys need to stop conflating "incel" with "inlon"



They're not the same thing, again, don't confuse the PREREQUISITE with GOAL, you need to not be lonely (have someone) in order to have sex, you are confusing that yearning for sex with "something deeper"

This is why men who get laid often PUMP AND DUMP, they are having their needs met so they don't have the DELUSION you guys have of "its more than just sex"

So no it is actually YOU GUYS that don't belong here because your problem isn't CELIBACY (as in the CELIBACY in INCEL), your problem is lack of "affection", places like loveshy.com are closer related to what the worldview you guys hold

You have to understand that guys like you have pretty much CO-OPTED what inceldom is about in the same way that trolls and trapfags took over 4chan/r9k and then "that's all people saw it for"

I made a thread about this very topic:
"I use the word seething non-ironically."
View attachment 229833
/tv/ is soy now?
Youre a cuck if you want to be desired by a foid? The whole meaning of "cuck" is lost coz of morons like you.

Are you so fkin busy in your life than you have to reply with one word? Can you care to elaborate you prick?
Bluepilled mangina simp lemming betabuxxer soy-brained numale is more accurate. But I wanted to make a quick jab, so I called you something similar. Next time I'll try not to bother you by not replying to you at all. going to urbandictionary, will that be better for you?




Guys need to stop conflating "incel" with "inlon"



They're not the same thing, again, don't confuse the PREREQUISITE with GOAL, you need to not be lonely (have someone) in order to have sex, you are confusing that yearning for sex with "something deeper"

This is why men who get laid often PUMP AND DUMP, they are having their needs met so they don't have the DELUSION you guys have of "its more than just sex"

So no it is actually YOU GUYS that don't belong here because your problem isn't CELIBACY (as in the CELIBACY in INCEL), your problem is lack of "affection", places like loveshy.com are closer related to what the worldview you guys hold

You have to understand that guys like you have pretty much CO-OPTED what inceldom is about in the same way that trolls and trapfags took over 4chan/r9k and then "that's all people saw it for"

I made a thread about this very topic:

What is sex according to you? Its not the act of fucking but a lot more. Whiles its true that an escort foid can give you GFE, its not the case for most incels here. Sex isnt fucking a women while she avoids eye contact with you and just lies there, waiting for you to cum so she can get paid.
The idea that you're going to ever become a %2'er Don Juan alpha male and attract a woman's primal lust is your ego writing checks that your face and body can't cash.

Damn, this is one of the best analogies I've seen a while, this is signature worthy
Love/pair bonding is an evolved mechanism to keep couples together for far longer after theyve copulated and made offspring. It has to do with the increased parental investment needed to make sure offspring make it to adulthood and can be observed in a lot of mammals.

Humans are not a monogamous species.

1950's culture told us that was the right way, but it was just beta communism, "a chicken in every pot" type of sexual enforcement that the cucks on this forum think is "real lurve."
Bluepilled mangina simp lemming betabuxxer soy-brained numale is more accurate. But I wanted to make a quick jab, so I called you something similar. Next time I'll try not to bother you by not replying to you at all. going to urbandictionary, will that be better for you?

" cuckold is the husband of an adulterous wife. In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own. "

How the fuck is wanting to be attractive to a foid equivalent to being a cuck. Get your head out of your ass you fkin bluecel cunt.
What is sex according to you? Its not the act of fucking but a lot more. Whiles its true that an escort foid can give you GFE, its not the case for most incels here. Sex isnt fucking a women while she avoids eye contact with you and just lies there, waiting for you to cum so she can get paid.

You are sounding a lot like @Zyros JFL

We argued shortly before he got banned, and he argued that if you had sex with only prostitutes you are still a virgin because it wasn't "real sex"

You do realize that you are arguing that a SUBJECTIVE MENTAL CONCEPT determines whether or not you acknowledge the ACTUAL OCCURRENCE OF AN OBJECTIVE PHYSICAL REALITY

You have to see how stupid that is

Lets apply the logic

So if hypothetically a virgin woman has sex like you just described:
Sex isnt fucking a women while she avoids eye contact with you and just lies there

But its with 10 different guys, who all reacted as the woman did in your descriiption, they just avoided eye contact and laid there while she mounted them

1. Was it sex?

If not:
2. Is she still a virgin after that act because "muh real sex" didn't take place?
You are sounding a lot like @Zyros JFL

We argued shortly before he got banned, and he argued that if you had sex with only prostitutes you are still a virgin because it wasn't "real sex"

You do realize that you are arguing that a SUBJECTIVE MENTAL CONCEPT determines whether or not you acknowledge the ACTUAL OCCURRENCE OF AN OBJECTIVE PHYSICAL REALITY

You have to see how stupid that is

Lets apply the logic

So if hypothetically a virgin woman has sex like you just described:

But its with 10 different guys, who all reacted as the woman did in your descriiption, they just avoided eye contact and laid there while she mounted them

1. Was it sex?

If not:
2. Is she still a virgin after that act because "muh real sex" didn't take place?

Iam saying the act itself doesnt matter as much as the manner in which it is done. You could have sex with an attractive foid corpse and a guy like you, iam assuming, would be happy to do it because it serves your purpose of having sex. For me, its more about being desired/validated which having sex with a corpse or having starfish sex with a foid wouldnt serve.
What is sex according to you? Its not the act of fucking but a lot more. Whiles its true that an escort foid can give you GFE, its not the case for most incels here. Sex isnt fucking a women while she avoids eye contact with you and just lies there, waiting for you to cum so she can get paid.

Sex is the subjective experience that is different from individual to individual.

Most here are looking for validation/ego to "prove" that they are "worthy."

Normies don't have that problem, they already know they're worthy internally.

That's partly why they get laid despite not being any/much more attractive than the men on this site.

The need for validation makes you act needy and unattractive.

And the need for "lurve" is just mommy need from your own emotional immaturity, you want some woman to be your mommy.

Adults don't get love. Children get love.

Adults give love. Adults love their children while their children say "I hate you! I hate you mom! I hate you dad!" because adults don't need their children's love. Adults don't get love. Adults give love.

You need "lurve" from a woman because you're not an adult, you're still emotionally a child and need to go back to your mommy for some hugs and chicken soup.
How the fuck is wanting to be attractive to a foid equivalent to being a cuck. Get your head out of your ass you fkin bluecel cunt.

The point is you would go out of your way and deny yourself sexual pleasure for your ENTIRE LIFETIME because you don't meet women's standards, and you'd avoid any alternative means due to reasons of pride, morality, etc

That is very cucked mindset, you are basically cucking yourself
" cuckold is the husband of an adulterous wife. In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own. "

How the fuck is wanting to be attractive to a foid equivalent to being a cuck. Get your head out of your ass you fkin bluecel cunt.
Both flaws are rooted in delusion.
"If only I gymmaxx and fix my lower third then surely my oneitis will respond in kind!"
"If only I let my wife open up our relationship then surely she will stay with me for my kindness!"
Like c'mon it's not hard to mistake one concept for the other, especially since I'm an ESL.
And I'm not a bluecel, I'm a tealcel. I'm glad we both learned something new today.
Sex is the subjective experience that is different from individual to individual.

Most here are looking for validation/ego to "prove" that they are "worthy."

Normies don't have that problem, they already know they're worthy internally.

That's partly why they get laid despite not being any/much more attractive than the men on this site.

The need for validation makes you act needy and unattractive.

Concepts like neediness are redpilled copes. There is no such thing as needy or clingy. If you're an attractive male, you could message a foid at 3 am and she'd still respond.

And the need for "lurve" is just mommy need from your own emotional immaturity, you want some woman to be your mommy.

Adults don't get love. Children get love.

Adults give love. Adults love their children while their children say "I hate you! I hate you mom! I hate you dad!" because adults don't need their children's love. Adults don't get love. Adults give love.

You need "lurve" from a woman because you're not an adult, you're still emotionally a child and need to go back to your mommy for some hugs and chicken soup.

Adults dont get love? Wtf are you on ? You need love because we are human beings and there is an innate evolved need to pair bond with a foid and create offspring and ensure their survival to adulthood.
Iam saying the act itself doesnt matter as much as the manner in which it is done

Whether an act matters and how much it does depends on what the individual is trying to achieve in the act

So are you not merely projecting your subjective standards onto what is merely a physical act (sexual intercourse)

The act does matter, it achieves exactly what the participants intended, orgasms

It just doesn't matter TO YOU, because you are still mentally limited by your ego and obsessed with "being desired", so nothing outside of being desired will make sex enjoyable for you, that is truly a sad fate, as unlucky as I consider myself, guys like you actually make me feel lucky that I was exposed to the black pill in the manner that I was, as its what shaped by ability to be objective

I don't know what happened to you in life to make to be stuck in this way of thinking and to never trying and change, but I'm glad it never happened to me

You could have sex with an attractive foid corpse and a guy like you, iam assuming, would be happy to do it because it serves your purpose of having sex

"If you just want sex you'd fuck a dead body"

Please don't make your frustration lead you to make retard tier arguments
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Both flaws are rooted in delusion.
"If only I gymmaxx and fix my lower third then surely my oneitis will respond in kind!"
"If only I let my wife open up our relationship then surely she will stay with me for my kindness!"
Like c'mon it's not hard to mistake one concept for the other, especially since I'm an ESL.
And I'm not a bluecel, I'm a tealcel. I'm glad we both learned something new today.

If you think the need to be desired is being a cuck, why are you here ? All you need is to wealthmaxx and fuck a lot of escort foids.
You need love because we are human beings and there is an innate evolved need to pair bond with a foid and create offspring and ensure their survival to adulthood.

A lot of slave masters had children with slaves and enjoyed having harems of slave girls, where was that "need for love" then

You guys have no selfawareness, the CULTURAL NORMS that you are obsessed with aren't BIOLOGICALLY HARDWIRED, they are socialized, and you just can't accept that reality for some reason, you were RAISED to care about "love", you think you would care about that shit if you were born into a "raider tribe" thousands of years ago, you claiming your wife from a village you raided would actually have been a day of triumph for you, you wouldn't give a fuck about what she thinks

The you that exists now, is not the you that would have existed in other eras

Whether an act matters and how much it does depends on what the individual is trying to achieve in the act

So are you not merely projecting your subjective standards onto what is merely a physical act (sexual intercourse)

The act does matter, it achieves exactly what the participants intended, orgasms

It just doesn't matter TO YOU, because you are still mentally limited by your ego and obsessed with "being desired", so nothing outside of being desired will make sex enjoyable for you, that is truly a sad fate, as unlucky as I consider myself, guys like you actually make me feel lucky that I was exposed to the black pill in the manner that I was, as its what shaped by ability to be objective

I don't know what happened to you in life to make to be stuck in this way of thinking and to never trying and change, but I'm glad it never happened to me

Any idiot can tell that the sex a foid has with her betabuxx provider and a guy she finds attractive are not the same. Both involve intercourse and can technically be classified as sex. But the actual experience that the guy receives is extremely different.

"If you just want sex you'd fuck a dead body"

Please don't make your frustration lead you to make retard tier arguments

I used the dead body analogy to show that being validated does matter. Its an extreme example, but serves its purpose. Fucking a foid who doesnt want you is as good as fkin a sex doll or a dead body.
Concepts like neediness are redpilled copes. There is no such thing as needy or clingy. If you're an attractive male, you could message a foid at 3 am and she'd still respond.

She'll still respond because he's not needy.

Adults dont get love? Wtf are you on ? You need love because we are human beings and there is an innate evolved need to pair bond with a foid and create offspring and ensure their survival to adulthood.

You know how normies say, "if you need love, learn to love yourself?"

Need for external love is immature and childish, you're not an adult yet, you need to drink your milk and grow up.

Don't worry son, your mom will wipe away your tears.

Girlfriend/Wife <> Your future mom

Girlfriend/Wife love is very conditional. You're not her son. You're not her family member. She'll love you as long as she can use you, as long as you're fit for her purposes. After that she'll discard you like a cigarette. And that's normal.
A lot of slave masters had children with slaves and enjoyed having harems of slave girls, where was that "need for love" then

You guys have no selfawareness, the CULTURAL NORMS that you are obsessed with aren't BIOLOGICALLY HARDWIRED, they are socialized, and you just can't accept that reality for some reason, you were RAISED to care about "love", you think you would care about that shit if you were born into a "raider tribe" thousands of years ago, you claiming your wife from a village you raided would actually have been a day of triumph for you, you wouldn't give a fuck about what she thinks

The you that exists now, is not the you that would have existed in other eras

So what if theyre socialized? Its like saying your need for technology is not biologically hardwired but socialized. That doesnt stop a guy like you from using the internet does it? Or would you rather run around semi naked like a fkin caveman because the need for "dressing up" as humans do today isnt biologically hardwired.
If you think the need to be desired is being a cuck, why are you here ? All you need is to wealthmaxx and fuck a lot of escort foids.
> If I change the rules of the game I too can win.

Nothing is even going to change in these people's lives other than the fact that they'll be posting on "blackpilled.co" or whatever the new forum will be to escape us "bluepilled cucks."

I have to say it's interesting upon making a shit ton of money the first thing on their mind is spending it on a bunch of hookers.
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That argument is a fallacy, the genetic fallacy.
In other words, it means that you try to invalidate a viewpoint by describing how it originated.

So what if it's just chemicals? When you move your muscles, that's caused by chemicals too
She'll still respond because he's not needy.

Wow youre thick arent you. Neediness is not how you behave but how a foid perceives you which is mostly looks based.
You know how normies say, "if you need love, learn to love yourself?"
Need for external love is immature and childish, you're not an adult yet, you need to drink your milk and grow up.
Don't worry son, your mom will wipe away your tears.
Girlfriend/Wife <> Your future mom
Girlfriend/Wife love is very conditional. You're not her son. You're not her family member. She'll love you as long as she can use you, as long as you're fit for her purposes. After that she'll discard you like a cigarette. And that's normal.

Sounds like mgtow cope. " Iam an ugly guy and get treated like trash by foids, so thats the norm" .
Any idiot can tell that the sex a foid has with her betabuxx provider and a guy she finds attractive are not the same. Both involve intercourse and can technically be classified as sex. But the actual experience that the guy receives is extremely different.

1. Women are damn good actors
2. What women are "attracted" to changes throughout their lives and would surprise the shit out of you. Like you would think they'd be attracted to big muscles and big dicks, but no, that's just guys projecting their own homo erotic standards onto women, like "women must like this because I find this to be attractive.
3. It's rare that a woman actually "desires" anybody. They're more in love with themselves than with you. That's why the symbol of a woman looks like a hand-mirror. You're just a means to an end.
If you think the need to be desired is being a cuck, why are you here ? All you need is to wealthmaxx and fuck a lot of escort foids.
Succesfully navigate the stock market bro! Offer quality products bro! Make a good piece of art bro!

The same genetic inferiority that made me an incel makes me unable to make any meaningful amount of money.
Succesfully navigate the stock market bro! Offer quality products bro! Make a good piece of art bro!

The same genetic inferiority that made me an incel makes me unable to make any meaningful amount of money.

Well ive fucked a lot of escort foids. And while fkin escorts is a great cope, its not the solution.
Wow youre thick arent you. Neediness is not how you behave but how a foid perceives you which is mostly looks based.

How you behave is part of how you look.

Being needy and neurotic is like having a crooked nose or a deformed skull.

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