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Autism is not a gift

All im saying is sometimes I feel like high functioning autists are better people than normies. It's just that normies are the majority. Normies are fucking annoying people. They tire me out. They overload my senses with their bullshit, nonsense and crap.
Normies don't say "autism is a gift". They use autist as a slur.

Besides that, you retards most likely aren't autistic. You are just ugly.
I've been diagnosed with severe autism several times, and I've even been told I'm too complicated of a case by people in mental health field.
All im saying is sometimes I feel like high functioning autists are better people than normies. It's just that normies are the majority. Normies are fucking annoying people. They tire me out. They overload my senses with their bullshit, nonsense and crap.
Autistic people are better at videogames, WW2 hot takes, and not getting STDS, but that's about it.
a therapist whorefoid once told me

'autism is not a diability or a disease, its just something that makes you special!'

btw i was 25 when she told me that'
You should have said a disability doesn’t make you special, it makes you a genetic failure.
One thing I HATE about normies is when they say "autism is a gift" or "autistic people are so intelligent!" It's so darn retarded to actually believe that. It's clear autism is a newage problem, very much due to dangerous vaccines.

Here's what happens when you have autism

• After 1 second of knowing you they conclude you're creepy/weird

• You come off as a weak beta cuck

• You're an easier target to get bullied. I am am autistic Bodybuilder and even in college, guys I mog who are skinnier than a 12 year old girl harass me

• Bad social skills, hard to keep a job, almost impossible to ascend

• Even if you have high testosterone, you'll have similar behaviours to a low t Nintendo switch addict

• Normal task are difficult, meanwhile you end up having great knowledge in useless fields like niche videogames and how to disprove the holocaust

Every time I hear a normie say autism is a gift I grit my teeth. IT IS CANCER.
they say this but continue to harass autistics
Autism + adhd = the biggest fucking curse I hate it so much. Other than that 1 loss I faced I fucking hate being non NT.

I have worse issues than 99% of this forum and 99.999% of people in general alone and I’m not going to be gaslighted in not having them. when half this forum somewhat acts like normies whining about small issues and never having faced real serious shit
Unless you're a genius savant or a quirky Chad, autism is a horrible curse for most men.
I've been diagnosed with severe autism several times, and I've even been told I'm too complicated of a case by people in mental health field.
Buddy, chad and most normies can be autistic af and they will get special treatment and positive reinforcement. Looks are everything.
Autism is the biggest curse ever

I think it was 80% of autistic people are unemployed

Less than 10% of autistic men ever get married

Lifespan of an autist is up to 35

Tell me again "Autism is a gift"
I am not into blackpiling others, I believe it's something you should do yourself


Its pretty much autists.is

We talk about the struggles we face with socializing and other things that come with autism. Lots of guys are really lonely and the only socializing they have is that group. I've seen some of them cry and have meltdowns during these sessions. It's a giga safespace where we can vent (when that foid is not around for me atleast)
I wish I had a group like that around me. Every autistic or mental health group I've tried had women, and they take over all conversation, most guys simp, etc... and it's just a frustrating waste of time.
It's clear autism is a newage problem, very much due to dangerous vaccines.
And dysgenic effects due to more people than ever before surviving, breeding, spreading unregulated genetic material....shit in the water, earth, air, food, etc.....
a therapist whorefoid once told me

'autism is not a diability or a disease, its just something that makes you special!'

btw i was 25 when she told me that'
I once had someone tell my my ADHD (and a bunch of issues and side effects caused by both it and the shit state of society), a pretty much debilitating thing that is one of the reasons I'm such a loser today, is just me being a "different type of person unfit for this garbage society" (I'm paraphrasing). Sure, he may be right, but now what? Do I just throw in the towel and call it a day JFL?

We're not "different." We're not "special." We're not "unique," at least not in a good way. We're maladapted to our environment, oftentimes in an objective manner (i.e. even if we were in a more ideal and functional society, this would still be a disability acting against us). Don't believe me? Why do militaries not accept anyone with these diseases, then? Why can you not become a pilot, or a surgeon, if you have them? Oh - so we're not fucking around there now, are we?

Simple questions for simple answers.

Spare me the bullshit, please.
I made a video rebuking the lies that it is beneficial in any way if you're interested

View: https://youtu.be/1xz3C6lyOh0?si=-y1qaY2Lsb_5Zfyo

Do you think they made us like this with the vaccines like they made the beta gamma humans in brave new world to do all the menial and skilled labour for the alphas to enjoy life, and unlike the book, there seems like there is a majority of alphas and say 40 percent of society is like us, either made autistic from vaccines, or already from lower iq genetic stock and therefore naturally fall into the lower castes.
a therapist whorefoid once told me

'autism is not a diability or a disease, its just something that makes you special!'

btw i was 25 when she told me that'

brutal , i cant imagine being treated like a child by a foid therapist
being proud of your own disability is so cucked and masochistic af, god damn normie shits :feelsclown: :feelsclown: :feelsclown: :feelsclown:
Excluding blessed autists like Zuckerberg, Elon or barely autistic normie autists, autism is absolutely a curse and I despise my autism. Any chance I might've had at ascending and having a social life were ruined by my autism combined with beta male looks. Other exceptions are those who are too retarded to feel bad about their autism, or those who are too autistic to feel bad about being alone, unlike me. I've basically got a normie NPC brain cursed with autism and corrupted by too many years of solitude and suffering. I'm even cringing while writing this comment because I unironically believe that I don't even desesrve to exist. If I were an almighty dictator who could reshape the world to his whims I'd start by executing human trash such as myself.
Ive never been officially diagnosed but i am pretty sure i have some kind of ASD but i think its not as bad as some of my brocels here.
i really feel bad for my autistic brocels
i have this autism talk group thing and some weeks its ran by a foid and sometime by a guy
Any time there's foids in these groups it descends into guys competing for her attention, spergs throwing other spergs under the bus to catch a whiff of pussy. Nearly all the autistic foids have NT boyfriends.
Normies don't say "autism is a gift". They use autist as a slur.

I remember at therapy a whore who had multiple personality disorder ''jokingly'' said at some retard on her phone ''what a autism''
There was more care taken during covid aka the flu than for vaccine caused illness like autism.
Any time there's foids in these groups it descends into guys competing for her attention, spergs throwing other spergs under the bus to catch a whiff of pussy. Nearly all the autistic foids have NT boyfriends.
harry potter rip alan rickman GIF
Same but its ADHD and BPD in my case

I have to be on meds to even function
When they say "autistic", they mean Greta Thunberg, or some NT film actor playing the role of an autistic person, not an actual spERgcel.
Yeah its on several articles

Not from autism itself but because most autists rope at that age
Thats 5 years away for me. I can see how it makes sense, around that age is when I realized how complete and universal the rejection of aspie males really is.
Normies don't say "autism is a gift". They use autist as a slur.

Besides that, you retards most likely aren't autistic. You are just ugly.
No I am genuinely autistic.
Buddy, chad and most normies can be autistic af and they will get special treatment and positive reinforcement. Looks are everything.
I agree, if you are chad it doesn't matter.
I wish I had a group like that around me. Every autistic or mental health group I've tried had women, and they take over all conversation, most guys simp, etc... and it's just a frustrating waste of time.
Fuck those foids with their made up problems. I hope they ban them all from those groups.

brutal , i cant imagine being treated like a child by a foid therapist
They are like that usually. This is why I don't see foid therapists. If I ever have to see one I will just leave.

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