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Blackpill Atheistcels when did you stop believing in God?



Proud believer in Ochako Urarakaism
Sep 14, 2023
I stopped believing in God when I was 18 because of my inceldom completely ruining everything for me.
This how I imagine ahteists

when i stopped taking copium pills
Like 7-8. Not with complete certainty, but that was when I no longer used the after-life as a way to comfort myself.
This how I imagine ahteists
Hitler was a scientifically-minded panentheist; modern Westoids are Christcucks in denial. Trans rights only make sense when everyone is an interchangeable soul with muh' free will.
By 14 I had lost all faith in myself and all my self-love was gone
Not believing in God because your dick ain’t wet and people don’t like you is low iq tbh
Not believing in God because your dick ain’t wet and people don’t like you is low iq tbh
aswell as really narcissistic blaming god for everyone of their failures. "I shit my pants infront of chad, this is god's fault"
Stopped believing in God due to my negative experiences and perceived injustices in the world, particularly in the realm of dating and relationships.
10 Years old probably. I'm not a full blown atheist, I just think I'm just out of touch with God; and or that he just abandoned me; but I was a Cradle Catholic and I just never took my faith seriously because of my conditions. I just really didn't care but I really do want to despite my actions, I don't think God will welcome me with open arms until I flay my innards open in front of everyone for my misdeeds. Maybe I was born to be a monk in a monastery somewhere but RNG decided I should be born into a shithole where I don't have access to that. If I was like Greek or Russian I'd be a monk but I never really took Religious Morals seriously.
When i read 600 pages of the old testament
aswell as really narcissistic blaming god for everyone of their failures. "I shit my pants infront of chad, this is god's fault"
Never believed in it in the first place
i was probably 10-11 years old when i stopped believing in god.
Thats fucked up
You could tell I would grow up to be exceptionally neutortic even when I was still a kid. Well, my parents couldn't but they are midwit boomers.
even when I was like 7 or 8 bible class was fishy as fuck. I think I fully stopped believing around 14 or 15. so it was a process of like 80% belief at 7 to 0% at 15
I think its a rather egocentrical cope to believe that God somehow cares about us. Especially the abrahamic religions that believe that humans were created in the image of God. What a narcissistic thought honestly
Idk if I could ever be atheist I am pretty much agnostic I know thats a very lame lukewarm position but I've met so many atheists that pissed me off I can't stand to share the same positon as them. But I stopped believing it at 10 I think due to some stuff in elementary
When I realised that the concept of god is dumb. I hate Reddit soy atheists with passion though
I stopped believing in God when I was 18 because of my inceldom completely ruining everything for me.
i can't remember ever starting

it shouldn't take your own suffering to do this - you could observe others' suffering

but there's narrative like 'suffering is gods plan to make you a better hero barry'

so really - unfairness doesn't disprove god

it ultimately just comes down to logic - why believe in invisible pink unicorns w/o proof?

why does faith need to be blind and absolute?

why not just be a reasoned confidence in things we see positive patterns with?
When i found blackpill
Biological life is a bell curve, all troughout, which is the sole reason why we're here. I don't want to have to do anything with the fucking cancer that created it that way.

Peoples who are incels and still believe in god and act accordingly to their made shit book are the biggest cucks on earth. They got fucked so hard at birth, yet they're still pretending to be their big daddy's little bitch because otherwise he wouldn't let them enter his dopamine enforced metaverse. And obviously, because they spawned in place A it means peoples in place B are obviously wrong. Worst ones are muslims, biggest indoctrinated mindless zombies out here.
At 16, after questioning all the messed up shit that God did in the Bible. I had read them before as I always went to church, but I was younger and I just went with it cause it's God right? Surely he can say one thing but do another.
After I acknowledge that if GOD do exist. He IS Evil BECAUSE he makes me HAVE adhd
Since I was born

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