Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Cope "b-but love is just a chemical reaction that compels us to breed, bro"

I used the dead body analogy to show that being validated does matter

"Not fucking a dead body has to do with wanting validation, and has nothing to do with more obvious things like:
Body fluids (lubrication)
The fact that since its a dead body its technically just a mastabatory tool as its no longer alive

I'll say it again:
Please don't make your frustration lead you to make retard tier arguments

You are unable to view things outside of your ego, outside of being validated, so common sense things go over your head, an objective person would have immediately thought about body warmth, the most obvious thing that makes sex enjoyable, sticking your dick in a cold vag isn't going to feel all that good, but your mind immediately jumped to SHE'S NOT ALIVE TO VALIDATE MY EXISTENCE

You know its guys like you that end up being wife beaters JFL, not that I care about that, I'd get a kick out of the abuse, but still, you need to realize that your desires are ROOTED IN SELFISHNESS and stop lying to yourself, if you distance yourself from the topic and try and be introspective you'll realize that its about your own desires and the "standard" is just there to justify your desires of wanting to "feel attractive"
Well ive fucked a lot of escort foids. And while fkin escorts is a great cope, its not the solution.
We've kind of hit a dead end in this discussion. Sure, it might not work for you, but I believe it could for me.

As to why I have't escortcelled yet, I live with my parents + I'm high inhib.
Well ive fucked a lot of escort foids. And while fkin escorts is a great cope, its not the solution.

Guys like you don't have a solution.

There is no external solution for a need for ego-validation.

Because nobody loves you.

Because adults don't get love.

Because women aren't your mom.

Because their love is conditional.

Sometimes that condition is "gimme $200 for 30 minutes."

Sometimes that condition is "stick around and pay the rent while I raise this child."

It's never "I love you for your soul."

Nobody gives a shit about your soul except you and god (and that's also why religion is important.)
How you behave is part of how you look.

Being needy and neurotic is like having a crooked nose or a deformed skull.

Ive messaged foids once a day and been branded as a needy clingy guy. It mostly has to do with the looks halo effect.

Chad texts 20 times a day = wow hes really interested in me.

I text the cunt just once a day = what a clingy fuck. Leave me alone you needy creep.
So what if theyre socialized? Its like saying your need for technology is not biologically hardwired but socialized. That doesnt stop a guy like you from using the internet does it?

Well at least you are being honest, but please understand, when you make statements like this:
You need love because we are human beings and there is an innate evolved need to pair bond with a foid and create offspring and ensure their survival to adulthood.



First it was: "You need love because we are human beings and there is an innate evolved need to pair bond with a foid"
Now its: "So what if theyre socialized?"

You can't just do that, its like you're running away from an existential crisis, stop running from the black pill and accept reality, that's the point of forums like this, JFL at you telling me earlier on I don't belong here

Or would you rather run around semi naked like a fkin caveman because the need for "dressing up" as humans do today isnt biologically hardwired.

False comparison, technology benefits me BECAUSE I HAVE ACCESS TO IT

Now imagine if I was obsessing and complaining about not having technology everyday while there were laws and social customs in place to keep me from getting technology in the "usual manner"

Now imagine if I come to a forum with men who have the same problem, and some guys recommend a solution but I don't want that because for reasons of pride I want to get the technology "the right way"

That guy I'm describing who is depriving himself of technology is you, let that sink in
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Nobody gives a shit about your soul except you and god (and that's also why religion is important.)

religion is delusion coping.

Because their love is conditional.

I agree its conditional. Its mostly based on genetics these days as there are plenty of providers.

It's never "I love you for your soul."

I think its bluepilled to think that a foid can love you for something beyond your superficial looks.
Well ive fucked a lot of escort foids. And while fkin escorts is a great cope, its not the solution.

Like we already said, you are an egoist, so nothing will work for you, its like a guy who is obsessed with hunting animals and proving his "hunting prowess" to himself shopping at a supermarket, he cares more about subjective thrills than the objective act of enjoying a meal

I've gone over this before, stop projecting your ridiculous ego onto others, were not all obsessed about how others perceive us, I just want to eat something that tastes good, I don't care of the beast I eat was hunted and claimed by me, meat tastes good

The reason why men who advocate for paying for sex get hate is because the men who are against it ARE EGOISTS, they want to "feel desired", "feel special" or "better than" other people, so they can never truly give up on the concept of egotistically based sexual pursuits.

There are two kinds of hunters:

OBJECTIVE HUNTER: One who hunts for survival and/or personal gain, he values:
Food (eats the meat of the hunted animal)
Selling meat and/or various animal parts for money

SUBJECTIVE HUNTER: One who hunts "for sport", he values:
Amount of kills
Size/quality of the animal killed
Handicaps used during the hunt to show off his hunting prowess - "I used X rifle with no scope"

The so called incels and black pillers against paying for sex, are blinded by their ego, they are stuck in the "subjective hunter" mindset and they don't seem to get that such a mindset is only "maintainable" by attractive men. PUA culture is all about the "subjective hunt", that is why they treat looks like its a "handicap mechanic" that allows them to show off their "hunting prowess"
It's never "I love you for your soul."

Nobody gives a shit about your soul except you and god (and that's also why religion is important.)
Love and affection doesn't need to be eternal and unconditional to have an impact.

You'd only need to look at the functioning people of society and 6-7s our age and compare them to the mentally broken chucklefucks on this forum to see that.

Total nonsense lmfao. You've just convinced yourself of this because you can have absolutely none of it. A cope.

In fact, you types are the most mentally broken on the forum and can be reasonably classified as psychopaths.
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I still think the need for pair ponding is innate and i never said it was socialized, you did. My argument was that even if a behaviour is a result of social programming, that doesnt automatically make it invalid and hence the examples.

False comparison, technology benefits me BECAUSE I HAVE ACCESS TO IT

Now imagine if I was obsessing and complaining about not having technology everyday while there were laws and social customs in place to keep me from getting technology is the "usual manner"

Now imagine if I come to a forum with men who have the same problem, and some guys recommend a solution but I don't want that because for reasons of pride I want to get the technology "the right way"

That guy I'm describing who is depriving himself of technology is you, let that sink in

You wouldnt be complaining about not having access to the internet 150 yrs ago, simply because it didnt exist. Clearly, whether the internet benefits you in the long term is a matter of debate. But you use it because of social programming and you dont even realize it.

Just because you are socially programmed to do something and its not a result of your natural instinct doesnt make it invalid.
Hey dumbasses

Has it ever occurred to you that "genetics" is just another form of betabux?


Money value
Genetic value
Social value
etc etc

If you have such great genetics, you could go to a photo shoot and get paid 20k for your time.

Instead that 20k worth of your time is spent getting "free sex" that's worth $200.
Love and affection doesn't need to be eternal and unconditional to have an impact.

You'd only need to look at the functioning people of society and 6-7s our age and compare them to the mentally broken chucklefucks on this forum to see that.

Total nonsense lmfao. You've just convinced yourself of this because you can have absolutely none of it. A cope.

You are asserting that the continued functioning of society and the functioning members that contribute to that functionality is some "universally inherent good", it isn't, not to someone who no longer see's themselves as "part of humanity"

When society is stable I will enjoy that stability, I'll work, I'll try to find exploits and loopholes to get rich, I'll pay my taxes, etc

If society completely falls apart and turns into chaos, I'll murder, I'll steal, I'll rape, etc

I'll do whatever it takes to get what I want based on the rule set of "the game" I'm playing, and both situations are really no different to me I will adapt all the same and it would not mentally "traumatize" me

At the end of the day, were all just "playing human"

Normies contributing to a functioning society or being "functioning members" is not an indicator of anything, for you to assert that, you first have to assert that society existing and functioning in its current state is some kind of "universally inherent good", and it isn't, that's just your upbringing speaking

A "civilization" and "anarchy" is no different on a lot of levels to someone who is mentally distanced from society

Also society is set up so that attractive people will prosper, SO ISN'T IT CIRCULAR REASONING TO SAY - "See they are prospering in world designed for them to prosper, that means their world views are more accurate"
Hey dumbasses

Has it ever occurred to you that "genetics" is just another form of betabux?


Money value
Genetic value
Social value
etc etc

If you have such great genetics, you could go to a photo shoot and get paid 20k for your time.

Instead that 20k worth of your time is spent getting "free sex" that's worth $200.

It not the same. Genetic value is rarer than monetary value. Thats why its held to such high standards by foids. Also, genetics is inseparable from a person. You are your genetics for the most part.
Love and affection doesn't need to be eternal and unconditional to have an impact.

You'd only need to look at the functioning people of society and 6-7s our age and compare them to the mentally broken chucklefucks on this forum to see that.

Total nonsense lmfao. You've just convinced yourself of this because you can have absolutely none of it. A cope.

In fact, you types are the most mentally broken on the forum and can be reasonably classified as psychopaths.

Yes. These guys should fuck off and create their own site where they can discuss how to earn a lot of money and fuck escorts. According to them, being ugly or unattractive isnt the core issue.
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The moment I finish wealthmaxxing and move to SEA or EE to escortcel, all I'll be doing is posting threads about how great my life is going, which will lead to me getting banned as coping "love chasers" report me to the mods for bragging while ironically still arguing that "without love it isn't enjoyable"

I'll probably make my own forum then, remember this post you'll see it happen

Guys like you (well all normie tier thinkers) are obsessed with the concept of love due to ego reasons, you want to moralize your lust because then now its justified and even "righteous" what you are feeling, its not "just lust", because you are a "good person" so it must be "something deeper" JFL

Love is your dick telling you lies so that you'll reproduce, it's the fog of pussy that obfuscates your common sense and puts you in a translike dreamy state where you'll do anything, fight, kill and die for it.

Escortceling and betabuxing is ubiquitous to the human experience.

My tastes, fetishes, desires are all already rendered by the illusions through which I experience reality. I want a white picket fence, 2.5 kids, and a hot blonde wife. Thai hookers won't do, you might as well offer me coffee without caffeine.
You are asserting that the continued functioning of society and the functioning members that contribute to that functionality is some "universally inherent good", it isn't, not to someone who no longer see's themselves as "part of humanity"

When society is stable I will enjoy that stability, I'll work, I'll try to find exploits and loopholes to get rich, I'll pay my taxes, etc

If society completely falls apart and turns into chaos, I'll murder, I'll steal, I'll rape, etc

I'll do whatever it takes to get what I want based on the rule set of "the game" I'm playing, and both situations are really no different to me I will adapt all the same and it would not mentally "traumatize" me

At the end of the day, were all just "playing human"

Normies contributing to a functioning society or being "functioning members" is not an indicator of anything, for you to assert that, you first have to assert that society existing and functioning in its current state is some kind of "universally inherent good", and it isn't, that's just your upbringing speaking

A "civilization" and "anarchy" is no different on a lot of levels to someone who is mentally distanced from society

Also society is set up so that attractive people will prosper, SO ISN'T IT CIRCULAR REASONING TO SAY - "See they are prospering in world designed for them to prosper, that means their world views are more accurate"
The point I was making is that they are mentally healthy and able to function in this society compared to people on this forum because they have experienced some sense of affection and validation.

Not that said society is good or just.
You wouldnt be complaining about not having access to the internet 150 yrs ago, simply because it didnt exist. Clearly, whether the internet benefits you in the long term is a matter of debate. But you use it because of social programming and you dont even realize it.

No, people cling to concepts that benefit them, I use technology because it benefits me. Nobody has to socialize you to enjoy the ease of paying bills online or having access to porn because you are sex starved, if those things didn't exist I'd pursue other alternatives, that's the difference between someone like me and someone like you, I'm not just "stuck" in programming, I will change my views, goals and actions to suit my limitations, you'll just stay stuck with the same things no matter what happens to you

Deluded people like you cling to concepts even if they don't benefit you and make you feel like shit, its really just masochism to cling to concepts like love and morality when you'll never experience any benefits of those concepts

Just because you are socially programmed to do something and its not a result of your natural instinct doesnt make it invalid.

Saying "invalid" is vague, I'm saying it doesn't exist, but non-existent concepts can be beneficial TO THOSE WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM THEM



My tastes, fetishes, desires are all already rendered by the illusions through which I experience reality. I want a white picket fence, 2.5 kids, and a hot blonde wife. Thai hookers won't do, you might as well offer me coffee without caffeine.

"I'm an egotistical and picky volcel........... but I'm still an incel like the rest of you guys"

Are you saying you won't even approach a thai woman who indicates from afar she may be interested (and I mean in dating, not paying for sex)?

If so you aren't incel, you are volcel, JFL at you telling anyone they are coping, you aren't even a part of this community, you are some tradcon who has had his "perfect white family" dream ruined by feminism
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Yeah well

Shit in one hand and wish in the other.

See which fills up first.

Sometimes you gotta take what you can get.

Or just realize that you're not capable of being content, ever.
The point I was making is that they are mentally healthy and able to function in this society compared to people on this forum because they have experienced some sense of affection and validation.

Not that said society is good or just.

Yes and my point is that you are asserting that them being "mentally healthy" and "able to function" in this society IS AN INDICATOR OF SOMETHING


Let me make this simple, you are arguing that a specific judge (society) renders certain individuals (normies) as not guilty (healthy/functioning) and that's an indicator that someone (@Diet_Choke ) who is judged as guilty (unhealthy/non-functional) is wrong about their perspective


Do you get it now?
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No, people cling to concepts that benefit them, I use technology because it benefits me. Nobody has to socialize you to enjoy the ease of paying bills online or having access to porn because you are sex starved, it those things didn't exist I'd pursue other alternatives, that's the difference between someone like me and someone like you, I'm not just "stuck" in programming, I will change my views, goals and actions to suit my limitations, you'll just stay stuck with the same things no matter what happens to you

Deluded people like you cling to concepts even if they don't benefit you and make you feel like shit, its really just masochism to cling to concepts like love and morality when you'll never experience any benefits of those concepts

None of what youre doing now is benefiting you. Do you think shitposting on here or arguing about this is benefiting you in anyway ? One can argue that the internet has created a generation of low iq idiots with extremely low attention spans. A lot of the technology we've adapted in our everyday lives is due to social programming and not due to actual benefit.

On a similar note, fkin escorts brings no actual benefit to you rather than a temporary feeling of euphoria when you orgasm. You think you benefit from this temporary feeling but you get no real value of it.

Saying "invalid" is vague, I'm saying it doesn't exist, but non-existent concepts can be beneficial TO THOSE WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM THEM



Pair bonding was evolved for the reason that you find a potential mate, have offspring and ensure their survival onto adulthood. This is the real benefit of it. Fkin hooker foids can never contribute to real meaning in your life for this exact reason.
Yeah well

Shit in one hand and wish in the other.

See which fills up first.

Sometimes you gotta take what you can get.

Or just realize that you're not capable of being content, ever.

I take what i can get. I know fkin hookers is the closest i can get to real validation. But i dont cope by arguing that the two are one and the same.
Nothing I said had anything to do with not being inferior, maybe you should try having a better attention span and you won't see "mountains", this is the problem with not reading and then making assertions like a retard

Nothing you said even has anything to do with the thread, if you're going to be an idiot, just put me on your ignore list and do both of us a favor, you won't see anymore mountains JFL
This Salvador guy is a nuisance for incels.co, ignore him.
None of what youre doing now is benefiting you. Do you think shitposting on here or arguing about this is benefiting you in anyway?

1. Entertainment is beneficial (you think this isn't entertaining on some level?, its helping me pass the time, I'm taking a break from my work)

2. This is pretty much just a red herring - "you arguing with me means that are contradicting your argument because I assert that arguing with me isn't beneficial to you"

Sorry that's nonsense and you know it

On a similar note, fkin escorts brings no actual benefit to you rather than a temporary feeling of euphoria when you orgasm. You think you benefit from this temporary feeling but you get no real value of it.

Watching tv, shows, movies, anime brings no "actual benefit" to you other than a temporary feeling of "being entertained"

Eating a meal brings no "actual benefit" to you other than a temporary feeling of "fullness" and temporary nourishment


You are making NON-ARGUMENTS and pretending as if you said something, no way you actually believed that was even a half decent argument

"Orgasms are temporary dude so its not a benefit"


Pair bonding was evolved for the reason that you find a potential mate, have offspring and ensure their survival onto adulthood. This is the real benefit of it

Allow me to follow in your footsteps
"The bond is TEMPORARY bro, the offspring is TEMPORARY bro, one day the species will be wiped out so even their offspring is TEMPORARY bro, so there was no benefit based on it being TEMPORARY"

Fkin hooker foids can never contribute to real meaning in your life for this exact reason.

There is no absolute "meaning to life", as humans we try to create meaning, again you are just projecting onto others, because in your mind if you can't reproduce your life is "meaningless"

I'm not searching for meaning, I'm seeking enjoyment
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They are one and the same.

You're just too much of a conservacuck weenis to wrap your head around the fact that :

a. Your conservacuck 1950's wife never loved you, she just used you to pay the rent
b. Lurve doesn't exist, it's just lust post-processed by your ego
c. Sex-work is the most intimate and personal work you can do, you're inviting that person into your body, even for a couple hundred bucks that's insanely intimate.
Still cope. There's a small line between lust and affection. And the thing ppl calls as "love" falls into the latter.
It is a chemical reaction, everything we feel is because of chemical
1. Entertainment is beneficial (you think this isn't entertaining on some level?, its helping me pass the time, I'm taking a break from my work)

2. This is pretty much just a red herring - "you arguing with me means that are contradicting your argument because I assert that arguing with me isn't beneficial to you"

Sorry that's nonsense and you know it

Watching tv, shows, movies, anime brings no "actual benefit" to you other than a temporary feeling of "being entertained"

Eating a meal brings no "actual benefit" to you other than a temporary feeling of "fullness" and temporary nourishment

Theres a big difference between being entertained and deriving actual benefit. And when i say benefit, i mean survival benefit to you as an individual or your genetics. Eating would pass as something beneficial to you.

You are making NON-ARGUMENTS and pretending as if you said something, no way you actually believed that was even a half decent argument

"Orgasms are temporary dude so its not a benefit"


Allow me to follow in your footsteps
"The bond is TEMPORARY bro, the offspring is TEMPORARY bro, one day the species will be wiped out so even their offspring is TEMPORARY bro, so there was no benefit based on it being TEMPORARY"

There is no absolute "meaning to life", as humans we try to create meaning, again you are just projecting onto others, because in your mind, if you can't reproduce, your life is "meaningless"

I'm not searching for meaning, I'm seeking enjoyment

Everything is temporary in the grand scale of things. However, note that your genes live for millions of years while your body can survive a fraction of that. Your evolutionary purpose is to spread your genetics and this would also give you a sense of satisfaction and meaning.
Yes and my point is that you are asserting that them being "mentally healthy" and "able to function" in this society IS AN INDICATOR OF SOMETHING
It's in indicator of the impact that achieving some affection and validation can have on a person yes.

Let me make this simple, you are arguing that a specific judge (society) renders certain individuals (normies) as not guilty (healthy/functioning) and that's an indicator that someone (@Diet_Choke ) who is judged as guilty (unhealthy/non-functional) is wrong about their perspective
I said his perspective is wrong by drawing a contrast between us users on the forum and as a specific example this chadlite in my online Calc 3 class who wears this big goofy smile everywhere.

That difference between us and him is caused by the differential in affection/validation received especially from the opposite sex.

He's trying to argue that it doesn't matter because it's not eternal/unconditional, but apparently this guy and all the others like him didn't get that memo.

Do you get it now?
Tbh no lol and I don't think it's very relevant to the point.

I don't see how any of this challenges the idea that love, affection, and validation even if not eternal/unconditional has a large impact on someone and particularly their mental/emotional state.
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a. Your conservacuck 1950's wife never loved you, she just used you to pay the rent
b. Lurve doesn't exist, it's just lust post-processed by your ego
Also This
c. Sex-work is the most intimate and personal work you can do, you're inviting that person into your body, even for a couple hundred bucks that's insanely intimate.
This so much, its funny how many men can't admit to this, so many guys go on and on about - "oh its nothing, she should do it for free, its effortless"

All I'm thinking is - "Really, a dick in your throat sounds effortless?" JFL

Made a thread about this because its such cliche statement from idiots who don't wan to pay for sex - "oh its nothing, a dick in your ass from a guy you aren't attracted to, you should only charge like $20"

Everything is temporary in the grand scale of things. However, note that your genes live for millions of years while your body can survive a fraction of that. Your evolutionary purpose is to spread your genetics and this would also give you a sense of satisfaction and meaning.

Your entire world view is based on the false premise that there is a "purpose" and you project YOUR purpose onto others and assert that if they don't meet it they didn't get anything "beneficial"


Please try and answer this question honestly, what does it gain YOU, does your body experience something not connected to ego?

When I eat I get nourishment and pleasure
When I have sex I get pleasure
When I sleep I get energy


(feeling proud, "being an adult", etc) IS SUBJECTIVE

You'll be dead all the same, unable to contemplate this "achievement", it won't matter to you then as you'll have on consciousness to perceive its worth
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Youre a cuck if you want to be desired by a foid? The whole meaning of "cuck" is lost coz of morons like you.
i fucking hate when guys here use the term cuck for anything. "wanting to kiss a foid is cucked" :feelstastyman:
I don't see how any of this challenges the idea that love, affection, and validation even if not eternal/unconditional has a large impact on someone and particularly their mental/emotional state.

The impact only takes place because we live in a world that caters to certain individuals and indoctrinates us from birth to see worth in these things, that's the point, and its circular reasoning to say - "See, based on the criteria established by the majority that decides what is impactful in society these things are impactful"


I'll say this again, if you were born as some member of a village raiding tribe thousands of years ago, how much do you think "love" would be worth to you, when your social customs makes it the CELEBRATED NORM that you claim a wife from a raided village

You are using circular logic and you don't seem to get it


If you are merely stating they are impactful, then I agree, there is no argument to be had

But if you are stating that its some kind of inherent thing that has nothing to do with social norms being enforced and us being indoctrinated from birth to find worth in these norms, then I am arguing that what you are saying is COMPLETELY FALSE
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Are you saying you won't even approach a thai woman who indicates from afar she may be interested (and I mean in dating, not paying for sex)?
wow, we wen't from fucking hookers in Thailand to thai girls being into me? Whatta leap. I'd marry her, and give cows for dowry.
you are some tradcon who has had his "perfect white family" dream ruined by feminism
the only thing ruined here would be her white aryan lineage.
wow, we wen't from fucking hookers in Thailand to thai girls being into me? Whatta leap. I'd marry her, and give cows for dowry.

The won't believe how many guys on this site have this "white or nothing" mindset but call themselves incels, it isn't a leap for this forum
The impact only takes place because we live in a world that caters to certain individuals and indoctrinates us from birth to see worth in these things, that's the point, and its circular reasoning to say - "See, based on the criteria established by the majority that decides what is impactful in society these things are impactful"


I'll say this again, if you were born as some member of a village raiding tribe thousands of years ago, how much do you think "love" would be worth to you, when your social customs makes it the CELEBRATED NORM that you claim a wife from a raided village

You are using circular logic and you don't seem to get it


If you are merely stating they are impactful, then I agree, there is no argument to be had

But if you are stating that its some kind of inherent that has nothing to do with social norms being enforced and us being indoctrinated from birth to find worth in these norms, then I am arguing that what you are saying is COMPLETELY FALSE
Ok yeah I see what you're saying now. But we live in the world we inhabit.

And as Wristcel already noted there is also a basis in biology. Almost everything does in some form. Society merely accentuates and excarcebates or on the flip-hand deemphasizes certain things.

Biology is like the fire and society is like the gasoline.

In the current societal context it's become a raging inferno when in the past it was nothing more than a teetering and dwindled flame.

I will say in your example there is a sense of affection/validation from being a part of the tribe whilst we live in a more individualist society (well America is particularly bad but so is all of the west).
I dont know what love is
"Love" is the ultimate lie. Missing out on teen "love" will damage you forever

There is something quite real in this lie called love when the quality of ones life depends whether he got it wet before graduating.
can't be fucking bothered to read all of this
Love is your dick telling you lies so that you'll reproduce, it's the fog of pussy that obfuscates your common sense and puts you in a translike dreamy state where you'll do anything, fight, kill and die for it.

Lust is the primal physical aspect of that, love is just lust with post-processing turned on.

Part of the post-processing is your own ego and narcisism where you feel you need a virgin to satisfy your own overblown sense of uniqueness as a special snowflake.

After you have sex a bunch of times, the fog of pussy gets less and less, like a drug that your body gets used to, and get alot more clarity throughout the seduction process and about yourself, your own motivations, your ego, your narcicism, life, the universe and everything.

There is also something called "post-nut clarity" where unicorn pussy becomes just another lay the moment you cum. It's like when a spell breaks and you see the snow white angel is actually the wicked witch of the west.

The entire human animal is geared towards reproduction and the rationalizations that make that possible.

The less you care what any woman thinks, the more successful you'll be in your interactions, it's not about getting her to validate you, or punch your ticket saying that you are worthy. It's about effecting your own sexual imperative to bend a bitch over and shoot hot sticky jizz into her birth canal so that your DNA can live forever (which, in clarity, is probably not the best idea for the autistic retards on this forum, most of us here don't deserve to breed and damn well know it.)

Escortceling and betabuxing is ubiquitous to the human experience.

The idea that you're going to ever become a %2'er Don Juan alpha male and attract a woman's primal lust is your ego writing checks that your face and body can't cash.

The more you come down to earth with your expectations, the happier you'll be.
Real shit..

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