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At this point I'm convinced "BBC theory" is just nazi/racist propaganda.

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Sheer number of replies tells us the lookism race baiting idiots have officially arrived

Everyone knows blacks have huge cocks and the thug life that white whores crave. We can't compete. Oddly enough black men are despised by their own women. Although the way black women are i think it does them a favour.

The same way Noodle whores crave big white cock and reject ricecels.
Everyone knows blacks have huge cocks and the thug life that white whores crave. We can't compete. Oddly enough black men are despised by their own women. Although the way black women are i think it does them a favour.

The same way Noodle whores crave big white cock and reject ricecels.

"blacks have huge cocks"

low iq

rest is ok

He catfishes as Broderick Hunter, who is a fucking male model, and most of his matches were white landwhales.

If BBC theory was so legit you would think he would match with better looking women
"blacks have huge cocks"

low iq

rest is ok

Blacks have massive cocks. You have lower IQ's. Higher testosterone and more propensity towards violence.

Whites have smaller cocks. Have both very high and low IQ individuals. More propensity towards mass murder and highly organised violence. Just look at the chaos of the Rwandan genocide compared to the orderly nature of the holocaust or the holodomor or the Katyn forest massacre.
Everyone knows blacks have huge cocks and the thug life that white whores crave. We can't compete. Oddly enough black men are despised by their own women. Although the way black women are i think it does them a favour.

The same way Noodle whores crave big white cock and reject ricecels.
Just have a big dick theory.
Blacks have massive cocks. You have lower IQ's. Higher testosterone and more propensity towards violence.

Whites have smaller cocks. Have both very high and low IQ individuals. More propensity towards mass murder and highly organised violence. Just look at the chaos of the Rwandan genocide compared to the orderly nature of the holocaust or the holodomor or the Katyn forest massacre.

this, i dont even know what to say lol

you do you
this, i dont even know what to say lol

you do you

Don't take it personally bro. I might be a nazi and a white supremacist and i believe blacks have the rights to run their own affairs and have their own ethnostate as well. I'm against race mixing though.
Can JBB sympathizers explain to me why Blacks are the least desirable race on dating apps both men and women? oh, because the race is inherently less attractive?. If JBB was a real thing then females have to assume all Black Men have BBC, while giving dick size as much
if not more importance than other traditional features found attractive in men; BM and Ethnics are lower status men in general too, so why would females prioritize getting a lower status man just because of the random chance that he might have a bigger dick?, Do they even get the same type of validation from fucking a BM as a WM?

The logic behind posts debunking BBC theory seems to be grounded in real studies and experiments, meanwhile the guys supporting JBB either have a bad case of confirmation bias or want to bait people like Ryo said.
Can JBB sympathizers explain to me why Blacks are the least desirable race on dating apps both men and women? oh, because the race is inherently less attractive?. If JBB was a real thing then females have to assume all Black Men have BBC, while giving dick size as much
if not more importance than other traditional features found attractive in men; BM and Ethnics are lower status men in general too, so why would females prioritize getting a lower status man just because of the random chance that he might have a bigger dick?, Do they even get the same type of validation from fucking a BM as a WM?

The logic behind posts debunking BBC theory seems to be grounded in real studies and experiments, meanwhile the guys supporting JBB either have a bad case of confirmation bias or want to bait people like Ryo said.
That's a myth. Curries and Asians are least desirable.

Since black women get the most pregnant from a lower age, it can be inferred that black men lost their virginity the earliest.

If these blackcels can't get sex from a white white, then they could easily fuck a girl from the hood (volcel if ya don't), meanwhile we whitecels have to fucking travel to Asia to fuck ladyboy prostiutes as a form of escape. JFL.
incels.is racewar
Can JBB sympathizers explain to me why Blacks are the least desirable race on dating apps both men and women? oh, because the race is inherently less attractive?. If JBB was a real thing then females have to assume all Black Men have BBC, while giving dick size as much
if not more importance than other traditional features found attractive in men; BM and Ethnics are lower status men in general too, so why would females prioritize getting a lower status man just because of the random chance that he might have a bigger dick?, Do they even get the same type of validation from fucking a BM as a WM?

The logic behind posts debunking BBC theory seems to be grounded in real studies and experiments, meanwhile the guys supporting JBB either have a bad case of confirmation bias or want to bait people like Ryo said.
thank you
I thought 13k already debunked JBB/BBC on this site?

Lin & Lundquist, 2013 debunks not only JBB/BBC, it debunks Just Be Thug as well:



There's a clear trend of having a college degree helping black males, more with college educated white women than non-college-educated white women. But it still doesn't compensate enough to compete with white men without a college degree
I've cucked black beta bux guys many times

are you fucking kidding me?


I hope you get run over by a car faggot, and then another one just for good measure
JBW theory is legit. I've cucked black beta bux guys many times. Statistics also side with JBW theory. BBC theory is spread by a handful of cuckcels.
Fakecel out.
new fag detected. Race discussions have been part of incel community since puahate days.

not even a while tbh, race discussions were common even in puahate. You can't blame it on me.

The only problem here, BBC spammers have no argument but random google images. Not to mention they are racist to the bone 99% of the time. Ryo is right. Yesterday there was a thread literally called "I fucking hate niggers", the same guy who spam BBC meme. with no proper argument whatsoever.

When we talk about JBW, we bring evidence from 50 peer reviewed studies, polls, statistics. And we do it without insulting white users. Did you ever see me insult white people ? Or make it about politics ?
You offer nothing but frauded stats with small sample sizes conducted by leftist professors to prove that black males are the victim.

As I said before, look at the actions of women, not at their words.

They might rate white men more favorably since all the Chads that they rate positively are 80% white themselves. Trust me a femoid would not pick some ugly white nerdy sub6 over an average sub6 black male. I live in CA- the most hypergamous area (second to Montreal) in the West and can confirm this fact.
JBW is true though I decided I am saving up to move to asia and hopefully leave this place. I have hope again

JFL you know its undeniable when guys are planning trips to asian countries now

no its because we have good features and nice skin. asians hate themselves and its a social symbol to be with a white man


Okay. Go there without money to offer, or just send any broke teen white boy there and tell me the results

You mean like @itsOVER , oh wait, he went over there and got laid without really paying much, so if a white guy actually moves there and finds decent income he'd be set for life. You are being disingenuous, of course you'll need money for a place to stay, food, dating expenses, etc, but that's it, no different than how you need money to live where you live right now, difference is you'd actually get dates.


Dude so many white posters on this site have already admitted to the validity of JBW, itsOver literally lived it and showed that he did with evidence, you can't be this much in denial. JBW is a reality, a reality you ironically won't ever be able to enjoy because JBW works primarily with other races, and you being a racist is a mental cockblock, so JFL at your life.

Able to get dates, but can't because of a self imposed bias, oh the irony.
JFL you know its undeniable when guys are planning trips to asian countries now


You mean like @itsOVER , oh wait, he went over there and got laid without really paying much, so if a white guy actually moves there and finds decent income he'd be set for life. You are being disingenuous, of course you'll need money for a place to stay, food, dating expenses, etc, but that's it, no different than how you need money to live where you live right now, difference is you'd actually get dates.


Dude so many white posters on this site have already admitted to the validity of JBW, itsOver literally lived it and showed that he did with evidence, you can't be this much in denial. JBW is a reality, a reality you ironically won't ever be able to enjoy because JBW works primarily with other races, and you being a racist is a mental cockblock, so JFL at your life.

Able to get dates, but can't because of a self imposed bias, oh the irony.
hes a low iq racist troll dude, not worth your time
hes a low iq racist troll dude, not worth your time
Troll? Totally being serious
Low IQ? I'm 120 fucking IQ, which is above average (not low). This is hypocritical coming from a black person tbh.

You're the low baiter who copes by saying "just be white dude."
Troll? I'm 120 fucking IQ, which is above average (not low).

You're the low baiter who copes by saying "just be white dude."
120 - 60

i never said that once, you are making so many low quality race threads with no valid facts or arguments, biggest idiot on the forum, no facts or anything
120 - 60

i never said that once, you are making so many low quality race threads with no valid facts or arguments, biggest idiot on the forum, no facts or anything

You just called me low IQ and then edited the post. Nice try.

Your "facts" are distorted and based on bluepill ideology.
Troll? Totally being serious
Low IQ? I'm 120 fucking IQ, which is above average (not low). This is hypocritical coming from a black person tbh.

You're the low baiter who copes by saying "just be white dude."

Troll? Totally being serious
Low IQ? I'm 120 fucking IQ, which is above average (not low). This is hypocritical coming from a black person tbh.

You're the low baiter who copes by saying "just be white dude."

Dude you are such a idiot, muh iq is above average is not proving your idiotic ignorance lol. Keep coping with your "muh iq" where in reality you are dumber than a somalian
Just travel to Asia - LMAO

If you are black, you can just travel to your closest white suburb.
Dude you are such a idiot, muh iq is above average is not proving your idiotic ignorance lol. Keep coping with your "muh iq" where in reality you are dumber than a somalian
You're using distorted facts from leftist professors which do not take into consideration the blackpill.

You're the Somalian person here btw. Stop coping and embrace being a shitskin.
Just travel to Asia - LMAO

If you are black, you can just travel to your closest white suburb.
Ikr lol. These negroes want us to waste our money trying to fuck some used up ladyboy. Absolute rage fuel tbh.

Also just travel to Poland and Germany (you negroes) and bang some stacies there tbh.
You're using distorted facts from leftist professors which do not take into consideration the blackpill.

You're the Somalian person here btw. Stop coping and embrace being a shitskin.
embrace that bbc you crave since you've been defending it all night faggot
Ikr lol. These negroes want us to waste our money trying to fuck some used up ladyboy. Absolute rage fuel tbh.

Also just travel to Poland and Germany (you negroes) and bang some stacies there tbh.
so dumb
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