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Blackpill [Atomic JB Pill] SCIENTIFIC PROOF it is normal for average healthy men to find pubescent & even prepubescent females potentially sexually arousing

This has nothing to do with incels specifically or why most men are incels. It is a summary of all the scientific evidence on the natural patterns of male sexual arousal. According to scientific research at least 52-58% of normal healthy men are arousable by pictures of naked prepubescent females and almost all are arousable by pubescent and adult women.

This is conventionally accepted in the scientific field as a "normal arousal response". The formal term for it is the "classical control profile".

The fact that you consider this disturbing and fear it will give you a "bad name" if people are aware of it is exactly my point. People and society as a whole are not aware that this is the natural pattern of healthy male sexuality, and they don't understand that this does not make 52-58% of men pedophiles.

In short, don't blame me for the way the male sex drive works. This research field is far older than me. And the research has been consistent across decades and various countries. The fact that you feel we as men should need to bury and silence this research speaks volumes about how male phobic our society has become.

I personally don't believe any science should be buried as long as it is conducted in a valid and reproducible way. Science is the closest thing we have to objective truth in this world. And this is simply what the science says.

Yes but it is also perfectly natural to want to hit somebody when they piss us off but we don't do it otherwise we face legal trouble and rightfully so. Studies have shown that we are naturally violent from birth but it doesn't make it right to hit someone in most cases.

Whether it is a natural attraction or not it isn't right to have relations with underage girls.

And incels shouldn't even be associated with that because most of us are simply unattractive to women because of our looks or lack of looks and are upset about it. All these other things are irrelevant.

I'm not a fan of people making threads either justifying rape, racism or paedophillia because that's not what 99.999999% of us on here are about and there are dick heads out there waiting to cherry pick threads like that and use them to make out like that's what 100% of us are all about.
Yes but it is also perfectly natural to want to hit somebody when they piss us off but we don't do it otherwise we face legal trouble and rightfully so. Studies have shown that we are naturally violent from birth but it doesn't make it right to hit someone in most cases.

Whether it is a natural attraction or not it isn't right to have relations with underage girls.

And incels shouldn't even be associated with that because most of us are simply unattractive to women because of our looks or lack of looks and are upset about it. All these other things are irrelevant.

I'm not a fan of people making threads either justifying rape, racism or paedophillia because that's not what 99.999999% of us on here are about and there are dick heads out there waiting to cherry pick threads like that and use them to make out like that's what 100% of us are all about.

If you actually read my posts you'd see I have said the exact same things you have above about the difference between impulse and action. Nothing about this "justifies pedophilia". It simply describes how the healthy natural male sex drive works.

This is an important subject because it leads to several conclusions pertaining to both the history and current state of sexual dynamics:

- Male and female sexuality respond to age of potential sexual partners in very different ways.
- Healthy men can experience an almost equal arousal to female adolescents as adult women, and around 60% of an arousal to female children as adult women.
- Male sexual arousal patterns don't significantly change as a man gets older.
- In prior generations and for thousands of years this was considered normal, and it was common for men to marry females as young as 11-13.
- In our current society this is considered immoral and society has enacted laws to prevent it.
- Men must therefore suppress this part of their natural sexuality or risk jail.
- Feminists and other women have gone so far as to tell men as a whole we ought to be ashamed of ourselves if we even look twice at a female under the age of 18, or if we still like 20 year olds once we're older, despite the fact that it is normal for us based on our biology.

I believe raising an entire generation of men to believe there is something wrong with them just for having natural healthy male sex drives is a problem. That's one of the main reasons why I think this is important to acknowledge. There is a growing movement out there to convince society that men are the cause of everything evil in this world and that male sexuality is intrinsically evil. There is a war being fought on men, and men are losing.

I think we ought to be able to talk openly about the science of how male sexuality works without fear or shame. Again, the fact that you are so terrified of this simple conversation shows how effective the anti-male movement has been.

If you are such a coward you cannot even talk on an anonymous online forum about this without being afraid, then perhaps there is something wrong with you. Understanding natural sexuality is part of understanding our history and our present. It explains what we lust over today, and it allows us to discuss what we should do going forward.

I for one don't fear open discussion on this subject. The only people who ought to fear the open discussions of science are charlatans and pitchfork bearing mobs. I think we've had enough of society being run by these mobs.

Men should be able to stand up proudly and acknowledge who we are. This is part of who we are. You trying to ignore it or bury won't make it go away. People will always have to confront the truth eventually, however uncomfortably it might be. One of the things that makes this site great is we are willing to confront the truths about how our society and sexuality works that other people won't.

I have said very specifically and repeatedly that these scientific facts in no way imply a person should try to have sex with a minor in our current society. I have also expressed that I think the best way for age of consent to be determined is by parents through majority rule (as it currently stands) and that I think attempts to lower AoC will likely be futile for reasons listed above and may also not be in society's best interests. Therefore it is my perspective that men must exert self control. But one must acknowledge one's true nature before that is effectively possible.

Beyond that, if this discussion still makes you too fearful, you are welcome to leave it. I'm sure you will not be alone. Male fear is at all time high. But before you go, think about that fear for a moment and where it is leading.
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Hi BasedShaman...I don't condone or advocate for smashing little girls. Please give me a shout out thanks
High IQ, but fake.
Not surprised at all, from an evolutionary perspective it is advantageous to have sexual intercourse with teens if you can get away with it without being caught (mainly in ancestral time vulnerable girls from another group, rape enemy girls after winning a war or orphans), it is a matter of risks management, therefore there should be evolutionary pressure for a male to be attracted to teens, it is adaptively sensible. The consequence is mostly retribution from the parents, but in ancestral time when resources were scarce, I am sure the parents would be glad that their daughter gets a provider in exchange for her sexual consent. Anyone saying otherwise is the product of social construct, the person might genuinely think he isn't attracted but that is caused by repression due to the heavily pressured social construct. When a girl is able to bear children it is normal that she is perceived as sexually attractive. (I condemn this behavior though)
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12 is prime
Hi BasedShaman...I don't condone or advocate for smashing little girls. Please give me a shout out thanks

Einstein IQ post.


Pedo hysteria is one of the hysterias feminists and right-wingers share.
Agree. Fucking pedos, gtfo of this forum. You're not incel, because you're ugly, you're incel because you want to fuck children. Fucking disgusting. Ffs..
Back to cucktears you go
Agree. Fucking pedos, gtfo of this forum. You're not incel, because you're ugly, you're incel because you want to fuck children. Fucking disgusting. Ffs..
Post and username dont match up.
Not surprised at all, from an evolutionary perspective it is advantageous to have sexual intercourse with teens if you can get away with it without being caught (mainly in ancestral time vulnerable girls from another group, rape enemy girls after winning a war or orphans), it is a matter of risks management, therefore there should be evolutionary pressure for a male to be attracted to teens, it is adaptively sensible. The consequence is mostly retribution from the parents, but in ancestral time when resources were scarce, I am sure the parents would be glad that their daughter gets a provider in exchange for her sexual consent. Anyone saying otherwise is the product of social construct, the person might genuinely think he isn't attracted but that is caused by repression due to the heavily pressured social construct. When a girl is able to bear children it is normal that she is perceived as sexually attractive. (I condemn this behavior though)
High iq. I tend to agree more with the social construct than with the evolutionary bias, there, though
we won’t fuck JBs anyway
we r incels , not chad
What is natural for men is not necessarily what's right for society. Society controls our urges to use violence, as well as our sexual urges where they may do harm.
:soy: We don't need cucks to control us. No one is controlling foids, so there is no reason to enslave men who are 10 times more superior and useful.
water is wet meanwhile chads banging jb since the the earth was born
Depends. I was always most attracted to from late teenage to 40 years old women and still I am.
I've always known this to be true. Almost every man is capable of getting a boner by looking at an attractive 12-17 year old girl. To deny this is massive cope by brainwashed numales. Kikes/feminists have really done a great job at convincing majority of men they're sick.

Men are attracted to youth, dependence, "innocence" and lack of sexual experience. These traits are almost always found in adolescent women.
Women are attracted to full maturity (tall, strong, big fully developed penis), independence (doesn't live with parents, wealthy) and sexual experience (women despise virgin men.) These traits are rarely found in adolescent men.
Depends. I was always most attracted to from late teenage to 40 years old women and still I am.
If your penis and mind sexually react to 12-15 year old girls at all, you're a sick demented monster and need to be castrated. This is according to feminists, numales and kikes of course.
I get the point, but is it truly necessary to stick this for so long? It just makes us look like weirdos.
I get the point, but is it truly necessary to stick this for so long? It just makes us look like weirdos.

this, this post does come across as pedo-ish tbh.
I get the point, but is it truly necessary to stick this for so long? It just makes us look like weirdos.
this, this post does come across as pedo-ish tbh.

Cowards. If I had my way tens of thousands of people would be forced to see this. That fear of being labeled a "weirdo" just for acknowledging how the healthy male sex drive works is exactly the problem and exactly what needs to change.
Einstein IQ post.


Pedo hysteria is one of the hysterias feminists and right-wingers share.

I dunno, maybe SOME feminists, but liberals are pushing this narrative to normalize pedophilia, as a "normal" sexual orientation (ie "pedosexuality"). The Guardian and other publications have put out articles about this stuff.
Cowards. If I had my way tens of thousands of people would be forced to see this. That fear of being labeled a "weirdo" just for acknowledging how the healthy male sex drive works is exactly the problem and exactly what needs to change.

i dont care if im labeled as a weirdo, i care about incels being portrayed as pedos
i dont care if im labeled as a weirdo, i care about incels being portrayed as pedos

And yet you don't care about the fact that society and feminists are successfully waging a war to label ALL healthy hetero men as pedos? To shame us all just for being born men?

You care if "incels" might be portrayed as pedos (for simply discussing science), but you don't care that ALL MEN are being labeled as pedos just for being healthy and normal?

We are the only ones with the courage to even discuss this subject. That's how successful the anti-male campaign has been. An entire field of scientific research has been suppressed and wiped from public knowledge. If these studies were posted almost anywhere else on the internet, it would likely result in a ban. This is as @Creep put it "forbidden knowledge".

The blackpill is the last bastion of truth in a world that would rather believe lies. People don't want to know the truth. They want to use labels and fear to suppress it. They call you a "loser". They call you "pathetic". They call you a "misogynist". They call you a "rapist". They call you a "pedo". And so you scurry off as intended afraid to say anything that might provoke them, even if you know what you might say is true. This is how they are destroying men.

Man the fuck up. The fear on this site is embarrassing and it shows how low the male gender has fallen.
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This is a good and very informative post. I don't know why so many "incels" have an issue with handling the truth.

My opinion is that incels should not condone the sexualisation of non adult women because that only helps women and causes their slutty behavior, they get more sexual opportunities and their standards adjust based on the looks level of their previous boyfriends.
just lmao at thoise charts
Makes you wonder why the high school cheerleader "halloween" costume is still one of the most popular and highest selling of all
I think i had a fap crush on a 7 year old redhead back when i was 15.
Wanna fuck a sexy 16 year old JB so bad
One of the only things I hate about this place is the JB worshipping. Children are meant to be kept innocent folks.
The reason men aroused by jbs less than adult women is because they fear to be outed as pedos and because they were brainwashed into thinking that being attracted to them is wrong. If these men were non-brainwashed their arousal to jbs would be stronger than to adult women. Think about teen porn it's very popular even though none of the actress are actually teens. The mere fantasy of sex with teen is extremely alluring to men. It would not surprise me if "teens" would be the most popular porn genre out there if "teens" were actually teens and if men would not be shamed for who they are.
Kids don’t turn me on. And they shouldn’t. My adoptive sister started puberty at 9, so arguing pubescent girls are attractive simply because they are pubescent seems sick tbh. I believe the term “adolescent”, in the study could also have constituted as one of the many stages of puberty. There are adolescents who haven’t gone through puberty. There are pre-adolescents that go through puberty. I’m willing to place my bet that the men in the study were observing the later stages of puberty, where girls look practically 14-18. Not 11. I also disagree with the claim that girls (minors) are becoming sluts. This is simply not true from my own personal anecdotal evidence. Still, regardless, just as a necrophile is to keep his civility, so should someone with a non-normal attraction towards children/minors.
i remember a few girls in school who were 13-14 (pretty sure some were fucking) who had tits and ass bigger and that looked better than many grown woman.
i remember a few girls in school who were 13-14 (pretty sure some were fucking) who had tits and ass bigger and that looked better than many grown woman.
I see that a lot too, if you go to a highschool volleyball game you can see how in shape they are.
Yes Mister RageAgainstTDL, great post. Instead of opening a reasonable way for establishing legal and consensual contact between adult men and young women our jew-christian society offers men empty pornography mainly based on images of teens as a way to deceive this natural and legitimate attraction. That is why pornography is the worst enemy of our battle for sexual freedom, porn is merely a sexual dictator and repressor: the most cruel and repressive sexual dictator ever seen. Humanity does not need empty and impersonal porn images of teens that nobody [(except sex-parasites who take advantage of the situation like James Deen)] will ever touch but real sexual gratification in flesh: this should be established as a Human Right, for all.

Also Arthur Schopenhauer clearly stated this true about the natural and legitimate sexual attraction amongst young women and mature men , and it is a central part of his approach about Love and Sex. According to Schopenhauer It is the next generation pushing from an inmaterial realm that constrains mature men to feel a poweful attraction towards young women and viceversa, because as a result of this attraction the next generation will become real, will become flesh in this material world by virtue of the sexual intercourse. ( That is Schopenhauer's approach) .
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Four digit IQ thread.

I honestly can't fathom how someone gets surprised, let alone offended, by adult men being attracted and aroused by post-pubescent developed JBs.

They're objectively sexually attractive and there's no significant proof that they get traumatized from non-violent sexual contacts with adults.

There's no reason at all to be against this natural attraction other than jealousy or some other petty feelings.
Outlawing attraction to fertile women is the Jew's attempt at reducing fertility rates. MILF, interracial and gay porn are the Jew's pornographic weapons against White Men.
So this is probably the highest IQ and most interesting thread/discussion I've ever seen here. I had read most of the thread before, but I was on my smartphone in my pause at work, so I couldn't really post anything elaborated. Will do so now regarding a particular part of the discussion that caught my attention:

That older perspective only existed when women were considered functionally useless. Now most parents want their kids of both genders to spend 4-10 years in university and become engineers or get a PhD etc. Having sex at young ages with any type of partner is considered a parental failure because it counts as degeneracy like boozing or weed use.

I think you just stumbled there into the very reason why relationships between adult men and pubescent and slightly post-pubescent women not only are not degenerate/harmful, but are indeed beneficial to society, along with being natural.

The modern paradigm is based on gender equality, which I assume everyone here knows is something blatantly false, so I think I don't really need to fish for studies about it.

The fact women study, work freely, have careers, etc, it's probably the biggest mistake of modern civilization, as I previously argued on this thread.

So basically the "pedo-shaming" towards men who pursue sex and relationships, or even pornography for that matter, with underage (but sexually developed) women, it's a paradigm that not only conflicts with biology (natural male sexuality - I would also like to point to the fact that all people age, so even though most males have a peak in attraction towards ~20 yo females, a 12 or 14 yo female will soon reach that age anyway, and marriages are supposed to be lifelong - also, female fertility fades way earlier than male fertility, which would also indicate that an older man marrying a younger woman would be biologically ideal), but also with what would actually be the best for society, operating in the (biologically correct) assumption that men and women are different and have different roles in society.

tl;dr: wanting to have relationships with JBs is not only biologically natural but also morally/socially justifiable.
Yes Mister RageAgainstTDL, great post. Instead of opening a reasonable way for establishing legal and consensual contact between adult men and young women our jew-christian society offers men empty pornography mainly based on images of teens as a way to deceive this natural and legitimate attraction. That is why pornography is the worst enemy of our battle for sexual freedom, porn is merely a sexual dictator and repressor: the most cruel and repressive sexual dictator ever seen. Humanity does not need empty and impersonal porn images of teens that nobody [(except sex-parasites who take advantage of the situation like James Deen)] will ever touch but real sexual gratification in flesh: this should be established as a Human Right, for all.

Also Arthur Schopenhauer clearly stated this true about the natural and legitimate sexual attraction amongst young women and mature men , and it is a central part of his approach about Love and Sex. According to Schopenhauer It is the next generation pushing from an inmaterial realm that constrains mature men to feel a poweful attraction towards young women and viceversa, because as a result of this attraction the next generation will become real, will become flesh in this material world by virtue of the sexual intercourse. ( That is Schopenhauer's approach) .
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The amount of ridiculously high IQ comments ITT makes me honestly proud to be a part of this community.
And yet you don't care about the fact that society and feminists are successfully waging a war to label ALL healthy hetero men as pedos? To shame us all just for being born men?

You care if "incels" might be portrayed as pedos (for simply discussing science), but you don't care that ALL MEN are being labeled as pedos just for being healthy and normal?

We are the only ones with the courage to even discuss this subject. That's how successful the anti-male campaign has been. An entire field of scientific research has been suppressed and wiped from public knowledge. If these studies were posted almost anywhere else on the internet, it would likely result in a ban. This is as @Creep put it "forbidden knowledge".

The blackpill is the last bastion of truth in a world that would rather believe lies. People don't want to know the truth. They want to use labels and fear to suppress it. They call you a "loser". They call you "pathetic". They call you a "misogynist". They call you a "rapist". They call you a "pedo". And so you scurry off as intended afraid to say anything that might provoke them, even if you know what you might say is true. This is how they are destroying men.

Man the fuck up. The fear on this site is embarrassing and it shows how low the male gender has fallen.
I second you 100%.

Our only concern here should be about illegal activities that can jeopardize the server, our platforms on the internet as incels or even the securities and freedoms of some users. If someone makes a thread named "my plan to kidnap and rape a JB", ok, ban it and the user as fast as humanly possible to our (and his) own good.

But discussions? Venting? Come on, we are not on Reddit. We are not on Facebook. There are already so few places where true pursuing of the truth, discussions and freedom of thought are allowed, we should cherish that we still have this space to do it.

Incels' reputation is also beyond saving after ER and Minassian anyway. Just keep it legal to avoid actual problems and fuck what cucks and foids think about us, they'll never accept or like us anyway.
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Outlawing attraction to fertile women is the Jew's attempt at reducing fertility rates. MILF, interracial and gay porn are the Jew's pornographic weapons against White Men.
guyfromwizchan YES SIR!!!!! WOW this is a great response from you sir, have you seen my post denouncing porn industry for taking sexual advantage of the people deprived from sex and its relationship with the jew-christian system of control sir?
guyfromwizchan YES SIR!!!!! WOW this is a great response from you sir, have you seen my post denouncing porn industry for taking sexual advantage of the people deprived from sex and its relationship with the jew-christian system of control sir?
No but you can link it.
This thread is fucking legend. If low value men hypothetically win the culture war, this should be in the history books.
Another reason why men (especially low SMV men) are attracted to adolescent girls is because we missed out on formative relationship experiences during our teens. We're still stuck on square one. We never got to experience clumsy young love with an inexperienced, unruined and innocent, equally loving partner. We weren't allowed to. Normies didn't let us because we were born ugly. We just want to make up for what we missed out on. Obviously, we're going to be curious about what it's like to experience young love.
While this is bumped, here's the data from Freund and Costell (1970) regraphed for the wiki.


You can really see the erectile response to adolescents 12-16 was very strong. This is especially significant given that kids back then were going through puberty much later than they are nowadays, so those 12-16 year old girls provoking so many erections would have been far less physically developed than their modern equivalents.

And even the erectile response to 6-10 year old girls is very strong.

Again, this is male sexual nature according to science. It is neither bad, nor good. It simply is.

My perspective is still the same: Shaming entire generations of men for being born with natural healthy sex drives is immoral and bad for society. Whether a person should act on their urges is an unrelated issue. We should at least be able to accept how nature has created us either way.
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well no shit men would get aroused usually a 14-16 year old has tits and ass or one of those. and they are not angels anymore they want cock from a hot guy.
Another reason why men (especially low SMV men) are attracted to adolescent girls is because we missed out on formative relationship experiences during our teens. We're still stuck on square one. We never got to experience clumsy young love with an inexperienced, unruined and innocent, equally loving partner. We weren't allowed to. Normies didn't let us because we were born ugly. We just want to make up for what we missed out on. Obviously, we're going to be curious about what it's like to experience young love.

Pass the rope.
If you aren't attracted to high-quality jail bait you are sick not the other way around. Again another thing Islam is blackpilled on.

True, Islammaxxing is a legit strat

Agree. Fucking pedos, gtfo of this forum. You're not incel, because you're ugly, you're incel because you want to fuck children. Fucking disgusting. Ffs..

JFL at all these moralfags invading the site these days

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