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Blackpill Autism is the opposite of dark triad

Buried Alive 2.0

Buried Alive 2.0

Aug 13, 2023
The dark triad traits are narcissism, machiavelism and psychopathy. They are the complete opposite of the autistic behavior. If anything, autistic people have more empathy than normies, which causes the major social anxiety they're known for. They are also incapable of manipulating others because great knowledge of social interactions is necessary to do this.

Therefore, women that complain about only meeting assholes, getting pumped and dumped all men something, etc... have a logical obligation to date autistic men, because they have none of the traits women claim to hate so much.
women like assholes, they would better pick some psychopath scumbag Jock from local backyard than autistic empathetic good looking dude
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I have autism and would prefer to date a foid who is also autistic but even autistic foids can be as shallow as NT foids.
Autistic female = autistically hypergamous, autistically immoral, autistically chadsexually autistically normie...etc

Just look at "femcels" if you want to know what autistic women are like
And the amount of diagnosed autists vs 4chan larpers are about the same as clinically diagnosed psychopaths too on here
Autists are the inverse of Dark Triad by nature, but through social adaptations, autists can become quite Dark Triad tbh

For example, it is not true that autists cannot learn how to socially manipulate. Social manipulation is the essence of "masking."

As for autists having more empathy than NTs, you are confusing empathy with being overly-sensitive like many people do. Empathy would not explain increased social anxiety; if anything, a lack of empathy (i.e., a lack of understanding others' internal states) would cause increased anxiety, because social dynamics are thus rendered unpredictable and chaotic.

In this vein, it is a sign of autistic lack of empathy that so many autists are attracted to the Blackpill, because it is an attempt to categorize and explain human nature, which would be instinctually obvious to an NT.
The dark triad traits are narcissism, machiavelism and psychopathy. They are the complete opposite of the autistic behavior. If anything, autistic people have more empathy than normies, which causes the major social anxiety they're known for. They are also incapable of manipulating others because great knowledge of social interactions is necessary to do this.

Therefore, women that complain about only meeting assholes, getting pumped and dumped all men something, etc... have a logical obligation to date autistic men, because they have none of the traits women claim to hate so much.
Based Thread
Autists are the inverse of Dark Triad by nature, but through social adaptations, autists can become quite Dark Triad tbh

For example, it is not true that autists cannot learn how to socially manipulate. Social manipulation is the essence of "masking."

As for autists having more empathy than NTs, you are confusing empathy with being overly-sensitive like many people do. Empathy would not explain increased social anxiety; if anything, a lack of empathy (i.e., a lack of understanding others' internal states) would cause increased anxiety, because social dynamics are thus rendered unpredictable and chaotic.

In this vein, it is a sign of autistic lack of empathy that so many autists are attracted to the Blackpill, because it is an attempt to categorize and explain human nature, which would be instinctually obvious to an NT.
i mask all the time tbh
Autists are not empathic. They're self centered and individually unique.

I've worked in the field and I can tell you autists lack empathy, they're like a weak psychopath who knows he can get away with being an asshole. Sure, it may not seem like that to the autist itself (jk about it), but to the outside observer "NT", this is what is seen.
Autists are not empathic. They're self centered and individually unique.

I've worked in the field and I can tell you autists lack empathy, they're like a weak psychopath who knows he can get away with being an asshole. Sure, it may not seem like that to the autist itself (jk about it), but to the outside observer "NT", this is what is seen.
You are confusing "empathy" with being a good person. If anything, saying that autists "know" that they can get away with being an asshole is an indicator that they have a high degree of empathy, since you're imparting social understanding/intuition onto them (when usually the opposite is said) :feelshaha:

The conventional view now is that autists can empathize with each other quite well, since they can understand each other, but NTs cannot empathize with autists and vice-versa since they have no real concept of what goes on in the others' mind.

It's not unlike how until recently, under the sway of behaviorism, it was incorrectly thought that animals had no capacity to feel emotions/pain. As you might expect, this lack of understanding of animals led to a lot of cruelty (lack of sensitivity) towards animals. These are two the facets of what constitutes the construct of empathy and you can see precisely how they're related!
And the amount of diagnosed autists vs 4chan larpers are about the same as clinically diagnosed psychopaths too on here
Autists are not empathic. They're self centered and individually unique.

I've worked in the field and I can tell you autists lack empathy, they're like a weak psychopath who knows he can get away with being an asshole. Sure, it may not seem like that to the autist itself (jk about it), but to the outside observer "NT", this is what is seen.
Diagnosed autist here and this is bull shit lmfao. Plus it’s a spectrum and not the same for everybody
You are confusing "empathy" with being a good person. If anything, saying that autists "know" that they can get away with being an asshole is an indicator that they have a high degree of empathy, since you're imparting social understanding/intuition onto them (when usually the opposite is said) :feelshaha:

The conventional view now is that autists can empathize with each other quite well, since they can understand each other, but NTs cannot empathize with autists and vice-versa since they have no real concept of what goes on in the others' mind.
I literally said "The autist might not see it that way, but the outside observer does". Did you not read the entire comment?

I am not confusing empathy, I have seen autists be literally sadistic.

I don't need to understand most autists, sure there may be some benefits to some of them, but a lot of them are basically handicapped mentally and act chaotically. There isn't something deep and magical about such a mess of a mind, it's just a failed divergence of the human mind in most cases. Only a sliver of autists are actually rainman level etc.
Diagnosed autist here and this is bull shit lmfao. Plus it’s a spectrum and not the same for everybody
I literally said individually unique loool
I literally said individually unique loool
Regardless my point still stands. Plus the psychopathy or I guess erratic traits autists tend to have aren’t appealing to foids. @BrettyBoy
Autists love to get butthurt when someone dares to analyze them even when someone tries to be nice about it.

And you wonder why no one wants to interact with autists?

It's nearly impossible for BT's to not abandon an autist, even.
Regardless my point still stands. Plus the psychopathy or I guess erratic traits autists tend to have aren’t appealing to foids. @BrettyBoy
No no, they aren't appealing to anyone. Autists have no consistency. Their "personality" seems to change from moment to moment. What kind of person is that? I'm sorry but that's ... not at all what anyone wants to deal with. I've tried. A lot of us have. We gave up on you all. We can't understand you because there's nothing to understand. One second something is okay, the next second you demand for it to be changed. It leaves us feeling alone with company.
No no, they aren't appealing to anyone.
Autists have no consistency.
You can tell by my posts and how I speak on this forum I’m consistent.
Their "personality" seems to change from moment to moment. What kind of person is that?
JFL not all autists
I'm sorry but that's ... not at all what anyone wants to deal with. I've tried. A lot of us have.
Doesn’t apply to me. But if it did I would be far low inhib.
We gave up on you all. We can't understand you because there's nothing to understand. One second something is okay, the next second you demand for it to be changed. It leaves us feeling alone with company.
Ok bro. :feelskek: Your experience is interacting with kids from the retard room in your school.
I literally said "The autist might not see it that way, but the outside observer does". Did you not read the entire comment?
If the autist does not see it that way, then it is not that way. You cannot ascribe internal intentions to other people based off of their external behaviors :feelsgah:

This type of thing produces a lot of false assumptions in the social sciences, and it reflects upon your own lack of empathy that you think this makes sense tbhlol

My example about the behaviorist view of animals is very apt in this context, since that's exactly how autists are treated by ABA (Applied Behaviorist Analysis): like animals

I am not confusing empathy, I have seen autists be literally sadistic.
Yes, so it should be news to you that real psychopaths do not lack empathy. They are actually able to understand other people better than NTs do, which is why they dominate NTs like nigger cattle in politics and business.

They lack emotional sensitivity, to be sure, but empathy is not merely or even primarily about sensitivity to emotions, but about understanding emotions. And it's notable in this regard that autists often cannot understand their own emotions or even perceive their own internal sensations. I will make a thread about this soon since it relates to the opioid pill.

I don't need to understand most autists, sure there may be some benefits to some of them, but a lot of them are basically handicapped mentally and act chaotically. There isn't something deep and magical about such a mess of a mind, it's just a failed divergence of the human mind in most cases. Only a sliver of autists are actually rainman level etc.
The type of autist that you would be exposed to in whatever your line of work is would definitely skew low IQ.

Clearly autism is not just a "failed divergence" or else it wouldn't still be expressed in evolution. It many cases it is an over-exaggeration of efficacious traits (namely, high systemizing, low empathizing).
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@XMR In comparing low IQ vs. high IQ autists, also compare low IQ vs. high IQ psychopaths

Low IQ psychopaths end up in prison; high IQ psychopaths are your corporate bosses and politicians

A lot of false assumptions about psychopaths were made since the primary way of examining them was through prison studies (where they skewed low IQ). The same is true for making assumptions about autists through special education programs or whatever tbh
If the autist does not see it that way, then it is not that way. You cannot ascribe internal intentions to other people based off of their external behaviors :feelsgah:

This type of thing produces a lot of false assumptions in the social sciences, and it reflects upon your own lack of empathy that you think this makes sense tbhlol

My example about the behaviorist view of animals is very apt in this context, since that's exactly how autists are treated by ABA (Applied Behaviorist Analysis): like animals

Yes, so it should be news to you that real psychopaths do not lack empathy. They are actually able to understand other people better than NTs do, which is why they dominate NTs like nigger cattle in politics and business.

They lack emotional sensitivity, to be sure, but empathy is not merely or even primarily about sensitivity to emotions, but about understanding emotions. And it's notable in this regard that autists often cannot understand their own emotions or even internal sensations. I will make a thread about this soon since it relates to the opioid pill.

The type of autist that you would be exposed to in whatever your line of work is would definitely skew low IQ.

Clearly autism is not just a "failed divergence" or else it wouldn't still be expressed in evolution. It many cases it is an over-exaggeration of efficacious traits (namely, high systemizing, low empathizing).
I agree with the gestalt theory of psychology. We don't see things differently there.

I know ABA is not a real science, just like p$ychology and p$ychiatry for the most part.

I know psychopaths have a higher level of empathy. They abuse it however. I can't tell if autists have high empathy, it just seems like they don't care. I suppose they do have high empathy, and it can be used for sadistic purposes from what I saw. Otherwise how could they be sadistic... I guess...

Autism being a divergence that exists doesn't make it useful anymore than a disease is. But, yeah, some autists are very necessary, we're lucky to have them. Their disorder made them talented.

You can tell by my posts and how I speak on this forum I’m consistent.

JFL not all autists

Doesn’t apply to me. But if it did I would be far low inhib.

Ok bro. :feelskek: Your experience is interacting with kids from the retard room in your school.
You're probably right.

But I never meet any true autists, they must be masking 24/7. Idk. Only true autists I know, were the ones I worked on.
I can't tell if autists have high empathy, it just seems like they don't care. I suppose they do have high empathy, and it can be used for sadistic purposes from what I saw. Otherwise how could they be sadistic... I guess...
Clearly autists have a fundamental problem with empathy. It is not that they don't care, but that they lack the capacity to care.

Not just about others but their own emotions and internal sensations, which they often cannot even perceive.

Nonetheless, an autist would be better able to intuitively understand another autist than they can understand an NT or vice-versa. I think more research into autists should be done by other autists as such.

Hans Asperger, after all, noted that he had many autistic traits himself, which is what made him so interested in the condition.
people naturally lack empathy towards those they can't relate to due to disparity in experiences and types of suffering. as an incel you should know this too well.
Autists are not empathic. They're self centered and individually unique.

I've worked in the field and I can tell you autists lack empathy, they're like a weak psychopath who knows he can get away with being an asshole. Sure, it may not seem like that to the autist itself (jk about it), but to the outside observer "NT", this is what is seen.
Then they are not really autists. Knowing you can get away with asshole things and doing them anyway is a manipulation. Social skill is necessary for it.

Also, there is new research what shows autists have more empathy than normies.
Then they are not really autists. Knowing you can get away with asshole things and doing them anyway is a manipulation. Social skill is necessary for it.

Also, there is new research what shows autists have more empathy than normies.
I think a lot of this debate is about the emotional connotation on "empathy" being positive, making autists insist that they actually do have a lot of empathy to own the NTs.

But this is quite gay, because in general, women have higher degrees of empathy than men. So are we to argue that autists are feminine?

The official theory on the matter is just the opposite: that autists are very high in systemizing (a male trait), and very low in empathizing (a female trait). These traits are inversely correlated with each other.

High systemizing would make someone into a good computer programmer, for example, which many autists are
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High systemizing would make someone into a good computer programmer, for example, which many autists are
Indeed, it would also make them good at analysis @Copexodius Maximus :feelshehe:

And this is a perfect example of how high systemizing and low empathizing are inversely correlated

To be a good analyst of history, for instance, you need to be DISPASSIONATE, which means being low in empathizing. Whatever you understand about people needs to come from a "bottom-up" study of them (through systemizing facts), rather than "top-down" intuition and instinct.

It is not a coincidence that many autists are interested in history as such tbh
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I think a lot of this debate is about the emotional connotation on "empathy" being positive, making autists insist that they actually do have a lot of empathy to own the NTs.

But this is quite gay, because in general, women have higher degrees of empathy than men. So are we to argue that autists are feminine?

The official theory on the matter is just the opposite: that autists are very high in systemizing (a male trait), and very low in empathizing (a female trait). These traits are inversely correlated with each other in general.

High systemizing would make someone into a good computer programmer, which many autists are
It's not necessarily positive. Sometimes they have too much empathy (like empathizing when worms go out and get killed by the sun) and many times they don't know how to react to this empathy correctly.

I don't agree. Women in no way possess a high level of empathy.

Autism is still being understood, so the official theory is still weak. You can easily find articles going on the opposite direction of the official theory.
It's not necessarily positive. Sometimes they have too much empathy (like empathizing when worms go out and get killed by the sun) and many times they don't know how to react to this empathy correctly.

Autism is still being understood, so the official theory is still weak. You can easily find articles going on the opposite direction of the official theory.
With respect to sensitivity to stimuli, it is known that autists can vary wildly across settings: sometimes having extremely low sensitivity and sometimes having extremely high sensitivity.

It would not surprise me if this also applies to empathy. It is as though the brain region that deals with these matters shifts between hypofunction and hyperfunction.

Indeed, this is my exact theory on the matter. Specifically, shifting opioid tone in the anterior insula, which would result in alternating periods of low/high sensitivity to stimuli and low/high perception of stimuli (i.e., pain); and thus, perhaps, alternating periods of low/high empathy (i.e., sensitivity to social stimuli and perception of social pain, you could say).

It is known that opioid tone is correlated with empathy, which makes sense given that opioids are the primary chemical of social attachment. And they obviously regulate pain :feelsthink:
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I don't agree. Women in no way possess a high level of empathy.
You are just wrong on this matter tbh, and it's frankly due to an incel bias

Women are hardwired by evolution to have empathy, but empathy specifically for children in their role as caregivers

They just do not have much empathy for their sexual mates, especially when they're young and have not yet had children, insofar as they sexually select for dimorphic traits

And besides, just like we've established in this thread that autists cannot really empathize with NTs and vice-versa due to a lack of mutual understanding, the same must be true between males and females, JFL

When women do have children, however, and are taking care of them alongside the children's father (or a cuck), then this is when their empathy would tend to show more for their mate(s), especially since it's known that marriage literally decreases the testosterone level of husbands (and thus makes them more childlike themselves, JFL)

Indeed, even insofar as cuckolding is concerned, it requires a GREAT degree of empathy from women to be able to manipulate different men into getting what they want from them (alpha fux, beta bux is an intuitive form of Machiavellianism)
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Indeed, this is my exact theory on the matter. Specifically, shifting opioid tone in the anterior insula, which would result in alternating periods of low/high sensitivity to stimuli and low/high perception of stimuli (i.e., pain); and thus, perhaps, alternating periods of low/high empathy (i.e., sensitivity to social stimuli and perception of social pain, you could say).

It is known that opioid tone is correlated with empathy, which makes sense given that opioids are the primary chemical of social attachment. And they obviously deal with pain :feelsthink:
Perhaps autists are so overwhelmed by social interaction that it increases their opioid tone to unreasonable levels, dulling them to any lessons they might learn from the interaction (preventing them from understanding what further steps they need to take to achieve social self-efficacy).

This is probably proportional to sensory sensitivity; that is, the pain of dealing with the sensory overload of a social interaction would proportionally increase endorphins to excessive levels as a protective mechanism.

Having very low opioid tone = crying and desperately needing comfort from a safe person; characterized by a high degree of social pain and an intensely dyadic social motivation (namely, to reunite with mother, but this could ALSO mean a romantic partner, mind you) :feelshmm:

Having normal opioid tone = adaptive sensitivity to social pain (i.e., shame), which can modulate behavior according to group evolutionary needs, while naturally retaining a good degree of general social motivation (not just dyadic but group-based, due to normal dopamine levels sustained by a proper socialization)

Having very high opioid tone = emotional blunting and social withdrawal, lack of social reciprocity, monologuing, lack of shame or social pain, and obviously a lack of social motivation (although distinct from apathy as in depression; there's a high motivation for special interests, for example)

Based upon this theorem, autists shift between a low opioid tone (a sustained period of which produces depression), and a high opioid tone. In other words, a dysregulation of endorphins or endogenous opioids.

Perhaps due to a behaviorist bias, research on this topic has tended to assume that autists are strictly high in opioid tone, out of the presumed preconception that autists are too primitive to experience depression as derived from social separation distress. This forum completely discredits that notion.
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Indeed, it would also make them good at analysis @Copexodius Maximus :feelshehe:

And this is a perfect example of how high systemizing and low empathizing are inversely correlated

To be a good analyst of history, for instance, you need to be DISPASSIONATE, which means being low in empathizing. Whatever you understand about people needs to come from a "bottom-up" study of them (through systemizing facts), rather than "top-down" intuition and instinct.

It is not a coincidence that many autists are interested in history as such tbh
I think you mean empathy and systemization are inversely correlated jfl. But yeah, autists are less likely to be persuaded by culture and social cues in general. Hence the meme:
5ECE2D53 8B86 4BF8 B420 34AB1A7D6B4D
Autism makes you weird and creepy.
Jfl it's over I will never even be able to have an autistic reclusive NEET gf because they aren't attracted to autistic men it's over.

Machiavellianism: I have scored 11%

It is a political theory that justifies leaders manipulating situations to achieve their desired goals.
Until you become a suspected school shooter
Autism makes you weird and creepy.
Autism makes you become an alien. In looks and social interactions. Why? Because mother nature said so.


Autism makes you become an alien. In looks and social interactions. Why? Because mother nature said so.


This is false for functional autists, which is what I initially meant. Men like Rain Man can't function at all and need constant care.

Machiavellianism: I have scored 11%

It is a political theory that justifies leaders manipulating situations to achieve their desired goals.
This test is not really great. I score 42% on psychopathy which doesn't make sense.

I have done this one as well:
autism is a bitch
I've known autistic people who were kind of sociopathic and schizoid.
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women like assholes, they would better pick some psychopath scumbag Jock from local backyard than autistic empathetic good looking dude
At this point I really hate the fact that I have feelings for women. My sexual fantasies or still in my mind. But I can control myself not even to look at women when i'm out. I hope these same women that date bad boys get the shit beaten out of them by them.
I think she has...Pitt-Hopkins.
No I mean like intelligent emotionally unavilable aspie high achievers. Those kinds of people are hard to deal with because they have greater things in mind.
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Autistic female = autistically hypergamous, autistically immoral, autistically chadsexually autistically normie...etc

Just look at "femcels" if you want to know what autistic women are like
At this point I really hate the fact that I have feelings for women. My sexual fantasies or still in my mind. But I can control myself not even to look at women when i'm out. I hope these same women that date bad boys get the shit beaten out of them by them.
This is based. I often wonder how much better my life would be if I was completely asexual.

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