Over-centralization, lack of insitutions, lack of horizontal organization, lack of national representation, lack of real separation of powers, joke of a parliament etc etc.
The West also has these. Neoliberal globalist elites only serve the interests of jews and other similar big donor oligarchs, not the people. If they served the people, they wouldn't have imported so many incompatible third worlders who live on welfare and destroy social and cultural cohesion. They use the media to brainwash the masses into voting for them even when its to the detriment of the people's well being.
Separation of powers and checks and balances don't mean shit if opposing political parties are at each other's throats, stalling each other, and preventing real progress. Face it, democracy only works when the parties are somewhat ideologically close. If they're too far apart, then you get polarization and dysfunction in government.
Meaning they don't give a fuck about god at all, preferring to drift through their lives like a piece of shit along the rliver.
Look if you don't have the genetics to succeed or the enthusiasm, no amount of government aid, or financial liberalization is going to save you. American government has given away trillions of dollars in student loans but their graduates are struggling to pay back their loans. The same thing happened with subprime mortgage crisis of 2007/08. If you're not meant to succeed, you won't! That's the fundamental of the blackpill.
Russians as a people lack solid ground on which to build. So they can offer nothing.
Not really. Russians have better statistics of home ownership and welfare than the US. All Russians get government funded healthcare. Americans don't. Americans are richer, but they live paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans don't even have $1000 in disposable income to cover for an emergency. Americans have no sense of financial security. They live under constant debt slavery because the jews control the financial system.
Its soyciety is as gynocentric, the laws are against men when it comes to family and children.
If you think Russia is gynocentric, then you should definitely try out the West.
Because russia has nothing to offer. It literally only wants to control territory, it doesn't have any positive agenda for those people. Take ukranians for example. Joining EU would be more beneficial both in terms of its economy and actual values.
The "values" of the EU and America that Ukraine seeks to import are feminism, gynocentrism, LGBTQ degeneracy, and nigger worship. Western Europe isn't a utopia okay. France and UK are overtaken by negros and pajeets. Germany overtaken by Turkroaches. German industrialization has gone down. The UK only has financial capitalism which has robbed its people of their wealth and put it into the hands of the jewish elite.
I just don't buy it. Geopolitics in general is conjunctural bullshit.
So you don't accept geopolitical realities facing Russians even after it faced Napoleon and Hitler? You're just too stupid.
The west could split russia into several failed quasi states who would be at permanent war with each other.
They tried that with the Chechens but failed. The West is not Russia's friend. The West doesn't consider its peers as partners, but rather rivals and existential threats.
Trust me, of only it was that easy. I would leave russia without looking back, and would continue my zoological observations outside the cage, not inside it.
Just apply for asylum in the US and become a media mouthpiece spewing anti-Russia propaganda. Its easy.